Exemple #1
        public void PrintExcel(List <string> dataList, string[] titles, string fileName)
            if (dataList != null)
                if (dataList.Count > 0)
                    //verilen başlık sayısına göre excel satır sayısı hesapla
                    int rowCount = dataList.Count() / titles.Length;

                    //Satır sayısı ile başlıkların sayısını çarpımı,doğrulama için
                    int Size = rowCount * titles.Length;

                    //Verilen liste ve dizi elemanları excel sayfasına düzgün yerleşiyor mu diye kontrol et, Örneğin listede 21 eleman varken,titles 4 elemanlı durumu hatalı
                    if (Size.Equals(dataList.Count))
                        ExcelPrinter printer = new ExcelPrinter();

                        //Verilen nesneler örtüşüyorsa, excele yazdıracak metodu çağır
                        printer.Print(dataList, titles, fileName);
                        PrintConsole._INFO("Eksik başlık bilgisi veya liste eleman sayısı istenen sayıda değil.");
 void OK()
     foreach (var item in PDFFilesToPrint)
         if (item.ToLower().Contains(".pdf") && PDFPrinter != null)
             PDFPrinter.Print(item, SelectedPrinter, IsSetDuplex);
         else if (ExcelPrinter != null)
             ExcelPrinter.Print(item, SelectedPrinter, IsSetDuplex);
Exemple #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IPrinter printer      = new ConsolePrinter();
            IPrinter excelPrinter = new ExcelPrinter(

            MyLogger logger = new MyLogger();

            logger.Configuration(new FileSrc(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LogFilePath"]), LevelOfDetalization.info);

            IRunner structRunner        = new StructAndEnumTasksRunner(printer, logger);
            IRunner exeptionRunner      = new ExceptionTaskRunner(printer, logger);
            IRunner filesRunner         = new FilesTasksRunner(printer, logger);
            IRunner serializationRunner = new SerializationTasksRunner(printer, logger);
            IRunner reflectionRunner    = new ReflectionTasksRunner(printer, logger);
            IRunner dirInspectRunner    = new DirectoriesInspectRunner(excelPrinter, logger);
            IRunner excelInspectRunner  = new ExcelsInspectorRunner(new ExcelPrinter(
                                                                        false), logger);

Exemple #4
        static void MainSub()
            //AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += AssemblyResolverHelper.AssemblyResolveHandler;

            //var projectFilePath = NDEPEND_PROJECT_FILE_PATH.ToAbsoluteFilePath();
            //Console.WriteLine("*** Load NDepend Project from {" + projectFilePath.ToString() + @"}***");

            // 0) Creates a NDependServicesProvider object
            var ndependServicesProvider = new NDependServicesProvider();

            // 1) obtain some VS solution or project file path
            var visualStudioManager = ndependServicesProvider.VisualStudioManager;
            ICollection <IAbsoluteFilePath> vsSlnOrProjFilePaths;
            IntPtr ownerWindowHandle = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle; // get a non IntPtr.Zero owner Window Handle. If you are in a System.Console try this

            visualStudioManager.ShowDialogSelectVisualStudioSolutionsOrProjects(ownerWindowHandle, out vsSlnOrProjFilePaths);
            // Could also use:  visualStudioManager.GetMostRecentlyUsedVisualStudioSolutionOrProject() can also be used

            // 2) obtains assemblies file path to analyze
            var assembliesFilePath = (from vsSlnOrProjFilePath in vsSlnOrProjFilePaths
                                      from assembliesFilePathTmp in visualStudioManager.GetAssembliesFromVisualStudioSolutionOrProject(vsSlnOrProjFilePath)
                                      select assembliesFilePathTmp).Distinct().ToArray();

            // 3) gets or create a IProject object
            var projectManager = ndependServicesProvider.ProjectManager;
            //var path = NDepend.Path.PathHelpers.ToAbsoluteFilePath(@"C:\projetos\estudoipt\dapperdotnet\dapper-dot-net\");
            //IProject project = projectManager.CreateBlankProject(assembliesFilePath.FirstOrDefault(), "metricsproject");
            IProject project = projectManager.CreateTemporaryProject(assembliesFilePath, TemporaryProjectMode.Temporary);
            // Or, to get a IProject object, could also use
            //   projectManager.CreateBlankProject()  to create a persisten project
            //   and then project.CodeToAnalyze.SetApplicationAssemblies()
            //   and then projectManager.SaveProject(project); o save the project file
            // Or, to get an existing IProject object, could also use
            //    projectManager.ShowDialogChooseAnExistingProject(out project)
            // Or programmatically list most recently used NDepend projects on this machine through
            //    projectManager.GetMostRecentlyUsedProjects()

            // 4) gets an IAnalysisResult object from the IProject object
            IAnalysisResult analysisResult = project.RunAnalysis();  // *** This particular method works only with a Build Machine license ***
                                                                     //  Or  project.RunAnalysisAndBuildReport()  // *** This particular method works only with a Build Machine license ***

            // Or, to get a IAnalysisResult object, first gets a IAnalysisResultRef object, that represents a reference to a persisted IAnalysisResult object
            //    project.TryGetMostRecentAnalysisResultRef() or project.GetAvailableAnalysisResultsRefs() or project.GetAvailableAnalysisResultsRefsGroupedPerMonth()
            // and then analysisResultRef.Load()

            // 5) gets a ICodeBase object from the IAnalysisResult object
            ICodeBase codeBase = analysisResult.CodeBase;

            // Or eventually a ICompareContext object if you wish to analyze diff
            // codeBase.CreateCompareContextWithOlder(olderCodeBase)

            Calculator.ICalculate calc = new Calculator.NumberOfChildren();
            var result = calc.Calculate(codeBase);

            IMetricPrinter m = new ExcelPrinter();

            m.Print("NumberOfChildren", result);

            calc   = new Calculator.CouplingBetweenObjectClasses();
            result = calc.Calculate(codeBase);

            m = new ExcelPrinter();
            m.Print("CouplingBetweenObject", result);

            calc   = new Calculator.DepthOfInheritanceTree();
            result = calc.Calculate(codeBase);

            m = new ExcelPrinter();
            m.Print("DepthOfInheritanceTree", result);

            calc   = new Calculator.LackOfCohesionInMethods();
            result = calc.Calculate(codeBase);

            m = new ExcelPrinter();
            m.Print("LackOfCohesionInMethods", result);

            calc   = new Calculator.ResponseForAClass();
            result = calc.Calculate(codeBase);

            m = new ExcelPrinter();
            m.Print("ResponseForAClass", result);

            calc   = new Calculator.WeightedMethodsPerClass();
            result = calc.Calculate(codeBase);

            m = new ExcelPrinter();
            m.Print("WeightedMethodsPerClass", result);
            // 6) use the code model API to query code and do develop any algorithm you need!
            // For example here we are looking for complex methods

            /*var complexMethods = (from m in codeBase.Application.Methods
             *                    where m.ILCyclomaticComplexity > 1
             *                    orderby m.ILCyclomaticComplexity descending
             *                    select m).ToArray();
             * if (complexMethods.Length == 0) { return; }
             * Console.WriteLine("Press a key to show the " + complexMethods.Length + " most complex methods");
             * Console.ReadKey();
             * foreach (var m in complexMethods)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine(m.FullName + " has a IL cyclomatic complexity of " + m.ILCyclomaticComplexity);
             * }
             * // 7) eventually lets the user opens source file declaration
             * if (complexMethods.First().SourceFileDeclAvailable)
             * {
             *  var mostComplexMethod = complexMethods.First();
             *  Console.WriteLine("Press a key to open the source code decl of the most complex method?");
             *  Console.ReadKey();
             *  mostComplexMethod.TryOpenSource();
             *  // Eventually use ExtensionMethodsTooling.TryCompareSourceWith(NDepend.CodeModel.ISourceFileLine,NDepend.CodeModel.ISourceFileLine)
             *  // to compare 2 different versions of a code element
             * }*/
Exemple #5
        public IGHPrinterDefine GetObj(string Extension)
            Extension = Extension.ToLower();
            IGHPrinterDefine result;

            if (this.InstanceList.ContainsKey(Extension))
                result = this.InstanceList[Extension];
                string text = Extension;
                switch (text)
                case ".doc":
                case ".docx":
                case ".dot":
                case ".dotx":
                case ".txt":
                    result = new WordPrinter();

                case ".xls":
                case ".xlt":
                case ".xlsx":
                case ".xltx":
                    result = new ExcelPrinter();

                case ".htm":
                case ".html":
                case ".mht":
                    result = new HtmlPrinter();

                case ".ppt":
                case ".pptx":
                    result = new PowerPointPrinter();

                case ".vsd":
                case ".vsdx":
                    result = new VisioPrinter();

                case ".mpp":
                    result = new ProjectPrinter();

                //case ".frx":
                //	//result = new FastReportPrinter();
                //	return result;
                case ".bmp":
                case ".jpg":
                case ".jpeg":
                case ".png":
                case ".gif":
                    result = new ImgPrinter();
                result = null;
Exemple #6
        private void ImplementDeferredPrinting(string MMECode, string GroupName, string CustomerName, string DeviceType,
                                               ReportSelectionPredicate Predicate)
            SystemHost.Journal.AppendLog("PrintingServer", LogJournalMessageType.Note,
                                             "Printing request: ID - {0}, Group - {1}, Customer - {2}, Device - {3}, Predicate - {4}",
                                             MMECode, GroupName, CustomerName, DeviceType, Predicate));

            var clientsListPath = Settings.Default.ClientsListPath;

            if (!Path.IsPathRooted(clientsListPath))
                clientsListPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, clientsListPath);

            var clientsList = new ClientsEngine(clientsListPath);
            var record      = clientsList.ClientRecords.FirstOrDefault(Arg => Arg.MMECode == MMECode);

            if (record == null)
                SystemHost.Journal.AppendLog("PrintingServer", LogJournalMessageType.Error,
                                             String.Format("Equipment ID {0} is not found in the configuration list", MMECode));


            var deviceItemsWithParams = new List <DeviceItemWithParams>();
            var conditions            = new List <ConditionItem>();
            var normatives            = new List <ParameterNormativeItem>();

                using (var centralDbClient = new CentralDatabaseServiceClient())
                    var devices = centralDbClient.GetDevices(GroupName);

                    deviceItemsWithParams.AddRange(from deviceItem in devices
                                                   let error = centralDbClient.ReadDeviceErrors(deviceItem.InternalID).FirstOrDefault()
                                                               let devParams = centralDbClient.ReadDeviceParameters(deviceItem.InternalID)
                                                                               (error == 0) && (Predicate == ReportSelectionPredicate.QC) ||
                                                                               (error != 0) && (Predicate == ReportSelectionPredicate.Rejected) ||
                                                                               (Predicate == ReportSelectionPredicate.All)
                                                                               select new DeviceItemWithParams
                        GeneralInfo = deviceItem,
                        Parameters  = devParams,
                        DefectCode  = error

                    if (deviceItemsWithParams.Count > 0)
                        conditions =
                        normatives =
            catch (Exception)
                #region Local Database
                    m_DatabaseClient = new DatabaseCommunicationProxy(DATABASE_SERVER_ENDPOINT_NAME,


                        var devices = m_DatabaseClient.ReadDevices(GroupName);

                        deviceItemsWithParams.AddRange(from deviceItem in devices
                                                       let error = m_DatabaseClient.ReadDeviceErrors(deviceItem.InternalID).FirstOrDefault()
                                                                   let devParams = m_DatabaseClient.ReadDeviceParameters(deviceItem.InternalID)
                                                                                   (error == 0) && (Predicate == ReportSelectionPredicate.QC) ||
                                                                                   (error != 0) && (Predicate == ReportSelectionPredicate.Rejected) ||
                                                                                   (Predicate == ReportSelectionPredicate.All)
                                                                                   select new DeviceItemWithParams
                            GeneralInfo = deviceItem,
                            Parameters  = devParams,
                            DefectCode  = error

                        if (deviceItemsWithParams.Count > 0)
                            conditions =
                            normatives =
                        if (m_DatabaseClient.State != CommunicationState.Faulted)
                catch (FaultException <FaultData> ex)
                    SystemHost.Journal.AppendLog("PrintingServer", LogJournalMessageType.Error,
                                                 String.Format("Error while retrieving information from MME local database: {0}", ex.Message));

                catch (Exception ex)
                    SystemHost.Journal.AppendLog("PrintingServer", LogJournalMessageType.Error,
                                                 String.Format("Error while retrieving information from MME local database: {0}", ex.Message));


                var templatePath = record.Use2PosTemplate ? Settings.Default.TemplateModDev : Settings.Default.TemplateTabDev;

                if (!Path.IsPathRooted(templatePath))
                    templatePath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, templatePath);

                var excelPrinter = new ExcelPrinter
                    TemplateXlsFilePath = templatePath,
                    Copies          = 1,
                    PrinterName     = record.PrinterName,
                    SaveToFile      = false,
                    SaveXlsFilePath = ""

                                             new ReportInfo
                    CustomerName = CustomerName,
                    GroupName    = GroupName,
                    ModuleType   = DeviceType,
                    Conditions   = conditions,
                    Normatives   = normatives
                }, deviceItemsWithParams, false, false);

                SystemHost.Journal.AppendLog("PrintingServer", LogJournalMessageType.Info,
                                             String.Format("Printing has been succeeded for {0}[{1}] on {2}", MMECode, record.IPAddress,
            catch (Exception ex)
                SystemHost.Journal.AppendLog("PrintingServer", LogJournalMessageType.Error,
                                             String.Format("Error while creating report: {0}", ex.Message));
        static void MainSub()
            //AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += AssemblyResolverHelper.AssemblyResolveHandler;

            //var projectFilePath = NDEPEND_PROJECT_FILE_PATH.ToAbsoluteFilePath();
            //Console.WriteLine("*** Load NDepend Project from {" + projectFilePath.ToString() + @"}***");

            // 0) Creates a NDependServicesProvider object
            var ndependServicesProvider = new NDependServicesProvider();

            // 1) obtain some VS solution or project file path
            var visualStudioManager = ndependServicesProvider.VisualStudioManager;
            ICollection<IAbsoluteFilePath> vsSlnOrProjFilePaths;
            IntPtr ownerWindowHandle = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle; // get a non IntPtr.Zero owner Window Handle. If you are in a System.Console try this
            visualStudioManager.ShowDialogSelectVisualStudioSolutionsOrProjects(ownerWindowHandle, out vsSlnOrProjFilePaths);
            // Could also use:  visualStudioManager.GetMostRecentlyUsedVisualStudioSolutionOrProject() can also be used

            // 2) obtains assemblies file path to analyze
            var assembliesFilePath = (from vsSlnOrProjFilePath in vsSlnOrProjFilePaths
                                      from assembliesFilePathTmp in visualStudioManager.GetAssembliesFromVisualStudioSolutionOrProject(vsSlnOrProjFilePath)
                                      select assembliesFilePathTmp).Distinct().ToArray();

            // 3) gets or create a IProject object
            var projectManager = ndependServicesProvider.ProjectManager;
            //var path = NDepend.Path.PathHelpers.ToAbsoluteFilePath(@"C:\projetos\estudoipt\dapperdotnet\dapper-dot-net\");
            //IProject project = projectManager.CreateBlankProject(assembliesFilePath.FirstOrDefault(), "metricsproject");
            IProject project = projectManager.CreateTemporaryProject(assembliesFilePath, TemporaryProjectMode.Temporary);
            // Or, to get a IProject object, could also use
            //   projectManager.CreateBlankProject()  to create a persisten project
            //   and then project.CodeToAnalyze.SetApplicationAssemblies()
            //   and then projectManager.SaveProject(project); o save the project file
            // Or, to get an existing IProject object, could also use
            //    projectManager.ShowDialogChooseAnExistingProject(out project)
            // Or programmatically list most recently used NDepend projects on this machine through
            //    projectManager.GetMostRecentlyUsedProjects()

            // 4) gets an IAnalysisResult object from the IProject object
            IAnalysisResult analysisResult = project.RunAnalysis();  // *** This particular method works only with a Build Machine license ***
                                                                     //  Or  project.RunAnalysisAndBuildReport()  // *** This particular method works only with a Build Machine license ***

            // Or, to get a IAnalysisResult object, first gets a IAnalysisResultRef object, that represents a reference to a persisted IAnalysisResult object
            //    project.TryGetMostRecentAnalysisResultRef() or project.GetAvailableAnalysisResultsRefs() or project.GetAvailableAnalysisResultsRefsGroupedPerMonth()
            // and then analysisResultRef.Load()

            // 5) gets a ICodeBase object from the IAnalysisResult object
            ICodeBase codeBase = analysisResult.CodeBase;
            // Or eventually a ICompareContext object if you wish to analyze diff
            // codeBase.CreateCompareContextWithOlder(olderCodeBase)

            Calculator.ICalculate calc = new Calculator.NumberOfChildren();
            var result = calc.Calculate(codeBase);

            IMetricPrinter m = new ExcelPrinter();

            calc = new Calculator.CouplingBetweenObjectClasses();
            result = calc.Calculate(codeBase);

            m = new ExcelPrinter();
            m.Print("CouplingBetweenObject", result);

            calc = new Calculator.DepthOfInheritanceTree();
            result = calc.Calculate(codeBase);

            m = new ExcelPrinter();
            m.Print("DepthOfInheritanceTree", result);

            calc = new Calculator.LackOfCohesionInMethods();
            result = calc.Calculate(codeBase);

            m = new ExcelPrinter();
            m.Print("LackOfCohesionInMethods", result);

            calc = new Calculator.ResponseForAClass();
            result = calc.Calculate(codeBase);

            m = new ExcelPrinter();
            m.Print("ResponseForAClass", result);

            calc = new Calculator.WeightedMethodsPerClass();
            result = calc.Calculate(codeBase);

            m = new ExcelPrinter();
            m.Print("WeightedMethodsPerClass", result);
            // 6) use the code model API to query code and do develop any algorithm you need!
            // For example here we are looking for complex methods
            /*var complexMethods = (from m in codeBase.Application.Methods
                                  where m.ILCyclomaticComplexity > 1
                                  orderby m.ILCyclomaticComplexity descending
                                  select m).ToArray();
            if (complexMethods.Length == 0) { return; }
            Console.WriteLine("Press a key to show the " + complexMethods.Length + " most complex methods");
            foreach (var m in complexMethods)
                Console.WriteLine(m.FullName + " has a IL cyclomatic complexity of " + m.ILCyclomaticComplexity);

            // 7) eventually lets the user opens source file declaration
            if (complexMethods.First().SourceFileDeclAvailable)
                var mostComplexMethod = complexMethods.First();
                Console.WriteLine("Press a key to open the source code decl of the most complex method?");
                // Eventually use ExtensionMethodsTooling.TryCompareSourceWith(NDepend.CodeModel.ISourceFileLine,NDepend.CodeModel.ISourceFileLine)
                // to compare 2 different versions of a code element