public void NullableTest() { var workbook = WorkbookFactory.Create(@"..\..\..\products.xlsx"); var excel = new ExcelMapper(workbook); var products = excel.Fetch <NullableProduct>().ToList(); var nudossi = products[0]; Assert.AreEqual("Nudossi", nudossi.Name); Assert.AreEqual(60, nudossi.Number); Assert.AreEqual(1.99m, nudossi.Price); Assert.IsFalse(nudossi.Offer.Value); nudossi.OfferEnd = null; var halloren = products[1]; Assert.IsTrue(halloren.Offer.Value); Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2015, 12, 31), halloren.OfferEnd); halloren.Number = null; halloren.Offer = null; var file = "productsnullable.xlsx"; new ExcelMapper().Save(file, products, "Products"); var productsFetched = new ExcelMapper(file).Fetch <NullableProduct>().ToList(); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(products, productsFetched); }
public void NullableTest() { var excel = new ExcelMapper(@"..\..\products.xlsx"); var products = excel.Fetch<NullableProduct>().ToList(); var nudossi = products[0]; Assert.AreEqual("Nudossi", nudossi.Name); Assert.AreEqual(60, nudossi.Number); Assert.AreEqual(1.99m, nudossi.Price); Assert.IsFalse(nudossi.Offer.Value); nudossi.OfferEnd = null; var halloren = products[1]; Assert.IsTrue(halloren.Offer.Value); Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2015, 12, 31), halloren.OfferEnd); halloren.Number = null; halloren.Offer = null; var file = "productsnullable.xlsx"; new ExcelMapper().Save(file, products, "Products"); var productsFetched = new ExcelMapper(file).Fetch<NullableProduct>().ToList(); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(products, productsFetched); }
public void IgnoreTest() { var excel = new ExcelMapper(@"..\..\..\products.xlsx"); excel.Ignore <IgnoreProduct>(p => p.Price); var products = excel.Fetch <IgnoreProduct>().ToList(); var nudossi = products[0]; Assert.AreEqual("Nudossi", nudossi.Name); Assert.AreEqual(0, nudossi.Number); Assert.AreEqual(0m, nudossi.Price); Assert.IsFalse(nudossi.Offer); var halloren = products[1]; Assert.IsTrue(halloren.Offer); Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2015, 12, 31), halloren.OfferEnd); var file = "productsignored.xlsx"; new ExcelMapper().Save(file, products, "Products"); var productsFetched = new ExcelMapper(file).Fetch <IgnoreProduct>().ToList(); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(products, productsFetched); }
public static List <InputMetadata> LoadAllMetadataFromExcelFiles(string[] inputs) { var result = new List <InputMetadata>(); foreach (var input in inputs) { var workbook = WorkbookFactory.Create(input); var mapper = new ExcelMapper(workbook); foreach (var sheet in workbook) { var items = mapper.Fetch <InputMetadata>(sheet.SheetName); var filtered = from item in items where item.IsEmpty().Equals(false) select item; result.AddRange(filtered); } workbook.Close(); } return(result); }
private static void Read() { var mapper = new ExcelMapper(@"C:\temp\test.xls"); var data = mapper.Fetch <JalleData>("newSheet");//.Select(n=>n.Value); foreach (var item in data) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToString()); } }
public void TestExcel() { var excelMapper = new ExcelMapper(@"..\..\..\1.xlsx"); var list = new List <ConfigData>(); var headers = excelMapper.GetHeders(); foreach (var item in excelMapper.Fetch <ConfigData>()) { list.Add(item); } }
public void DateTest() { // see var mapper = new ExcelMapper(@"..\..\..\DateTest.xlsx") { HeaderRow = true }; var courses = mapper.Fetch <Course>().ToList(); Assert.AreEqual("00:00.0", courses.First().CourseStartDate); }
public void ColumnTestUsingFetchWithType() { var excel = new ExcelMapper(@"..\..\..\dataitems.xlsx") { HeaderRow = false }; var items = excel.Fetch(typeof(DataItem)).OfType <DataItem>().ToList(); var trackedFile = "dataitemstracked1.xlsx"; excel.Save(trackedFile, "DataItems"); var itemsTracked = excel.Fetch(trackedFile, typeof(DataItem), "DataItems").OfType <DataItem>().ToList(); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(items, itemsTracked); var saveFile = "dataitemssave1.xlsx"; new ExcelMapper().Save(saveFile, items, "DataItems"); var itemsSaved = new ExcelMapper().Fetch(saveFile, typeof(DataItem), "DataItems").OfType <DataItem>().ToList(); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(items, itemsSaved); }
public void ColumnTest() { var excel = new ExcelMapper(@"..\..\..\dataitems.xlsx") { HeaderRow = false }; var items = excel.Fetch <DataItem>().ToList(); var trackedFile = "dataitemstracked.xlsx"; excel.Save(trackedFile, "DataItems"); var itemsTracked = excel.Fetch <DataItem>(trackedFile, "DataItems").ToList(); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(items, itemsTracked); var saveFile = "dataitemssave.xlsx"; new ExcelMapper().Save(saveFile, items, "DataItems"); var itemsSaved = new ExcelMapper().Fetch <DataItem>(saveFile, "DataItems").ToList(); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(items, itemsSaved); }
public void SaveFetchedTest() { var excel = new ExcelMapper(@"..\..\..\products.xlsx"); var products = excel.Fetch <Product>().ToList(); products[2].Price += 1.0m; var file = @"productssavefetched.xlsx"; excel.Save(file, products); var productsFetched = new ExcelMapper(file).Fetch <Product>().ToList(); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(products, productsFetched); }
static void Main() { // Excel IO string path = "C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\ExcelData.xlsx"; ExcelMapper mapper = new ExcelMapper(path); IEnumerable <Data> data = mapper.Fetch <Data>(0); foreach (Data item in data) { Console.WriteLine("Name={0},Age={1},Level={2},Score={3}", item.Name, item.Age, item.Level, item.Score); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public IEnumerable <Person> ReadStream() { String file = "C:\\Users\\prataps\\source\\repos\\TestExcel.xlsx"; List <Person> persons; using (FileStream readStream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { var excel = new ExcelMapper() { TrackObjects = true }; persons = excel.Fetch <Person>(readStream, "Customers").ToList(); readStream.Close(); } return(persons); }
public static List <TOCScreenshot> ReadTOC(string TOCPath) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TOCPath) || !File.Exists(TOCPath)) { throw new ArgumentException("Blank or non-existant path given", nameof(TOCPath)); } try { var res = new List <TOCScreenshot>(); XSSFWorkbook tocWorkbook; var sheetNames = new List <string>(); using (FileStream file = new FileStream(TOCPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { tocWorkbook = new XSSFWorkbook(file); for (int i = 1; i < tocWorkbook.NumberOfSheets; i++) { sheetNames.Add(tocWorkbook.GetSheetName(i)); } } var tocChoices = new ExcelMapper(@TOCPath) { TrackObjects = false }; foreach (var sheetName in sheetNames) { var screenshot = new TOCScreenshot() { Filename = $"{sheetName}.png" }; screenshot.Choices = tocChoices.Fetch <TOCChoice>(sheetName).ToList(); res.Add(screenshot); } return(res); } catch (Exception x) { x.Data.Add(nameof(TOCPath), TOCPath); throw; } }
public void JsonMappedTest() { var excel = new ExcelMapper(@"..\..\..\productsjson.xlsx"); excel.AddMapping <ProductJsonMapped>("Product", p => p.Product).AsJson(); var products = excel.Fetch <ProductJsonMapped>().ToList(); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new List <Product> { new Product { Name = "Nudossi", NumberInStock = 60, Price = 1.99m, Value = "C2*D2" }, new Product { Name = "Halloren", NumberInStock = 33, Price = 2.99m, Value = "C3*D3" }, new Product { Name = "Filinchen", NumberInStock = 100, Price = 0.99m, Value = "C4*D4" }, }, products.Select(p => p.Product)); }
public void GetterSetterTest() { var excel = new ExcelMapper(@"..\..\..\productsconvert.xlsx") { TrackObjects = true }; excel.AddMapping <GetterSetterProduct>("Name", p => p.Name); excel.AddMapping <GetterSetterProduct>("OfferEnd", p => p.OfferEnd) .SetCellUsing((c, o) => { if (o == null) { c.SetCellValue("NULL"); } else { c.SetCellValue((DateTime)o); } }) .SetPropertyUsing(v => { if ((v as string) == "NULL") { return(null); } return(Convert.ChangeType(v, typeof(DateTime), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); }); var products = excel.Fetch <GetterSetterProduct>().ToList(); var file = @"productsconverttracked.xlsx"; excel.Save(file); var productsFetched = new ExcelMapper(file).Fetch <GetterSetterProduct>().ToList(); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(products, productsFetched); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the ModuleClient and sets up the callback to receive /// messages containing temperature information /// </summary> static async Task Init() { // read the route data _routeData = _routeReader.Fetch <RouteData>().ToList(); // TODO: 11 - update reported properties at a specified time interval //_timer = new Timer(UpdateReportedProperties, null, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_secondsToTwinReportedPropertiesUpdate), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_secondsToTwinReportedPropertiesUpdate)); // the module client is in charge of sending messages in the context of this module (VehicleTelemetry) // TODO: 3 - Create module client from container environment variable //_vehicleTelemetryModuleClient = await ModuleClient.CreateFromEnvironmentAsync(TransportType.Mqtt); await _vehicleTelemetryModuleClient.OpenAsync(); // the device client is responsible for the device twin reported properties updates // TODO: 4 - Create device client to obtain desired properties from Twin and update reported properties //_deviceClient = DeviceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(_deviceConnectionString); //await _deviceClient.SetDesiredPropertyUpdateCallbackAsync(onDesiredPropertiesUpdateAsync, null); // Register callback to be called when a message is received by this module await _vehicleTelemetryModuleClient.SetInputMessageHandlerAsync("input1", PipeMessage, _vehicleTelemetryModuleClient); //initialize device with values obtained from the desired properties in the device twin // TODO: 5 - initialize device instance with values obtained from the device twin desired properties //var twin = await _deviceClient.GetTwinAsync(); //var desired = twin.Properties.Desired; //await UpdateDeviceInstanceFromDesiredProperties(desired); // TODO: 6 - initialize iot edge storage // _storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(_storageConnectionString); // _blobClient = _storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient(); // _blobContainer = _blobClient.GetContainerReference("telemetry"); // if(!_blobContainer.Exists()){ // _blobContainer.CreateIfNotExists(); // } //start generating telemetry data await GenerateTelemetry(); }
public void SaveTrackedObjectsTest() { var excel = new ExcelMapper(@"..\..\..\products.xlsx") { TrackObjects = true }; excel.AddMapping(typeof(ProductMapped), "Name", "NameX"); excel.AddMapping <ProductMapped>("Number", p => p.NumberX); excel.AddMapping <ProductMapped>("Price", p => p.PriceX); var products = excel.Fetch <ProductMapped>().ToList(); products[1].PriceX += 1.0m; var file = @"productssavetracked.xlsx"; excel.Save(file); var productsFetched = new ExcelMapper(file).Fetch <ProductMapped>().ToList(); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(products, productsFetched); }
public void IgnoreTest() { var excel = new ExcelMapper(@"..\..\products.xlsx"); excel.Ignore<IgnoreProduct>(p => p.Price); var products = excel.Fetch<IgnoreProduct>().ToList(); var nudossi = products[0]; Assert.AreEqual("Nudossi", nudossi.Name); Assert.AreEqual(0, nudossi.Number); Assert.AreEqual(0m, nudossi.Price); Assert.IsFalse(nudossi.Offer); var halloren = products[1]; Assert.IsTrue(halloren.Offer); Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2015, 12, 31), halloren.OfferEnd); var file = "productsignored.xlsx"; new ExcelMapper().Save(file, products, "Products"); var productsFetched = new ExcelMapper(file).Fetch<IgnoreProduct>().ToList(); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(products, productsFetched); }
public IEnumerable <Person> Read() { String file_name = "C:\\Users\\prataps\\source\\repos\\TestExcel.xlsx"; //FileStream file_stream = new FileStream(file_name, FileMode.Create); var excel = new ExcelMapper() { TrackObjects = true }; var persons = excel.Fetch <Person>(file_name, "Customers").ToList(); persons[3].Gender = "Female"; //saving first time String fileOut = "C:\\Users\\prataps\\source\\repos\\TestExcel_out.xlsx"; excel.Save(fileOut, "Customers"); //change the values persons[1].Gender = "Unknown"; //saving for the second time excel.Save(fileOut, "Customers"); //changing the value for third time persons[2].Gender = "Dont Care"; //saving for the third time excel.Save(fileOut, persons); return(persons); }
public void SaveFetchedTest() { var excel = new ExcelMapper(@"..\..\products.xlsx"); var products = excel.Fetch<Product>().ToList(); products[2].Price += 1.0m; var file = @"productssavefetched.xlsx"; excel.Save(file, products); var productsFetched = new ExcelMapper(file).Fetch<Product>().ToList(); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(products, productsFetched); }
public void SaveTrackedObjectsTest() { var excel = new ExcelMapper(@"..\..\products.xlsx") { TrackObjects = true }; excel.AddMapping(typeof(ProductMapped), "Name", "NameX"); excel.AddMapping<ProductMapped>("Number", p => p.NumberX); excel.AddMapping<ProductMapped>("Price", p => p.PriceX); var products = excel.Fetch<ProductMapped>().ToList(); products[1].PriceX += 1.0m; var file = @"productssavetracked.xlsx"; excel.Save(file); var productsFetched = new ExcelMapper(file).Fetch<ProductMapped>().ToList(); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(products, productsFetched); }
/// <summary> /// Update Test Results. /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath">file path.</param> /// <param name="isJson">Is input file type Json?</param> /// <param name="account">Account.</param> /// <param name="project">Project.</param> /// <param name="token">Token.</param> /// <returns>Integer.</returns> public static int UpdateTestResults(string filePath, bool isJson, string account, string project, string token) { AzureDevOpsUtility.UpdateAccountDetails(account, project, token); if (isJson) { var json = File.ReadAllText(filePath); TestResults = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TestResults>(json); } else { var excel = new ExcelMapper(filePath); excel.AddMapping <TestCaseOutcome>("TestCaseId", t => t.TestCaseId); excel.AddMapping <TestCaseOutcome>("TestSuiteId", t => t.TestSuiteId); excel.AddMapping <TestCaseOutcome>("Outcome", t => t.Outcome) .SetPropertyUsing(v => { if ((v as string).Equals(Constants.NotExecuted)) { return(OutcomeType.NotExecuted); } if ((v as string).Equals(Constants.Failed)) { return(OutcomeType.Failed); } else { return(OutcomeType.Passed); } }); var testCases = excel.Fetch <TestCaseOutcome>().ToList(); TestResults = new TestResults() { SuiteId = 0, TestCases = testCases }; } try { GetTestCasesByPlanAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); GetTestPointIdsAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); CreateNewTestRunsAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); UpdateTestRunsAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } catch (FlurlHttpException e) { var statusCode = e.Call.Response.StatusCode.ToString(); if (statusCode.Equals(Constants.NonAuthoritativeInformation) || statusCode.Equals(Constants.Unauthorized)) { Log.Error("Authentication Error!!! Please provide valid Account Details...\n"); } } catch (Exception e) { CommonUtility.DeleteTestRunsAsync(NewTestRunIds).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); throw e; } return(0); }