private void getTemplate() { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; DateTime last = now.AddMonths(-1); string sql = string.Format("SELECT import_budget.Id,department.`name`,import_budget.DepartmentId,import_budget.ParentId," + "import_budget.FeeDetail,0 as budget FROM import_budget " + "INNER JOIN department ON import_budget.DepartmentId = department.Id " + "where import_budget.CreateTime between '{0}-{1}-1 00:00:00 ' and '{2}-{3}-1 00:00:00' order by import_budget.Id;" , last.Year, last.Month, now.Year, now.Month); string msg = ""; DataSet ds = SqlHelper.Find(sql, ref msg); if (ds == null) { Response.Write(msg); return; } //string path = Server.MapPath("~/Template"); //if (!Directory.Exists(path)) //{ // Directory.CreateDirectory(path); //} //path = path + @"\预算导入模板.xls"; //if (File.Exists(path)) // File.Delete(path); List <string> listHeadText = new List <string>(); listHeadText.Add("Id"); listHeadText.Add("部门名称"); listHeadText.Add("部门Id"); listHeadText.Add("父节点Id"); listHeadText.Add("费用明细"); listHeadText.Add("预算金额"); Response.ContentType = "application/"; Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; Response.Charset = ""; Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("预算导入模板.xls", Encoding.UTF8)); Response.BinaryWrite(ExcelHelperV2_0.Export(ds.Tables[0], "预算导入模板", listHeadText.ToArray()).GetBuffer()); Response.End(); }
private string downLoadBudget() { string departmentId = "1"; int lastMonth, lastYear, nextMonth, nextYear; string dateString = Request.Form["date"] + "-1"; JObject res = new JObject(); DateTime now = new DateTime(); if (!DateTime.TryParse(dateString, out now)) { res.Add("ErrCode", 3); res.Add("ErrMsg", "输入查询月份有误!请重新输入!"); return(res.ToString()); } if (now.Month == 1) { lastMonth = 12; lastYear = now.Year - 1; nextMonth = now.Month + 1; nextYear = now.Year; } else if (now.Month == 12) { lastMonth = now.Month - 1; lastYear = now.Year; nextMonth = 1; nextYear = now.Year + 1; } else { lastMonth = now.Month - 1; lastYear = now.Year; nextMonth = now.Month + 1; nextYear = now.Year; } //本月预算 string sql = string.Format("SELECT a.*, as department FROM `import_budget` a LEFT JOIN department d on a.DepartmentId=d.Id " + "where a.CreateTime between '{1}-{2}-1 00:00:00 ' and '{3}-{4}-1 00:00:00' order by a.Id;", departmentId, now.Year, now.Month, nextYear, nextMonth); //string sql = string.Format("SELECT a.*, ifnull(sum(yr.fee_amount), 0) UsedAmount FROM `import_budget` a LEFT JOIN department d on a.DepartmentId=d.Id " + // "left join yl_reimburse yr on yr.fee_department like CONCAT('%',d.`name`,'%') and a.FeeDetail = yr.fee_detail and yr.approval_time BETWEEN '{1}-{2}-26 00:00:00 '" + // "AND '{3}-{4}-31 23:59:59' and yr.status = '已审批' where d.Id={0} and " + // "a.CreateTime between '{1}-{2}-1 00:00:00 ' and '{3}-{4}-1 00:00:00' group by a.FeeDetail order by a.Id;", departmentId, lastYear, lastMonth, now.Year, now.Month); //上月预算 sql += string.Format("SELECT a.*,0 as UsedAmount FROM `import_budget` a LEFT JOIN department d on a.DepartmentId=d.Id " + "where d.Id={0} and a.CreateTime between '{1}-{2}-1 00:00:00 ' and '{3}-{4}-1 00:00:00' order by a.Id;", departmentId, lastYear, lastMonth, now.Year, now.Month); sql += "select max(Id) from import_budget;"; sql += string.Format("select yr.fee_amount,yr.fee_detail,yr.fee_department from yl_reimburse yr " + " where yr.approval_time BETWEEN '{1}-{2}-1 00:00:00 ' and '{3}-{4}-1 00:00:00' and yr.status = '已审批' and (yr.account_result is null or yr.account_result = '同意')" , departmentId, now.Year, now.Month, nextYear, nextMonth); string msg = ""; DataSet ds = SqlHelper.Find(sql, ref msg); if (ds != null) { int count = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[2].Rows[0][0]) + 1; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)//本月未提交预算,费用明细从上月取,预算全部赋值0 { res.Add("ErrCode", 2); res.Add("ErrMsg", "该月未查询到预算!"); } else//本月已提交预算,预算和费用明细从本月取数据 { dt = ds.Tables[0]; dt.Columns.Add("UsedAmount"); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow row = dt.Rows[i]; string ParentName = ""; string condition = ""; if (Convert.ToInt32(row["ParentId"]) == -1) { condition = string.Format("fee_detail like '%{0}%' and fee_department like '%{1}%'", row["FeeDetail"].ToString(), row["department"].ToString()); } else { DataRow[] rowss = dt.Select("Id=" + row["ParentId"].ToString()); if (rowss.Length > 0) { ParentName = rowss[0]["FeeDetail"].ToString(); condition = string.Format("fee_detail like '%{0}%' and fee_detail like '%{2}%' and fee_department like '%{1}%'" , row["FeeDetail"].ToString(), row["department"].ToString(), ParentName); } } double UsedAmount = 0; DataRow[] rows = ds.Tables[3].Select(condition); foreach (DataRow r in rows) { UsedAmount += Convert.ToDouble(r["fee_amount"]); } //for (int j = ds.Tables[3].Rows.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) //{ // DataRow r = ds.Tables[3].Rows[j]; // string ImFeeDetail = r["fee_detail"].ToString(); // string YrFeeDetail = row["FeeDetail"].ToString(); // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ParentName)) // { // if (ImFeeDetail.Contains(YrFeeDetail)&&row["department"].ToString().Equals(r["fee_department"].ToString())) // { // try // { // UsedAmount += Convert.ToDouble(r["fee_amount"]); // } // catch { } // finally // { // //ds.Tables[3].Rows.RemoveAt(j); // } // } // } // else // { // if ((ImFeeDetail.Contains(YrFeeDetail)) && ImFeeDetail.Contains(ParentName) && row["department"].ToString().Equals(r["fee_department"].ToString())) // { // try // { // UsedAmount += Convert.ToDouble(r["fee_amount"]); // } // catch { } // finally // { // //ds.Tables[3].Rows.RemoveAt(j); // } // } // } //} dt.Rows[i]["UsedAmount"] = UsedAmount; } string path = Server.MapPath("~/tempExportFile"); string filecode = ValideCodeHelper.GetRandomCode(64); string fileName = string.Format("{0}年{1}月预算使用情况表", now.Year, now.Month); path = path + @"\" + filecode + ".xls"; BytesToFile(ExcelHelperV2_0.Export(dt, fileName, (new List <string>()).ToArray()).GetBuffer(), path); res.Add("ErrCode", 0); res.Add("fileName", fileName); res.Add("fileCode", filecode); } //List<BudgetTreeNode> tree = new BudgetTreeNodeHelper(dt).GetTree(); //string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tree); //if(dt.Rows.Count == 0) //{ // res.Add("ErrCode", 2); // res.Add("ErrMsg", "该月未查询到预算!"); //} //else //{ // string path = Server.MapPath("~/tempExportFile"); // string filecode = ValideCodeHelper.GetRandomCode(64); // string fileName = string.Format("{0}年{1}月预算使用情况表", now.Year, now.Month); // path = path + @"\" + filecode + ".xls"; // BytesToFile(ExcelHelperV2_0.Export(dt, fileName, (new List<string>()).ToArray()).GetBuffer(), path); // res.Add("ErrCode", 0); // res.Add("fileName", fileName); // res.Add("fileCode", filecode); //} } else { res.Add("ErrCode", 1); res.Add("ErrMsg", msg); } //Response.Write(res); return(res.ToString()); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserInfo user = (UserInfo)Session["user"]; JObject res = new JObject(); Response.Clear(); if (user == null) { res.Add("success", 0); res.Add("msg", "用户登录超时或无用户信息!"); Response.Write(res.ToString()); Response.End(); } else { string fileCode = Request.Params["fileCode"]; string path = Server.MapPath("~/tempExportFile"); //string path = "/tempExportFile"; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileCode)) { string data = Request.Form["data"]; string title = Request.Form["title"]; string headText = Request.Form["headText"]; string colNames = Request.Form["columnName"]; List <string> listHeadText = JsonHelper.DeserializeJsonToList <string>(headText); List <string> listcolNames = JsonHelper.DeserializeJsonToList <string>(colNames); DataTable dt = JsonHelper.Json2Dtb(data); DataTable newDt = new DataTable(); foreach (string name in listcolNames) { newDt.Columns.Add(name); } foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { DataRow newRow = newDt.NewRow(); for (int j = 0; j < listcolNames.Count; j++) { if (listcolNames[j] != "operate" && listcolNames[j] != "checkbox") { newRow[listcolNames[j]] = row[listcolNames[j]]; } } newDt.Rows.Add(newRow); } //for (int i = dt.Columns.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) //{ // DataColumn c = dt.Columns[i]; // bool isContain = false; // for (int j = 0; j < listcolNames.Count; j++) // { // if (c.ColumnName == listcolNames[j]) // { // isContain = true; // break; // } // } // if (!isContain) // dt.Columns.RemoveAt(i); //} string filecode = ValideCodeHelper.GetRandomCode(64); path = path + @"\" + filecode + ".xls"; BytesToFile(ExcelHelperV2_0.Export(newDt, title, listHeadText.ToArray()).GetBuffer(), path); res.Add("success", 1); res.Add("fileCode", filecode); Response.Write(res.ToString()); Response.End(); } else { string fileName = Request.Params["fileName"]; Response.ContentType = "application/"; Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; Response.Charset = ""; Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(fileName, Encoding.UTF8)); path = path + @"\" + fileCode + ".xls"; Response.BinaryWrite(FileToBytes(path)); File.Delete(path); Response.End(); } } }