         * Constructor
         * @param l the length of the data
         * @param os the output stream to write to
         * @param data the excel data
         * @param rcf the read compound
        public CompoundFile(ExcelDataOutput data, int l, Stream os,
            CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.CompoundFile rcf)
            : base()
            size = l;
            excelData = data;


            numRootEntryBlocks = 1;
            numPropertySets = 4 +
              (additionalPropertySets != null ? additionalPropertySets.Count : 0);

            if (additionalPropertySets != null)
                numSmallBlockDepotChainBlocks = getBigBlocksRequired(numSmallBlocks * 4);
                numSmallBlockDepotBlocks = getBigBlocksRequired
                  (numSmallBlocks * SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE);

                numRootEntryBlocks += getBigBlocksRequired
                  (additionalPropertySets.Count * PROPERTY_STORAGE_BLOCK_SIZE);

            int blocks = getBigBlocksRequired(l);

            // First pad the data outStream so that it fits nicely into a whole number
            // of blocks
            if (l < SMALL_BLOCK_THRESHOLD)
                requiredSize = SMALL_BLOCK_THRESHOLD;
                requiredSize = blocks * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE;

            outStream = os;

            // Do the calculations
            excelDataBlocks = requiredSize / BIG_BLOCK_SIZE;
            numBigBlockDepotBlocks = 1;

            int blockChainLength = (BIG_BLOCK_SIZE - BIG_BLOCK_DEPOT_BLOCKS_POS) / 4;

            int startTotalBlocks = excelDataBlocks +
                      8 + // summary block
                      8 + // document information
                      additionalPropertyBlocks +
                      numSmallBlockDepotBlocks +
                      numSmallBlockDepotChainBlocks +

            int totalBlocks = startTotalBlocks + numBigBlockDepotBlocks;

            // Calculate the number of BBD blocks needed to hold this info
            numBigBlockDepotBlocks = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalBlocks / (double)(BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / 4));

            // Does this affect the total?
            totalBlocks = startTotalBlocks + numBigBlockDepotBlocks;

            // And recalculate
            numBigBlockDepotBlocks = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalBlocks / (double)(BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / 4));

            // Does this affect the total?
            totalBlocks = startTotalBlocks + numBigBlockDepotBlocks;

            // See if the excel bbd chain can fit into the header block.
            // Remember to allow for the  end of chain indicator
            if (numBigBlockDepotBlocks > blockChainLength - 1)
                // Sod it - we need an extension block.  We have to go through
                // the whole tiresome calculation again
                extensionBlock = 0;

                // Compute the number of extension blocks
                int bbdBlocksLeft = numBigBlockDepotBlocks - blockChainLength + 1;

                numExtensionBlocks = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)bbdBlocksLeft / (double)(BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / 4 - 1));

                // Modify the total number of blocks required and recalculate the
                // the number of bbd blocks
                totalBlocks = startTotalBlocks +
                              numExtensionBlocks +
                numBigBlockDepotBlocks = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalBlocks / (double)(BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / 4));

                // The final total
                totalBlocks = startTotalBlocks +
                              numExtensionBlocks +
                extensionBlock = -2;
                numExtensionBlocks = 0;

            // Set the excel data start block to be after the header (and
            // its extensions)
            excelDataStartBlock = numExtensionBlocks;

            // Set the start block of the small block depot
            sbdStartBlock = -2;
            if (additionalPropertySets != null && numSmallBlockDepotBlocks != 0)
                sbdStartBlock = excelDataStartBlock +
                                excelDataBlocks +
                                additionalPropertyBlocks +

            // Set the sbd chain start block to be after the excel data and the
            // small block depot
            sbdStartBlockChain = -2;

            if (sbdStartBlock != -2)
                sbdStartBlockChain = sbdStartBlock + numSmallBlockDepotBlocks;

            // Set the bbd start block to be after all the excel data
            if (sbdStartBlockChain != -2)
                bbdStartBlock = sbdStartBlockChain +
                bbdStartBlock = excelDataStartBlock +
                                excelDataBlocks +
                                additionalPropertyBlocks +

            // Set the root start block to be after all the big block depot blocks
            rootStartBlock = bbdStartBlock +

            if (totalBlocks != rootStartBlock + numRootEntryBlocks)
                //logger.warn("Root start block and total blocks are inconsistent " +
                //            " generated file may be corrupt");
                //logger.warn("RootStartBlock " + rootStartBlock + " totalBlocks " + totalBlocks);
Exemple #2
        private void createDataOutput()
            if (workbookSettings.getUseTemporaryFileDuringWrite())
                data = new FileDataOutput(workbookSettings.getTemporaryFileDuringWriteDirectory());
                initialFileSize = workbookSettings.getInitialFileSize();
                arrayGrowSize   = workbookSettings.getArrayGrowSize();

                data = new MemoryDataOutput(initialFileSize, arrayGrowSize);
Exemple #3
         * Closes the file.  In fact, this writes out all the excel data
         * to disk using a CompoundFile object, and then frees up all the memory
         * allocated to the workbook
         * @exception IOException
         * @exception JxlWriteException
         * @param cs TRUE if this should close the stream, FALSE if the application
         * closes it
        public void close(bool cs)
            CompoundFile cf = new CompoundFile(data,



            if (cs)

            // Cleanup the memory a bit
            data = null;

            //if (!workbookSettings.getGCDisabled())
            //    System.gc();
Exemple #4
        private void createDataOutput()
            if (workbookSettings.getUseTemporaryFileDuringWrite())
                data = new FileDataOutput(workbookSettings.getTemporaryFileDuringWriteDirectory());
                initialFileSize = workbookSettings.getInitialFileSize();
                arrayGrowSize = workbookSettings.getArrayGrowSize();

                data = new MemoryDataOutput(initialFileSize, arrayGrowSize);
Exemple #5
         * Closes the file.  In fact, this writes out all the excel data
         * to disk using a CompoundFile object, and then frees up all the memory
         * allocated to the workbook
         * @exception IOException
         * @exception JxlWriteException
         * @param cs TRUE if this should close the stream, FALSE if the application
         * closes it
        public void close(bool cs)
            CompoundFile cf = new CompoundFile(data,


            if (cs)

            // Cleanup the memory a bit
            data = null;

            //if (!workbookSettings.getGCDisabled())
            //    System.gc();
Exemple #6
         * Constructor
         * @param l the length of the data
         * @param os the output stream to write to
         * @param data the excel data
         * @param rcf the read compound
        public CompoundFile(ExcelDataOutput data, int l, Stream os,
                            CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.CompoundFile rcf)
            : base()
            size      = l;
            excelData = data;


            numRootEntryBlocks = 1;
            numPropertySets    = 4 +
                                 (additionalPropertySets != null ? additionalPropertySets.Count : 0);

            if (additionalPropertySets != null)
                numSmallBlockDepotChainBlocks = getBigBlocksRequired(numSmallBlocks * 4);
                numSmallBlockDepotBlocks      = getBigBlocksRequired
                                                    (numSmallBlocks * SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE);

                numRootEntryBlocks += getBigBlocksRequired
                                          (additionalPropertySets.Count * PROPERTY_STORAGE_BLOCK_SIZE);

            int blocks = getBigBlocksRequired(l);

            // First pad the data outStream so that it fits nicely into a whole number
            // of blocks
            if (l < SMALL_BLOCK_THRESHOLD)
                requiredSize = SMALL_BLOCK_THRESHOLD;
                requiredSize = blocks * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE;

            outStream = os;

            // Do the calculations
            excelDataBlocks        = requiredSize / BIG_BLOCK_SIZE;
            numBigBlockDepotBlocks = 1;

            int blockChainLength = (BIG_BLOCK_SIZE - BIG_BLOCK_DEPOT_BLOCKS_POS) / 4;

            int startTotalBlocks = excelDataBlocks +
                                   8 +        // summary block
                                   8 +        // document information
                                   additionalPropertyBlocks +
                                   numSmallBlockDepotBlocks +
                                   numSmallBlockDepotChainBlocks +

            int totalBlocks = startTotalBlocks + numBigBlockDepotBlocks;

            // Calculate the number of BBD blocks needed to hold this info
            numBigBlockDepotBlocks = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalBlocks / (double)(BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / 4));

            // Does this affect the total?
            totalBlocks = startTotalBlocks + numBigBlockDepotBlocks;

            // And recalculate
            numBigBlockDepotBlocks = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalBlocks / (double)(BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / 4));

            // Does this affect the total?
            totalBlocks = startTotalBlocks + numBigBlockDepotBlocks;

            // See if the excel bbd chain can fit into the header block.
            // Remember to allow for the  end of chain indicator
            if (numBigBlockDepotBlocks > blockChainLength - 1)
                // Sod it - we need an extension block.  We have to go through
                // the whole tiresome calculation again
                extensionBlock = 0;

                // Compute the number of extension blocks
                int bbdBlocksLeft = numBigBlockDepotBlocks - blockChainLength + 1;

                numExtensionBlocks = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)bbdBlocksLeft / (double)(BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / 4 - 1));

                // Modify the total number of blocks required and recalculate the
                // the number of bbd blocks
                totalBlocks = startTotalBlocks +
                              numExtensionBlocks +
                numBigBlockDepotBlocks = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalBlocks / (double)(BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / 4));

                // The final total
                totalBlocks = startTotalBlocks +
                              numExtensionBlocks +
                extensionBlock     = -2;
                numExtensionBlocks = 0;

            // Set the excel data start block to be after the header (and
            // its extensions)
            excelDataStartBlock = numExtensionBlocks;

            // Set the start block of the small block depot
            sbdStartBlock = -2;
            if (additionalPropertySets != null && numSmallBlockDepotBlocks != 0)
                sbdStartBlock = excelDataStartBlock +
                                excelDataBlocks +
                                additionalPropertyBlocks +

            // Set the sbd chain start block to be after the excel data and the
            // small block depot
            sbdStartBlockChain = -2;

            if (sbdStartBlock != -2)
                sbdStartBlockChain = sbdStartBlock + numSmallBlockDepotBlocks;

            // Set the bbd start block to be after all the excel data
            if (sbdStartBlockChain != -2)
                bbdStartBlock = sbdStartBlockChain +
                bbdStartBlock = excelDataStartBlock +
                                excelDataBlocks +
                                additionalPropertyBlocks +

            // Set the root start block to be after all the big block depot blocks
            rootStartBlock = bbdStartBlock +

            if (totalBlocks != rootStartBlock + numRootEntryBlocks)
                //logger.warn("Root start block and total blocks are inconsistent " +
                //            " generated file may be corrupt");
                //logger.warn("RootStartBlock " + rootStartBlock + " totalBlocks " + totalBlocks);