protected void imgExcel_Click(object sender, System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs e)
            Excel ex = new Excel                                                                                             // instantiate the excelwriter
                DocName = ("Child Accounts Report" + " (" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM d yyyy") + ")").Replace(" ", "_"),    // excel file name - doesn't like spaces
                WsName  = "Child Accounts Report",                                                                           // this is the worksheet name which shows on the first tab at the bottom
                SpName  = "[apps].[dbo].[spXchildAccounts]"                                                                  // this is the stored proc that drives this - must be "excelWriter" friendly

            ex.StrParms[0] = Session["custAcctId"].ToString();
            ex.IntParms[0] = chkExpired.Checked ? 1 : 0;

        protected void butBegin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Excel ex = new Excel                                                                                                  // instantiate the excelwriter
                DocName = GetGlobalResourceObject("portal", "learners").ToString() + " - " + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM d yyyy"), // excel file name - doesn't like spaces
                WsName  = GetGlobalResourceObject("portal", "learners").ToString(),                                               // this is the worksheet name which shows on the first tab at the bottom
                SpName  = "[apps].[dbo].[sp7learnersExcel]"                                                                       // this is the stored proc that drives this - must be "excelWriter" friendly

            ex.StrParms[0] = Session["custId"].ToString();
            ex.IntParms[0] = (int)Session["membLevel"];
