private void WriteExamples(CmdletPageWriter writer, string cmdletName)
            XmlDocument document;

            // lack of examples will be reported in the logs by the native help generator
            if (!ExamplesCache.TryGetValue(cmdletName, out document))

            var set = document.SelectSingleNode("examples");

            if (set == null)

            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            int exampleIndex = 1;
            var examples     = set.SelectNodes("example");

            foreach (XmlNode example in examples)
                sb.AppendFormat("<h4>Example {0}</h4>", exampleIndex);
                sb.Append("<pre class=\"example\">");

                var code = example.SelectSingleNode("code");
                if (code == null)
                    Logger.LogError("Unable to find examples <code> tag for cmdlet " + cmdletName);

                var codeSample = code.InnerText.Trim('\r', '\n');

                codeSample = codeSample.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br/>");
                sb.AppendFormat("<div class=\"code\">{0}</div>", codeSample);

                var description = example.SelectSingleNode("description");
                if (description == null)
                    Logger.LogError("Unable to find examples <description> tag for cmdlet " + cmdletName);

                // use InnerXml here to allow for <br/> and other layout format tags, these get stripped
                // if we use InnerText
                var innerXml = description.InnerXml;
                // convert <url>link</url> elements to anchors (pshelp strips the tags to leave the link)

                /*if (innerXml.Contains("<href>"))
                 * {
                 * }*/
                sb.AppendFormat("<div class=\"description\">{0}</div>", innerXml);



            writer.AddPageElement(CmdletPageWriter.ExamplesElementKey, sb.ToString());
Exemple #2
        private void WriteExamples(XmlWriter writer, string cmdletName)
            XmlDocument document;

            if (!ExamplesCache.TryGetValue(cmdletName, out document))
                Console.WriteLine("NO EXAMPLES - {0}", cmdletName);

            var set = document.SelectSingleNode("examples");

            if (set == null || !set.HasChildNodes)
                Console.WriteLine("NO EXAMPLES - {0} (file present but empty)", cmdletName);

                int exampleIndex = 1;
                var examples     = set.SelectNodes("example");
                foreach (XmlNode example in examples)
                        writer.WriteElementString("title", string.Format(exampleTitleFormat, exampleIndex));
                            // code tag CANNOT HAVE PARA TAGS
                            var code = example.SelectSingleNode("code");
                            if (code == null)
                                Logger.LogError("Unable to find examples <code> tag for cmdlet " + cmdletName);

                            writer.WriteRawElementString("code", code.InnerXml);

                            // remarks tag MUST HAVE PARA TAGS
                            var description = example.SelectSingleNode("description");
                            if (description == null)
                                Logger.LogError("Unable to find examples <description> tag for cmdlet " + cmdletName);
                            var correctedText = DocumentationUtils.ProcessLines(description.InnerXml, s => string.Format("<para>{0}</para>", s));
                            // we use br/ tags to format the description for webhelp, for native help we can replace
                            // with simple newlines
                            correctedText = correctedText.Replace("<br />", "\n"); // xml handler shows us <br/> as <br />
                            // <url>link</url> elements are stripped to leave the inner link text for the user to copy/paste
                            // (web help converts these to <a href="link" />)
                            correctedText = correctedText.Replace("<url>", "");
                            correctedText = correctedText.Replace("</url>", "");
                            var remarks = string.Format(remarksFormat, correctedText);
                            writer.WriteUnescapedElementString("remarks", remarks);