/// <summary>
        /// Calls the API with predefined input values.
        /// To change the value string values should be amended.
        /// The action method to be changed to accept the input values from User
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Index()
            string strObject1 = "";

            //Values below to be changed to change the input parameters to the API call
            //The section to be changed to accept the input values from User
            string curBase   = "USD";
            string curTarget = "INR";
            string startDt   = "2018-09-01";
            string endDt     = "2018-09-30";

            ExchangeRate   exRmodel = null;
            ExchangeRateBL exRBL    = new ExchangeRateBL();

            //Below is to test or develop in the absence of internet or api service.
            //strObject1 = "{\"end_at\":\"2018-11-10\",\"start_at\":\"2018-11-01\",\"rates\":{\"2018-11-08\":{\"INR\":72.4085259104},\"2018-11-01\":{\"INR\":73.4486087949},\"2018-11-05\":{\"INR\":73.0800351803},\"2018-11-02\":{\"INR\":72.4432863274},\"2018-11-09\":{\"INR\":72.5048475234},\"2018-11-06\":{\"INR\":72.9598354918},\"2018-11-07\":{\"INR\":72.499347088}},\"base\":\"USD\"}";

            //Call Api passing necessary parameters
            strObject1 = exRBL.CallMyApi(startDt, endDt, curBase, curTarget);
            exRmodel   = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ExchangeRate>(strObject1);

            //This returns the class(with ave value etc.) expected processing the JSON returned by API
            ExRateOutPut exRateResult = exRBL.ParseExRateJson(strObject1, curBase, curTarget);

            exRBL = null;
Exemple #2
        public ExRateOutPut ParseExRateJson(string strIn, string curbase, string curtarget)
            int     count   = 0;
            decimal sumRate = 0;
            decimal aveRate = 0;
            dynamic rate1   = null;
            dynamic value1  = null;
            dynamic min1    = 0;
            dynamic max1    = 0;

            dynamic data  = JObject.Parse(strIn);
            string  str1  = data.start_at.ToString();
            dynamic data1 = data.rates;

            foreach (var kvp in data1)
                rate1 = kvp.Value;
                foreach (var key in rate1)
                    value1 = key.Value;
                    if (count == 0)
                        min1 = value1;
                        max1 = value1;

                    sumRate += (decimal)value1;
                    min1     = value1 < min1 ? value1 : min1;
                    max1     = value1 > max1 ? value1 : max1;
            aveRate = sumRate / count;
            ExRateOutPut ExRateOP1 = new ExRateOutPut();

            ExRateOP1.Minimum        = min1;
            ExRateOP1.Maximum        = max1;
            ExRateOP1.Average        = aveRate;
            ExRateOP1.BaseCurrency   = curbase;
            ExRateOP1.TargetCurrency = curtarget;
