public void ThenTheOutputWillMatch(string fileType, Table table) { var compareFile = table.Rows[0]["Compare File"]; string runGUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string compareFileName = runGUID + "_" + compareFile; var asm = ScenarioContext.Current["AssemblyContext"] as Assembly; string moduleName = asm.ManifestModule.Name.Replace(".dll", ""); ResourceHelper.CopyResource(asm, moduleName + ".TestData." + compareFile, compareFileName); // find output string outFileName = ""; string outDirectory = ""; string filePrefix = ""; string fileSuffix = ""; try { Debug.WriteLine("Finding SendPorts"); var sendPort = BizTalkBill.TestingFramework.Utilities.Configuration.TestConfiguration.Current.SendPorts.Get("BizTalk", "*" + fileType); if (sendPort != null) { outDirectory = sendPort.URL; filePrefix = sendPort.FilePrefix; fileSuffix = sendPort.FileSuffix; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outDirectory)) { DirectoryInfo outDir = new DirectoryInfo(outDirectory); var fileInfo = outDir.EnumerateFiles(filePrefix + "*" + fileSuffix); Int32 foundCount = 0; foreach (var file in fileInfo) { Debug.WriteLine("Output File Found = " + file.FullName); outFileName = file.FullName; foundCount++; } if (foundCount != 1) { Assert.Fail(string.Format("{0} Output Files Found", foundCount)); } } } } catch (Exception Ex1) { Debug.WriteLine(Ex1.ToString()); } if (compareFileName.ToUpper().EndsWith("XML")) { Assert.IsTrue(BizTalkBill.TestingFramework.Helpers.XML.FileCompare.CompareXMLFiles(outFileName, compareFileName), "The File Compare Failed"); } else { Assert.IsTrue(BizTalkBill.TestingFramework.Helpers.IO.FileHelper.FileCompare(outFileName, compareFileName), "The File Compare Failed"); } }
public void GivenThereIsToProcess(string fileType, Table table) { Debug.WriteLine("GivenThereIsToProcess(" + fileType + ")"); // clean out output directory string outDirectory = ""; string filePrefix = ""; string fileSuffix = ""; try { Debug.WriteLine("Finding SendPorts"); var sendPort = BizTalkBill.TestingFramework.Utilities.Configuration.TestConfiguration.Current.SendPorts.Get("BizTalk", "*" + fileType + "*"); if (sendPort != null) { outDirectory = sendPort.URL; filePrefix = sendPort.FilePrefix; fileSuffix = sendPort.FileSuffix; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outDirectory)) { DirectoryInfo outDir = new DirectoryInfo(outDirectory); var fileInfo = outDir.EnumerateFiles(filePrefix + "*" + fileSuffix); ScenarioContext.Current.Add("ProcessOutputFileDirectory", outDirectory); ScenarioContext.Current.Add("ProcessOutputFileMask", filePrefix + "*" + fileSuffix); foreach (var file in fileInfo) { Debug.WriteLine("File to Delete = " + file.FullName); File.Delete(file.FullName); } } } } catch (Exception Ex1) { Debug.WriteLine(Ex1.ToString()); } // get input file var filePath = table.Rows[0]["Message Path"]; ScenarioContext.Current.Add("TestDataFile", filePath); Debug.WriteLine(filePath); var asm = ScenarioContext.Current["AssemblyContext"] as Assembly; string moduleName = asm.ManifestModule.Name.Replace(".dll", ""); Debug.WriteLine(moduleName); ManifestResourceInfo riTestData = asm.GetManifestResourceInfo(moduleName + ".TestData." + filePath); Assert.IsNotNull(riTestData, "Test File not found as a Resource"); }
private void btn_delete_course_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cmb_courseDELETE_name.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Select Course"); } else { try { cmd = new SqlCommand("select c_id from course where c_name='" + cmb_courseDELETE_name.Text + "'", con); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); dr.Read(); tmp1 = Int32.Parse(dr.GetValue(0).ToString());; if (MessageBox.Show("Are You Sure To Delete..!!", "Delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { cmd = new SqlCommand("delete from course where c_name='" + cmb_courseDELETE_name.Text + "'", con); CO1 = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd = new SqlCommand("delete from semester where C_id='" + tmp1 + "'", con); SE1 = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd = new SqlCommand("delete from subject where C_id='" + tmp1 + "'", con); SU1 = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd = new SqlCommand("delete from exam where C_id='" + tmp1 + "'", con); Ex1 = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MessageBox.Show(CO1.ToString() + " Course Deleted\n" + SE1.ToString() + " Semester Deleted\n" + SU1.ToString() + " Subject Deleted \n" + Ex1.ToString() + " Exam Deleted"); } } catch (Exception x) { MessageBox.Show("Some Error Check Semester/Subject Are set.!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } fill_cmb(); }
private void toolStripButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (goodInput && !loading) { loading = true; toolStripButton1.Enabled = false; if (iterations >= 100000) { DialogResult option = MessageBox.Show("Running " + iterations + " simulations will " + "take approximately: " + getTime() + "\nDo you wish to continue?", "Alert", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel); if (option == DialogResult.Cancel) { goto Done; } } try { if (pictureBox1.Image != null) { pictureBox1.Image.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception Ex0) { var nullErrorMessageBox = MessageBox.Show ("ERROR disposing old image file! \nOutput: " + Ex0.ToString(), "Alert", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } RscriptWriter(); userInputScript = rPathDest; Console.WriteLine("userInputScript: " + userInputScript); outputLocation = RpathFinder(); Console.WriteLine("outputLocation: " + outputLocation); try { RunFromCmd(userInputScript, userInputCSV, outputLocation, iterations.ToString(), distributionType); } catch (Exception Ex1) { var nullErrorMessageBox = MessageBox.Show ("ERROR on CMD process! \nOutput: " + Ex1.ToString(), "Alert", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } try { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; toolStripButton1.BackColor = Color.GreenYellow; if (iterations >= 10000000) { Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(iterations * 0.10)); } else if (iterations >= 100000 && iterations < 10000000) { Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(iterations * 0.30)); } else if (iterations >= 10000 && iterations < 100000) { Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(iterations * 0.50)); } else { Thread.Sleep(2500); } } catch (Exception Ex2) { var nullErrorMessageBox = MessageBox.Show ("ERROR waiting for process to complete! \nOuput: " + Ex2.ToString(), "Alert", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } try { pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile(RpathFinder() + @"\output.png"); } catch (Exception Ex3) { var nullErrorMessageBox = MessageBox.Show ("ERROR loading the image file! \nOuput: " + Ex3.ToString(), "Alert", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } Done: try { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userInputScript)) { DeleteTempFile(userInputScript); } //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userInputScript)) //DeleteTempFile(RpathFinder() + @"\output.png"); loading = false; maxWarning = false; minWarning = false; } catch (Exception Ex4) { var nullErrorMessageBox = MessageBox.Show ("ERROR on cleanup process! \nOutput: " + Ex4.ToString(), "Alert", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } }
public void ThenBizTalkWillReceiveTheMessage(string portName) { Debug.WriteLine("BizTalkBill.TestingFramework.SpecFlow:SharedSteps:ThenBizTalkWillReceiveTheMessage(" + portName + ")"); ApplicationEventLog.CheckForDiagnosticEvent("BizTalk has received a message on port - " + portName); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); Int32 ReceiveCount = 0; string LastMessageTrackingDateTime = (string)ScenarioContext.Current["LastMessageTrackingDateTime"]; new Logger().Write("LastMessageTrackingDateTime = " + LastMessageTrackingDateTime); string dbServerName = (string)Registry.GetValue(@"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\BizTalk Server\3.0\Administration", "MgmtDBServer", "localhost"); using (SqlConnection connection2 = new SqlConnection("Data Source=" + dbServerName + ";Initial Catalog=BizTalkDTADb;Integrated Security=True")) { string sCommand2 = string.Format("SELECT TOP 1 convert(varchar(50),[Event/Timestamp],126) FROM [BizTalkDTADb].[dbo].[dtav_MessageFacts] where [Event/Port] = '{0}' order by [Event/Timestamp] desc", portName); new Logger().Write("SQL Command = " + sCommand2); using (SqlCommand command2 = new SqlCommand(sCommand2, connection2)) { try { connection2.Open(); var lastfound = (string)command2.ExecuteScalar(); if (lastfound != null) { new Logger().Write("LastMessageFoundTrackingDateTime = " + lastfound); } else { new Logger().Write("returned null"); } } catch (Exception Ex1) { new Logger().Write("Error in LastMessageFoundTrackingDateTime - " + Ex1.ToString()); //throw; } } } using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("Data Source=" + dbServerName + ";Initial Catalog=BizTalkDTADb;Integrated Security=True")) { string sCommand = string.Format("select count(*) FROM [BizTalkDTADb].[dbo].[dtav_MessageFacts] where [Event/Timestamp] > '{0}' and [Event/Port] = '{1}'", LastMessageTrackingDateTime, portName); new Logger().Write("SQL Command = " + sCommand); new Logger().Write("Starting Receive Check = " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff")); for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) { using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sCommand, connection)) { try { connection.Open(); ReceiveCount = (Int32)command.ExecuteScalar(); connection.Close(); new Logger().Write("ReceiveCount = " + ReceiveCount.ToString()); } catch (Exception Ex1) { new Logger().Write("Exception = " + Ex1.Message); //throw; } } new Logger().Write("Ending Receive Check = " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff")); if (ReceiveCount > 0) { Debug.WriteLine("Break"); break; } Debug.WriteLine("Looping"); if (i <= 5) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); } else { Int32 sleepTime = 3000 * (i - 5); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(sleepTime); } } } Assert.IsFalse(ReceiveCount < 1, "Message Not Received on Port - " + portName); }
public static void ExecuteMapTest(AssemblyName[] refList, string dllName, string mapName, string sourceFileName, string sourceFileType, string destFileName, string destFileType, bool validateInput, bool validateOutput) { //var refList = typeof(Program).Assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies(); Debug.WriteLine("dllName = " + dllName); Debug.WriteLine("mapName = " + mapName); Debug.WriteLine("sourceFileName = " + sourceFileName); Debug.WriteLine("sourceFileType = " + sourceFileType); Debug.WriteLine("destFileName = " + destFileName); Debug.WriteLine("destFileType = " + destFileType); Debug.WriteLine("validateInput = " + validateInput); Debug.WriteLine("validateOutput = " + validateOutput); Assembly mapASM = null; //try loading locally (failed always loads from GAC) //try //{ // string asmPath = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; // Debug.WriteLine(asmPath); // FileInfo asmInfo = new FileInfo(asmPath); // Debug.WriteLine(asmInfo.DirectoryName); // //mapASM = Assembly.LoadFile(asmInfo.DirectoryName + "\\" + dllName + ".dll"); // mapASM = Assembly.LoadFrom(asmInfo.DirectoryName + "\\" + dllName + ".dll"); // Debug.WriteLine("mapASM loaded from local file"); // Debug.WriteLine("From GAC = " + mapASM.GlobalAssemblyCache.ToString()); //} //catch (Exception ex1) //{ // Debug.WriteLine(ex1.ToString()); //} // otherwise from gac if (mapASM == null) { foreach (var refASM in refList) { if (refASM.Name == dllName) { mapASM = Assembly.Load(refASM); Debug.WriteLine("Found DLL - " + dllName); } } } //AssemblyName myAssemblyName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(dllName); //var mapASM = Assembly.Load(myAssemblyName); //FileInfo fiDLL = new FileInfo(dllName); //string baseDLLNamee = fiDLL.Name.Replace(fiDLL.Extension, ""); Debug.WriteLine("Finding MAP - " + dllName + "." + mapName); var mapObject = mapASM.GetType(dllName + "." + mapName); if (mapObject != null) { Debug.WriteLine("MAP Found - " + dllName + "." + mapName); TestableMapBase map = (TestableMapBase)Activator.CreateInstance(mapObject); map.ValidateInput = validateInput; map.ValidateOutput = validateOutput; Debug.WriteLine("Validation Set"); CultureInfo cultureInfo = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; TextInfo textInfo = cultureInfo.TextInfo; Microsoft.BizTalk.TestTools.Schema.InputInstanceType inType = (Microsoft.BizTalk.TestTools.Schema.InputInstanceType)Enum.Parse(typeof(Microsoft.BizTalk.TestTools.Schema.InputInstanceType), textInfo.ToTitleCase(sourceFileType)); Microsoft.BizTalk.TestTools.Schema.OutputInstanceType outType = (Microsoft.BizTalk.TestTools.Schema.OutputInstanceType)Enum.Parse(typeof(Microsoft.BizTalk.TestTools.Schema.OutputInstanceType), (destFileType.ToUpper() == "XML") ? "XML" : destFileType); Debug.WriteLine("Enums Processed"); try { Debug.WriteLine("Testing Map - " + sourceFileName + ", " + inType.ToString() + ", " + destFileName + ", " + outType.ToString()); map.TestMap(sourceFileName, inType, destFileName, outType); } catch (Exception Ex1) { throw new ApplicationException("Map Execution Failed - " + Ex1.ToString()); } } }