private static void MainInner(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += UnhandledExceptionHandler; try { Everest.ParseArgs(args); orig_Main(args); } catch (Exception e) { CriticalFailureHandler(e); return; } finally { Instance?.Dispose(); } Everest.Shutdown(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if (Thread.CurrentThread.Name != "Main Thread") { Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Main Thread"; } if (File.Exists("BuildIsXNA.txt")) { File.Delete("BuildIsXNA.txt"); } if (File.Exists("BuildIsFNA.txt")) { File.Delete("BuildIsFNA.txt"); } File.WriteAllText($"BuildIs{(typeof(Game).Assembly.FullName.Contains("FNA") ? "FNA" : "XNA")}.txt", ""); if (File.Exists("launch.txt")) { args = File.ReadAllLines("launch.txt") .Select(l => l.Trim()) .Where(l => !l.StartsWith("#")) .SelectMany(l => l.Split(' ')) .Concat(args) .ToArray(); } else { using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText("launch.txt")) { writer.WriteLine("# Add any Everest launch flags here. Lines starting with # are ignored."); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("# If you're having graphics issues with the FNA version on Windows,"); writer.WriteLine("# remove the # from the following line to enable using Direct3D."); writer.WriteLine("#--d3d"); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("# If you've got an Intel GPU, are using the FNA version on Windows and"); writer.WriteLine("# are 100% sure that you want to use Intel's possibly broken OpenGL drivers,"); writer.WriteLine("# remove the # from the following line to revert to using OpenGL."); writer.WriteLine("#--no-d3d"); writer.WriteLine(); } } if (args.Contains("--console") && PlatformHelper.Is(MonoMod.Utils.Platform.Windows)) { AllocConsole(); } // PlatformHelper is part of MonoMod. // Environment.OSVersion.Platform is good enough as well, but Everest consistently uses PlatformHelper. // The following is based off of if (PlatformHelper.Is(MonoMod.Utils.Platform.Windows)) { bool useD3D = args.Contains("--d3d"); try { // Keep all usage of System.Management in a separate method. // Member references are resolved as soon as a method is called. // This means that if System.Management cannot be found due to // f.e. the use of MonoKickstart, this method won't even get as // far as checking the platform. if (DoesGPUHaveBadOpenGLDrivers()) { useD3D = true; } } catch { // Silently catch all exceptions: Method and type load errors, // permission / access related exceptions and whatnot. } if (args.Contains("--no-d3d")) { useD3D = false; } if (useD3D) { Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("FNA_OPENGL_FORCE_ES3", "1"); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SDL_OPENGL_ES_DRIVER", "1"); } } if (args.Contains("--nolog")) { MainInner(args); Everest.Shutdown(); return; } if (File.Exists("log.txt")) { File.Delete("log.txt"); } using (Stream fileStream = new FileStream("log.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite | FileShare.Delete)) using (StreamWriter fileWriter = new StreamWriter(fileStream, Console.OutputEncoding)) using (LogWriter logWriter = new LogWriter { STDOUT = Console.Out, File = fileWriter }) { try { Console.SetOut(logWriter); MainInner(args); } finally { if (logWriter.STDOUT != null) { Console.SetOut(logWriter.STDOUT); logWriter.STDOUT = null; } } } }