public async Task ConnectionTransportPartitionIdsMatchPartitionProperties()
            await using (EventHubScope scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(4))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);

                await using (var connection = new TestConnectionWithTransport(connectionString))
                    EventHubProperties properties = await connection.GetPropertiesAsync();

                    var partitions = await connection.GetPartitionIdsAsync();

                    Assert.That(properties, Is.Not.Null, "A set of properties should have been returned.");
                    Assert.That(properties.PartitionIds, Is.Not.Null, "A set of partition identifiers for the properties should have been returned.");
                    Assert.That(partitions, Is.Not.Null, "A set of partition identifiers should have been returned.");
                    Assert.That(partitions, Is.EquivalentTo(properties.PartitionIds), "The partition identifiers returned directly should match those returned with properties.");
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        ///   Runs the sample using the specified Event Hubs connection information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string for the Event Hubs namespace that the sample should target.</param>
        /// <param name="eventHubName">The name of the Event Hub, sometimes known as its path, that she sample should run against.</param>
        public async Task RunAsync(string connectionString,
                                   string eventHubName)
            // To interact with Event Hubs, a client is needed.  The client manages resources and should be
            // explicitly closed or disposed, but it is not necessary to do both.  In our case, we will take
            // advantage of the new asynchonous dispose to ensure that we clean up our client when we are
            // done or when an exception is encountered.

            await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString, eventHubName))
                // Using the client, we will inspect the Event Hub that it is connected to, getting
                // access to its informational properties.

                EventHubProperties properties = await client.GetPropertiesAsync();

                Console.WriteLine("The Event Hub has the following properties:");
                Console.WriteLine($"\tThe path to the Event Hub from the namespace is: { properties.Path }");
                Console.WriteLine($"\tThe Event Hub was created at: { properties.CreatedAtUtc.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt") }, in UTC.");

                // Partitions of an Event Hub are an important concept.  Using the Event Hub properties, we'll inspect each of its partitions,
                // getting access to partition-level properties.

                foreach (string partitionId in properties.PartitionIds)
                    PartitionProperties partitionProperties = await client.GetPartitionPropertiesAsync(partitionId);

                    Console.WriteLine($"\tPartiton: { partitionProperties.Id }");
                    Console.WriteLine($"\t\tThe partition contains no events: { partitionProperties.IsEmpty }");
                    Console.WriteLine($"\t\tThe first sequence number of an event in the partition is: { partitionProperties.BeginningSequenceNumber }");
                    Console.WriteLine($"\t\tThe last sequence number of an event in the partition is: { partitionProperties.LastEnqueuedSequenceNumber }");
                    Console.WriteLine($"\t\tThe last offset of an event in the partition is: { partitionProperties.LastEnqueuedOffset }");
                    Console.WriteLine($"\t\tThe last time that an event was enqueued in the partition is: { partitionProperties.LastEnqueuedTimeUtc.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt") }, in UTC.");

            // At this point, our client has passed its "using" scope and has safely been disposed of.  We have no
            // further obligations.

        public async Task GetPartitionIdsAsyncDelegatesToGetProperties()
            var date         = DateTimeOffset.Parse("2015-10-27T12:00:00Z").DateTime;
            var partitionIds = new[] { "first", "second", "third" };
            var properties   = new EventHubProperties("dummy", date, partitionIds);
            var mockClient   = new Mock <EventHubClient> {
                CallBase = true

            .Setup(client => client.GetPropertiesAsync(It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))
            .Verifiable("GetPropertiesAcync should have been delegated to.");

            var actual = await mockClient.Object.GetPartitionIdsAsync(CancellationToken.None);

            Assert.That(actual, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(partitionIds));

Exemple #4
        public async Task ConnectionTransportCanRetrieveProperties(EventHubsTransportType transportType)
            var partitionCount = 4;

            await using (EventHubScope scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(partitionCount))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.EventHubsConnectionString;

                await using (var connection = new TestConnectionWithTransport(connectionString, scope.EventHubName, new EventHubConnectionOptions {
                    TransportType = transportType
                    EventHubProperties properties = await connection.GetPropertiesAsync();

                    Assert.That(properties, Is.Not.Null, "A set of properties should have been returned.");
                    Assert.That(properties.Name, Is.EqualTo(scope.EventHubName), "The property Event Hub name should match the scope.");
                    Assert.That(properties.PartitionIds.Length, Is.EqualTo(partitionCount), "The properties should have the requested number of partitions.");
                    Assert.That(properties.CreatedOn, Is.EqualTo(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow).Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)), "The Event Hub should have been created just about now.");
        public async Task ClientCanRetrievePartitionProperties(TransportType transportType)
            var partitionCount = 4;

            await using (EventHubScope scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(partitionCount))
                var clientOptions    = new EventHubClientOptions();
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);
                ConnectionStringProperties connectionProperties = ConnectionStringParser.Parse(connectionString);

                var credential = new SharedAccessSignatureCredential
                    new SharedAccessSignature
                        $"{ clientOptions.TransportType.GetUriScheme() }://{ connectionProperties.Endpoint.Host }/{ connectionProperties.EventHubName }".ToLowerInvariant(),

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionProperties.Endpoint.Host, connectionProperties.EventHubName, credential, new EventHubClientOptions {
                    TransportType = transportType
                    var cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20));
                    EventHubProperties properties = await client.GetPropertiesAsync();

                    var partition = properties.PartitionIds.First();
                    PartitionProperties partitionProperties = await client.GetPartitionPropertiesAsync(partition, cancellation.Token);

                    Assert.That(partitionProperties, Is.Not.Null, "A set of partition properties should have been returned.");
                    Assert.That(partitionProperties.Id, Is.EqualTo(partition), "The partition identifier should match.");
                    Assert.That(partitionProperties.EventHubName, Is.EqualTo(connectionProperties.EventHubName).Using((IEqualityComparer <string>)StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase), "The Event Hub path should match.");
                    Assert.That(partitionProperties.BeginningSequenceNumber, Is.Not.EqualTo(default(long)), "The beginning sequence number should have been populated.");
                    Assert.That(partitionProperties.LastEnqueuedSequenceNumber, Is.Not.EqualTo(default(long)), "The last sequence number should have been populated.");
                    Assert.That(partitionProperties.LastEnqueuedOffset, Is.Not.EqualTo(default(long)), "The last offset should have been populated.");