Exemple #1
 private IDialogueResult Intro(EventDiscussion e, int lastChoiceId)
     if (_currProgress == 0)
         _knownName = "Yumena";
         return(new NormalDialogue(true, "Wh- What is happening? It's... It's okay Yumena, stays calm...", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
     if (_currProgress == 1)
         return(new NormalDialogue(false, "Are you okay?", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
     if (_currProgress == 2)
         return(new NormalDialogue(true, "I'm... Just not good with sudden situations... I need to sit down a bit...", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
     if (_currProgress == 3)
         return(new NormalDialogue(Character.HURIANE, true, "I'll guide her to her room so she can rest a bit.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
     if (_currProgress == 4)
         return(new NormalDialogue(true, "T-thanks...", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
     InformationManager.S.DidSummonYumena = true;
     _current = ChooseAction;
Exemple #2
        private IDialogueResult GiveRandomSummon(EventDiscussion e, int _)
            if (_currProgress == 0)
                EventManager.S.RemoveItem(e, ItemID.BOOK_SPELL_SUMMON);
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "Oh this one seems interesting!", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 1)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "I guess it can be risky but I guess I'm just curious of who will come out.", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 2)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "If you want to try it, speak to me again but you'll have to deal with who comes out since there is no way to send them back.", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 3)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "But that's not a problem, we have a second house that work as a guest house but since nobody come anymore it's rather empty.", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 4)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "I also would need a transport gem for that to work, they looks like a white gem", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));

            _dialogueChoice.Add(SummonStranger, "Summon stranger");
            _current = Main;
Exemple #3
        private IDialogueResult GiveChildrenBook(EventDiscussion e, int lastChoiceId)
            if (InformationManager.S.DidReadGoblinBook)
                if (_currProgress == 0)
                    EventManager.S.RemoveItem(e, ItemID.BOOK_CHILDREN_1);
                    return(new NormalDialogue(true, "Such a touching book...", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));
                _current = ShowDialogueMenu;
                if (_currProgress == 0)
                    EventManager.S.RemoveItem(e, ItemID.BOOK_CHILDREN_1);
                    return(new NormalDialogue(true, "A book? It's in elven though so I can't read it...", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));

                if (lastChoiceId == -1)
                    return(new ChoiceDialogue(_childrenBookReadChoice.Select(x => x.Value).ToArray()));

                return(AskQuestion(_childrenBookReadChoice, e, lastChoiceId));
Exemple #4
        private IDialogueResult RandomConversation2(EventDiscussion e, int lastChoiceId)
            if (_currProgress == 0)
                return(new NormalDialogue(false, "So both you and Arael learnt to speak human language?", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 1)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "It wasn't that hard for Arael, he told me that celestians learn human language as part as their curiculum.", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 2)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "But for me, it was soo hard. But since Arael can't speak fairy language I had to work really hard for him!", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 3)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "Us, fairies, don't usually learn any other than fairy dialect and maybe elven language, so finding resources to learn the human one was really tough.", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 4)
                return(new NormalDialogue(false, "Why didn't you learn celestian instead?", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 5)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "Celestian is super hard to learn, like using these weird symbols everywhere and since Arael already speak human language I just went with that.", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 6)
                return(new NormalDialogue(false, "(I'm pretty sure that fairy dialect also use lot of \"weird symbols\"...)", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));

            _current = Main;
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// When the player is back and choose to try to kill Etahnia
 /// </summary>
 private IDialogueResult ScenarioBackKill(EventDiscussion e, int lastChoiceId)
     if (_currProgress == 0)
         return(new NormalDialogue(false, "I came here to kill you.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, "Me"));
     if (_currProgress == 1)
         return(new NormalDialogue(true, "You barely remember how to walk, what happened so suddenly?", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));
     if (_currProgress == 2)
         return(new NormalDialogue(false, "I now recall why I came here at first.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, "Me"));
     if (_currProgress == 3)
         return(new NormalDialogue(true, "Well if you decide to go this way...", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));
     if (_currProgress == 4)
         return(new NormalDialogue(true, "You leave me no other choice.", FacialExpression.MAD, _knownName));
     EventManager.S.DisplayGameOver(e, true);
Exemple #6
        public override IDialogueResult GetDialogue(EventDiscussion e, int lastChoiceId)
            var result = _current(e, lastChoiceId);

Exemple #7
        private IDialogueResult GiveHomeKey(EventDiscussion e, int _)
            if (_currProgress == 0)
                EventManager.S.RemoveItem(e, ItemID.HOUSE_KEY);
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "A key? What does it opens?", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 1)
                return(new NormalDialogue(false, "I don't know, I found it in my pocket.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 2)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "You would better keep it for now then.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 3)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "But if it opens some treasure room bring me what you find inside!", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));

            _current = ShowDialogueMenu;
Exemple #8
        private IDialogueResult ScenarioBackHelp(EventDiscussion e, int lastChoiceId)
            if (_currProgress == 0)
                return(new NormalDialogue(false, "(Whatever my final choice end up being, I should play along for now.)", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 1)
                return(new NormalDialogue(false, "There are people who want to kill you out there.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 2)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "Even after banishing me they won't leave me alone, uh. Well I'll close that portal so they won't follow us.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 3)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "For now you should just avoid these guys, I'll create you another portal to a friend that will be able to help us.", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 4)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "Just tell him you're here from " + (_knownName == "???" ? "Etahnia" : "me") + " and he will tell you what to do.", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));

            _knownName = "Etahnia";
            _current = ShowDialogueMenu;
Exemple #9
        private IDialogueResult RandomConversation3(EventDiscussion e, int _)
            if (_currProgress == 0)
                return(new NormalDialogue(false, "For how much time have you been here?", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, "Me"));
            if (_currProgress == 1)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "Well since there is no notion of day and night it's a bit hard to keep track of time but it's sure been a while.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 2)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "At the beginning it was really hard but then I realized that there was a high amount of magic in the air, probably used to keep the rules of this world alive.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 3)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "So to pass time I trained myself but since I have nothing to draw magic circles on, I could barely move the flow of magic without being able to do anything with it.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 4)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "But after some time I began to be more perceptive about that kind of stuff, so it was kinda motivating to see my efforts paying off.", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 5)
                return(new NormalDialogue(false, "It's nice that you found something, despite the lack of activity to do", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, "Me"));

Exemple #10
 private IDialogueResult GiveItem(EventDiscussion e, int lastChoiceId)
     _currProgress = 0;
Exemple #11
        private IDialogueResult RandomConversation5(EventDiscussion e, int _)
            if (_currProgress == 0)
                return(new NormalDialogue(false, "How are you able to speak the same language as me despite not being human?", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, "Me"));
            if (_currProgress == 1)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "Oh actually I chosed that as a second language back in high school.", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 2)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "I had the choice between this and elven, but elven is such a mess and their alphabet is awful to learn so I picked this one instead.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 3)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "My mom always told me not to choose on how easy it is, but I guess I did the good choice after all, imagine if we couldn't understand each other!", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 4)
                return(new NormalDialogue(false, "(Thinking about it, I actually recall how to speak elven, so it wouldn't have been much of an issue...)", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, "Me"));

Exemple #12
 private IDialogueResult IntroRoom(EventDiscussion e, int lastChoiceId)
     if (_currProgress == 0)
         return(new NormalDialogue(false, "Yumena, are you okay?", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
     if (_currProgress == 1)
         return(new NormalDialogue(true, "...I just need to calm a bit, I'm not really good with stressful situations...", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
     if (_currProgress == 2)
         return(new NormalDialogue(false, "Is there something I can do?", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
     if (_currProgress == 3)
         return(new NormalDialogue(true, "Y-yeah, would you have something sweet?", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
     if (_currProgress == 4)
         return(new NormalDialogue(false, "Something sweet?", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
     if (_currProgress == 5)
         return(new NormalDialogue(true, "It usually help to calm me down...", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
     if (_currProgress == 6)
         return(new NormalDialogue(false, "I will go look for it.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
     _nextQuestDialogue = IntroRoomFollowUp;
     _current           = ChooseAction;
     _dialogueChoice.Add(GiveItem, "Give");
Exemple #13
        private IDialogueResult RandomConversation2(EventDiscussion e, int _)
            if (_currProgress == 0)
                return(new NormalDialogue(false, "So there is only white here?", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, "Me"));
            if (_currProgress == 1)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "Yeah, nothing else, even when I tried affecting the world with magic it's just consumed back after a bit.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 2)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "But I don't think that affect the objects from the outside, I even tried to let my clothes on the ground but they didn't even disappeared, so feel free to bring me things you find during your quest!", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 3)
                return(new NormalDialogue(false, "(And what would you have done if that wasn't the case...)", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, "Me"));
            if (_currProgress == 4)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "Oh but I once found a piece of bread in the middle of nowhere, I was so sick after eating it.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 5)
                return(new NormalDialogue(false, "That... sound tough...", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, "Me"));

Exemple #14
        private IDialogueResult GiveFoldedPaper(EventDiscussion e, int _)
            if (_currProgress == 0)
                EventManager.S.RemoveItem(e, ItemID.FOLDED_PAPER);
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "...Looks like a portal circle is drawn, basically you throw magic on it and as long as you keep infusing it, a portal will stay open to another plan.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 1)
                return(new NormalDialogue(false, "Where is this one leading?", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 2)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "No idea, but since it's on paper we can't really open it since magic would shred it right away.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 3)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "If you manage to copy it, we will be able to try opening it.", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));

            _current = ShowDialogueMenu;
Exemple #15
        public void RemoveItem(EventDiscussion e, ItemID id)
            GameObject go = Instantiate(_reaction.removeItem, e.transform.position + (Vector3)(Vector2.one * .2f), Quaternion.identity);

            ItemManager.S.GetItem(id).InitItemPopup(go.GetComponent <NewItem>());
Exemple #16
        private IDialogueResult Intro(EventDiscussion e, int lastChoiceId)
            if (_currProgress == 0)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "Wah a stranger in our house! Nice to meet you, I'm Huriane!", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 1)
                _knownName = "Huriane";
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "I guess you are here from my husband? How can I help you?", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 2)
                return(new NormalDialogue(false, "A friend of your husband was sealed away and we are trying to free her.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 3)
                return(new NormalDialogue(false, "To sum up I need to find information about the god Sae.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 4)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "Sounds tough but I know nothing about gods so I can't help!", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 5)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "However I can help you if you want to open a portal to somewhere, just bring me the motif and I will keep it open for you.", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));
            if (_currProgress == 6)
                return(new NormalDialogue(false, "Thanks.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));

            _current = Main;
Exemple #17
 private IDialogueResult DontDisturb(EventDiscussion e, int lastChoiceId)
     if (_currProgress == 0)
         return(new NormalDialogue(Character.NARRATOR, true, "Yumena is resting, I shouldn't disturb her for now.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
Exemple #18
 private IDialogueResult IntroEnd(EventDiscussion e, int lastChoiceId)
     if (_currProgress == 0)
         return(new NormalDialogue(true, "If have time to speak you would better use that time to do your job.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
Exemple #19
 public void DisplayGameOver(EventDiscussion e, bool withBlood)
     if (withBlood)
         Instantiate(_reaction.blood, e.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
Exemple #20
 private IDialogueResult IntroEnd3(EventDiscussion e, int lastChoiceId)
     if (_currProgress == 0)
         return(new NormalDialogue(true, "Hopefully all of this will end soon, when that will be the case, let's eat something the both of us.", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));
Exemple #21
 private IDialogueResult IntroRoomFollowUp(EventDiscussion e, int lastChoiceId)
     if (_currProgress == 0)
         return(new NormalDialogue(Character.NARRATOR, false, "(Yumena looks a bit stressed, I should bring her what she need...)", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));
     _current = ChooseAction;
        private IDialogueResult IntroEnd(EventDiscussion e, int lastChoiceId)
            if (_currProgress == 0)
                return(new NormalDialogue(Character.NARRATOR, true, "I should speak with the new girl first...", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));

Exemple #23
        private IDialogueResult CreatePortalCancel(EventDiscussion e, int lastChoiceId)
            if (_currProgress == 0)
                return(new NormalDialogue(false, "Nevermind.", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));

            _current = Main;
Exemple #24
        private IDialogueResult DefaultConversation(EventDiscussion e, int lastChoiceId)
            if (_currProgress == 0)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "If I can do something to help, feel free to ask me!", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));

            _current = Main;
Exemple #25
        private IDialogueResult RandomConversationEnd(EventDiscussion e, int _)
            if (_currProgress == 0)
                // TODO: random end conversation
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "If you find anything during your journey, show it to me!", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));

            _current = ShowDialogueMenu;
Exemple #26
        private IDialogueResult GiveDefault(EventDiscussion e, int _)
            if (_currProgress == 0)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "There is nothing I can do with that, if you want me to open a portal you must give me a template of a magic circle.", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));

            _current = Main;
Exemple #27
        private IDialogueResult GiveDefault(EventDiscussion e, int _)
            if (_currProgress == 0)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "I... I don't understand...", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));

            _current = ChooseAction;
Exemple #28
        private IDialogueResult GiveNothing(EventDiscussion e, int _)
            if (_currProgress == 0)
                return(new NormalDialogue(false, "Nevermind", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));

            _current = ShowDialogueMenu;
Exemple #29
        private IDialogueResult RefuseGiveChildrenBook(EventDiscussion e, int _)
            if (_currProgress == 0)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "Ah, okay...", FacialExpression.NEUTRAL, _knownName));

            _current = ShowDialogueMenu;
Exemple #30
        private IDialogueResult AcceptGiveChildrenBook(EventDiscussion e, int _)
            if (_currProgress == 0)
                return(new NormalDialogue(true, "Thanks!", FacialExpression.SMILE, _knownName));

            _current = ShowDialogueMenu;