Exemple #1
        public void EventDataSet_GetStreamValue_SimpleGet()
            EventDataSet testSet = new EventDataSet();

            testSet.AddSample(0, 0, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, testSet.GetStreamValue(0, 0));
        void DrawGraph(EventDataSet dataSet, Rect rect, int startTime, int duration, bool expanded)
            if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint)

            rect = new Rect(rect.x + 1, rect.y + 1, rect.width - 2, rect.height - 2);
            GraphDefinition gd;

            if (!m_GraphDefinitions.TryGetValue(dataSet.Graph, out gd))

            if (m_GraphMaterial == null)
                // best material options are "Unlit/Color" or "UI/Default".
                //  Unlit/Color is more efficient, but does not support alpha
                //  UI/Default does support alpha
                m_GraphMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Unlit/Color"));

            int maxValue = gd.GetMaxValue(dataSet);

            foreach (var l in gd.layers)
                l.Draw(dataSet, rect, startTime, duration, m_InspectFrame, expanded, m_GraphMaterial, maxValue);
Exemple #3
        public void EventDataSet_HasDataAfterFrame_ProperBehaviorOnNoChildCase()
            EventDataSet parentSet = new EventDataSet();

            parentSet.AddSample(0, 0, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, parentSet.HasDataAfterFrame(0), "Returned false despite the fact that the last frame of the stream should be nonzero.");
        public void EventDataPlayerSession_HandleOperationDestroy_DestroyedEventHasParentCase()
            EventDataPlayerSession edps = new EventDataPlayerSession();

            DiagnosticEvent dependencyEvt = CreateNewGenericEvent(ResourceManager.DiagnosticEventType.AsyncOperationReferenceCount, 0, 0, 1001);
            DiagnosticEvent creationEvt   = CreateNewGenericEvent(ResourceManager.DiagnosticEventType.AsyncOperationCreate, 0, 1, 1000, new int[] { dependencyEvt.ObjectId });
            DiagnosticEvent deletionEvt   = CreateNewGenericEvent(ResourceManager.DiagnosticEventType.AsyncOperationDestroy, 1, 1, 1001);

            bool entryCreated = false;

            edps.AddSample(dependencyEvt, false, ref entryCreated);
            Assert.IsTrue(entryCreated, "Either a new entry was supposed to be created, but was not, or the value of entryCreated was not properly updated.");

            edps.AddSample(creationEvt, false, ref entryCreated);
            Assert.IsTrue(entryCreated, "Either a new entry was supposed to be created, but was not, or the value of entryCreated was not properly updated.");

            edps.AddSample(deletionEvt, false, ref entryCreated);
            Assert.IsFalse(entryCreated, "Either a new entry was created when it shouldn't have been, or the value of entryCreated was not properly updated.");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, edps.m_RootStreamEntry.Children.Count(), "DependencyEvt's id should have been removed from RootStreamEntry's children because it is a dependency.");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, edps.m_Queue.Count, "Deletion event should have been added to the removal queue.");


            Assert.IsFalse(edps.m_DataSets.ContainsKey(deletionEvt.ObjectId), "DataSet was not properly removed after dependency was cleared. ");

            EventDataSet creationEvtEds = null;

            Assert.IsTrue(edps.m_DataSets.TryGetValue(creationEvt.ObjectId, out creationEvtEds), "Parent event was removed from m_DataSets incorrectly.");
            Assert.IsNull(creationEvtEds.m_Children, "dependencyEvt's dataset should have been removed from the children of creationEvt's dataset. ");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, edps.m_Queue.Count, "No further deletion events should have been added to the deletion queue.");
Exemple #5
        private List <COMTRADEChannelData> GetDigitalChannelData(EventDataSet eventDataSet)
            // Get an arbitrary data series from the collection of waveforms so
            // that we can use it to determine the timestamp of each data point
            DataSeries series = eventDataSet.DataGroup[0];

            // Create the function to convert a name and an index to a COMTRADEChannelData
            Func <string, int, COMTRADEChannelData> toChannelData = (name, index) =>
                                                                    new COMTRADEChannelData()
                GroupOrder           = 0,
                LoadOrder            = index,
                OriginalChannelIndex = index,
                Name = name,
                Data = series.Multiply(0.0D)

            // Get the collection of COMTRADEChannelData for the fault-related digitals
            List <COMTRADEChannelData> digitalChannelData = new string[] { "Fault Detected" }
            .Concat(GetAllFaultTypes().Select(faultType => string.Format("{0} Fault Type", faultType)))

            // Populate the data points for each digital channel
            // based on the fault type of each segment of fault data
            foreach (Fault.Segment segment in eventDataSet.Faults.SelectMany(fault => fault.Segments))
                // Get the fault type of the segment
                FaultType faultType = segment.FaultType;

                // Get the value of each digital in this segment
                bool[] digitals =
                    faultType != FaultType.None,
                    faultType == FaultType.AN,
                    faultType == FaultType.BN,
                    faultType == FaultType.CN,
                    faultType == FaultType.AB,
                    faultType == FaultType.BC,
                    faultType == FaultType.CA,
                    faultType == FaultType.ABG,
                    faultType == FaultType.BCG,
                    faultType == FaultType.CAG,
                    faultType == FaultType.ABC

                // Populate the data points for this segment with the proper values based on fault type
                for (int i = 0; i < digitalChannelData.Count; i++)
                    double value = Convert.ToDouble(digitals[i]);

                    for (int j = segment.StartSample; j <= segment.EndSample; j++)
                        digitalChannelData[i].Data.DataPoints[j].Value = value;

Exemple #6
        public override global::System.Data.DataSet Clone()
            EventDataSet cln = ((EventDataSet)(base.Clone()));

            cln.SchemaSerializationMode = this.SchemaSerializationMode;
        public void DataStreamEntry_IdEqualsDataSetObjectId()
            EventDataSet eds = new EventDataSet(100, "graph", "name", 0);

            EventGraphListView.DataStreamEntry entry = new EventGraphListView.DataStreamEntry(eds, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(eds.ObjectId, entry.id, "Event Hiding functionality relies on DataStreamEntry ids being the same as their underlying ObjectId.");
Exemple #8
        public void EventDataSet_HasRefcountAfterFrame_ReturnsTrueOnTrivialCase()
            EventDataSet testSet = new EventDataSet();

            //Add sample to the refcount stream
            testSet.AddSample((int)ResourceManager.DiagnosticEventType.AsyncOperationReferenceCount, 5, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, testSet.HasRefcountAfterFrame(0, true), "Refcount after frame was considered 0 when sample should have been added.");
Exemple #9
        public void EventDataSet_AddChild_SimpleAdd()
            EventDataSet testSet  = new EventDataSet();
            EventDataSet childSet = new EventDataSet();

            Assert.AreEqual(true, testSet.HasChildren, "hasChildren not properly updated.");
            Assert.AreEqual(childSet.ObjectId, testSet.m_Children[childSet.ObjectId].ObjectId, "Child not successfully retrieved from dictionary. ");
Exemple #10
        public void EventDataSet_GetStream_SimpleGet()
            EventDataSet testSet = new EventDataSet();

            testSet.AddSample(0, 0, 1);
            var soughtStream = testSet.m_Streams[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(soughtStream, testSet.GetStream(0), "Correct stream not returned by GetStream");
Exemple #11
        public void EventDataSet_AddSample_AddsToCorrectStream()
            EventDataSet testSet = new EventDataSet();

            testSet.AddSample(2, 0, 2);
            Assert.NotNull(testSet.m_Streams, "List of streams not properly initialized.");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, testSet.m_Streams.Count > 0, "List of streams was initialized, but not assigned to.");
            Assert.NotNull(testSet.m_Streams[2], "Stream 2 should not be null, as a sample should've been added to it.");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, testSet.m_Streams[2].GetValue(0), "Value retrieved from stream was incorrect.");
Exemple #12
        public void EventDataSet_GetStream_ReturnsNullOnNonexistentStream()
            EventDataSet testSet = new EventDataSet();

            Assert.IsNull(testSet.GetStream(1), "GetStream should return null when queried with a stream index greater than the count of total streams.");

            testSet.AddSample(2, 0, 2);

            Assert.IsNull(testSet.GetStream(1), "GetStream should return null when querying an uninitialized stream. ");
Exemple #13
        public static global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType GetTypedDataSetSchema(global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet xs)
            EventDataSet ds = new EventDataSet();

            global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType type     = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType();
            global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence    sequence = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence();
            global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny         any      = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny();
            any.Namespace = ds.Namespace;
            type.Particle = sequence;
            global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema dsSchema = ds.GetSchemaSerializable();
            if (xs.Contains(dsSchema.TargetNamespace))
                global::System.IO.MemoryStream s1 = new global::System.IO.MemoryStream();
                global::System.IO.MemoryStream s2 = new global::System.IO.MemoryStream();
                try {
                    global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema schema = null;
                    for (global::System.Collections.IEnumerator schemas = xs.Schemas(dsSchema.TargetNamespace).GetEnumerator(); schemas.MoveNext();)
                        schema = ((global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema)(schemas.Current));
                        if ((s1.Length == s2.Length))
                            s1.Position = 0;
                            s2.Position = 0;
                            for (; ((s1.Position != s1.Length) &&
                                    (s1.ReadByte() == s2.ReadByte()));)
                            if ((s1.Position == s1.Length))
                finally {
                    if ((s1 != null))
                    if ((s2 != null))
Exemple #14
        public void EventDataSet_HasDataAfterFrame_ProperBehaviorOnChildHasNoStreamCase()
            EventDataSet parentSet = new EventDataSet();
            EventDataSet childSet  = new EventDataSet();

            Assert.AreEqual(false, parentSet.HasDataAfterFrame(0), "HasDataAfterFrame should always be false for a dataset with no streams and no children.");
            Assert.AreEqual(false, childSet.HasDataAfterFrame(0), "HasDataAfterFrame should always be false for a dataset with no streams and no children.");


            Assert.AreEqual(false, parentSet.HasDataAfterFrame(0), "HasDataAfterFrame should always be false for a dataset with no streams and a child that has no samples/streams.");
Exemple #15
        public void EventDataSet_GetStreamValue_ReturnsZeroOnNullStreamIndex()
            EventDataSet testSet = new EventDataSet();

            //stream number > stream count case
            Assert.AreEqual(0, testSet.GetStreamValue(1, 1), "GetStreamValue should return 0 when queried with a stream index greater than the count of total streams. ");

            testSet.AddSample(2, 0, 2);

            //null stream case
            Assert.AreEqual(0, testSet.GetStreamValue(1, 0), "GetStreamValue should return 0 when querying the index of an uninitialized stream. ");
Exemple #16
        public void EventDataSet_HasDataAfterFrame_ProperBehaviorOnChildHasStreamCase()
            EventDataSet parentSet = new EventDataSet();
            EventDataSet childSet  = new EventDataSet();

            childSet.AddSample(0, 0, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(false, parentSet.HasDataAfterFrame(0), "HasDataAfterFrame should always be false for a dataset with no streams and no children.");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, childSet.HasDataAfterFrame(0), "HasDataAfterFrame should return true because the last sample of one of it's streams is nonzero.");


            Assert.AreEqual(true, parentSet.HasDataAfterFrame(0), "HasDataAfterFrame returned false even though a child EventDataSet has data past frame 0.");
Exemple #17
        public void EventDataSet_AddChild_ConfirmChildObjectConsistentWithReference()
            EventDataSet parentSet1 = new EventDataSet();
            EventDataSet parentSet2 = new EventDataSet();
            EventDataSet childSet   = new EventDataSet();


            childSet.DisplayName = "SameChild";

            Assert.AreEqual("SameChild", parentSet1.m_Children[childSet.ObjectId].DisplayName, "Display name not changed in m_Children despite being changed on child EventDataSet itself.");
            Assert.AreEqual("SameChild", parentSet2.m_Children[childSet.ObjectId].DisplayName, "Display name not changed in m_Children despite being changed on child EventDataSet itself.");
Exemple #18
        public void EventDataSet_RemoveChild_SimpleAddRemove()
            EventDataSet parentSet = new EventDataSet();
            EventDataSet childSet  = new EventDataSet();


            Assert.AreEqual(true, parentSet.HasChildren, "HasChildren should be true after a child is added. ");


            Assert.AreEqual(false, parentSet.HasChildren, "HasChildren should be false after child is removed. ");
            Assert.IsNull(parentSet.m_Children, "m_Children should be set to null after last child is removed. ");
Exemple #19
        public override void Draw(EventDataSet dataSet, Rect rect, int startFrame, int frameCount, int inspectFrame, bool expanded, Material material, int maxValue)
            if (dataSet == null || material == null)

            var stream = dataSet.GetStream(Stream);

            if (stream != null && stream.samples.Count > 0)
                material.color = GraphColor;

                if (m_Mesh == null)
                    m_Mesh = new Mesh();
                var endTime = startFrame + frameCount;

                m_Bounds     = new Rect(rect);
                m_GridSize.x = m_Bounds.width / frameCount;
                m_GridSize.y = m_Bounds.height / maxValue;

                int previousFrameNumber = endTime;
                int currentFrame        = endTime;

                for (int i = stream.samples.Count - 1; i >= 0 && currentFrame > startFrame; --i)
                    currentFrame = stream.samples[i].frame;
                    var frame = Mathf.Max(currentFrame, startFrame);
                    if (stream.samples[i].data > 0)
                        AddQuadToMesh(frame - startFrame, previousFrameNumber - startFrame, 0, stream.samples[i].data);
                    previousFrameNumber = frame;

                if (m_Verts.Count > 0)
                    m_Mesh.triangles = m_Indices.ToArray();
                    Graphics.DrawMeshNow(m_Mesh, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);
Exemple #20
        public void WriteResults(DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer, MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
            CycleDataResource cycleDataResource;
            FaultDataResource faultDataResource;

            DataGroup    dataGroup;
            FaultGroup   faultGroup;
            List <int>   seriesIDs;
            EventDataSet eventDataSet;

            string rootFileName;
            string fileName;

            cycleDataResource = meterDataSet.GetResource(() => CycleDataResource.GetResource(meterDataSet, dbAdapterContainer));
            faultDataResource = meterDataSet.GetResource(() => new FaultDataResource(dbAdapterContainer));

            if (!Directory.Exists(m_resultsPath))

            for (int i = 0; i < cycleDataResource.DataGroups.Count; i++)
                dataGroup = cycleDataResource.DataGroups[i];

                if (faultDataResource.FaultLookup.TryGetValue(dataGroup, out faultGroup))
                    rootFileName = FilePath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(meterDataSet.FilePath);
                    fileName     = string.Format("{0},{1:000},Line{2}.dat", rootFileName, i, dataGroup.Line.AssetKey);

                    seriesIDs = dataGroup.DataSeries
                                .Select(series => series.SeriesInfo.ID)

                    eventDataSet = new EventDataSet()
                        ResultsPath      = Path.Combine(m_resultsPath, fileName),
                        MeterDataSet     = meterDataSet,
                        TimeZoneOffset   = GetTimeZoneOffset(meterDataSet.Meter.TimeZone, dataGroup.StartTime),
                        DataGroup        = dataGroup,
                        VICycleDataGroup = cycleDataResource.VICycleDataGroups[i],
                        Faults           = faultGroup.Faults,
                        OutputChannels   = dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter <FaultLocationInfoDataContext>().OutputChannels.Where(channel => seriesIDs.Contains(channel.SeriesID)).ToList()

Exemple #21
        public void EventDataSet_HasRefcountAfterFrame_ReturnsTrueOnChildCase()
            EventDataSet testSet = new EventDataSet();

            testSet.AddSample((int)ResourceManager.DiagnosticEventType.AsyncOperationReferenceCount, 2, 1);
            testSet.AddSample((int)ResourceManager.DiagnosticEventType.AsyncOperationReferenceCount, 4, 0);

            EventDataSet childSet = new EventDataSet();

            childSet.AddSample((int)ResourceManager.DiagnosticEventType.AsyncOperationReferenceCount, 5, 1);


            Assert.AreEqual(true, testSet.HasRefcountAfterFrame(3, true), "Child refcount not properly considered when checking parent's refcount.");
Exemple #22
        public void EventDataSet_AddSample_ProperlyCreatesNullStreams()
            EventDataSet testSet = new EventDataSet();

            testSet.AddSample(4, 0, 2);
            Assert.NotNull(testSet.m_Streams, "List of streams not properly initialized.");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, testSet.m_Streams.Count > 0, "List of streams was initialized, but not assigned to.");

            Assert.IsNull(testSet.m_Streams[0], "0th stream was not null initialized like expected.");
            Assert.IsNull(testSet.m_Streams[1], "1th stream was not null initialized like expected.");
            Assert.IsNull(testSet.m_Streams[2], "2nd stream was not null initialized like expected.");
            Assert.IsNull(testSet.m_Streams[3], "3rd stream was not null initialized like expected.");

            Assert.NotNull(testSet.m_Streams[4], "4th stream was null initialized when it should have had a value added to it.");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, testSet.m_Streams[4].GetValue(0), "Value retrieved from stream was incorrect.");
Exemple #23
        private void WriteResults(EventDataSet eventDataSet)
            const StringComparison IgnoreCase = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase;

            // Get the path to the original data file
            string dataFilePath;
            string directory;
            string rootFileName;
            string schemaFilePath;

            Parser originalFileParser = null;

            dataFilePath = eventDataSet.MeterDataSet.FileGroup.DataFiles
                           .Select(dataFile => dataFile.FilePath)
                           .FirstOrDefault(path => path.EndsWith(".dat", IgnoreCase) || path.EndsWith(".d00", IgnoreCase));

            if (File.Exists(dataFilePath))
                // Get the path to the original schema file
                directory      = FilePath.GetDirectoryName(dataFilePath);
                rootFileName   = FilePath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dataFilePath);
                schemaFilePath = Path.Combine(directory, rootFileName + ".cfg");

                if (File.Exists(schemaFilePath))
                    // Create a parser to parse the original COMTRADE files
                    originalFileParser = new Parser()
                        FileName = dataFilePath,
                        InferTimeFromSampleRates = true,
                        Schema = new Schema(schemaFilePath)

            using (originalFileParser)
                if ((object)originalFileParser != null)

                // Write results to the COMTRADE fault record using the parser
                WriteResults(eventDataSet, originalFileParser);
Exemple #24
        private void WriteResults(EventDataSet eventDataSet, Parser originalFileParser)
            // Assume the data file path is the same as the results file path
            // and determine the path to the header and schema files
            string directory      = FilePath.GetDirectoryName(eventDataSet.ResultsPath);
            string rootFileName   = FilePath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(eventDataSet.ResultsPath);
            string headerFilePath = Path.Combine(directory, rootFileName + ".hdr");
            string schemaFilePath = Path.Combine(directory, rootFileName + ".cfg");
            string dataFilePath   = eventDataSet.ResultsPath;
            Schema schema;

            // Get structures containing the data to be written to the results files
            COMTRADEData comtradeData = new COMTRADEData();

            // If there are no waveforms to be written to the file, give up
            if (!eventDataSet.OutputChannels.Any())

            comtradeData.StationName   = eventDataSet.MeterDataSet.Meter.Name;
            comtradeData.DeviceID      = eventDataSet.MeterDataSet.Meter.AssetKey;
            comtradeData.DataStartTime = eventDataSet.DataGroup.StartTime;
            comtradeData.SampleCount   = eventDataSet.DataGroup.Samples;
            comtradeData.SamplingRate  = eventDataSet.DataGroup.Samples / (eventDataSet.DataGroup.EndTime - eventDataSet.DataGroup.StartTime).TotalSeconds;

            comtradeData.AnalogChannelData  = GetAnalogChannelData(eventDataSet);
            comtradeData.DigitalChannelData = GetDigitalChannelData(eventDataSet);

            // If the original file is available, use data from the original file
            // in order to update the data to be written to the results files
            if ((object)originalFileParser != null)
                FixCOMTRADEData(comtradeData, originalFileParser, eventDataSet.TimeZoneOffset);

            // Write data to the header file
            WriteHeaderFile(eventDataSet, headerFilePath);

            // Write data to the schema file
            schema = WriteSchemaFile(comtradeData, schemaFilePath);

            // Write data to the data file
            WriteDataFile(comtradeData, schema, dataFilePath);
Exemple #25
        public override void Draw(EventDataSet dataSet, Rect rect, int startFrame, int frameCount, int inspectFrame, bool expanded, Material material, int maxValue)
            if (dataSet == null)

            var endTime = startFrame + frameCount;
            var stream  = dataSet.GetStream(Stream);

            if (stream != null)
                var prevCol = UnityEngine.GUI.color;
                UnityEngine.GUI.color = GraphColor;
                if (expanded)
                    var text      = new GUIContent(maxValue.ToString());
                    var size      = UnityEngine.GUI.skin.label.CalcSize(text);
                    var labelRect = new Rect(rect.xMin + 2, rect.yMin, size.x, size.y);
                    EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, text);
                    labelRect = new Rect(rect.xMax - size.x, rect.yMin, size.x, size.y);
                    EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, text);

                if (inspectFrame != endTime)
                    var val = stream.GetValue(inspectFrame);
                    if (val > 0)
                        var   text      = new GUIContent(m_LabelFunc(val));
                        var   size      = UnityEngine.GUI.skin.label.CalcSize(text);
                        var   x         = GraphUtility.ValueToPixel(inspectFrame, startFrame, endTime, rect.width);
                        float pixelVal  = GraphUtility.ValueToPixel(val, 0, maxValue, rect.height);
                        var   labelRect = new Rect(rect.xMin + x + 5, Mathf.Max(rect.yMin, rect.yMax - (pixelVal + size.y)), size.x, size.y);
                        UnityEngine.GUI.DrawTexture(labelRect, EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, true, 0, m_BgColor, 50, 5);
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, text, UnityEngine.GUI.skin.label);
                UnityEngine.GUI.color = prevCol;
Exemple #26
        private List <COMTRADEChannelData> GetAnalogChannelData(EventDataSet eventDataSet)
            int sourceIndex;

            // Get COMTRADE channel information for each waveform to be output to the COMTRADE file
            IEnumerable <COMTRADEChannelData> waveformChannelData = eventDataSet.OutputChannels
                                                                    .Join(eventDataSet.DataGroup.DataSeries, channel => channel.SeriesID, series => series.SeriesInfo.ID, (channel, series) => new { OutputChannel = channel, DataSeries = series })
                                                                    .Select(waveformChannel => new COMTRADEChannelData()
                GroupOrder           = 0,
                LoadOrder            = waveformChannel.OutputChannel.LoadOrder,
                OriginalChannelIndex = int.TryParse(waveformChannel.DataSeries.SeriesInfo.SourceIndexes, out sourceIndex) ? sourceIndex : -1,
                Name  = waveformChannel.OutputChannel.ChannelKey,
                Units = GetUnits(waveformChannel.OutputChannel.ChannelKey),
                Data  = waveformChannel.DataSeries

            // Get COMTRADE channel information for each fault curve
            IEnumerable <COMTRADEChannelData> faultCurveChannelData = ToFaultCurves(eventDataSet.DataGroup, eventDataSet.Faults)
                                                                      .Select(tuple => new { Algorithm = tuple.Item1, DataSeries = tuple.Item2 })
                                                                      .Select((faultCurve, i) => new COMTRADEChannelData()
                GroupOrder           = 1,
                LoadOrder            = i,
                OriginalChannelIndex = -1,
                Name  = faultCurve.Algorithm,
                Units = string.Empty,
                Data  = faultCurve.DataSeries

            // Get COMTRADE channel information for each cycle data series to be output to the file
            IEnumerable <COMTRADEChannelData> cycleChannelData = GetCycleChannelData(eventDataSet.VICycleDataGroup, eventDataSet.OutputChannels);

            // Return all the analog channel data in one list
                   .OrderBy(channelData => channelData.GroupOrder)
                   .ThenBy(channelData => channelData.LoadOrder)
        public override void Draw(EventDataSet dataSet, Rect rect, int startFrame, int frameCount, int inspectFrame, bool expanded, Material material, int maxValue)
            if (dataSet == null)

            int endFrame = startFrame + frameCount;

            EventDataSetStream refStream = dataSet.GetStream(Stream);

            if (refStream != null)
                foreach (GraphUtility.Segment s in GraphUtility.IterateSegments(refStream, startFrame, endFrame, IsContinuationOfSegment))
                    if (s.data != 0)
                        float x = rect.xMin + GraphUtility.ValueToPixel(s.frameStart, startFrame, endFrame, rect.width);
                        float w = (rect.xMin + GraphUtility.ValueToPixel(s.frameEnd, startFrame, endFrame, rect.width)) - x;
                        EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(x, rect.yMin, w, rect.height), GraphColor);

            EventDataSetStream loadStream = dataSet.GetStream(m_LoadStatusStream);

            if (loadStream != null)
                foreach (GraphUtility.Segment s in GraphUtility.IterateSegments(loadStream, startFrame, endFrame, IsContinuationOfSegment))
                    if (s.data == 0)
                        float x = rect.xMin + GraphUtility.ValueToPixel(s.frameStart, startFrame, endFrame, rect.width);
                        float w = (rect.xMin + GraphUtility.ValueToPixel(s.frameEnd, startFrame, endFrame, rect.width)) - x;
                        EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(x, rect.yMin, w, rect.height), m_LoadColor);
Exemple #28
        public override void Draw(EventDataSet dataSet, Rect rect, int startFrame, int frameCount, int inspectFrame, bool expanded, Material material, int maxValue)
            if (dataSet == null)

            var endTime = startFrame + frameCount;
            var stream  = dataSet.GetStream(Stream);

            if (stream != null)
                for (int i = stream.samples.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    var frame = stream.samples[i].frame;
                    if (frame < startFrame)
                    EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(rect.xMin + GraphUtility.ValueToPixel(frame, startFrame, endTime, rect.width), rect.yMin, 2, rect.height), stream.samples[i].data == 0 ? m_EndColor : GraphColor);
        public void EventDataPlayerSession_AddSample_SimpleRecordEventCase()
            EventDataPlayerSession edps = new EventDataPlayerSession();

            DiagnosticEvent evt1 = CreateNewGenericEvent(ResourceManager.DiagnosticEventType.AsyncOperationReferenceCount, 0, 1);
            DiagnosticEvent evt2 = CreateNewGenericEvent(ResourceManager.DiagnosticEventType.AsyncOperationCreate, 0, 2);
            DiagnosticEvent evt3 = CreateNewGenericEvent(ResourceManager.DiagnosticEventType.AsyncOperationReferenceCount, 1, 1);

            bool entryCreated = false;

            edps.AddSample(evt1, true, ref entryCreated);
            Assert.IsTrue(entryCreated, "Either a new entry was supposed to be created, but was not, or the value of entryCreated was not properly updated.");

            edps.AddSample(evt2, true, ref entryCreated);
            Assert.IsFalse(entryCreated, "evt2: Either a new entry wasn't supposed to be created, but was, or the value of entryCreated was not properly updated.");

            edps.AddSample(evt3, true, ref entryCreated);
            Assert.IsFalse(entryCreated, "evt3: Either a new entry wasn't supposed to be created for, but was, or the value of entryCreated was not properly updated.");

            Assert.AreEqual(new List <DiagnosticEvent> {
                evt1, evt2
            }, edps.m_FrameEvents[0], "evt1 and evt2 were not properly added to m_FrameEvents");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, edps.m_EventCountDataSet.GetStreamValue(0, 0), "Value of the stream for m_EventCountDataSet was not properly set.");
            Assert.AreEqual(new List <DiagnosticEvent> {
            }, edps.m_FrameEvents[1], "evt3 was not properly added to m_FrameEvents");
            Assert.IsTrue(edps.m_DataSets.ContainsKey(evt1.ObjectId), "The corresponding EventDataSet for evt1-3 was not added to m_DataSets");

            EventDataSet eds = null;

            bool edsFound = edps.m_DataSets.TryGetValue(evt1.ObjectId, out eds);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, eds.GetStream((int)ResourceManager.DiagnosticEventType.AsyncOperationReferenceCount).samples.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, eds.GetStream((int)ResourceManager.DiagnosticEventType.AsyncOperationCreate).samples.Count);
Exemple #30
            public static global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType GetTypedTableSchema(global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet xs)
                global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType type     = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType();
                global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence    sequence = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence();
                EventDataSet ds = new EventDataSet();

                global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny any1 = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny();
                any1.Namespace       = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
                any1.MinOccurs       = new decimal(0);
                any1.MaxOccurs       = decimal.MaxValue;
                any1.ProcessContents = global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing.Lax;
                global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny any2 = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny();
                any2.Namespace       = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1";
                any2.MinOccurs       = new decimal(1);
                any2.ProcessContents = global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing.Lax;
                global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute attribute1 = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute();
                attribute1.Name       = "namespace";
                attribute1.FixedValue = ds.Namespace;
                global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute attribute2 = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute();
                attribute2.Name       = "tableTypeName";
                attribute2.FixedValue = "NoteDataTable";
                type.Particle = sequence;
                global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema dsSchema = ds.GetSchemaSerializable();
                if (xs.Contains(dsSchema.TargetNamespace))
                    global::System.IO.MemoryStream s1 = new global::System.IO.MemoryStream();
                    global::System.IO.MemoryStream s2 = new global::System.IO.MemoryStream();
                    try {
                        global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema schema = null;
                        for (global::System.Collections.IEnumerator schemas = xs.Schemas(dsSchema.TargetNamespace).GetEnumerator(); schemas.MoveNext();)
                            schema = ((global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema)(schemas.Current));
                            if ((s1.Length == s2.Length))
                                s1.Position = 0;
                                s2.Position = 0;
                                for (; ((s1.Position != s1.Length) &&
                                        (s1.ReadByte() == s2.ReadByte()));)
                                if ((s1.Position == s1.Length))
                    finally {
                        if ((s1 != null))
                        if ((s2 != null))
Exemple #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates an event and saves it in the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userToken">The userToken of the user performing the request</param>
        /// <param name="sysParameter">The system parameter to be added</param>
        /// <returns>An integer whih is the id of the newly created user</returns>
        public int UpdateEvent(string userToken, EventDataSet sysParameter )
            int newId = -1;
            if (IsUserTokenValid(userToken))
                    if (conn.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Open(); }
                    SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                    cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    cmd.CommandText = "spUpdateEvent";

                    var p2 = new SqlParameter[13];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
                        p2[i] = new SqlParameter();

                    p2[0] = new SqlParameter("name", sysParameter.Event[0].Name);
                    p2[1] = new SqlParameter("beginDate", DateTime.Parse(sysParameter.Event[0].BeginDate));
                    p2[2] = new SqlParameter("endDate", DateTime.Parse(sysParameter.Event[0].EndDate));
                    p2[3] = new SqlParameter("beginTime", sysParameter.Event[0].BeginTime);
                    p2[4] = new SqlParameter("endTime", sysParameter.Event[0].EndTime);
                    p2[5] = new SqlParameter("locationId", sysParameter.Event[0].LocationId);
                    p2[6] = new SqlParameter("orgId", sysParameter.Event[0].OrganisationId);
                    p2[7] = new SqlParameter("isRoutine", sysParameter.Event[0].isRoutine);
                    p2[8] = new SqlParameter("active", sysParameter.Event[0].Active);
                    p2[9] = new SqlParameter("updateUser", _userId);
                    p2[10] = new SqlParameter("id",sysParameter.Event[0].Id);
                    p2[11] = new SqlParameter("hasSession",sysParameter.Event[0].hasSession);
                    p2[12] = new SqlParameter("comments", sysParameter.Event[0].Comments);


                    newId = int.Parse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString());
                    if (conn.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)
                    //SetInterestsForEvent(newId, interests);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new OperationFailedException(ex.Message, ex);
                    if (conn.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)
            return newId;
Exemple #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the active events in the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userToken">The userToken of the user performing the request</param>
        /// <returns>An collection of inner variable which is an <see cref="SysParameterDataSet"/></returns>
        /*public EventDataSet GetActiveEvents(string userToken)

            var retDataset = new EventDataSet();

            if (IsUserTokenValid(userToken))
                    if (conn.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Open(); }
                    SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                    cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    cmd.CommandText = "spGetActiveEvents";

                    SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    if (reader != null)
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var sysParam = retDataset.Event.NewEventRow();

                            sysParam.Id = int.Parse(reader["Id"].ToString());
                            sysParam.Name = reader["Name"].ToString();
                            sysParam.BeginDate = DateTime.Parse(reader["BeginDate"].ToString());
                            sysParam.EndDate = DateTime.Parse(reader["EndDate"].ToString());
                            sysParam.BeginTime = DateTime.Parse(reader["BeginTime"].ToString());
                            sysParam.EndTime = DateTime.Parse(reader["EndTime"].ToString());
                            sysParam.VenueName = reader["VenueName"].ToString();
                            sysParam.OrganizerId = int.Parse(reader["OrganizerId"].ToString());
                            sysParam.OrganizerName = reader["OrganizerName"].ToString();
                            sysParam.VenueId = int.Parse(reader["VenueId"].ToString());
                            sysParam.MaxEntries = int.Parse(reader["MaxEntries"].ToString());
                            sysParam.HasExit = (bool)reader["HasExit"];
                            sysParam.Comments = reader["Comments"].ToString();
                            sysParam.Active = (bool)reader["Active"];


                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new OperationFailedException(ex.Message, ex);
                    if (conn.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)
            return retDataset;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all events in the database for the specified orgId
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userToken">The userToken of the user performing the request</param>
        /// <returns>An collection of inner variable which is an <see cref="SysParameterDataSet"/></returns>
        public EventDataSet GetEventsByOrgId(string userToken,int orgId)

            var retDataset = new EventDataSet();

            if (IsUserTokenValid(userToken))
                    if (conn.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Open(); }
                    SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                    cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    cmd.CommandText = "spGetEventsByOrgId";

                    var p = new SqlParameter("orgId",orgId);


                    SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    if (reader != null)
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var sysParam = retDataset.Event.NewEventRow();

                            sysParam.Id = int.Parse(reader["Id"].ToString());
                            sysParam.Name = reader["Name"].ToString();
                            sysParam.BeginDate = DateTime.Parse(reader["BeginDate"].ToString()).ToLongDateString();
                            sysParam.EndDate = DateTime.Parse(reader["EndDate"].ToString()).ToLongDateString();
                            sysParam.BeginTime = TimeSpan.Parse(reader["BeginTime"].ToString());
                            sysParam.EndTime = TimeSpan.Parse(reader["EndTime"].ToString());
                            sysParam.Location = reader["Location"].ToString();
                            sysParam.LocationId = int.Parse(reader["LocationId"].ToString());
                            sysParam.OrganisationId = int.Parse(reader["OrganisationId"].ToString());
                            sysParam.isRoutine = bool.Parse(reader["isRoutine"].ToString());
                            sysParam.hasSession = bool.Parse(reader["hasSession"].ToString());
                            sysParam.Active = (bool)reader["Active"];
                            sysParam.Comments = reader["Comments"].ToString();


                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new OperationFailedException(ex.Message, ex);
                    if (conn.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)
            return retDataset;
        private void WriteResults(EventDataSet eventDataSet, Parser originalFileParser)
            // Assume the data file path is the same as the results file path
            // and determine the path to the header and schema files
            string directory = FilePath.GetDirectoryName(eventDataSet.ResultsPath);
            string rootFileName = FilePath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(eventDataSet.ResultsPath);
            string headerFilePath = Path.Combine(directory, rootFileName + ".hdr");
            string schemaFilePath = Path.Combine(directory, rootFileName + ".cfg");
            string dataFilePath = eventDataSet.ResultsPath;
            Schema schema;

            // Get structures containing the data to be written to the results files
            COMTRADEData comtradeData = new COMTRADEData();

            // If there are no waveforms to be written to the file, give up
            if (!eventDataSet.OutputChannels.Any())

            comtradeData.StationName = eventDataSet.MeterDataSet.Meter.Name;
            comtradeData.DeviceID = eventDataSet.MeterDataSet.Meter.AssetKey;
            comtradeData.DataStartTime = eventDataSet.DataGroup.StartTime;
            comtradeData.SampleCount = eventDataSet.DataGroup.Samples;
            comtradeData.SamplingRate = eventDataSet.DataGroup.Samples / (eventDataSet.DataGroup.EndTime - eventDataSet.DataGroup.StartTime).TotalSeconds;

            comtradeData.AnalogChannelData = GetAnalogChannelData(eventDataSet);
            comtradeData.DigitalChannelData = GetDigitalChannelData(eventDataSet);

            // If the original file is available, use data from the original file
            // in order to update the data to be written to the results files
            if ((object)originalFileParser != null)
                FixCOMTRADEData(comtradeData, originalFileParser, eventDataSet.TimeZoneOffset);

            // Write data to the header file
            WriteHeaderFile(eventDataSet, headerFilePath);

            // Write data to the schema file
            schema = WriteSchemaFile(comtradeData, schemaFilePath);

            // Write data to the data file
            WriteDataFile(comtradeData, schema, dataFilePath);
        private void WriteResults(EventDataSet eventDataSet)
            const StringComparison IgnoreCase = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase;

            // Get the path to the original data file
            string dataFilePath;
            string directory;
            string rootFileName;
            string schemaFilePath;

            Parser originalFileParser = null;

            dataFilePath = eventDataSet.MeterDataSet.FileGroup.DataFiles
                .Select(dataFile => dataFile.FilePath)
                .FirstOrDefault(path => path.EndsWith(".dat", IgnoreCase) || path.EndsWith(".d00", IgnoreCase));

            if (File.Exists(dataFilePath))
                // Get the path to the original schema file
                directory = FilePath.GetDirectoryName(dataFilePath);
                rootFileName = FilePath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dataFilePath);
                schemaFilePath = Path.Combine(directory, rootFileName + ".cfg");

                if (File.Exists(schemaFilePath))
                    // Create a parser to parse the original COMTRADE files
                    originalFileParser = new Parser()
                        FileName = dataFilePath,
                        InferTimeFromSampleRates = true,
                        Schema = new Schema(schemaFilePath)

            using (originalFileParser)
                if ((object)originalFileParser != null)

                // Write results to the COMTRADE fault record using the parser
                WriteResults(eventDataSet, originalFileParser);
        private void WriteHeaderFile(EventDataSet eventDataSet, string headerFilePath)
            // Date-time format used in the header file
            const string DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ffffff";

            string lineName = eventDataSet.MeterDataSet.Meter.MeterLines
                .Where(ml => ml.LineID == eventDataSet.DataGroup.Line.ID)
                .Select(ml => ml.LineName)
                .FirstOrDefault() ?? eventDataSet.DataGroup.Line.AssetKey;

            using (FileStream stream = File.Create(FilePath.GetAbsolutePath(headerFilePath)))
            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream, Encoding.ASCII))
                // Write out the original list of files containing
                // the data used to generate this fault record
                writer.WriteLine("Disturbance files:");

                foreach (DataFile dataFile in eventDataSet.MeterDataSet.FileGroup.DataFiles)


                // Write the meter name to the header file
                writer.WriteLine("Meter: " + eventDataSet.MeterDataSet.Meter.Name);

                // Write out the name and length of the line on which the fault(s) occurred
                writer.WriteLine("Line: {0} ({1} {2})", lineName, eventDataSet.DataGroup.Line.Length, LengthUnits);

                // For each fault, write the distance, the most prominent fault type, the time of
                // inception, the time of clearing, and the duration of the fault to the header file
                for (int i = 0; i < eventDataSet.Faults.Count; i++)
                    int faultNumber = i + 1;
                    Fault fault = eventDataSet.Faults[i];

                    if (fault.IsSuppressed || fault.Summaries.All(summary => !summary.IsValid))

                    DateTime startTime = fault.InceptionTime;
                    DateTime endTime = fault.ClearingTime;
                    int startSample = fault.StartSample;
                    int endSample = fault.EndSample;
                    double duration = fault.Duration.TotalSeconds;

                    double distance = fault.Summaries
                        .Where(summary => summary.IsSelectedAlgorithm)
                        .Select(summary => summary.Distance)

                    writer.WriteLine("Fault {0}:", faultNumber);
                    writer.WriteLine("[{0}]       Fault distance: {1:0.00} {2}", faultNumber, distance, LengthUnits);
                    writer.WriteLine("[{0}] Prominent fault type: {1}", faultNumber, fault.Type);
                    writer.WriteLine("[{0}]      Fault inception: {1} (sample #{2})", faultNumber, startTime.ToString(DateTimeFormat), startSample);
                    writer.WriteLine("[{0}]       Fault clearing: {1} (sample #{2})", faultNumber, endTime.ToString(DateTimeFormat), endSample);
                    writer.WriteLine("[{0}]       Fault duration: {1:0.0000} seconds ({2:0.00} cycles)", faultNumber, duration, duration * m_systemFrequency);
        private List<COMTRADEChannelData> GetDigitalChannelData(EventDataSet eventDataSet)
            // Get an arbitrary data series from the collection of waveforms so
            // that we can use it to determine the timestamp of each data point
            DataSeries series = eventDataSet.DataGroup[0];

            // Create the function to convert a name and an index to a COMTRADEChannelData
            Func<string, int, COMTRADEChannelData> toChannelData = (name, index) =>
                new COMTRADEChannelData()
                    GroupOrder = 0,
                    LoadOrder = index,
                    OriginalChannelIndex = index,
                    Name = name,
                    Data = series.Multiply(0.0D)

            // Get the collection of COMTRADEChannelData for the fault-related digitals
            List<COMTRADEChannelData> digitalChannelData = new string[] { "Fault Detected" }
                .Concat(GetAllFaultTypes().Select(faultType => string.Format("{0} Fault Type", faultType)))

            // Populate the data points for each digital channel
            // based on the fault type of each segment of fault data
            foreach (Fault.Segment segment in eventDataSet.Faults.SelectMany(fault => fault.Segments))
                // Get the fault type of the segment
                FaultType faultType = segment.FaultType;

                // Get the value of each digital in this segment
                bool[] digitals =
                    faultType != FaultType.None,
                    faultType == FaultType.AN,
                    faultType == FaultType.BN,
                    faultType == FaultType.CN,
                    faultType == FaultType.AB,
                    faultType == FaultType.BC,
                    faultType == FaultType.CA,
                    faultType == FaultType.ABG,
                    faultType == FaultType.BCG,
                    faultType == FaultType.CAG,
                    faultType == FaultType.ABC

                // Populate the data points for this segment with the proper values based on fault type
                for (int i = 0; i < digitalChannelData.Count; i++)
                    double value = Convert.ToDouble(digitals[i]);

                    for (int j = segment.StartSample; j <= segment.EndSample; j++)
                        digitalChannelData[i].Data.DataPoints[j].Value = value;

            return digitalChannelData;
        private List<COMTRADEChannelData> GetAnalogChannelData(EventDataSet eventDataSet)
            int sourceIndex;

            // Get COMTRADE channel information for each waveform to be output to the COMTRADE file
            IEnumerable<COMTRADEChannelData> waveformChannelData = eventDataSet.OutputChannels
                .Join(eventDataSet.DataGroup.DataSeries, channel => channel.SeriesID, series => series.SeriesInfo.ID, (channel, series) => new { OutputChannel = channel, DataSeries = series })
                .Select(waveformChannel => new COMTRADEChannelData()
                    GroupOrder = 0,
                    LoadOrder = waveformChannel.OutputChannel.LoadOrder,
                    OriginalChannelIndex = int.TryParse(waveformChannel.DataSeries.SeriesInfo.SourceIndexes, out sourceIndex) ? sourceIndex : -1,
                    Name = waveformChannel.OutputChannel.ChannelKey,
                    Units = GetUnits(waveformChannel.OutputChannel.ChannelKey),
                    Data = waveformChannel.DataSeries

            // Get COMTRADE channel information for each fault curve
            IEnumerable<COMTRADEChannelData> faultCurveChannelData = ToFaultCurves(eventDataSet.DataGroup, eventDataSet.Faults)
                .Select(tuple => new { Algorithm = tuple.Item1, DataSeries = tuple.Item2 })
                .Select((faultCurve, i) => new COMTRADEChannelData()
                    GroupOrder = 1,
                    LoadOrder = i,
                    OriginalChannelIndex = -1,
                    Name = faultCurve.Algorithm,
                    Units = string.Empty,
                    Data = faultCurve.DataSeries

            // Get COMTRADE channel information for each cycle data series to be output to the file
            IEnumerable<COMTRADEChannelData> cycleChannelData = GetCycleChannelData(eventDataSet.VICycleDataGroup, eventDataSet.OutputChannels);

            // Return all the analog channel data in one list
            return waveformChannelData
                .OrderBy(channelData => channelData.GroupOrder)
                .ThenBy(channelData => channelData.LoadOrder)
        public void WriteResults(DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer, MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
            CycleDataResource cycleDataResource;
            FaultDataResource faultDataResource;

            DataGroup dataGroup;
            FaultGroup faultGroup;
            List<int> seriesIDs;
            EventDataSet eventDataSet;

            string rootFileName;
            string fileName;

            cycleDataResource = meterDataSet.GetResource(() => CycleDataResource.GetResource(meterDataSet, dbAdapterContainer));
            faultDataResource = meterDataSet.GetResource(() => new FaultDataResource(dbAdapterContainer));

            if (!Directory.Exists(m_resultsPath))

            for (int i = 0; i < cycleDataResource.DataGroups.Count; i++)
                dataGroup = cycleDataResource.DataGroups[i];

                if (faultDataResource.FaultLookup.TryGetValue(dataGroup, out faultGroup))
                    rootFileName = FilePath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(meterDataSet.FilePath);
                    fileName = string.Format("{0},{1:000},Line{2}.dat", rootFileName, i, dataGroup.Line.AssetKey);

                    seriesIDs = dataGroup.DataSeries
                        .Select(series => series.SeriesInfo.ID)

                    eventDataSet = new EventDataSet()
                        ResultsPath = Path.Combine(m_resultsPath, fileName),
                        MeterDataSet = meterDataSet,
                        TimeZoneOffset = GetTimeZoneOffset(meterDataSet.Meter.TimeZone, dataGroup.StartTime),
                        DataGroup = dataGroup,
                        VICycleDataGroup = cycleDataResource.VICycleDataGroups[i],
                        Faults = faultGroup.Faults,
                        OutputChannels = dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter<FaultLocationInfoDataContext>().OutputChannels.Where(channel => seriesIDs.Contains(channel.SeriesID)).ToList()

Exemple #39
        protected void btnSaveEvent_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TimeSpan add = new TimeSpan(0, 23, 59, 59);
            DateTime _beginDate = DateTime.Parse(dateBegin.Text).Date;
            DateTime _endDate;
            if (chkRoutine.Checked)
                _endDate = DateTime.Parse("9999-12-31").Add(add);
                _endDate = DateTime.Parse(dateEnd.Text).Add(add);
            TimeSpan _beginTime = DateTime.Parse(timeBegin.Text).TimeOfDay;
            TimeSpan _endTime = DateTime.Parse(timeEnd.Text).TimeOfDay;
            var eventDS = new EventDataSet();

                eventDS.Event.AddEventRow(Utilities.companyId, txtName.Text, _beginDate.ToString(), _endDate.ToString(),
                    int.Parse(cbLocations.SelectedValue), chkActive.Checked, chkRoutine.Checked,
                    cbLocations.SelectedItem.ToString(), Utilities.editId, chkHasSessions.Checked,txtDesc.Text);
            catch (Exception ex)
                SetToast("Error","Check form data.");

            if (Utilities.editId == -1)
                int result = dataProvider.AddEvent(Utilities.userToken, eventDS);

                if (result != -1)
                    Utilities.editId = -1;
                    SetToast("success","Event Created succesfully.");
                    btnCloseModal_OnClick(sender, e);
                    SetToast("error", "Event exists already.");

                int result = dataProvider.UpdateEvent(Utilities.userToken, eventDS);

                if (result != -1)
                    SetToast("success","Event updated succesfully");
                    Utilities.editId = -1;
                    SetToast("info","Event exists already");

//            var eventDS2 = new EventDataSet();
//            eventDS2.Event.AddEventRow(Utilities.companyId, txtName.Text, _beginDate, _endDate, _beginTime,
//                    _endTime,
//                    int.Parse(cbLocations.SelectedValue), chkActive.Checked, chkRoutine.Checked,
//                    cbLocations.SelectedItem.ToString(), Utilities.editId,chkHasSessions.Checked);
//            Session["eventId"] = Utilities.editId;
//            Session["eventName"] = txtName.Text;
//            TimeSpan sub = new TimeSpan(0,0,0,1);
//            Session["timeBeginCheck"] = _beginTime.Subtract(sub);
//            Session["timeEndCheck"] = _endTime;
//            Session["hasSession"] = chkHasSessions.Checked;
//            Session["eventParams"] = eventDS2;
//            Utilities.pageName = "btnManageEvents";
//            //Utilities.editId = -1;
//            Response.Redirect("/Organisations/EventCategories.aspx");