Exemple #1
        public async Task PerformanceTest_HundredsOfTimingEventsFinishesInAFewSeconds()
            // create the orchestrator
            var context = new EventContext();

                (m) => output.WriteLine(m.ToString())

            var time = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2018 10:00AM");

            // create a consumer that when it receives a time event, that matches it's schedule, it will trigger a log write event
            var timeEventConsumer = new TimeEventConsumer();

            timeEventConsumer.EventAction = (triggerTime) => context.RaiseEvent(
                new LogEvent(context)
                Message = $"Log of: TimeEvent hit at: {triggerTime.Ticks}",
                Time    = context.GetTimeNow()
            }, timeEventConsumer

            // create a schedule that will only fire the Action when the time matches the event time
            timeEventConsumer.Schedules.Add(new Schedule {
                Frequency = ScheduleFrequency.OncePerDay, TimeToRun = time

            var totalEventsSent = 100;

            // create a consumer that will see the evenets and write to the log
            var logWriteConsumer = new LogEventConsumer();

            context.RegisterConsumer <TimeEvent>(timeEventConsumer);
            context.RegisterConsumer <LogEvent>(logWriteConsumer);

            // run and ensure the listeners are all responding

            var tasks = Enumerable.Range(1, totalEventsSent)
                        .Select(index => Task.Run(() => context.RaiseEvent(new TimeEvent(context, time.AddDays(-1 * index)), null)));

            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

            context.AssertEventExists <TimeEvent>(totalEventsSent);
            context.AssertEventExists <LogEvent>(totalEventsSent);

            output.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Warehouse Contents:");

                             new ParallelOptions {
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10
                             (line) =>

            logWriteConsumer.LogLines.Count().Should().Be(totalEventsSent + 1);
Exemple #2
        public void TimeEventShouldTriggerOneAndOnlyOneSchedule()
            // create the orchestrator
            var context = new EventContext();

                (m) => output.WriteLine(m.ToString())

            var time = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2018 10:00AM");

            // create a consumer that when it receives a time event, that matches it's schedule, it will trigger a log write event
            var timeEventConsumer = new TimeEventConsumer();

            timeEventConsumer.EventAction = (triggerTime) => context.RaiseEvent(
                new LogEvent(context)
                Message = $"Log of: TimeEvent hit at: {triggerTime.Ticks}",
                Time    = context.GetTimeNow()
            }, timeEventConsumer

            // create a schedule that will only fire the Action when the time matches the event time
            timeEventConsumer.Schedules.Add(new Schedule {
                Frequency = ScheduleFrequency.OncePerDay, TimeToRun = time

            // create a consumer that will see the evenets and write to the log
            var logWriteConsumer = new LogEventConsumer();

            context.RegisterConsumer <TimeEvent>(timeEventConsumer);
            context.RegisterConsumer <LogEvent>(logWriteConsumer);

            // run and ensure the listeners are all responding

            context.RaiseEvent(new TimeEvent(context, time), null);
            context.RaiseEvent(new TimeEvent(context, time.AddDays(-10)), null);
            context.RaiseEvent(new TimeEvent(context, time.AddDays(10)), null);

            Thread.Sleep(500);             // just wait a bit for the events to be handled

            context.AssertEventExists <TimeEvent>(3);
            context.AssertEventExists <LogEvent>(3);

            output.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Warehouse Contents:");
Exemple #3
        public void Context_AddSchedule_ShouldAddCauseEventToBeTriggeredFromSchedule()
            bool reached = false;

            // create the orchestrator
            var context = new EventContext(defaultScheduleTimeIntervalInMilliseconds: 25);

                (m) => output.WriteLine(m.ToString())

            var timeSecond = DateTime.Now.Second;

            // create a schedule that will only fire the Action when the time matches the event time
            context.AddScheduledAction(new Schedule {
                Frequency = ScheduleFrequency.OnceEveryUnitsMinute, FrequencyUnit = timeSecond
                                       (hitTime) => { output.WriteLine($"EVENT HIT: {hitTime}"); reached = true; });

            // run and ensure the listeners are all responding

            Thread.Sleep(50);             // just wait a bit for the events to be handled

            // a few time e vents may be release
            context.AssertEventExists <TimeEvent>(atLeast: 1);
Exemple #4
        public void QueueEventProducerShouldRetrieveEventAndPutIntoContext()
            var memQueue = new MemoryEventQueue();
            var context  = new EventContext(eventQueue: memQueue);

                (m) => output.WriteLine(m.ToString())


            var testEvent = new TestEvent(context);

            // raise the event
            //context.RaiseEvent(testEvent, null);

            // give the system enough time to react to the event showing up

            // look for non-time events
            context.AssertEventExists <TestEvent>();