/// <summary>
 /// CREATOR: Steve Coonrod
 /// CREATED: 3\15\2020
 /// APPROVER: Ryan Morganti
 /// This is a helper method to Set up the EventApprovalForm as a View only Page
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="eventApprovalVM"></param>
 private void SetUpViewMode(EventApprovalVM eventApprovalVM)
     txtVolunteersNeeded.IsReadOnly     = true;
     btnApprove.Visibility              = Visibility.Hidden;
     btnDisapprove.Visibility           = Visibility.Hidden;
     lblAutogen.Visibility              = Visibility.Hidden;
     chkAutoGenVolunteerTask.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
     //Currently, the reviewer name being returned is actually the reviewers ID
     //Therefore, this checks to see if the value is parsable to an int and != 0
     //If so it tries to find the matching ID for a user in the DB
     //All just to get the info needed for the reviewer attached to this request
     if (Int32.TryParse(eventApprovalVM.ReviewerName, out int reviewerID) && reviewerID != 0)
         //Not Ideal, waiting for a retrieveUserByID method
         IUserManager _tempUserManager = new UserManager();
         foreach (var user in _tempUserManager.RetrieveAllActivePetUniverseUsers())
             if (user.PUUserID == reviewerID)
                 lblReviewerName.Content = user.FirstName + " " + user.LastName;
     else//this is the case for pending events
         lblReviewerName.Content        = "Not Applicable";
         txtVolunteersNeeded.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
         lblNeededVolunteers.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
     txtEventDisapprovalReason.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
     lblEventStatus.Content   += _event.Status;
     lblEventStatus.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
        /// <summary>
        /// CREATOR: Steve Coonrod
        /// CREATED: 3\08\2020
        /// APPROVER: Ryan Morganti
        /// This is a helper method which fills the forms fields with the Event's data
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// UPDATER: NA
        /// UPDATED: NA
        /// UPDATE: NA
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="eventApprovalVM"></param>
        private void FillFieldData(EventApprovalVM eventApprovalVM)
            lblBannerPath.Content          = eventApprovalVM.BannerPath;
            lblDateRequested.Content       = eventApprovalVM.DateCreated.ToString();
            lblEventAddressLineOne.Content = eventApprovalVM.Address;
            lblEventAddressLineTwo.Content = eventApprovalVM.City + ", "
                                             + eventApprovalVM.State + " "
                                             + eventApprovalVM.Zipcode;
            lblEventDescription.Text       = eventApprovalVM.Description;
            txtEventDisapprovalReason.Text = eventApprovalVM.DisapprovalReason;
            lblEventName.Content           = eventApprovalVM.EventName;
            lblEventTime.Content           = eventApprovalVM.EventDateTime.ToString();
            lblEventType.Content           = eventApprovalVM.EventTypeID;
                Uri uri = new Uri(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory
                                  + @"..\..\images\" + _event.BannerPath, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
                picEventPicture.Source = new BitmapImage(uri);
            catch (Exception ex)

            lblRequestedByName.Content = eventApprovalVM.RequestedByName;
            txtVolunteersNeeded.Text   = eventApprovalVM.DesiredVolunteers.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// CREATOR: Steve Coonrod
        /// CREATED: 3\08\2020
        /// APPROVER: Ryan Morganti
        /// This is the event handler for when this page loads
        /// Gets the Event's View Model through the Event Manager
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// UPDATER: NA
        /// UPDATED: NA
        /// UPDATE: NA
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //EventID = 0 on EventMgmt startup, which loads the empty constructor
            //This block is bypassed on startup, only occurs when called from the eventMgmt button
            if (_event.EventID != 0)
                    EventApprovalVM eventApprovalVM = _eventManager.GetEventApprovalVM(_event.EventID, _event.CreatedByID);
                    if (eventApprovalVM != null)

                        if (_approveMode == true)
                            lblReviewerName.Content        = _user.FirstName + " " + _user.LastName;
                            txtEventDisapprovalReason.Text = "Reason for disapproval";
                        else //If in View Mode
                        }//End View Mode
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.InnerException.Message);
        }// End SelectAllEvents()

        /// <summary>
        /// CREATOR: Steve Coonrod
        /// CREATED: 3/15/2020
        /// APPROVER: Ryan Morganti
        /// The data accessor method for Selecting an Event View Model
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Updater: NA
        /// Updated: NA
        /// Update: NA
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="eventID"></param>
        /// <param name="createdByID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public EventApprovalVM SelectEventApprovalVM(int eventID, int createdByID)
            EventApprovalVM retrievedEventApprovalVM = new EventApprovalVM();

            var conn = DBConnection.GetConnection();

            var cmd = new SqlCommand("sp_select_event_approval_request_by_eventID", conn);

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EventID", eventID);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CreatedByID", createdByID);
                var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                if (reader.HasRows)
                    while (reader.Read())
                        retrievedEventApprovalVM.RequestedByName = reader.GetString(0);
                        retrievedEventApprovalVM.DateCreated     = reader.GetDateTime(1);
                        retrievedEventApprovalVM.EventName       = reader.GetString(2);
                        retrievedEventApprovalVM.EventTypeID     = reader.GetString(3);
                        retrievedEventApprovalVM.EventDateTime   = reader.GetDateTime(4);
                        retrievedEventApprovalVM.Address         = reader.GetString(5);
                        retrievedEventApprovalVM.City            = reader.GetString(6);
                        retrievedEventApprovalVM.State           = reader.GetString(7);
                        retrievedEventApprovalVM.Zipcode         = reader.GetString(8);
                        retrievedEventApprovalVM.BannerPath      = reader.GetString(9);
                        retrievedEventApprovalVM.Status          = reader.GetString(10);
                        retrievedEventApprovalVM.Description     = reader.GetString(11);
                        if (!reader.IsDBNull(12))
                            retrievedEventApprovalVM.ReviewerName = reader.GetInt32(12).ToString();
                            retrievedEventApprovalVM.ReviewerName = "0";
                        if (!reader.IsDBNull(13))
                            retrievedEventApprovalVM.DisapprovalReason = reader.GetString(13);
                        retrievedEventApprovalVM.DesiredVolunteers = reader.GetInt32(14);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creator: Steve Coonrod
        /// Created: 02/06/2020
        /// Approver: Ryan Morganti
        /// No arg constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Updater: NA
        /// Updated: NA
        /// Update: NA
        /// </remarks>
        public FakeEventAccessor()
            //A fake repository containing 4 events
            puEvents = new List <PUEvent>()
                new PUEvent()
                    EventID       = 1000000,
                    CreatedByID   = 1000000,
                    DateCreated   = DateTime.Parse("01/24/2019 05:15 PM"),
                    EventName     = "Billy's Animal Parade",
                    EventTypeID   = "Fundraiser",
                    EventDateTime = DateTime.Parse("04/20/2020 05:15 PM"),
                    Address       = "202 First Street",
                    City          = "Cedar Rapids",
                    State         = "IA",
                    Zipcode       = "52402",
                    BannerPath    = "billysParade.jpg",
                    Status        = "PendingApproval",
                    Description   = "Billy Little is hosting a childrens animal parade."

                new PUEvent()
                    EventID       = 1000001,
                    CreatedByID   = 1000010,
                    DateCreated   = DateTime.Parse("01/24/2019 05:15 PM"),
                    EventName     = "Fun at the Lake",
                    EventTypeID   = "Adoption",
                    EventDateTime = DateTime.Parse("07/06/2020 06:30 PM"),
                    Address       = "202 Fawn Lake Drive",
                    City          = "Estes Park",
                    State         = "CO",
                    Zipcode       = "88233",
                    BannerPath    = "FawnLake.jpg",
                    Status        = "PendingApproval",
                    Description   = "Come spend some time with our animals out at Fawn Lake Animal Shelter."

                new PUEvent()
                    EventID       = 1000023,
                    CreatedByID   = 1000142,
                    DateCreated   = DateTime.Parse("01/24/2020 05:15 PM"),
                    EventName     = "Animal Cruelty Awareness Rally",
                    EventTypeID   = "Awareness",
                    EventDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/31/2020 05:15 PM"),
                    Address       = "1187 Arbor Lane",
                    City          = "Millbrook",
                    State         = "WI",
                    Zipcode       = "67421",
                    BannerPath    = "ACAR.jpg",
                    Status        = "PendingApproval",
                    Description   = "Animals are cruel and you need to know about it."

                new PUEvent()
                    EventID       = 1000418,
                    CreatedByID   = 1000055,
                    DateCreated   = DateTime.Parse("01/24/2019 05:15 PM"),
                    EventName     = "Lets All Monkey Around",
                    EventTypeID   = "Fundraiser",
                    EventDateTime = DateTime.Parse("01/24/2020 05:15 PM"),
                    Address       = "9391 Amazing Place",
                    City          = "Coolsville",
                    State         = "MI",
                    Zipcode       = "11697",
                    BannerPath    = "monkeys.jpg",
                    Status        = "Approved",
                    Description   = "Come join us at the Amazing Place and go bananas with our monkeys."

            //A fake repository containing 4 requests
            requests = new List <Request>()
                new Request()
                    RequestID     = 1000000,
                    DateCreated   = DateTime.Parse("01/24/2019 05:15 PM"),
                    RequestTypeID = "Event",
                    Open          = true

                new Request()
                    RequestID     = 1000001,
                    DateCreated   = DateTime.Parse("01/24/2019 05:15 PM"),
                    RequestTypeID = "Event",
                    Open          = true

                new Request()
                    RequestID     = 1000002,
                    DateCreated   = DateTime.Parse("01/24/2019 05:15 PM"),
                    RequestTypeID = "Event",
                    Open          = true

                new Request()
                    RequestID     = 1000003,
                    DateCreated   = DateTime.Parse("01/24/2019 05:15 PM"),
                    RequestTypeID = "Event",
                    Open          = false

            // A fake repository of 4 event requests
            puEventRequests = new List <EventRequest>()
                new EventRequest()
                    EventID           = 1000000,
                    RequestID         = 1000000,
                    ReviewerID        = 1000027,
                    DisapprovalReason = null,
                    DesiredVolunteers = 5,
                    Active            = true

                new EventRequest()
                    EventID           = 1000001,
                    RequestID         = 1000001,
                    ReviewerID        = 1000247,
                    DisapprovalReason = null,
                    DesiredVolunteers = 6,
                    Active            = true

                new EventRequest()
                    EventID           = 1000023,
                    RequestID         = 1000002,
                    ReviewerID        = 1000332,
                    DisapprovalReason = null,
                    DesiredVolunteers = 4,
                    Active            = true

                new EventRequest()
                    EventID           = 1000418,
                    RequestID         = 1000003,
                    ReviewerID        = 1001027,
                    DisapprovalReason = null,
                    DesiredVolunteers = 3,
                    Active            = true

            eventTypes = new List <EventType>()
                new EventType()
                    EventTypeID = "Adoption",
                    Description = "An Adoption Event"

                new EventType()
                    EventTypeID = "Awareness",
                    Description = "An Awareness Event"

                new EventType()
                    EventTypeID = "Fundraiser",
                    Description = "A Fundraising Event"

                new EventType()
                    EventTypeID = "Recruiting",
                    Description = "A Recruiting Event"

            eventApprovalVM = new EventApprovalVM()
                DateCreated       = DateTime.Parse("01/24/2020 05:15 PM"),
                EventName         = "Animal Cruelty Awareness Rally",
                EventTypeID       = "Awareness",
                EventDateTime     = DateTime.Parse("10/31/2020 05:15 PM"),
                Address           = "1187 Arbor Lane",
                City              = "Millbrook",
                State             = "WI",
                Zipcode           = "67421",
                BannerPath        = "ACAR.jpg",
                Status            = "PendingApproval",
                Description       = "Animals are cruel and you need to know about it.",
                RequestedByName   = "Billy Anderson",
                DesiredVolunteers = 0,
                DisapprovalReason = null,
                ReviewerName      = null