public virtual void CalculateMetrics(FeatureSubsetModel <IPredictorProducing <TOutput> > model,
                                             ISubsetSelector subsetSelector, Subset subset, Batch batch, bool needMetrics)
            if (!needMetrics || model == null || model.Metrics != null)

            using (var ch = Host.Start("Calculate metrics"))
                RoleMappedData testData = subsetSelector.GetTestData(subset, batch);
                // Because the training and test datasets are drawn from the same base dataset, the test data role mappings
                // are the same as for the train data.
                IDataScorerTransform scorePipe = ScoreUtils.GetScorer(model.Predictor, testData, Host, testData.Schema);
                // REVIEW: Should we somehow allow the user to customize the evaluator?
                // By what mechanism should we allow that?
                var            evalComp       = GetEvaluatorSubComponent();
                RoleMappedData scoredTestData = RoleMappedData.Create(scorePipe,
                                                                      GetColumnRoles(testData.Schema, scorePipe.Schema));
                IEvaluator evaluator = evalComp.CreateInstance(Host);
                // REVIEW: with the new evaluators, metrics of individual models are no longer
                // printed to the Console. Consider adding an option on the combiner to print them.
                // REVIEW: Consider adding an option to the combiner to save a data view
                // containing all the results of the individual models.
                var metricsDict = evaluator.Evaluate(scoredTestData);
                if (!metricsDict.TryGetValue(MetricKinds.OverallMetrics, out IDataView metricsView))
                    throw Host.Except("Evaluator did not produce any overall metrics");
                // REVIEW: We're assuming that the metrics of interest are always doubles here.
                var metrics = EvaluateUtils.GetMetrics(metricsView, getVectorMetrics: false);
                model.Metrics = metrics.ToArray();