public ReservationStatusPerDay(DateTime date) { InitializeComponent(); = date; DateTextBlock.Content = Essential.dateTimeToString(date); rearrangeGrid(); nowSelectedStatusControl = null; nowSelectedRow = -1; nowSelectedColumn[0] = nowSelectedColumn[1] = -1; ResetBackground(); }
public void refresh() { try { scrollViewContentPanel.Children.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (displayDate.AddDays(i).DayOfWeek != 0) { var view = new ReservationStatusPerDay(displayDate.AddDays(i)); view.onOneSelected = onOneSelected; if (i == 0) { view.mainBorder.BorderThickness = new Thickness(0); } scrollViewContentPanel.Children.Add(view); } } //remake leftLabelGrid leftLabelsGrid.Children.Clear(); leftLabelsGrid.RowDefinitions.Clear(); List <string> classroomList = ServerClient.getInstance().classroomList; Label nowBuildingLabel = null; for (int row = 0; row < classroomList.Count; row++) { //Add RowDefinition RowDefinition rowDef = new RowDefinition(); rowDef.Height = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star); leftLabelsGrid.RowDefinitions.Add(rowDef); //Get building name and classroom name string buildingName = (classroomList[row] as string).Split(':')[0]; string classroomName = (classroomList[row] as string).Split(':')[1]; //Add label to Grid Label classroomLabel = new Label(); classroomLabel.Content = classroomName; classroomLabel.Background = (row % 2 == 0) ? backgroundEven : backgroundOdd; classroomLabel.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; classroomLabel.VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; Grid.SetRow(classroomLabel, row); Grid.SetColumn(classroomLabel, 1); leftLabelsGrid.Children.Add(classroomLabel); //Adjust building label if (nowBuildingLabel != null && nowBuildingLabel.Content.Equals(buildingName)) { Grid.SetRowSpan(nowBuildingLabel, Grid.GetRowSpan(nowBuildingLabel) + 1); } else { Label buildingLabel = new Label(); buildingLabel.Content = buildingName; buildingLabel.Style = Resources["LabelStyle"] as Style; Grid.SetRow(buildingLabel, row); Grid.SetColumn(buildingLabel, 0); Grid.SetRowSpan(buildingLabel, 1); nowBuildingLabel = buildingLabel; leftLabelsGrid.Children.Add(buildingLabel); } } //remake reservationStatusControls List <StatusItem> items = ServerClient.getInstance().reservationListWeek(displayDate); var views = scrollViewContentPanel.Children; foreach (ReservationStatusPerDay view in views) { view.clear(); view.rearrangeGrid(); foreach (StatusItem item in items) { if ( == { int row = Int32.Parse(item.classroom); view.putData(row + 2, item.classtime - 1, item); } } } endDateLable.Content = " ~ " + Essential.dateTimeToString(displayDate.AddDays(6)); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace, "", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }