/// <summary>
        /// Logs a stack event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="event">The event.</param>
        public override void LogStackEvent(StackEvent @event)
            const int TimeColWidth     = 8;
            var       stackColWidth    = Math.Max(9, Math.Min(this.StackNameColumnWidth, 40));
            var       resourceColWidth = Math.Max(11, Math.Min(this.ResourceNameColumnWidth, 40));

            var ui = this.cmdlet.Host.UI;
            var bg = ui.RawUI.BackgroundColor;

            if (this.isFirstEvent)
                var eventFormatString =
                    $"{{0,-{TimeColWidth}}} {{1,-{stackColWidth}}} {{2,-{resourceColWidth}}} {{3,-{this.StatusColumnWidth}}} {{4}}";

                // Resize window to be wide enough for a reasonable amount of description per line
                this.ResizeWindow(string.Format(eventFormatString, "x", "x", "x", "x", Padding30).Length);

                this.isFirstEvent = false;
                this.LogInformation(eventFormatString, "Time", "StackName", "Logical ID", "Status", "Status Reason");
                this.LogInformation(eventFormatString, "----", "---------", "----------", "------", "-------------");

            var leftIndent = GetLeftMarginForLastColumn(
            var maxLineLength = ui.RawUI.WindowSize.Width - leftIndent;

            ui.Write($"{@event.Timestamp:HH:mm:ss} ");
            ui.Write(this.EllipsisString(@event.StackName, stackColWidth).PadRight(stackColWidth + 1));
            ui.Write(this.EllipsisString(@event.LogicalResourceId, resourceColWidth).PadRight(resourceColWidth + 1));

            var fg     = ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor;
            var status = @event.ResourceStatus.Value;

            if (status.Contains("ROLLBACK") || ErrorStatus.IsMatch(status))
                fg = ConsoleColor.Red;
            else if (status.EndsWith("IN_PROGRESS"))
                fg = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
            else if (status.EndsWith("COMPLETE"))
                fg = ConsoleColor.Green;

            ui.Write(fg, bg, status.PadRight(this.StatusColumnWidth + 1));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(@event.ResourceStatusReason))
                fg = ErrorStatus.IsMatch(status) ? ConsoleColor.Red : ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor;

                // Split text to fit in space we have in the window
                var charCount = 0;

                var lines = @event.ResourceStatusReason.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                            .GroupBy(w => (charCount += w.Length + 1) / (maxLineLength - 1)).Select(g => string.Join(" ", g))

                ui.WriteLine(fg, bg, lines.First());

                foreach (var line in lines.Skip(1))
                    ui.WriteLine(fg, bg, new string(' ', leftIndent) + line);