public async Task Update(ErrorOrigin entity) { using (var cmd = (DbCommand)_unitOfWork.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE ErrorOrigins SET " + "CountryCode=@CountryCode, " + "CountryName=@CountryName, " + "RegionCode=@RegionCode, " + "RegionName=@RegionName, " + "City=@City, " + "ZipCode=@ZipCode, " + "Latitude=@Latitude, " + "Longitude=@Longitude, " + "IsLookedUp = 1 " + "WHERE Id = @id"; cmd.AddParameter("CountryCode", entity.CountryCode); cmd.AddParameter("CountryName", entity.CountryName); cmd.AddParameter("RegionCode", entity.RegionCode); cmd.AddParameter("RegionName", entity.RegionName); cmd.AddParameter("City", entity.City); cmd.AddParameter("ZipCode", entity.ZipCode); cmd.AddParameter("Latitude", entity.Latitude); cmd.AddParameter("Longitude", entity.Longitude); cmd.AddParameter("Id", entity.Id); await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); } }
/// <summary> /// Appends text and scrolls down the log /// </summary> public void AppendOutput(string s, ErrorType errorType, ErrorOrigin origin) { if (errorType != ErrorType.Message) { s = "> (" + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + ") " + s; } TextEditor editor = null; var selTab = LogTab.System; TextMarkerService tms = null; switch (origin) { default: editor = Text_Sys; selTab = LogTab.System; tms = tms1; break; case ErrorOrigin.Build: editor = Text_Build; selTab = LogTab.Build; tms = tms2; break; case ErrorOrigin.Debug: case ErrorOrigin.Program: selTab = LogTab.Output; editor = Text_Output; tms = tms3; break; } if (editor == null) { return; } //TODO?: Find out why invoking the dispatcher thread blocks the entire application sometimes if (!Util.IsDispatcherThread) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { SelectedTab = selTab; int off = editor.Document.TextLength; editor.AppendText(s + "\r\n"); editor.ScrollToEnd(); AddMarkerForOffsetUntilEnd(editor, tms, off, errorType); }), System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Background); } else { int off = editor.Document.TextLength; SelectedTab = selTab; editor.AppendText(s + "\r\n"); editor.ScrollToEnd(); AddMarkerForOffsetUntilEnd(editor, tms, off, errorType); } }
internal void Set(Exception e, ErrorOrigin origin = ErrorOrigin.None) { Error = e.ToMessage(); Originator = origin; Exception = e; _callback?.Invoke(this); }
/// <summary> /// Process an event asynchronously. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">event to process</param> /// <returns> /// Task to wait on. /// </returns> public async Task HandleAsync(IMessageContext context, ReportAddedToIncident e) { // Random swedish IP for testing purposes if (e.Report.RemoteAddress == "::1" || e.Report.RemoteAddress == "") { e.Report.RemoteAddress = ""; } var numberStyles = NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign; var collection = e.Report.GetCoderrCollection(); if (collection != null) { var latitude = 0d; var longitude = 0d; var gotLat = collection.Properties.TryGetValue("Longitude", out var longitudeStr) && double.TryParse(longitudeStr, numberStyles, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out longitude); var gotLong = collection.Properties.TryGetValue("Latitude", out var latitudeStr) && double.TryParse(latitudeStr, numberStyles, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out latitude); if (gotLat && latitude > 0 && gotLong && longitude > 0) { var errorOrigin2 = new ErrorOrigin(e.Report.RemoteAddress, longitude, latitude); await _repository.CreateAsync(errorOrigin2, e.Incident.ApplicationId, e.Incident.Id, e.Report.Id); return; } } var latitude1 = e.Report.FindCollectionProperty("ReportLatitude"); var longitude1 = e.Report.FindCollectionProperty("ReportLongitude"); if (longitude1 != null && double.TryParse(latitude1, numberStyles, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var latitude2) && latitude1 != null && double.TryParse(longitude1, numberStyles, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var longitude2)) { var errorOrigin2 = new ErrorOrigin(e.Report.RemoteAddress, longitude2, latitude2); await _repository.CreateAsync(errorOrigin2, e.Incident.ApplicationId, e.Incident.Id, e.Report.Id); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Report.RemoteAddress) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(_originConfiguration.Value?.ApiKey)) { return; } var origin = new ErrorOrigin(e.Report.RemoteAddress); await _repository.CreateAsync(origin, e.Incident.ApplicationId, e.Incident.Id, e.Report.Id); }
private async Task LookupIpAddress(ErrorOrigin origin) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_originConfiguration.Value.ApiKey)) { return; } var url = $"{origin.IpAddress}?access_key={_originConfiguration.Value.ApiKey}"; var request = WebRequest.CreateHttp(url); var json = ""; try { var response = await request.GetResponseAsync(); var stream = response.GetResponseStream(); var reader = new StreamReader(stream); json = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); var jsonObj = JObject.Parse(json); /* * { * "ip":"", * "country_code":"SE", * "country_name":"Sweden", * "region_code":"10", * "region_name":"Dalarnas Lan", * "city":"Falun", * "zipcode":"", * "latitude":60.6, * "longitude":15.6333, * "metro_code":"", * "areacode":"" * } */ // Key is only included in error messages. if (jsonObj.ContainsKey("success")) { return; } var lat = double.Parse(jsonObj["latitude"].Value <string>(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var lon = double.Parse(jsonObj["longitude"].Value <string>(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); origin.Longitude = lon; origin.Latitude = lat; origin.City = jsonObj["city"].ToString(); origin.CountryCode = jsonObj["country_code"].ToString(); origin.CountryName = jsonObj["country_name"].ToString(); origin.RegionCode = jsonObj["region_code"].ToString(); origin.RegionName = jsonObj["region_name"].ToString(); origin.ZipCode = jsonObj["zip"].ToString(); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to call lookupService or parse the JSON: {json}.", exception); } }
/// <summary> /// Process an event asynchronously. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">event to process</param> /// <returns> /// Task to wait on. /// </returns> public async Task HandleAsync(IMessageContext context, ReportAddedToIncident e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Report.RemoteAddress)) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_originConfiguration.Value?.ApiKey)) { return; } if (e.Report.RemoteAddress == "::1") { return; } if (e.Report.RemoteAddress == "") { e.Report.RemoteAddress = ""; } var url = $"{e.Report.RemoteAddress}?access_key={_originConfiguration.Value.ApiKey}"; var request = WebRequest.CreateHttp(url); string json = ""; try { var response = await request.GetResponseAsync(); var stream = response.GetResponseStream(); var reader = new StreamReader(stream); json = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); var jsonObj = JObject.Parse(json); /* /*{"ip":"","country_code":"SE","country_name":"Sweden","region_code":"10","region_name":"Dalarnas Lan","city":"Falun","zipcode":"", * "latitude":60.6,"longitude":15.6333, * "metro_code":"","areacode":""}*/ var lat = double.Parse(jsonObj["latitude"].Value <string>(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var lon = double.Parse(jsonObj["longitude"].Value <string>(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var cmd = new ErrorOrigin(e.Report.RemoteAddress, lon, lat) { City = jsonObj["city"].ToString(), CountryCode = jsonObj["country_code"].ToString(), CountryName = jsonObj["country_name"].ToString(), RegionCode = jsonObj["region_code"].ToString(), RegionName = jsonObj["region_name"].ToString(), ZipCode = jsonObj["zip"].ToString() }; await _repository.CreateAsync(cmd, e.Incident.ApplicationId, e.Incident.Id, e.Report.Id); } catch (Exception exception) { _logger.Error($"Failed to store location for incident {e.Incident.Id}/report {e.Report.Id}: {json}", exception); } }
protected override void OnLog(Exception ex, ErrorType ErrorType, ErrorOrigin Origin) { Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { new CrashDialog(ex).ShowDialog(); })); //base.OnLog(ex, ErrorType, Origin); }
public async Task Can_store_origin() { var origin = new ErrorOrigin("", 934.934, 28.282); var uow = ConnectionFactory.Create(); var handler = new ErrorOriginRepository(uow); await handler.CreateAsync(origin, 1, 2, 3); uow.Dispose(); }
public async Task Can_store_origin() { var origin = new ErrorOrigin("", 934.934, 28.282); using (var uow = CreateUnitOfWork()) { var handler = new ErrorOriginRepository(uow); await handler.CreateAsync(origin, FirstApplicationId, _incidentId, _reportId); uow.SaveChanges(); } }
public static void Throw(ErrorOrigin origin, String message) { throw new Exception( Print.Alert( "Error", Print.SubContent(new string[] { Print.Message(origin.ToString(), message) } ) ) ); }
public async Task Can_store_origin() { var origin = new ErrorOrigin("", 934.934, 28.282); var uow = _testTools.CreateUnitOfWork(); _testTools.CreateUserAndApp(); var handler = new ErrorOriginRepository(uow); await handler.CreateAsync(origin, 1, 1, 1); uow.Dispose(); }
public async Task CreateAsync(ErrorOrigin entity, int applicationId, int incidentId, int reportId) { if (entity == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entity)); } if (applicationId <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(applicationId)); } if (incidentId <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(incidentId)); } if (reportId <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(reportId)); } using (var cmd = (DbCommand)_unitOfWork.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Id FROM ErrorOrigins WHERE IpAddress = @ip"; cmd.AddParameter("ip", entity.IpAddress); var id = await cmd.ExecuteScalarAsync(); if (id is int) { await CreateReportInfoAsync((int)id, applicationId, incidentId, reportId); return; } } using (var cmd = (DbCommand)_unitOfWork.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO ErrorOrigins (IpAddress, CountryCode, CountryName, RegionCode, RegionName, City, ZipCode, Latitude, Longitude, CreatedAtUtc) " + "VALUES (@IpAddress, @CountryCode, @CountryName, @RegionCode, @RegionName, @City, @ZipCode, @Latitude, @Longitude, @CreatedAtUtc);select cast(SCOPE_IDENTITY() as int);"; cmd.AddParameter("IpAddress", entity.IpAddress); cmd.AddParameter("CountryCode", entity.CountryCode); cmd.AddParameter("CountryName", entity.CountryName); cmd.AddParameter("RegionCode", entity.RegionCode); cmd.AddParameter("RegionName", entity.RegionName); cmd.AddParameter("City", entity.City); cmd.AddParameter("ZipCode", entity.ZipCode); //cmd.AddParameter("Point", SqlGeography.Point(command.Latitude, command.Longitude, 4326)); cmd.AddParameter("Latitude", entity.Latitude); cmd.AddParameter("Longitude", entity.Longitude); cmd.AddParameter("CreatedAtUtc", DateTime.UtcNow); var id = (int)await cmd.ExecuteScalarAsync(); await CreateReportInfoAsync(id, applicationId, incidentId, reportId); } }
/// <summary> /// Process an event asynchronously. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">event to process</param> /// <returns> /// Task to wait on. /// </returns> public async Task HandleAsync(ReportAddedToIncident e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Report.RemoteAddress)) { return; } if (e.Report.RemoteAddress == "::1") { return; } if (e.Report.RemoteAddress == "") { return; } var request = WebRequest.CreateHttp("" + e.Report.RemoteAddress); string json = ""; try { var response = await request.GetResponseAsync(); var stream = response.GetResponseStream(); var reader = new StreamReader(stream); json = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); var jsonObj = JObject.Parse(json); /* /*{"ip":"","country_code":"SE","country_name":"Sweden","region_code":"10","region_name":"Dalarnas Lan","city":"Falun","zipcode":"", * "latitude":60.6,"longitude":15.6333, * "metro_code":"","areacode":""}*/ var lat = double.Parse(jsonObj["latitude"].Value <string>(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var lon = double.Parse(jsonObj["longitude"].Value <string>(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var cmd = new ErrorOrigin(e.Report.RemoteAddress, lon, lat) { City = jsonObj["city"].ToString(), CountryCode = jsonObj["country_code"].ToString(), CountryName = jsonObj["country_name"].ToString(), RegionCode = jsonObj["region_code"].ToString(), RegionName = jsonObj["region_name"].ToString(), ZipCode = jsonObj["zip_code"].ToString() }; await _repository.CreateAsync(cmd, e.Incident.ApplicationId, e.Incident.Id, e.Report.Id); } catch (Exception exception) { _logger.Error("Failed to store location: " + json, exception); } }
/// <summary> /// Appends text and scrolls down the log /// </summary> public void AppendOutput(string s,ErrorType errorType,ErrorOrigin origin) { if(errorType!=ErrorType.Message) s = "> ("+DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()+") "+s; TextEditor editor=null; var selTab = LogTab.System; TextMarkerService tms = null ; switch (origin) { default: editor = Text_Sys; selTab = LogTab.System; tms = tms1; break; case ErrorOrigin.Build: editor = Text_Build; selTab = LogTab.Build; tms = tms2; break; case ErrorOrigin.Debug: case ErrorOrigin.Program: selTab = LogTab.Output; editor = Text_Output; tms = tms3; break; } if (editor == null) return; //TODO?: Find out why invoking the dispatcher thread blocks the entire application sometimes if (!Util.IsDispatcherThread) Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { SelectedTab = selTab; int off=editor.Document.TextLength; editor.AppendText(s + "\r\n"); editor.ScrollToEnd(); AddMarkerForOffsetUntilEnd(editor, tms, off,errorType); }),System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Background); else { int off = editor.Document.TextLength; SelectedTab = selTab; editor.AppendText(s + "\r\n"); editor.ScrollToEnd(); AddMarkerForOffsetUntilEnd(editor, tms, off,errorType); } }
protected override void OnLog(string Message, ErrorType etype, ErrorOrigin Origin) { if (Origin == ErrorOrigin.System) { base.OnLog(Message, etype, Origin); } try { if (Owner != null && Owner.Panel_Log != null) { Owner.Panel_Log.AppendOutput(Message, etype, Origin); } } catch { } }
private async Task <ErrorOrigin> LookupIpAddress(ReportAddedToIncident e) { var url = $"{e.Report.RemoteAddress}?access_key={_originConfiguration.Value.ApiKey}"; var request = WebRequest.CreateHttp(url); var json = ""; ErrorOrigin errorOrigin; try { var response = await request.GetResponseAsync(); var stream = response.GetResponseStream(); var reader = new StreamReader(stream); json = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); var jsonObj = JObject.Parse(json); /* /*{"ip":"","country_code":"SE","country_name":"Sweden","region_code":"10","region_name":"Dalarnas Lan","city":"Falun","zipcode":"", * "latitude":60.6,"longitude":15.6333, * "metro_code":"","areacode":""}*/ var lat = double.Parse(jsonObj["latitude"].Value <string>(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var lon = double.Parse(jsonObj["longitude"].Value <string>(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); errorOrigin = new ErrorOrigin(e.Report.RemoteAddress, lon, lat) { City = jsonObj["city"].ToString(), CountryCode = jsonObj["country_code"].ToString(), CountryName = jsonObj["country_name"].ToString(), RegionCode = jsonObj["region_code"].ToString(), RegionName = jsonObj["region_name"].ToString(), ZipCode = jsonObj["zip"].ToString() }; } catch (Exception exception) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to call lookupService or parse the JSON: {json}.", exception); } return(errorOrigin); }
protected virtual void OnLog(string Message, ErrorType ErrorType, ErrorOrigin origin) { var icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; if (ErrorType == ErrorType.Warning) { icon = MessageBoxIcon.Warning; } else if (ErrorType == ErrorType.Information || ErrorType == ErrorType.Message) { icon = MessageBoxIcon.Information; } MessageBox.Show(Message, origin.ToString() + " " + ErrorType.ToString(), MessageBoxButtons.OK, icon); try { if (origin == ErrorOrigin.System) { File.AppendAllText(IDEInterface.ConfigDirectory + "\\sys.log", Message + "\r\n", System.Text.Encoding.Unicode); } } catch { } }
public static void Log(Exception ex, ErrorType ErrorType, ErrorOrigin Origin) { Instance.OnLog(ex, ErrorType, Origin); }
protected virtual void OnLog(Exception ex, ErrorType ErrorType, ErrorOrigin Origin) { OnLog(ex.Message, ErrorType, Origin); }
public ErrorContent(string message, ErrorOrigin errorType) { Message = message; ErrorType = errorType; }
protected override void OnLog(string Message, ErrorType etype, ErrorOrigin Origin) { if(Origin==ErrorOrigin.System) base.OnLog(Message, etype,Origin); try { if (Owner != null && Owner.Panel_Log != null) Owner.Panel_Log.AppendOutput(Message, etype, Origin); } catch { } }
public static void Log(string Message, ErrorType ErrorType,ErrorOrigin Origin) { Instance.OnLog(Message,ErrorType,Origin); }
public static void Log(string Message, ErrorType ErrorType, ErrorOrigin Origin) { Instance.OnLog(Message, ErrorType, Origin); }
private async Task LookupCoordinatesUsingMapQuest(string mapQuestKey, ErrorOrigin origin) { #region JSON example /* * { * "info": { * "statuscode": 0, * "copyright": { * "text": "© 2018 MapQuest, Inc.", * "imageUrl": "", * "imageAltText": "© 2018 MapQuest, Inc." * }, * "messages": [] * }, * "options": { * "maxResults": 1, * "thumbMaps": true, * "ignoreLatLngInput": false * }, * "results": [ * { * "providedLocation": { * "latLng": { * "lat": 30.333472, * "lng": -81.470448 * } * }, * "locations": [ * { * "street": "12714 Ashley Melisse Blvd", * "adminArea6": "", * "adminArea6Type": "Neighborhood", * "adminArea5": "Jacksonville", * "adminArea5Type": "City", * "adminArea4": "Duval", * "adminArea4Type": "County", * "adminArea3": "FL", * "adminArea3Type": "State", * "adminArea1": "US", * "adminArea1Type": "Country", * "postalCode": "32225", * "geocodeQualityCode": "L1AAA", * "geocodeQuality": "ADDRESS", * "dragPoint": false, * "sideOfStreet": "R", * "linkId": "0", * "unknownInput": "", * "type": "s", * "latLng": { * "lat": 30.33472, * "lng": -81.470448 * }, * "displayLatLng": { * "lat": 30.333472, * "lng": -81.470448 * }, * "mapUrl": ",160&pois=purple-1,30.3334721,-81.4704483,0,0,|¢er=30.3334721,-81.4704483&zoom=15&rand=-553163060", * "nearestIntersection": { * "streetDisplayName": "Posey Cir", * "distanceMeters": "851755.1608527573", * "latLng": { * "longitude": -87.523761, * "latitude": 35.013434 * }, * "label": "Danley Rd & Posey Cir" * }, * "roadMetadata": { * "speedLimitUnits": "mph", * "tollRoad": null, * "speedLimit": 40 * } * } * ] * } * ] * } */ #endregion var url = $"{mapQuestKey}&location={origin.Latitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)},{origin.Longitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}&includeRoadMetadata=true&includeNearestIntersection=true"; var request = WebRequest.CreateHttp(url); var json = ""; try { var response = await request.GetResponseAsync(); var stream = response.GetResponseStream(); var reader = new StreamReader(stream); json = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); var jsonObj = JObject.Parse(json); var array = (JArray)jsonObj["results"][0]["locations"]; if (array.Count == 0) { return; } var firstLocation = jsonObj["results"][0]["locations"][0]; origin.ZipCode = firstLocation["postalCode"].Value <string>(); /* "street": "12714 Ashley Melisse Blvd", * "adminArea6": "", * "adminArea6Type": "Neighborhood", * "adminArea5": "Jacksonville", * "adminArea5Type": "City", * "adminArea4": "Duval", * "adminArea4Type": "County", * "adminArea3": "FL", * "adminArea3Type": "State", * "adminArea1": "US", * "adminArea1Type": "Country", * "postalCode": "32225",*/ for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { var token = firstLocation[$"adminArea{i}"]; var value = token?.Value <string>(); if (value == null) { continue; } switch (firstLocation[$"adminArea{i}Type"].Value <string>()) { case "Country": origin.CountryCode = value; break; case "State": origin.RegionName = value; break; case "County": break; case "City": origin.City = value; break; } } //origin.CountryName = firstLocation["country_name"].ToString(); //origin.RegionCode = firstLocation["region_code"].ToString(); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to call lookupService or parse the JSON: {json}.", exception); } }
private async Task LookupCoordinatesUsingLocationIq(string apiKey, ErrorOrigin origin) { /* * { * "place_id": "26693344", * "licence": "© CC BY 4.0, Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0", * "osm_type": "node", * "osm_id": "2525193585", * "lat": "-37.870662", * "lon": "144.9803321", * "display_name": "Imbiss 25, Blessington Street, St Kilda, City of Port Phillip, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, 3182, Australia", * "address": { * "cafe": "Imbiss 25", * "road": "Blessington Street", * "suburb": "St Kilda", * "county": "City of Port Phillip", * "region": "Greater Melbourne", * "state": "Victoria", * "postcode": "3182", * "country": "Australia", * "country_code": "au" * }, * "boundingbox": [ * "-37.870762", * "-37.870562", * "144.9802321", * "144.9804321" * ] * } */ var url = $"{apiKey}&lat={origin.Latitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}&lon={origin.Longitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}&format=json"; var json = ""; try { var request = WebRequest.CreateHttp(url); var response = await request.GetResponseAsync(); var stream = response.GetResponseStream(); var reader = new StreamReader(stream); json = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); var jsonObj = JObject.Parse(json); var address = jsonObj["address"]; if (address == null) { return; } /* "address": { * "cafe": "Imbiss 25", * "road": "Blessington Street", * "suburb": "St Kilda", * "county": "City of Port Phillip", * "region": "Greater Melbourne", * "state": "Victoria", * "postcode": "3182", * "country": "Australia", * "country_code": "au" * }*/ origin.City = address["city"]?.Value <string>(); origin.CountryCode = address["country_code"]?.Value <string>(); origin.CountryName = address["country"]?.Value <string>(); origin.RegionCode = address["region_code"]?.Value <string>(); origin.RegionName = address["state"]?.Value <string>(); origin.ZipCode = address["postcode"]?.Value <string>(); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to call lookupService or parse the JSON: {json}.", exception); } }
public static void Log(Exception ex, ErrorType ErrorType, ErrorOrigin Origin) { Instance.OnLog(ex,ErrorType,Origin); }
protected virtual void OnLog(string Message, ErrorType ErrorType, ErrorOrigin origin) { var icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; if (ErrorType==ErrorType.Warning) icon = MessageBoxIcon.Warning; else if (ErrorType==ErrorType.Information || ErrorType==ErrorType.Message) icon = MessageBoxIcon.Information; MessageBox.Show(Message,origin.ToString() +" "+ ErrorType.ToString(),MessageBoxButtons.OK,icon); try { if (origin == ErrorOrigin.System) File.AppendAllText(IDEInterface.ConfigDirectory + "\\sys.log", Message + "\r\n", System.Text.Encoding.Unicode); } catch { } }