Exemple #1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] input = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("script.bf");                  // Load Script.bf

            Interpreter  i  = new Interpreter(new Hub());                               // Declare Interpreter with a default Hub
            ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler(i);                                      // Declare an ErrorHanlder linked to the Interpreter
            Parser       p  = new Parser();                                             // Declare a new Parser

            eh.CheckForErrors(p, input);                                                // Check for errors using the Parser to break the text code down into functions and pipe the output though Interpreter.Log
            if (!eh.ErrorsFound)                                                        // If no errors were found, continue
                i.ExecuteSet(p.Run(input));                                             // Use the parser to convert the text into a Command Set Matrix, the use the Interpreter's Hub to execute a function for each command found
                i.log("\n[PROGRAM EXIT]");                                              // [PROGRAM EXIT]
            Console.ReadLine();                                                         // Press <enter> to exit