void Awake() { name = GetComponent <Text>(); EquipmentType equipType = gameObject.GetComponentInParent <EquipmentSlot>().EquipmentType; name.text = equipType.ToString(); }
public StanceTypes GetStanceType() { if (EquipmentType.ToString().Contains("Both")) { return(StanceTypes.BothHands); } if (EquipmentType.ToString().Contains("Single")) { return(StanceTypes.SingleHanded); } if (EquipmentType.ToString().Contains("Dual")) { return(StanceTypes.DualHanded); } if (EquipmentType.ToString().Contains("AndShield")) { return(StanceTypes.DualHanded); } if (EquipmentType == EquipmentTypes.Fists) { return(StanceTypes.Fists); } throw new Exception("'EquipmentType' must contain one of these to be valid: 'Single', Dual', 'AndShield', or 'Both'. Incorrect value is: " + EquipmentType.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Applique les passifs de l'équipement passif passé en paramètre. /// </summary> public void ApplyPassives(EquipmentType equip) { StateAlterationSource src; PassiveEquipment passiveEquip; switch (equip) { case EquipmentType.Armor: src = StateAlterationSource.Armor; passiveEquip = m_armor; break; case EquipmentType.Boots: src = StateAlterationSource.Boots; passiveEquip = m_boots; break; /*case EquipmentType.Amulet: * src = StateAlterationSource.Amulet; passiveEquip = m_amulet; break;*/ default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } StateAlterations.EndAlterations(src); if (passiveEquip != null) { foreach (StateAlterationModel model in passiveEquip.GetPassives()) { model.BaseDuration = StateAlteration.DURATION_INFINITY; AddAlteration(new StateAlteration("equip-passive-" + equip.ToString(), this, model, new StateAlterationParameters(), src), false); } } }
protected override void Awake() { base.Awake(); gameObject.name = EquipmentType.ToString() + "Slots"; image = GetComponent <Image>(); //image.color = new Color(image.color.r, image.color.g, image.color.b, 0f); }
protected override void InternalToXML(XmlWriter writer) { writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", type.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("IssuingMemberState", issuingMemberState.ToString()); base.InternalToXML(writer); }
protected override void OnValidate() { base.OnValidate(); // Automatically name the slot gameObject.name = equipmentType.ToString() + " Slot"; }
public virtual void BuildMachine(EquipmentType type) { var name = type.ToString(); m_machine = new Machine(name); m_equipment.Name = name; m_equipment.Machine = m_machine; }
public EquipmentId(string floorId, string corridorId, EquipmentType type, string sequenceId) { this.floorId = floorId; this.corridorId = $"{floorId}{idSeparator}{corridorId}"; this.type = type; this.sequenceId = sequenceId; string[] keys = { floorId, corridorId, type.ToString(), sequenceId }; this.value = string.Join(idSeparator.ToString(), keys); }
public ItemCollection GetValues() { var col = new ItemCollection(); for (EquipmentType i = 0; i < EquipmentType.Num; i++) { col.Add(i, i.ToString().SplitCamelCase()); } return(col); }
protected override void ProcessInternal(CustomBinaryReader reader, XmlWriter writer) { type = (EquipmentType)reader.ReadByte(); issuingMemberState = reader.ReadByte(); writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", type.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("IssuingMemberState", issuingMemberState.ToString()); base.ProcessInternal(reader, writer); }
public void AddEquipment(Equipment newItem) { equipment = newItem; equipmentName.text = slot.ToString(); if (!newItem.isDefaultItem) { equipmentButton.interactable = true; equipmentName.text = equipment.name; icon.sprite = equipment.icon; icon.enabled = true; icon.preserveAspect = true; } }
public void Refresh() { foreach (var go in itemSlots) { go.gameObject.SetActive(false); } selectedCha = chaController.selectedCharacter; selectedItem = null; SetUpChaEquipment(activedType); int count = 0; foreach (var kvp in PF_PlayerData.inventoryByCategory) { foreach (var id in kvp.Value.inventory) { bool addItem = false; if (string.Equals(kvp.Value.catalogRef.ItemClass, activedType.ToString()) && !PF_PlayerData.characterEquipedItem.Contains(id.ItemInstanceId)) { addItem = true; } else { continue; } if (addItem == true) { itemSlots[count].gameObject.SetActive(true); itemSlots[count].Init(this); itemSlots[count].SetUpButton(kvp.Value, id.ItemInstanceId); count++; } } } }
protected override void ProcessInternal(CustomBinaryReader reader, XmlWriter writer) { type = (EquipmentType)reader.ReadByte(); issuingMemberState = reader.ReadByte(); driverIdentification = reader.ReadString(14); replacementIndex = reader.ReadByte(); renewalIndex = reader.ReadByte(); writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", type.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("IssuingMemberState", issuingMemberState.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("ReplacementIndex", replacementIndex.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("RenewalIndex", renewalIndex.ToString()); writer.WriteString(driverIdentification); }
public Effect GenerateEffect(EquipmentType ET, Rarity rarity) { LevelAndTypeSpecificEffects.Clear(); foreach (Effect effect in Effects.EffectList) { if (effect.EquipmentType == ET.ToString() && effect.Rarity == rarity.ToString()) { LevelAndTypeSpecificEffects.Add(effect); } } Effect newEffect; int effectIndex; switch (ET) { case EquipmentType.Weapon: effectIndex = Random.Range(0, WeaponEffects.Count); newEffect = CheckForEffect(WeaponEffects[effectIndex]); return(newEffect); case EquipmentType.Armor: effectIndex = Random.Range(0, ArmorEffects.Count); newEffect = CheckForEffect(ArmorEffects[effectIndex]); return(newEffect); case EquipmentType.Accessory: effectIndex = Random.Range(0, AccessoryEffects.Count); newEffect = CheckForEffect(AccessoryEffects[effectIndex]); return(newEffect); case EquipmentType.Upgrade: effectIndex = Random.Range(0, UpgradeEffects.Count); newEffect = CheckForEffect(UpgradeEffects[effectIndex]); return(newEffect); default: return(null); } }
public ExtraItemData_JSON ToExtraItemData_JSON() { ExtraItemData_JSON eid = new ExtraItemData_JSON(); eid.MaxHealthIncrease = this.MaxHealthIncrease; eid.MaxManaIncrease = this.MaxManaIncrease; eid.ManaRegenIncrease = this.ManaRegenIncrease; eid.HealthRegenIncrease = this.HealthRegenIncrease; eid.ElementStrings = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (this.Elements != null) //TODO: Check to see if enclosing in if statement messed up anything~~~~~~~~~~ { foreach (KeyValuePair <Element, float> element in this.Elements) { eid.ElementStrings.Add(element.Key.ToString(), element.Value.ToString()); } } eid.EquipmentTypeString = EquipmentType.ToString(); eid.CastSpeedString = this.CastSpeed.ToString(); return(eid); }
protected override void getCommaSeparatedToStringProps(out string className, out string commaSeparatedProps) { className = "EquipmentItemModel"; string[] abilityStrings = new string[AbilityItemModels.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < abilityStrings.Length; i++) { abilityStrings[i] = AbilityItemModels[i].ToString(); } string abilities = "[" + string.Join(",", abilityStrings) + "]"; commaSeparatedProps = "EquipmentType: " + EquipmentType.ToString() + ", " + "MaxHealthBoost: " + MaxHealthBoost + ", " + "HealthRegenBoost: " + HealthRegenBoost + ", " + "MaxManaBoost: " + MaxManaBoost + ", " + "ArmorBoost: " + ArmorBoost + ", " + "SpellResistBoost: " + SpellResistBoost + ", " + "MeleeDamageBoost: " + MeleeDamageBoost + ", " + "MeleeCritBoost: " + MeleeCritBoost + ", " + "SpellDamageBoost: " + SpellDamageBoost + ", " + "SpellCritBoost: " + SpellCritBoost + ", " + "AbilityItemModels: " + abilities; }
protected override void OnValidate() { base.OnValidate(); gameObject.name = equipmentType.ToString() + " Slot"; }
public void Init(EquipSlotModel slotModel) { this.slotModel = slotModel; this.slotModel.onEquipItem += EquipItem; if (equipController != null) { if (equipController.equipType != equipType) { Debug.Log(string.Format("Can't equip item. Mismatch types: {0} >> {1}", equipType.ToString(), equipController.equipType.ToString())); return; } InstantiateItem(equipController.gameObject); } }
public override string GetItemType() { return(EquipmentType.ToString()); }
private void UpdateItemTypeLabel() { ItemTypeLabel.text = ((_EquipType == EquipmentType.None) ? "All" : _EquipType.ToString()); }
protected void Start() { gameObject.name = EquipmentType.ToString() + " Slot"; }
public string getItemType() { return(itemType.ToString()); }
public override string ItemType() { itemtype = equipment_type.ToString(); return(itemtype); }
private void showText(Equipment e, EquipmentType type) { if (e != null) { euipmentName.text = "name:" + e.ename; TypeName.text = "type:" + e.EquipmentType.ToString(); value.text = "value:" + equipment.value.ToString(); image.sprite = setSprite(e.path); if (type == EquipmentType.Helmet) { PDEF.text = "PDEF:" + equipment.PDEF; MDEF.text = "MDEF:" + equipment.MDEF; FirstAttribute.text = "ACC:" + equipment.ACC; SecondAttribute.text = "Block:" + equipment.Block; TypeName.text = "Type:" + EquipmentType.Helmet.ToString(); } else if (type == EquipmentType.Gloves) { PDEF.text = "PDEF:" + equipment.PDEF; MDEF.text = "MDEF:" + equipment.MDEF; TypeName.text = "Type:" + EquipmentType.Helmet.ToString(); FirstAttribute.text = "Pernetration:" + equipment.Pernetration; SecondAttribute.text = "Crit:" + equipment.Crit; } else if (type == EquipmentType.Pants) { PDEF.text = "PDEF:" + equipment.PDEF; MDEF.text = "MDEF:" + equipment.MDEF; TypeName.text = "Type:" + EquipmentType.Pants.ToString(); FirstAttribute.text = "HP:" + equipment.HP; SecondAttribute.text = "Crit:" + equipment.Crit; } else if (type == EquipmentType.Shoes) { PDEF.text = "PDEF:" + equipment.PDEF; MDEF.text = "MDEF:" + equipment.MDEF; TypeName.text = "Type:" + EquipmentType.Shoes.ToString(); FirstAttribute.text = "ACC:" + equipment.ACC; SecondAttribute.text = "Dodge:" + equipment.Dodge; } else if (type == EquipmentType.Armor) { PDEF.text = "PDEF:" + equipment.PDEF; MDEF.text = "MDEF:" + equipment.MDEF; TypeName.text = "Type:" + EquipmentType.Armor.ToString(); FirstAttribute.text = "Block:" + equipment.Block; SecondAttribute.text = "CritResistance:" + equipment.CritResistance; } else { PDEF.text = "ATK:" + equipment.PATK; MDEF.text = "MATK:" + equipment.MATK; TypeName.text = "Type:" + type.ToString(); FirstAttribute.text = "Crit:" + equipment.Crit; SecondAttribute.text = "CritDMG:" + equipment.CritDMG; } } else { euipmentName.text = "name:none"; TypeName.text = "type:none"; value.text = "value:none"; PDEF.text = "none"; MDEF.text = "none"; FirstAttribute.text = "none"; SecondAttribute.text = "none"; } }
public static string GetLocalize(this EquipmentType equipmentType) { return(LocalizationText.GetString(equipmentType.ToString().ToUpper())); }
private void OnValidate() { gameObject.name = equipmentType.ToString() + " Slot"; icon.enabled = false; }
protected override void OnValidate() { base.OnValidate(); // Set Name gameObject.name = type.ToString() + " Slot"; }
private void Awake() { gameObject.name = equipmentType.ToString() + " Slot"; }
public override string GetItemType() { return(equipmentType.ToString());//weaponType.ToString(); }
public EquipmentType EquipmentType; //Enum created before protected override void OnValidate() { base.OnValidate(); gameObject.name = EquipmentType.ToString() + " Slot"; // Name the slot automatically depending on the equipment type }
protected override void ProcessInternal(CustomBinaryReader reader, XmlWriter writer) { type=(EquipmentType) reader.ReadByte(); issuingMemberState=reader.ReadByte(); driverIdentification=reader.ReadString(14); replacementIndex=reader.ReadByte(); renewalIndex=reader.ReadByte(); writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", type.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("IssuingMemberState", issuingMemberState.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("ReplacementIndex", replacementIndex.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("RenewalIndex", renewalIndex.ToString()); writer.WriteString(driverIdentification); }