public Equation generate(Equation.Operator op)
        IEquationGenerator generator = generators[op];
        Equation generated = generator.generate();

        return generated;
 public void setupQuestion()
     Array operators = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Equation.Operator));
     currentEquation = EquationFactory.Instance.generate((Equation.Operator)operators.GetValue(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, operators.Length)));
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the AbstractFunction class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="str">Name of the function</param>
 /// <param name="type">Type of function</param>
 /// <param name="arit">Some integer</param>
 /// <param name="eqs">List of Eqs</param>
 /// <param name="weight">Weight of function</param>
 public AbstractFunction(string str, Type type, int arit, Equation[] eqs, double weight)
     this.Name = str;
     this.Type = type;
     this.Arit = arit;
     this.Eqs = eqs;
     this.Weight = weight;
Exemple #4
 // given the point P , return a new line parallel to L
 public static Equation GetParallelLine(Equation E, Point P)
     double Slope = E.m;
     Equation Parallell = new Equation();
     Parallell.m = Slope;
     Parallell.b = -Slope * P.X + P.Y;
     return Parallell;
 private EquationBalancer(Equation eq)
     equation = eq;
     left = eq.left;
     leftCoeff = eq.leftCoeff;
     right = eq.right;
     rightCoeff = eq.rightCoeff;
 /// <summary> Only method a program needs to use.
 ///	Returns true iff the balance is successful. </summary>
 public static bool BalanceEquation(Equation eq)
     //creates a new instance to be thread safe
     EquationBalancer balancer = new EquationBalancer(eq);
     if(!balancer.equation.Balanced) {
         balancer.BruteForceBalance(20, 0);
     return balancer.equation.Balanced;
Exemple #7
 // given a point P , return the perpendicular projection point with the line L
 public static Point GetPIntersection(Line L, Point P)
     Equation E = GetEquation(L);
     double Slope = -1 / E.m;
     Equation Perpendicular = new Equation();
     Perpendicular.m = Slope;
     Perpendicular.b = -Slope * P.X + P.Y;
     Point r = GetIntersection(E, Perpendicular);
     return r;
Exemple #8
        // return the intersection point bewteen two lines
        public static Point GetIntersection(Equation E1, Equation E2 )

            double delta = E2.m - E1.m;
            if (delta == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Lines are parallel");
            double x = Double.Parse(((E1.b-E2.b)/delta).ToString("0.00"));
            double y = Double.Parse(((- E1.m * E2.b + E2.m * E1.b) / delta).ToString("0.00"));            
            return new Point(x,y);
    /****** BUTTONS ******/

    private void setupButtons(Equation equation)
        int[] guesses = equation.getGuesses(inputButtons.Length);

        for (int i = 0; i < inputButtons.Length; i++)
            updateButtonText(inputButtons[i], guesses[i].ToString());        
Exemple #10
        public void ShoudCheckIfEquationIsNotRight()
            //x=2x; x=1 not true
            var varX = new Variable("x");
            varX.Value = new List<Expression>()
                new Expression(1, Variable.NULL)

            var left = new Expression(1, varX);
            var right = new Expression(2, varX);

            var target = new Equation(left, right);

            var result = target.IsCorrect;

Exemple #11
        public void ShouldCompare2Equations()
            var left11 = new Expression(1, new Variable("x"));
            var left21 = new Expression(2, new Variable("y"));
            var rightPart1 = new Expression(1, Variable.NULL);
            var leftPart1 = new List<Expression> {left11, left21};

            var left12 = new Expression(10, new Variable("x"));
            var left22 = new Expression(20, new Variable("y"));
            var rightPart2 = new Expression(10, Variable.NULL);
            var leftPart2 = new List<Expression> { left12, left22 };

            var target1 = new Equation(leftPart1, rightPart1);
            var target2 = new Equation(leftPart2, rightPart2);

            bool result = target1.IsEquivalent(target2);
        public void ShouldSolveSystemWith1EquationAnd1Variable()
            // x = 2
            var variableX = new Variable("x");
            var left = new Expression(1, variableX);
            var right = new Expression(2, Variable.NULL);
            var equation = new Equation(left, right);
            var equationList = new List<Equation>();

            var target = new SystemOfEquations(equationList);
            var result = variableX.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.First().Coefficient);
            Assert.AreEqual(Variable.NULL, result.First().Variable);
            private Equation MergeEquations(Equation eq1, Equation eq2)
                if (eq1.Divisor == eq2.Divisor)
                    return(new Equation
                        Dividend = eq2.Divisor,
                        Divisor = eq1.Divisor,
                        Result = eq2.Result / eq1.Result
                if (eq1.Dividend == eq2.Dividend)
                    return(new Equation
                        Dividend = eq1.Divisor,
                        Divisor = eq2.Divisor,
                        Result = eq2.Result / eq1.Result
                if (eq1.Dividend == eq2.Divisor)
                    return(new Equation
                        Dividend = eq2.Dividend,
                        Divisor = eq1.Divisor,
                        Result = eq1.Result * eq2.Result
                if (eq1.Divisor == eq2.Dividend)
                    return(new Equation
                        Dividend = eq1.Dividend,
                        Divisor = eq2.Divisor,
                        Result = eq1.Result * eq2.Result

                throw new ArgumentException("Unable to merge");
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert this <c>LinearCurve</c> to a <c>Graphmatic.Interaction.Equation</c> object representing the same line.
        /// </summary>
        public override Equation ToEquation()
            Expression expression = new Expression(null);

            expression.Add(new VariableToken(DependentVariable));
            expression.Add(new SymbolicToken(SymbolicToken.SymbolicType.Equals));
            if (Slope >= 0) // avoid adding consecutive +- tokens
                expression.Add(new OperationToken(OperationToken.OperationType.Add));
            expression.Add(new VariableToken(IndependentVariable));
            Equation equation = new Equation(expression)
                Name = this.ToString()

Exemple #15
        private static bool SatisfyLineGeneralForm(Equation equation, out Line line)
            line = null;
            var lhsTerm = equation.Lhs as Term;

            if (lhsTerm == null)

            var rhsZero = equation.Rhs.Equals(0);

            if (!rhsZero)

            lhsTerm = lhsTerm.FlatTerm();
            line    = lhsTerm.UnifyLineTerm();
            return(line != null);
Exemple #16
        public void Invoke()
            var totalLinesProcessed = 0;

            var inputLines = File.ReadAllLines(InputFile);

            var outputLines = inputLines.Select((input, i) =>
                if (Equation.TryParse(input, out Equation equation))
                string message = $"Failed to parse line {i}: {input}";
                throw new Exception(message);

            File.WriteAllLines(OutputFile, outputLines);

            Console.WriteLine($"Processed {totalLinesProcessed} lines.");
Exemple #17
        public void Test_Reify_1()
            //a = 1, a*b = -1;
            //true positive
            var graph   = new RelationGraph();
            var a       = new Var("a");
            var b       = new Var("b");
            var eqGoal  = new EqGoal(a, 1);
            var lhsTerm = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List <object>()
                a, b
            var equation = new Equation(lhsTerm, -1);

            var en = graph.AddNode(equation) as EquationNode;

            Assert.True(en.Equation.CachedEntities.Count == 1);
            Assert.True(graph.Nodes.Count == 3);
Exemple #18
        public void Invoke()
            Console.WriteLine("(To exit press Ctrl+C)");

            while (true)
                Console.Write("Enter equation: ");
                string line = Console.ReadLine();

                Equation equation;
                if (Equation.TryParse(line, out equation))
                    Console.WriteLine("Canonical form: " + equation.ToCanonicalForm());
                    Console.WriteLine("Cannot parse equation. Please make sure it has valid format.");
Exemple #19
        public void ShouldCreateEquationWithComplexLeftAndRightParts()
            var rigth1 = new Expression(2, Variable.NULL);
            var rigth2 = new Expression(2, new Variable("y"));
            var rigthPart = new List<Expression>() { rigth1, rigth2 };

            var expression1 = new Expression(2.4, new Variable("x"));
            var expression2 = new Expression(2.4, new Variable("y"));
            var leftPart = new List<Expression>() { expression1, expression2 };

            var target = new Equation(leftPart, rigthPart);

            Assert.AreEqual(expression1.Coefficient, target.LeftPart.First().Coefficient);
            Assert.AreEqual(expression1.Variable.Name, target.LeftPart.First().Variable.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(expression2.Coefficient, target.LeftPart.Last().Coefficient);
            Assert.AreEqual(expression2.Variable.Name, target.LeftPart.Last().Variable.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(rigth1.Coefficient, target.RightPart.First().Coefficient);
            Assert.AreEqual(rigth1.Variable.Name, target.RightPart.First().Variable.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(rigth2.Coefficient, target.RightPart.Last().Coefficient);
            Assert.AreEqual(rigth2.Variable.Name, target.RightPart.Last().Variable.Name);
        public void Resolve()
            var e1 = new Equation(Variable.Slack(2), new[]
                new VariableFactor(Variable.Problem(1), -40),
                new VariableFactor(Variable.Problem(2), -120)
            }, 2400);
            var e2 = new Equation(Variable.Problem(1), new[]
                new VariableFactor(Variable.Slack(1), -1),
                new VariableFactor(Variable.Problem(2), -1)
            }, 40);

            var r = new Equation(Variable.Slack(2), new[]
                new VariableFactor(Variable.Slack(1), 40),
                new VariableFactor(Variable.Problem(2), -80)
            }, 800);

            Assert.AreEqual(r, e1.Resolve(e2));
    public void NextEquation()
        if (currentEquation.status == Equation.Status.Null)
            currentEquation.status = Equation.Status.Skipped;

        clusters[currentEquationIndex] = null;
        currentEquation = EquationCache.SharedCache.GetEquation(currentEquationIndex);

        if (currentEquation == null)
            displayEquation = false;

Exemple #22
        private static bool SatisfySpecialForm(Equation equation, out Line line)
            line = null;

            bool isRhsNum = LogicSharp.IsNumeric(equation.Rhs);

            if (!isRhsNum)

            double dNum;

            LogicSharp.IsDouble(equation.Rhs, out dNum);

            double rhs = -1 * dNum;
            object xCoeff;
            bool   result = IsXTerm(equation.Lhs, out xCoeff);

            if (result)
                line = new Line(null, xCoeff, null, rhs);
            object yCoeff;

            result = IsYTerm(equation.Lhs, out yCoeff);
            if (result)
                line = new Line(null, null, yCoeff, rhs);
            result = IsXYTerm(equation.Lhs, out xCoeff, out yCoeff);
            if (result)
                line = new Line(null, xCoeff, yCoeff, rhs);
Exemple #23
    public void Render(ref Equation equation, ref float dT, ref int maxNumSolutions, ref float epsilon, ref float stepSolverDT, ref float solutionScaler, ref Vector3 initialState)
        if (equation != null)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200, 10, 150, 30), equation.GetName());
            for (int i = 0; i < equation.Parameters.List.Count; i++)
                equation.Parameters.List[i].value =
                    GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(Screen.width - 190, 45 + i * 40, 150, 30), equation.Parameters.List[i].value, -50f, 50f);
                GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 245, 45 + i * 40, 100, 30), equation.Parameters.List[i].name);
                GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 100, 55 + i * 40, 100, 30), equation.Parameters.List[i].value.ToString());

        dT = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(100, 45, 100, 30), dT, 0.0001F, 0.01F);
        GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 40, 100, 30), "dt");

        maxNumSolutions = (int)GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(100, 85, 100, 30), maxNumSolutions, 1000, 100000);
        GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 80, 100, 30), "length");

        epsilon = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(100, 125, 100, 30), epsilon, 0.01F, 0.0000001F);
        GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 120, 100, 30), "accuracy");

        stepSolverDT = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(100, 165, 100, 30), stepSolverDT, 0.001f, 0.00001f);
        GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 160, 100, 30), "anim speed");

        solutionScaler = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(100, 200, 100, 30), solutionScaler, .1f, 10f);
        GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 200, 100, 30), "scaler");

        x = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(20, Screen.height - 50, 50, 30), x, -10f, 10f);
        GUI.Label(new Rect(25, Screen.height - 40, 50, 30), "x=" + x.ToString("#.##"));

        y = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(80, Screen.height - 50, 50, 30), y, -10f, 10f);
        GUI.Label(new Rect(85, Screen.height - 40, 50, 30), "y=" + y.ToString("#.##"));

        z = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(140, Screen.height - 50, 50, 30), z, -10f, 10f);
        GUI.Label(new Rect(145, Screen.height - 40, 50, 30), "z=" + z.ToString("#.##"));

        initialState = new Vector3(x, y, z);
Exemple #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Fits a circle at a point providing G2 connection: coincidence of Continuity+Tangency+Curvature.
        /// <para/>The specified tolerance actually refers to clothoid parametric equation parameter value, rather than a true result spatial accuracy.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool FitCircle(Clothoid clothoid, Point point, double tol, out Circle circle, out double clothoidLength)
            circle         = new Circle(Point.NaP, double.NaN);
            clothoidLength = double.NaN;

            if (double.IsNaN(clothoid.CurvatureRate))

            var newXAxis = new Line(clothoid.Origin, clothoid.OriginDirection);
            var vx       = newXAxis.GetProjection(point) - clothoid.Origin;
            var pt       = new Point(vx.Length * Math.Sign(vx * newXAxis.Direction), newXAxis.DistanceTo(point));

            if (pt.X * pt.Y * clothoid.CurvatureRate <= 0.0)

            Equation.Func func = length => Math.Abs(GetRadius(clothoid.CurvatureRate, length)) -
                                 (GetCurvatureCenter(clothoid.CurvatureRate, length) - pt).Length;

            var sign   = Math.Sign(clothoid.CurvatureRate * pt.Y);
            var boundL = sqrtPi / Math.Abs(clothoid.CurvatureRate) * sign;

            clothoidLength = Equation.SolveBisection(func, 0 + tol * sign, boundL - tol * sign, tol);
            // Brent method does not work since the func changes it's 2nd derivative sign

            if (double.IsNaN(clothoidLength))

            var r = GetRadius(clothoid.CurvatureRate, clothoidLength);
            var c = clothoid.GetPoint(clothoidLength) + clothoid.GetNormal(clothoidLength) * r;

            circle = new Circle(c, r);
Exemple #25
        public void Test_Unify_1()
            //a = 1, a*b = -1;
            //true positive

            var a      = new Var("a");
            var b      = new Var("b");
            var eqGoal = new EqGoal(a, 1);

            var lhsTerm = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List <object>()
                a, b
            var equation = new Equation(lhsTerm, -1);
            var eqNode   = new EquationNode(equation);

            object obj;
            bool   result = RelationLogic.ConstraintCheck(eqNode, eqGoal, null, out obj);

        // DELETE api/Equation/5
        public HttpResponseMessage DeleteEquation(int id)
            Equation equation = db.Equations.Find(id);

            if (equation == null)


            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex)
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, ex));

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, equation));
Exemple #27
        private void resetEquation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Reset equation button
            quadFormula = new Equation();

            //Reset solve button
            solveEquation.Font = new Font(solveEquation.Font, FontStyle.Regular);

            //Disable buttons
            solveEquation.Enabled = false;
            resetEquation.Enabled = false;

            //Clear term boxes

            //Clear labels
            EquationLabel.Text = "";
            x1Solution.Text    = "";
            x2Solution.Text    = "";
Exemple #28
        public void CalculerRelation(GrandeurPhysique depart)
            int indiceEquation = 0;

            foreach (var Arrivee in Produit.GrandeurPhysiques)
                indiceEquation = Relation.MatriceRelations[depart.iM][Arrivee.Value.iM];
                if (indiceEquation != 0)
            indiceEquation = 0;
            foreach (var Arrivee in Produit.GrandeurPhysiques)
                indiceEquation = Relation.MatriceRelations[Arrivee.Value.iM][depart.iM];
                if (indiceEquation != 0)
Exemple #29
        public void MultipleMatrixTest()
            string[] equations = new[] { "4x+y-z+t=7", "y+x-5t-z=-1", "z-3t+x-y=6", "t+x-z+3y=1" };
            Equation equation  = new Equation(equations);

            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector <double>(4)
                4, 1, -1, 1
            }, equation.Coefficients[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector <double>(4)
                1, 1, -1, -5
            }, equation.Coefficients[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector <double>(4)
                1, -1, 1, -3
            }, equation.Coefficients[2]);
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector <double>(4)
                1, 3, -1, 1
            }, equation.Coefficients[3]);
Exemple #30
        private static void Test_Equation_Parsing()
            string s = "1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-1 * {0}))";
            //string s = "maxL(0, 10, 1, $0$)";

            List <EquationParsingException> exc;
            Equation e = Equation.Parse(s, out exc);

            foreach (EquationParsingException ec in exc)
                Debug.WriteLine("ParsingException: " + ec.Message);

            List <EquationEvaluationException> evExc = null;

            Debug.WriteLine(e.Evaluate(out evExc, 2));

            foreach (EquationEvaluationException ec in evExc)
                Debug.WriteLine("EvaluationException: " + ec.Message);
Exemple #31
        public void TestExtractionInsertion_Multiplication()
            string eEquation1 = "2*x=8";
            string expected   = "x = 4";

            Equation exp = MathParser.ParseEquation(eEquation1);


            OperatorExpressionPair pair = exp.LeftHandSide.Extract((IOperator)exp.LeftHandSide.TokenAt(1), (ITerm)exp.LeftHandSide.TokenAt(0));

            Print("Extracted: " + pair.ToString());



            Assert.AreEqual(expected, exp.ToString());
        public static Equation ReplaceVarWithExpression(this Equation equation, Variable varToReplace, IEnumerable <Term> aliasExpr)
            var foundOnLeft  = equation.LeftSide.SingleOrDefault(term => term.Variable?.Equals(varToReplace) ?? false);
            var foundOnRight = equation.RightSide.SingleOrDefault(term => term.Variable?.Equals(varToReplace) ?? false);

            if (foundOnLeft != null)
                equation.AddToLeft(new Term[] { new Term {
                                                    SignedCoefficient = foundOnLeft.SignedCoefficient * -1, Variable = varToReplace
                                                } });
            if (foundOnRight != null)
                equation.AddToRight(new Term[] { new Term {
                                                     SignedCoefficient = foundOnRight.SignedCoefficient * -1, Variable = varToReplace
                                                 } });

Exemple #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse an equation string e.g. x^2 + 3.5xy + y = y^2 - xy + y
        /// </summary>
        public static Equation Parse(string input)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(input));

            var polinomials = input.Split('=');

            if (polinomials.Length != 2 || String.IsNullOrEmpty(polinomials[0]) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(polinomials[1]))
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(input));

            var leftSummands  = ParsePolinomialIntoSummands(polinomials[0]).ToList();
            var rightSummands = ParsePolinomialIntoSummands(polinomials[1]).ToList();

            rightSummands.ForEach(i => i.Coefficient *= -1);

            var equation = new Equation();

            foreach (var summand in leftSummands)
                var found = equation.Summands.Find(x => x.SummandID.Equals(summand.SummandID));
                if (found != null)
                    found.Coefficient += summand.Coefficient;

            equation.Summands = equation.Summands.OrderByDescending(s => s.MaxExponent).ThenBy(i => i.SummandID).ToList();
Exemple #34
            private void HandleMergeVertex(MyPoint vertex)
                var e = vertex.ledge;

                if (this.helper[e].Tip == 4)
                    this.D.AddLast(new Edge()
                        p1 = this.helper[e].Point, p2 = vertex.Point


                var query = from val in this.T where (val.p1.Y <= vertex.Point.Y && val.p2.Y >= vertex.Point.Y) select val;
                var dist  = double.MaxValue;
                var e1    = new Edge();

                foreach (var edge in query)
                    var eq = new Equation(edge);
                    var d  = eq.distance(vertex.Point);
                    if (d > 0 && d < dist)
                        e1   = edge;
                        dist = d;
                if (this.helper[e1].Tip == 4)
                    this.D.AddLast(new Edge()
                        p1 = this.helper[e1].Point, p2 = vertex.Point

                this.helper[e1] = vertex;
Exemple #35
        protected async Task CopyTo(IVariable copy)
            if (copy == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(copy));

            copy.GraphicalFunction = GraphicalFunction;
            copy.Range             = Range;
            copy.Scale             = Scale;
            copy.Units             = Units;
            if (Equation != null)
                copy.Equation = await Equation.Clone(Model);

            copy.Value       = Value;
            copy.NonNegative = NonNegative;
            copy.Access      = Access;
            copy.StoreResult = StoreResult;
            copy.Children    = new List <string>();
Exemple #36
        public void CorrectTranslationOfAdresses()
            CellType myAnswer   = default(CellType);
            Equation myEquation = default(Equation);

            Coords[] correctCoords = new Coords[4];
            Coords[] myCoords      = new Coords[4];

            correctCoords[0] = new Coords(9, 0);
            correctCoords[1] = new Coords(3, 22);
            correctCoords[2] = new Coords(1769874982, 730);
            correctCoords[3] = new Coords(1256376568, 12356614);

            Equation.TryParse(ShortAddress, out myEquation, out myAnswer);
            myCoords[0] = myEquation.FirstOperand;
            myCoords[1] = myEquation.SecondOperand;

            Equation.TryParse(LongAddress, out myEquation, out myAnswer);
            myCoords[2] = myEquation.FirstOperand;
            myCoords[3] = myEquation.SecondOperand;

            Assert.IsTrue(Utilities.AreEqual(correctCoords, myCoords));
        public static void Resolve()
            var c1 = new Constant(3);
            var c2 = new Constant(6);
            var c3 = new Constant(11);
            var a  = new Variable(1, 1);
            var b  = new Variable(2, 1);

            var lhs1 = new Expression(c1);
            var rhs1 = new Expression(new [] { (Number)c2, a * -1, b * -1 });
            var eq1  = new Equation(lhs1, rhs1);

            var lhs2 = new Expression(c1);
            var rhs2 = new Expression(new[] { (Number)c3, a * -4, b * -2 });
            var eq2  = new Equation(lhs2, rhs2);

            var ex1 = eq1.Get(a);
            var ex2 = eq2.Get(a);

            var eq3 = new Equation(ex1, ex2);

            var x = Resolve(eq3);
Exemple #38
        public static void EnterCoefficients(Equation eq)
            double[]         coefs = new double[eq.GetNumberOfCoefficients()];
            bool             isNumber;
            string           input;
            NumberFormatInfo nfi = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat;

            for (int i = 0; i < eq.GetNumberOfCoefficients(); i++)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Enter cofficient {eq.GetNamesOfCoefficients()[i]}:");
                    input    = Console.ReadLine();
                    isNumber = Double.TryParse(input.Replace(',', '.').Replace('.', nfi.NumberDecimalSeparator[0]), out coefs[i]);
                    if (!isNumber)
                        Console.WriteLine("You must enter a number!");
                } while (!isNumber);
Exemple #39
        protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext executionContext)
            var error        = false;
            var errorMessage = String.Empty;
            var formula      = Formula.Get <string>(executionContext);

                var parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                AddParameters(executionContext, parameters);
                var equation = parameters.Aggregate(formula, (c, p) => c.Replace(p.Key, String.Format(" {0} ", p.Value)));

                SetOutputValues(executionContext, Equation.Solve(equation));
            catch (Exception ex)
                errorMessage = ex.Message;
                error        = true;

            Error.Set(executionContext, error);
            ErrorMessage.Set(executionContext, errorMessage);
Exemple #40
        private EquationNode AddEquationNode(Equation equation)
            //1. build relation using geometry constraint-solving (synthesize new node) (Top-Down)
            //2. Reify itself (Bottom-up)
            object relations;

            ConstraintSatisfy(equation, out relations);
            EquationNode eqNode = CreateEqNode(equation, relations);

/*            GraphNode sinkNode = FindSinkNode(eqNode);
 *          Reify(sinkNode);*/


/*            foreach (object obj in goalRels)
 *          {
 *              var goalNode = obj as GoalNode;
 *              if (goalNode == null) continue;
 *              Reify(goalNode);
 *              //Reify(eqNode);
 *          }*/
Exemple #41
        public void EquationsAreSame(Equation Original, Equation Copy)
            Assert.AreEqual(Original.NumberOfAllOperators, Copy.NumberOfAllOperators, "AllOperators Count is not the same");
            Assert.AreEqual(Original.Holders.Count, Copy.Holders.Count, "SortedOperators Count is not the same");

            for (int i = 0; i < Original.AllOperators.Length; i++)
                RecursiveCompareOperators(Original.AllOperators[i], Copy.AllOperators[i]);
            for (int i = 0; i < Original.Holders.Count; i++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Original.Holders[0].Operators.Length; y++)
                    if (!(Original.Holders[i].Operators[y] == null &&
                          Copy.Holders[i].Operators[y] == null ||
                          Original.Holders[i].Operators[y] != null &&
                          Copy.Holders[i].Operators[y] != null))
                        Assert.Fail("SortedOperators is not the same");
        public void Fit(Point[] points)
            if (points == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("No points to fit");

            SystemOfEquations = new Equation[points.Length];
            var r = Definition.R;

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                SystemOfEquations[i] = new Equation(r);
                for (int j = 0; j < r; j++)
                    SystemOfEquations[i].Left[j].VariableValue = points[i].X;

                SystemOfEquations[i].Y = points[i].Y;

            N = points.Length;
 static void Main(string[] args)
     if (args.Length == 0)
         Console.WriteLine("Параметров не передано!");
         string        str        = Utils.Base64Decode(args[0]);
         var           utf8Reader = new Utf8JsonReader(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str));
         JSONEquations json       = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <JSONEquations>(ref utf8Reader);
         Equation      func       = new Equation(json.FuncX1, json.FuncX2, null, 0);
         Equation[]    limits     = new Equation[2];
         limits[0] = new Equation(json.Limit1X1, json.Limit1X2, "<=", json.Limit1C);
         limits[1] = new Equation(json.Limit2X1, json.Limit2X2, "<=", json.Limit2C);
         MethodLandAndDoig method = new MethodLandAndDoig(func, limits);
         method.BranchMethod += HandlerBranch;
         method.EndMethod    += endHandler;
         method.StartMethod  += startHandler;
    public void ReadConfiguration(XElement Configuration)
      Name = Configuration.SafeParseString("Name");

      foreach (var eq in Configuration.Elements("Equation"))
        var eqs =new Equation();
        eqs.StartMonth = eq.SafeParseInt("StartMonth")??1;
        eqs.EndMonth = eq.SafeParseInt("EndMonth") ?? 12;
        eqs.Par1 = eq.SafeParseDouble("Par1") ?? 3.882;
        eqs.Par2 = eq.SafeParseDouble("Par2") ?? 0.7753;

        if (eqs.StartMonth < eqs.EndMonth)
          for (int i = eqs.StartMonth; i <= eqs.EndMonth; i++)
            equations.Add(i, eqs);
          for (int i = eqs.StartMonth; i <= 12; i++)
            equations.Add(i, eqs);
          for (int i = 1; i <= eqs.EndMonth; i++)
            equations.Add(i, eqs);
 public void Init()
     equation = new Equation();
Exemple #46
 private void Parse(string file)
     var ini = new IniFile(file);
     SetValues(this, ini["Version Section"].Values);
     SetValues(this, ini["Signature Section"].Values);
     SetValues(this, ini["Schedule"].Values);
     var steps = new List<Step>();
     foreach (var section in ini.Where(x => x.Name.IsMatch(@"^Schedule_Step\d+$")))
         var step = new Step();
         step.Number = int.Parse(section.Name.Match(@"^Schedule_Step(\d+)$"));
         SetValues(step, section.Values);
     Steps = steps.OrderBy(x => x.Number).ToList();
     foreach (var section in ini.Where(x => x.Name.IsMatch(@"^Schedule_Step\d+_Limit\d+$")))
         var limit = new Limit();
         limit.Number = int.Parse(section.Name.Match(@"^Schedule_Step\d+_Limit(\d+)$"));
         SetValues(limit, section.Values);
         var equationNumber = @"^Equation(\d+).*$";
         foreach (var equationValues in section.Values
             .Where(x => x.Key.IsMatch(@"^Equation\d+.*$"))
             .GroupBy(x => x.Key.Match(equationNumber)))
             var equation = new Equation();
             equation.Number = int.Parse(equationValues.First().Key.Match(equationNumber));
             SetValues(equation, equationValues.ToDictionary(x => x.Key.Match(@"^Equation\d+(.*)$"), x => x.Value));
             limit.Equations = limit.Equations.Concat(equation).OrderBy(x => x.Number).ToList();
         var step = Steps[int.Parse(section.Name.Match(@"^Schedule_Step(\d+)_Limit\d+$"))];
         step.Limits = step.Limits.Concat(limit).OrderBy(x => x.Number).ToList();
Exemple #47
 public static Point Intersect(Equation eq1, Equation eq2)
     var y = (eq1.a * eq2.c - eq2.a * eq1.c) / (eq2.b * eq1.a - eq1.b * eq2.a);
     var x = (eq1.c - eq1.b * y) / eq1.a;
     return new Point(x, y);
Exemple #48
        public void ShouldMoveVarsFromRigthPartToLeft()
            //x+2y+2y = 5+2y   2y = 5 - x     y = 2.5-0.5x
            var left1 = new Expression(1, new Variable("x"));
            var left2 = new Expression(2, new Variable("y"));
            var right1 = new Expression(2, new Variable("y"));
            var rigth2 = new Expression(5, Variable.NULL);

            var target = new Equation(
                new List<Expression>() { left2, left1, right1 },
                new List<Expression>() { right1, rigth2 }

            Assert.AreEqual(1, target.LeftPart.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(left2.Variable.Name, target.LeftPart.First().Variable.Name);

            Assert.AreEqual(-0.5,target.RightPart.First(x => x.Variable == left1.Variable).Coefficient);
            Assert.AreEqual(2.5,target.RightPart.First(x => x.Variable.Name == null).Coefficient);
Exemple #49
        public void ShouldCreateSimpleStatement()
            var leftPart = new Expression(2.4, new Variable("x"));
            var rigthPart = new Expression(2.4, Variable.NULL);

            var target = new Equation(leftPart, rigthPart);

            Expression leftPartResult = target.LeftPart.First();
            Expression rightPartResult = target.RightPart.First();
            Assert.AreEqual(leftPart.Coefficient, leftPartResult.Coefficient);
            Assert.AreEqual(leftPart.Variable, leftPartResult.Variable);
            Assert.AreEqual(rigthPart.Coefficient, rightPartResult.Coefficient);
            Assert.AreEqual(rigthPart.Variable, rightPartResult.Variable);
Exemple #50
        public void ShouldInsertValuesInsteadOfVariablesAndGetResult()
            //2x+2y=8 y=2; => x=2
            var variableY = new Variable("y");
            variableY.Value = new List<Expression>()
                new Expression(2, null)
            var variableX = new Variable("x");
            var expression1 = new Expression(2, variableX);
            var expression2 = new Expression(2, variableY);
            var rigthPart = new Expression(8, Variable.NULL);

            var leftPart = new List<Expression>() {expression1, expression2};
            var target = new Equation(leftPart, rigthPart);

            var leftResult = target.LeftPart.First();
            var rightResult = target.RightPart.First();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, target.LeftPart.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(variableX, leftResult.Variable);
            Assert.AreEqual(2.0, rightResult.Coefficient);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, rightResult.Variable.Name);
 void Add(string label, Equation eq)
     VariableEditor ve = eq.WriteEditor(null);
     ve.sail = VarGroup.Sail;
     ve.AutoFillData = VarGroup.Sail.Watermark(VarGroup).ToList<object>();
     ve.ReturnPress += ve_ReturnPress;
 internal void HighlightEquation(Equation equation)
     for (int i = 0; i < m_flow.Controls.Count; i++)
         if ((m_flow.Controls[i] as VariableEditor).Label == equation.Label)
             (m_flow.Controls[i] as VariableEditor).FocusEditBox();
Exemple #53
        public void Should_Pass_In_Left_Part_Only_1_Var_From_Right_Part_When_Right_Part_Is_Complex()
            var expression1 = new Expression(2.4, new Variable("x"));
            var expression2 = new Expression(2.4, new Variable("y"));
            var rightPart = new List<Expression>() { expression1, expression2 };

            var leftPart = new Expression(2.4, Variable.NULL);

            var target = new Equation(leftPart, rightPart);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, target.LeftPart.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("x", target.LeftPart.First().Variable.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.0, target.LeftPart.First().Coefficient);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, target.RightPart.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.0, target.RightPart.First(x => x.Variable.Name == leftPart.Variable.Name).Coefficient);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1.0, target.RightPart.First(x => x.Variable.Name == expression2.Variable.Name).Coefficient);
Exemple #54
        public void ShouldSummTwoEquations()
            //x = 2y            |+
            //10x + 20z = 10    |
            //11x + 20z = 2y + 10
            var left11 = new Expression(1, new Variable("x"));
            var rightPart1 = new Expression(2, new Variable("y"));
            var leftPart1 = new List<Expression> { left11 };

            var left12 = new Expression(10, new Variable("x"));
            var left22 = new Expression(20, new Variable("z"));
            var rightPart2 = new Expression(10, Variable.NULL);
            var leftPart2 = new List<Expression> { left12, left22 };

            var target1 = new Equation(leftPart1, rightPart1);
            var target2 = new Equation(leftPart2, rightPart2);

            Equation result = target1+target2;

            var xCoeff = result.LeftPart.First(x => x.Variable.Name == "x").Coefficient;
            var yCoeff = result.RightPart.First(x => x.Variable.Name == "y").Coefficient;
            var zCoeff = result.LeftPart.First(x => x.Variable.Name == "z").Coefficient;
            var nullCoef = result.RightPart.Find(x => x.Variable.Name == null).Coefficient;

            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.LeftPart.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.RightPart.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(11, xCoeff);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, yCoeff);
            Assert.AreEqual(20, zCoeff);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, nullCoef);
Exemple #55
        public void ShouldPassInLeftPartOnly1Variable()
            //2.4x + 2.4y = 2.4 => x = 1 - 1.0y
            var expression1 = new Expression(2.4, new Variable("x"));
            var expression2 = new Expression(2.4, new Variable("y"));
            var leftPart = new List<Expression>() { expression1, expression2 };

            var rightPart = new Expression(2.4, Variable.NULL);

            var target = new Equation(leftPart, rightPart);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, target.LeftPart.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("x", target.LeftPart.First().Variable.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.0, target.LeftPart.First().Coefficient);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, target.RightPart.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.0, target.RightPart.First(x => x.Variable.Name == rightPart.Variable.Name).Coefficient);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1.0, target.RightPart.First(x => x.Variable.Name == expression2.Variable.Name).Coefficient);
        public void ShouldSolveUnSortedSystemWith3ComplexEquations()
            //x=1; y=2; z=3;
            //x+2y-z = 2
            //     z = 3
            //x-y    = -1
            var variableX = new Variable("x");
            var variableY = new Variable("y");
            var variableZ = new Variable("z");

            var left1FirstEq = new Expression(1, variableX);
            var left2FirstEq = new Expression(2, variableY);
            var left3FirstEq = new Expression(-1, variableZ);
            var rightFirstEq = new Expression(2, Variable.NULL);

            var left1SecondEq = new Expression(1, variableZ);
            var rightSecondEq = new Expression(3, Variable.NULL);

            var left1ThirdEq = new Expression(1, variableX);
            var left2ThirdEq = new Expression(-1, variableY);
            var rightThirdEq = new Expression(-1, Variable.NULL);

            var firstEquation = new Equation(new List<Expression>() { left1FirstEq, left2FirstEq,left3FirstEq }, rightFirstEq);
            var secondEquation = new Equation(new List<Expression>() { left1SecondEq }, rightSecondEq);
            var thirdEquation = new Equation(new List<Expression>() {left1ThirdEq, left2ThirdEq}, rightThirdEq);

            var target = new SystemOfEquations(new List<Equation>() {firstEquation, secondEquation, thirdEquation});
            var resultX = variableX.Value;
            var resultY = variableY.Value;
            var resultZ = variableZ.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, resultX.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, resultY.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, resultZ.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(Variable.NULL, resultX.First().Variable);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, resultX.First().Coefficient);
            Assert.AreEqual(Variable.NULL, resultY.First().Variable);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, resultY.First().Coefficient);
            Assert.AreEqual(Variable.NULL, resultZ.First().Variable);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, resultZ.First().Coefficient);
Exemple #57
        public void ShouldIncreaseEquationOnConst()
            var left1 = new Expression(1, new Variable("x"));
            var left2 = new Expression(2, new Variable("y"));
            var rightPart = new Expression(1, Variable.NULL);
            var leftPart = new List<Expression> { left1, left2 };

            var target = new Equation(leftPart, rightPart);

            target = target * 3.0;
            var xCoeff = target.LeftPart.First(x => x.Variable.Name == "x").Coefficient;
            var yCoeff = target.LeftPart.First(x => x.Variable.Name == "y").Coefficient;
            var nullCoeff = target.RightPart.First(x => x.Variable.Name == null).Coefficient;

            Assert.AreEqual(3, xCoeff);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, yCoeff);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, nullCoeff);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, left2.Coefficient);
 /// <summary>
 /// Hesaplama fonksiyonu
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="equation"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static double Execute(Equation equation)
     ANS = equation.Exe();
     return ANS;
Exemple #59
        public void ShouldMoveAllVarsToLeftAndAllConstsToRight()
            //x+2y+2y= 2y+5          should return  x+2y=5
            var left1 = new Expression(1, new Variable("x"));
            var left2 = new Expression(2, new Variable("y"));
            var right1 = new Expression(2, new Variable("y"));
            var rigth2 = new Expression(5, Variable.NULL);

            var target = new Equation(
                new List<Expression>() { left2, left1, right1 },
                new List<Expression>() { right1, rigth2 }

            Assert.AreEqual(2, target.LeftPart.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.0, target.LeftPart.First(x => x.Variable.Name == "x").Coefficient);
            Assert.AreEqual(2.0, target.LeftPart.First(x => x.Variable.Name == "y").Coefficient);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, target.RightPart.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, target.RightPart.First().Coefficient);
        public void ShouldSolveSystemWith1EquationAnd2Variables()
            //x+y=10    x=6; y=4
            var variableX = new Variable("x");
            var variableY = new Variable("y");

            var left1FirstEq = new Expression(1, variableX);
            var left2FirstEq = new Expression(1, variableY);
            var rightFirstEq = new Expression(10, Variable.NULL);

            var left1SecondEq = new Expression(1, variableX);
            var left2SecondEq = new Expression(-1, variableY);
            var rightSecondEq = new Expression(2, Variable.NULL);

            var firstEquation = new Equation(new List<Expression>() { left1FirstEq, left2FirstEq }, rightFirstEq);
            var secondEquation = new Equation(new List<Expression>() {left1SecondEq, left2SecondEq}, rightSecondEq);

            var target = new SystemOfEquations(new List<Equation>() {firstEquation, secondEquation});
            var resultX = variableX.Value;
            var resultY = variableY.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, resultX.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, resultY.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(Variable.NULL, resultX.First().Variable);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, resultX.First().Coefficient);
            Assert.AreEqual(Variable.NULL, resultY.First().Variable);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, resultY.First().Coefficient);