public IEnumerator GoToChapter() { //Open Scene if you can int keyVal = EpicPrefs.GetInt(SceneName, -1, true); //The scene either is NOT restricted OR has a lock and IS UNLCOKED if (keyVal == -1 || keyVal == 1) { if (SceneName != "") { AsyncOperation op = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(SceneName); while (!op.isDone) { yield return(null); } } else { LoadNextScene(); } } else { //Needs to purchase, but hasn't. Inform player?? Should never hit this ATM, as the botton should be disabled on start } }
void Awake() { Name = ""; value = ""; getName = ""; getValue = ""; encryption = false; EpicPrefs.Initialize(); }
public void Start() { _navBar = GameObject.Find("NavBar"); if (EpicPrefs.GetInt(SceneName, -1, true) == 0) { //Needs purchase, and doesn't have it. OnNeedsPurchase.Invoke(); } }
public static void setupPrefs() { if (!EpicPrefs.GetBool("HotTotemEpicPrefsInitialization", false)) { EpicPrefs.SetBool("HotTotemEpicPrefsInitialization", true); TextAsset sourceTexts = Resources.Load("HotTotemAssets/EpicPrefs/Settings/ResourcesFiles") as TextAsset; TextAsset destTexts = Resources.Load("HotTotemAssets/EpicPrefs/Settings/DestinationFiles") as TextAsset; string[] source = sourceTexts.text.Split("\n"[0]); string[] destination = destTexts.text.Split("\n"[0]); for (int i = 0; i < source.Length; i++) { copyPrefsToApplication(source[i], destination[i]); } } }
public IEnumerator GoToChapterCoroutine() { //Put it back out there in the world //Get rid of menu yield return(CloseMenu()); Debug.Log("GoToChapterDirectly: " + SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name); if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name != SceneName && SceneName != "") { EpicPrefs.SetString("StartPage", PageName); yield return(GoToChapter()); } Debug.Log("yield return GoToPage();"); yield return(GoToPage()); }
void OnGUI() { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Key : "); Name = GUILayout.TextField(Name, GUILayout.Width(250)); GUILayout.Label("Value : "); value = GUILayout.TextField(value, GUILayout.Width(250)); encryption = GUILayout.Toggle(encryption, "AES Encryption : "); if (GUILayout.Button("Add")) { EpicPrefs.SetString(Name, value, encryption); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Key : "); getName = GUILayout.TextField(getName, GUILayout.Width(250)); GUILayout.Label("Value : "); GUILayout.Label(getValue); encryption = GUILayout.Toggle(encryption, "AES Encryption : "); if (GUILayout.Button("Get")) { getValue = EpicPrefs.GetString(getName, encryption); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("DictionaryName : "); getName = GUILayout.TextField(getName, GUILayout.Width(250)); encryption = GUILayout.Toggle(encryption, "AES Encryption : "); if (GUILayout.Button("Get")) { getDict = EpicPrefs.GetDictStringString(getName, encryption); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (getDict != null) { GUILayout.BeginVertical(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in getDict) { GUILayout.Label("Key : " + pair.Key + " Value : " + pair.Value); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); } }
public void Start() { if (EpicPrefs.GetInt(SceneToBuy, -1, true) != -1) { SetSceneAsInaccessible(); } if (HasPurchased()) { CallOnBoughten.Invoke(); } else { CallOnNotBoughten.Invoke(); } if (!DoesSceneExistInBuild()) { Debug.LogWarning(SceneToBuy + "Doesn't exist by is unlockable in the store", gameObject); } }
public GameObject FindClosestPage() { GameObject closestEarlierPage = null; string lastSceneName = EpicPrefs.GetString("LastSceneName", true); if (lastSceneName != "") { for (int i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++) { GoToChapterDirectly goToChapterDirectly = transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <GoToChapterDirectly> (); if (lastSceneName == goToChapterDirectly.SceneName) { closestEarlierPage = goToChapterDirectly.gameObject; break; } } } Debug.Log("FindClosestPage: ", closestEarlierPage); return(closestEarlierPage); }
public static object Decrypt(string value, Serializer.SerializationTypes type) { object decrpytedValue = null; aesKey = new SaltedAES(EpicPrefs.getPassPhrase(), EpicPrefs.getInitVector()); switch (type) { case Serializer.SerializationTypes.String: decrpytedValue = aesKey.Decrypt(value); break; case Serializer.SerializationTypes.Integer: decrpytedValue = Int32.Parse(aesKey.Decrypt(value)); break; case Serializer.SerializationTypes.Float: decrpytedValue = (float)Convert.ToDecimal(aesKey.Decrypt(value)); break; case Serializer.SerializationTypes.Double: decrpytedValue = Convert.ToDouble(aesKey.Decrypt(value)); break; case Serializer.SerializationTypes.Long: decrpytedValue = (long)Convert.ToDouble(aesKey.Decrypt(value)); break; case Serializer.SerializationTypes.Bool: decrpytedValue = Convert.ToBoolean(aesKey.Decrypt(value)); break; default: Debug.LogError("Decryption Error - eC10 : This type cannot be decrypted"); break; } return(decrpytedValue); }
public bool HasPurchased() { return(EpicPrefs.GetInt(SceneToBuy, true) == 1); }
public void PurchaseScene() { EpicPrefs.SetInt(SceneToBuy, 1, true); }
public void SetSceneAsInaccessible() { EpicPrefs.SetInt(SceneToBuy, 0, true); }
static Cryptor() { aesKey = new SaltedAES(EpicPrefs.getPassPhrase(), EpicPrefs.getInitVector()); }
public static string Encrypt(double value) { aesKey = new SaltedAES(EpicPrefs.getPassPhrase(), EpicPrefs.getInitVector()); return(aesKey.Encrypt(value.ToString())); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { EpicPrefs.SetString("LastSceneName", SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name, true); if (!VRSettings.enabled && MenuScene != "") { GameObject currControls = GameObject.Find("Controls"); if (currControls != null && currControls.scene == gameObject.scene) { currControls.SetActive(false); } Scene menuScene = SceneManager.GetSceneByName(MenuScene); if (MenuScene != "" && menuScene != null) { if (!menuScene.isLoaded) { SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(MenuScene, LoadSceneMode.Additive); } else { Debug.Log("StartUp is using an additive scene, but that scene is alredy loaded: " + MenuScene); } } else { Debug.LogError("StartUp is using an additive scene, but that scene isn't in build settings: " + MenuScene); } } //do all the things needed to start correctly //lerp camera to first panel var pivot = GameObject.Find("Pivot"); string startPageName = EpicPrefs.GetString("StartPage"); GameObject firstPanel = null; if (startPageName != "") { firstPanel = GameObject.Find(startPageName); EpicPrefs.DeleteString("StartPage", false); if (firstPanel != null) { SetClosestSkybox(firstPanel.GetComponent <Page>()); } } if (firstPanel == null && GameObject.Find("Pages").transform.childCount > 0) { firstPanel = GameObject.Find("Pages").transform.GetChild(0).gameObject; } if (pivot != null && firstPanel != null) { if (GameObject.FindObjectOfType <TutorialManager>()) { pivot.transform.position = firstPanel.transform.position; pivot.transform.localRotation = firstPanel.transform.localRotation; } else if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("LoadedBack", 0) != 0) { GameObject panel = GameObject.Find("Pages").transform.GetChild(GameObject.Find("Pages").transform.childCount - 1).gameObject; if (panel) { //make sure the visited pages has been initialized if (SessionManager.instance.visitedPages == null) { SessionManager.instance.visitedPages = new System.Collections.Generic.Stack <Page>(); } //we need to update the visitted pages for (int i = 0; i < GameObject.Find("Pages").transform.childCount - 1; i++) { SessionManager.instance.visitedPages.Push(GameObject.Find("Pages").transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <Page>()); } pivot.transform.position = panel.transform.position; pivot.transform.localRotation = panel.transform.localRotation; } else { pivot.transform.position = firstPanel.transform.position; pivot.transform.localRotation = firstPanel.transform.localRotation; } } else if (PageEventsManager.instance.rememberLastPage) { string lastScene = PlayerPrefs.GetString("LastSceneLoaded", ""); if (lastScene.Length > 0 && lastScene != SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name) { SceneManager.LoadScene(lastScene); } int lastPage = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("LastVisitedPage", 0); GameObject panel = GameObject.Find("Pages").transform.GetChild(lastPage).gameObject; if (panel) { //make sure the visited pages has been initialized if (SessionManager.instance.visitedPages == null) { SessionManager.instance.visitedPages = new System.Collections.Generic.Stack <Page>(); } //we need to update the visitted pages for (int i = 0; i < lastPage; i++) { SessionManager.instance.visitedPages.Push(GameObject.Find("Pages").transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <Page>()); } pivot.transform.position = panel.transform.position; pivot.transform.localRotation = panel.transform.localRotation; } else { pivot.transform.position = firstPanel.transform.position; pivot.transform.localRotation = firstPanel.transform.localRotation; } } else { //StartCoroutine(LerpToObject(pivot, firstPanel)); pivot.transform.position = firstPanel.transform.position; pivot.transform.localRotation = firstPanel.transform.localRotation; } } SetStartupSkyboxData(); //make sure controls are enabled var controls = GameObject.Find("Controls"); if (controls != null) { controls.SetActive(true); } //set the start alpha of all fade controlled objects //SetStartAlpha(); }