Exemple #1
        private void FillEpicsData(Epic epic, IDictionary <string, object> fields)
            foreach (var field in fields)
                var key   = field.Key;
                var value = field.Value;

                if (key.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("System.Id".ToUpperInvariant(), StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
                    epic.SourceId = Convert.ToInt32(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                if (key.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("System.IterationId".ToUpperInvariant(), StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
                    epic.IterationSk = Convert.ToInt32(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                if (key.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("System.CreatedDate".ToUpperInvariant(), StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
                    epic.CreationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                if (key.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("System.Title".ToUpperInvariant(), StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
                    epic.EpicName = value.ToString();

                if (key.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("System.State".ToUpperInvariant(), StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
                    epic.State = value.ToString();
            epic.IsActive = 1;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Wandelt ein XML-Element in eine Epic um
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root"></param>
        /// <param name="surface"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Epic ConvertToEpic(XElement root, ScrumSurface surface)
            Epic item = new Epic();

            ConvertToItemBase(root, item, surface);
Exemple #3
        public void UpdateEpicWithMinimumDataSucceeds()
            var client = new TargetProcessClient
                ApiSiteInfo = new ApiSiteInfo(TargetProcessRoutes.Route.Epics)

            var originalName = $"Sample Epic From Code - {DateTime.Now}";
            var epic         = new Epic
                Name    = originalName,
                Project = new Project {
                    Id = 194

            var data = client.CreateData <Epic>(epic);


            var newName = $"Sample Modified Epic From Code - {DateTime.Now}";
            var newEpic = new Epic {
                Id = data.Data.Id, Project = data.Data.Project, Name = newName
            var newData = client.UpdateData <Epic>(newEpic);

            // Verify name changed
            Assert.NotEqual(newData.Data.Name, originalName);
            Assert.Equal(newData.Data.Name, newName);

            // Verify ID did NOT change
            Assert.Equal(data.Data.Id, newData.Data.Id);
Exemple #4
        public void CreateEpicAndThenDeleteItSucceeds()
            //Create an epic
            var client = new TargetProcessClient
                ApiSiteInfo = new ApiSiteInfo(TargetProcessRoutes.Route.Epics)

            var epic = new Epic
                Name    = $"Sample Epic From Code - {DateTime.Now}",
                Project = new Project {
                    Id = 194
            var data = client.CreateData <Epic>(epic);


            var createdId = data.Data.Id;

            Assert.NotEqual(0, createdId);

            var result = client.DeleteData <Epic>((int)createdId);

            Assert.Equal(createdId, result.Data.Id);
        public Epic Create(Epic user)

        public async Task DeleteEpicAsync_FicticiousEpicId_ThrowsNotFoundException()
            Guid    publicProjectId = Guid.NewGuid();
            Project expectedProject = new Project()
                ProjectId       = 1,
                PublicProjectId = publicProjectId,
                Name            = "name",
                Description     = null,
                DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-60)
            var projectRepositoryMock = new Mock <IProjectRepository>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            projectRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.GetProjectAsync(publicProjectId))

            Guid publicEpicId       = Guid.NewGuid();
            Epic expectedEpic       = null;
            var  epicRepositoryMock = new Mock <IEpicRepository>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            epicRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.GetEpicAsync(publicEpicId))
            epicRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.DeleteEpicAsync(publicEpicId))

            var epicManager = new EpicManager(projectRepositoryMock.Object, epicRepositoryMock.Object);

            _ = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <NotFoundException>(async() =>
                await epicManager.DeleteEpicAsync(publicProjectId, publicEpicId);
            public async Task <AddOrUpdateEpicResponse> Handle(AddOrUpdateEpicRequest request)
                var entity = await _context.Epics
                             .SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == request.Epic.Id);

                if (entity == null)
                    _context.Epics.Add(entity = new Epic());
                entity.Name        = request.Epic.Name;
                entity.Description = request.Epic.Description;
                entity.IsTemplate  = request.Epic.IsTemplate;
                entity.ProductId   = request.Epic.ProductId;
                entity.Product     = await _context.Products.Where(x => x.Id == request.Epic.ProductId.Value)

                entity.Slug = request.Epic.Name.GenerateSlug();

                if (request.Epic.Priority.HasValue)
                    entity.Priority = request.Epic.Priority.Value;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                return(new AddOrUpdateEpicResponse());
        public async Task UpdateEpics_should_update_epic_and_return_its_new_content()
            var dueValue    = "2020-01-15";
            var startValue  = "2020-01-02";
            var epicKey     = "KEY-11";
            var epicJson    = CreateJsonElement();
            var updatedEpic = new Epic();
            IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string[]> fields = new Dictionary <string, string[]> {
                { "Start date", new[] { "custom_1" } }

            _client.Setup(x => x.QueryFieldNameToKeysMap()).ReturnsAsync(fields);
            _client.Setup(x => x.UpdateIssue(epicKey, It.IsAny <IssueContent>())).Returns(Task.CompletedTask);
            _client.Setup(x => x.QueryJql("key=KEY-11")).ReturnsAsync(new[] { epicJson });
            _mapper.Setup(x => x.MapEpic(epicJson, fields)).Returns(updatedEpic);
            var epic = await _provider.UpdateEpic(epicKey, new EpicMeta { DueDate = DateTime.Parse(dueValue), StartDate = DateTime.Parse(startValue) });


            var expectedFields = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "custom_1", startValue }, { "duedate", dueValue }

            _client.Verify(x => x.UpdateIssue(epicKey, It.Is <IssueContent>(c => AreFieldsEqual(c, expectedFields))));
        private Epic SetupEpicMapping(JsonElement element)
            var epic = new Epic();

            _mapper.Setup(x => x.MapEpic(element, It.IsAny <IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string[]> >())).Returns(epic);
        private async Task <int> GetOrCreateClubhouseEpic(Octokit.Issue issue)
            if (issue.Milestone == null)
            if (!_fetchedEpics)
                _epics = (await _client.Epics.List()).ToList();

            var directHit = _epics.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(issue.Milestone.Title));

            if (directHit != null)

            //else, we don't have an epic with this details....
            var newEpic = new Epic
                Name      = issue.Milestone.Title,
                CreatedAt = issue.Milestone.CreatedAt.DateTime,
                Description = issue.Milestone.Description,

            if (issue.Milestone.DueOn.HasValue)
                newEpic.Deadline = issue.Milestone.DueOn.Value.DateTime;
            await _client.Epics.Create(newEpic);

        internal Epic CreateChildEpic(Epic epic)
            var childEpic = epic.GenerateChildEpic();

        private void CreateNewEpicButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

                if (isDataCorrect)
                    var epic = new Epic()
                        ProjectId   = this.ProjectId,
                        Project     = context.Projects.Where(p => p.Id == ProjectId).First(),
                        Title       = EpicTitle.Text,
                        Description = EpicDescription.Text,
                        StartDay    = startDate,
                        DeadLine    = deadLine


                    MessageBox.Show("Epic succesfully added", "Information", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);

                this.DialogResult = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Exemple #13
        public void CreateAssets()
            if (sandboxProject == null)
                sandboxProject = SandboxProject;
                andre          = Instance.Get.MemberByID("Member:1000");
                danny          = Instance.Get.MemberByID("Member:1005");
                epic1          = Instance.Create.Epic("Epic 1", SandboxProject);
                epic2          = epic1.GenerateChildEpic();
                epic2.Name     = "Epic 2";
                story1  = SandboxProject.CreateStory("Story 1");
                story2  = SandboxProject.CreateStory("Story 2");
                story3  = SandboxProject.CreateStory("Story 3");
                defect1 = SandboxProject.CreateDefect("Defect 1");
                defect2 = SandboxProject.CreateDefect("Defect 2");
                defect3 = SandboxProject.CreateDefect("Defect 3");

                story1.Description = "ABCDEFGHIJKJMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";

                story2.Description = "1234567890";

                story3.Description = "123 ABC";



                defect1.FoundInBuild    = "";
                defect1.ResolvedInBuild = "";
                defect1.Environment     = "Windows";
                defect1.Estimate        = 2.0;
                defect1.Reference       = "123456";

                defect2.FoundInBuild                  = "";
                defect2.FoundBy                       = "Joe";
                defect2.VerifiedBy                    = andre;
                defect2.Environment                   = "Mac";
                defect2.Type.CurrentValue             = "Documentation";
                defect2.ResolutionReason.CurrentValue = "Duplicate";
                defect2.Estimate                      = 1.0;

                defect3.FoundInBuild                  = "";
                defect3.FoundBy                       = "Bob";
                defect3.VerifiedBy                    = danny;
                defect3.Type.CurrentValue             = "Code";
                defect3.ResolutionReason.CurrentValue = "Fixed";
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            Epic epic = db.Epics.Find(id);

        public void SingleBranchLVT_Epic()
            Epic EpicObj = SingleBranchLVT.Vision.Goals[0].Bets[0].Initiatives[0].Epics[0];

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Epic), EpicObj, "Test Epic is instance of Epic class");
            Assert.AreEqual("epicDescription", EpicObj.Description, "Test Epic has a description");
            Assert.AreEqual("epicDeadline", EpicObj.Deadline, "Test Epic has a deadline");
Exemple #16
    /// <summary>
    ///     Update an Epic
    ///     See <a href="https://docs.atlassian.com/jira-software/REST/cloud/#agile/1.0/epic-partiallyUpdateEpic">Partially update epic</a>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="jiraClient">IAgileDomain to bind the extension method to</param>
    /// <param name="epic">Epic to update</param>
    /// <param name="cancellationToken">CancellationToken</param>
    /// <returns>Epic</returns>
    public static async Task <Epic> UpdateEpicAsync(this IAgileDomain jiraClient, Epic epic, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        var epicUri  = jiraClient.JiraAgileRestUri.AppendSegments("epic", epic.Id);
        var response = await epicUri.PostAsync <HttpResponse <Epic, Error> >(epic, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

        public ActionResult EditEpic(int id, int?from)
            Epic existTask = new Epic();

            existTask = db.Epics.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EpicId == id);

        public ActionResult CreateEpic(int id, int?from)
            var newEpic = new Epic();

            newEpic.ProjectId = id;

Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Schreibt eine Epic als XML-ELement
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private XElement EncodeEpic(Epic item)
            XElement root = new XElement("Epic");

            //Es gibt keine Eigenschaften, die nur Epics besitzen
            EncodeItemBase(item, root);
Exemple #20
 public void SetupForTest()
     _epicPresenter = new EpicPresenter();
     _testEpic      = new Epic("testDescription", "testDeadline");
     _parentNodeID  = "Parent Initiative NodeID";
     _expectedEpicOrgChartString =
         $"[{{ v:'{_testEpic.NodeID}', f:'{_testEpic.GetType().Name}<div style=\"font-style:italic\">{_testEpic.Description}</div><div style=\"font-style:italic\">{_testEpic.Deadline}</div>'}}, '{_parentNodeID}']";
        /// <summary>
        /// Erstellt ein paar User Stories und Epics zum Testen
        /// </summary>
        private void DebugStories()
            Epic      e = new Epic();
            UserStory u = new UserStory();

            u.Epic = e;
Exemple #22
        public void DeleteEpic(Epic epic, ApplicationUser deletedBy)
            repository.Delete(epic, deletedBy);

            epic.Assignments.ForEach(x =>
                repository.Delete(x, deletedBy);
        public void Run()
             * Project
             *      |
             *      |-----Epic-1
             *      |       |
             *      |       |----US-1(5)
             *      |       |
             *      |       |----US-2(8)
             *      |
             *      |-----Epic-2
             *      |       |
             *      |       |----US-3(3)
             *      |       |
             *      |       |----US-4(8)
             *      |
             *      |
             *      |----US-5(2)
             *      |
             *      |----US-6(8)
             * Total story points in a project: 34

            // User stories
            var us1 = new UserStory(5);
            var us2 = new UserStory(8);
            var us3 = new UserStory(3);
            var us4 = new UserStory(8);
            var us5 = new UserStory(2);
            var us6 = new UserStory(8);

            // Epics
            var epic1 = new Epic();


            var epic2 = new Epic();


            // Project
            var project = new Project();


            // Calculate total sum, it should be 34
            var result = project.CalculateStoryPoints();

            Console.WriteLine($"Total number of story points in a Project is {result}");
        public void TestValidObjectWrongType()
            Epic  epic   = EntityFactory.CreateEpic("test epic", SandboxProject);
            Story testMe = Instance.Get.StoryByID(epic.ID);

//            _server.Get.StoryByID(AssetID.FromToken("Epic:1448"));  /// oid is correct for epic
            /// expected result if null
 public static void Main(string[] args)
     Epic t1 = new Epic {
         Time = 3
     Epic t2 = new Epic {
         Time = 5
        public void CreateAssets() {
            if (sandboxProject == null) {
                sandboxProject = SandboxProject;
                andre = Instance.Get.MemberByID("Member:1000");
                danny = Instance.Get.MemberByID("Member:1005");
                epic1 = Instance.Create.Epic("Epic 1", SandboxProject);
                epic2 = epic1.GenerateChildEpic();
                epic2.Name = "Epic 2";
                story1 = SandboxProject.CreateStory("Story 1");
                story2 = SandboxProject.CreateStory("Story 2");
                story3 = SandboxProject.CreateStory("Story 3");
                defect1 = SandboxProject.CreateDefect("Defect 1");
                defect2 = SandboxProject.CreateDefect("Defect 2");
                defect3 = SandboxProject.CreateDefect("Defect 3");

                story1.Description = "ABCDEFGHIJKJMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";

                story2.Description = "1234567890";

                story3.Description = "123 ABC";



                defect1.FoundInBuild = "";
                defect1.ResolvedInBuild = "";
                defect1.Environment = "Windows";
                defect1.Estimate = 2.0;
                defect1.Reference = "123456";

                defect2.FoundInBuild = "";
                defect2.FoundBy = "Joe";
                defect2.VerifiedBy = andre;
                defect2.Environment = "Mac";
                defect2.Type.CurrentValue = "Documentation";
                defect2.ResolutionReason.CurrentValue = "Duplicate";
                defect2.Estimate = 1.0;

                defect3.FoundInBuild = "";
                defect3.FoundBy = "Bob";
                defect3.VerifiedBy = danny;
                defect3.Type.CurrentValue = "Code";
                defect3.ResolutionReason.CurrentValue = "Fixed";
        public async Task LoadEpic(int id)
            EpicEntity = await EpicsService.GetEpicOrNull(id);

            if (EpicEntity.Id != 0)
                await SelectOrganization(EpicEntity.Project.OrganizationId);
        public async Task <Epic> UpdateEpicAsync(Epic epic)
            var epicEntity = _mapper.Map <Models.Entities.Epic>(epic);

            var updatedEntity = await _epicRepository.UpdateItemAsync(epicEntity);

            var epicModel = _mapper.Map <Epic>(updatedEntity);

 public static Domain.Models.Epic MapWithWriter(Epic entity)
     return(new Domain.Models.Epic
         ID = entity.Id,
         Title = entity.Name,
         Date = (DateTime)entity.DateCreated,
         Writer = UserMapper.Map(entity.Writer)
 public static Domain.Models.Epic MapWithRatings(Epic entity)
     return(new Domain.Models.Epic
         ID = entity.Id,
         Title = entity.Name,
         Date = (DateTime)entity.DateCreated,
         Ratings = entity.Ratings.Select(RatingMapper.Map)
 public EpicControl(Epic epic, ScrumSurface surface)
     : base(epic, surface)
     UserInterface                  = new EpicUI_Base();
     StdView                        = new EpicUI_View();
     EditorView                     = new EpicUI_Editor();
     this.Epic.DataChanged         += (s, e) => { this.Invoke(CheckVisibility); };
     this.Epic.ExternalDataChanged += (s, e) => { this.Invoke(CheckVisibility); };
Exemple #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads all Epics for the indicated Project
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ProjectID">Formatted ID of the Project (Rally Feature)</param>
        public static List<Epic> GetEpicsForProject(string ProjectID)
            List<Epic> listReturn = new List<Epic>();

            // Grab all Epics under the given project
            LogOutput("Using RallyAPI to request epic information for all projects...", "GetEpicsForProject", true);
            LogOutput("Building Rally Request...", "GetEpicsForProject", true);
            //Request rallyRequest = new Request("PortfolioItem/Epic");
            Request rallyRequest = new Request("PortfolioItem/Feature");
            rallyRequest.Fetch = new List<string>() { "Name", "FormattedID", "Owner", "PlannedEndDate",
                "PlannedStartDate","ActualEndDate", "State", "Description", "Release", "StatusChangedDate" };
            rallyRequest.Query = new Query("Parent.FormattedID", Query.Operator.Equals, ProjectID);
            LogOutput("Running Rally Query request...", "GetEpicsForProject", true);
            QueryResult rallyResult = RallyAPI.Query(rallyRequest);
            LogOutput("Looping through Query request...", "GetEpicsForProject", true);
            foreach (var result in rallyResult.Results)
                Epic epic = new Epic();
                epic.Name = RationalizeData(result["Name"]);
                epic.FormattedID = RationalizeData(result["FormattedID"]);
                epic.Owner = RationalizeData(result["Owner"]);
                epic.PlannedEndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(result["PlannedEndDate"]);
                epic.ActualEndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(result["ActualEndDate"]);
                epic.PlannedStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(result["PlannedStartDate"]);
                epic.State = RationalizeData(result["State"]);
                epic.Description = RationalizeData(result["Description"]);
                epic.ParentProject = ProjectName(ProjectID);
                epic.Release = RationalizeData(result["Release"]);
                epic.StateChangedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(result["StatusChangedDate"]);
                LogOutput("Appending new epic object to return list...", "GetEpicsForProject", true);

            LogOutput("Completed processing all epics, returning list", "GetEpicsForProject", true);

            return listReturn;
Exemple #33
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region StartUp Section
            // Initialize all variables
            ConfigRallyUID = "";
            ConfigRallyPWD = "";
            ConfigLogPath = "";
            ConfigStatusEOL = "";
            ConfigReportPath = "";
            ReportFile = "";
            LogFile = "";
            ConfigDBServer = "";
            ConfigDBName = "";
            ConfigDBUID = "";
            ConfigDBPWD = "";
            ReportDayNum = 0;
            ReportWeekNum = 0;
            ReportMonth = 0;
            ReportQuarter = 0;
            ReportYear = 0;

            // Get the configuration information from config file
            if (!GetConfigSettings())
                // If we can't get the configuration settings, we can't even log anything, so just terminate

            // Check for any commandline arguments.  If there are not any, assume a "Daily" operating mode and set
            // the report date to yesterday (we don't want to report on today)
            if (args.Length != 0)
                OperatingMode = OperateMode.Daily;
                ReportingDay = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1);
                ReportDayNum = ReportingDay.Day;
                ReportMonth = ReportingDay.Month;
                ReportYear = ReportingDay.Year;
            #endregion StartUp Section

            // Log the start of processing
            LogOutput("Started processing at " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " on " + DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(), "Main", false);
            DateTime dtStartTime = DateTime.Now;

            // Log the operating mode
            switch (OperatingMode)
                case OperateMode.Daily:
                    LogOutput("Operating in Daily Mode...Processing for Day " + ReportingDay.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"), "Main", false);
                case OperateMode.Monthly:
                    LogOutput("Operating in Monthly Mode...Processing for " + ReportingDay.ToString("MMM"), "Main", false);
                case OperateMode.Quarterly:
                    LogOutput("Operating in Quarterly mode...Processing for Quarter Q" + ReportQuarter.ToString() + "Y" + ReportYear.ToString(), "Main", false);
                case OperateMode.Annual:
                    LogOutput("Operating in Annual mode...Processing for year " + ReportYear.ToString(), "Main", false);
                case OperateMode.Weekly:
                    LogOutput("Operating in Weekly mode...Processing for Day " + ReportingDay.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"), "Main", false);
                    LogOutput("Unknown Operating mode...assuming Daily...", "Main", false);

            #region Gather from Rally
            // Create the Rally API object
            LogOutput("Creating reference to RallyAPI...", "Main", true);
            RallyAPI = new RallyRestApi();

            // Login to Rally
            LogOutput("Starting connection to Rally...", "Main", true);
                RallyAPI.Authenticate(ConfigRallyUID, ConfigRallyPWD, ConfigRallyURL);
                LogOutput("Response from RallyAPI.Authenticate: " + RallyAPI.AuthenticationState.ToString(), "Main", true);
                if (RallyAPI.AuthenticationState.ToString() != "Authenticated")
                    // We did not actually connect
                    LogOutput("Unable to connect to Rally and establish session.  Application will terminate.", "Main", false);
                    if (RallyAPI.ConnectionInfo.UserName == null)
                        LogOutput("RallyAPI.ConnectionInfo: " + RallyAPI.ConnectionInfo.ToString(), "Main", false);
                        LogOutput("Unable to authenticate with Rally.  Application will terminate.", "Main", false);
                        LogOutput("Connected to Rally as user " + RallyAPI.ConnectionInfo.UserName, "Main", true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogOutput("Error Connecting to Rally: " + ex.Message, "Main", false);
                LogOutput("Rally Authentication State: " + RallyAPI.AuthenticationState.ToString() +
                    "Rally Connection Info: " + RallyAPI.ConnectionInfo.ToString(), "Main", false);

            // Grab the active Initiatives we want to report on
            LogOutput("Getting all Initiatives...", "Main", false);
            List<Initiative> InitiativeList = new List<Initiative>();
            LogOutput("Calling 'GetInitiativeList'...", "Main", true);
            InitiativeList = GetInitiativeList();
            LogOutput("Done with 'GetInitiativeList'", "Main", true);
            if (InitiativeList.Count == 0)
                // Could not get the Initiatives...or nothing to report on, so stop
                LogOutput("Unable to open Initiative list or no Initiatives to report on.  Application will terminate.", "Main", false);
                RallyAPI.Logout();      // Disconnect from Rally
                Environment.Exit(-1);   // End Program
            LogOutput("Retrieved " + InitiativeList.Count + " Initiatives to report on", "Main", false);

            // Now iterate through the initiatives and get all the Features or "Projects"
            LogOutput("Getting all Projects for the Initiatives...", "Main", false);
            BasicProjectList = new List<Project>();
            LogOutput("Looping for each Initiative...", "Main", true);
            foreach (Initiative init in InitiativeList)
                // Get the project list for the current initiative ONLY
                List<Project> ProjectList = new List<Project>();
                LogOutput("Calling 'GetProjectsForInitiative' with " + init.Name.Trim() + "...", "Main", true);
                ProjectList = GetProjectsForInitiative(init.Name.Trim());
                LogOutput("Done with 'GetProjectsForInitiative' for " + init.Name.Trim(), "Main", true);

                // Append this list to the FULL list
                LogOutput("Appending " + ProjectList.Count + " projects to object 'BasicProjectList'", "Main", true);
            LogOutput("Retrieved " + BasicProjectList.Count + " Projects total", "Main", false);

            // We need to loop through the project list now and for each project
            // we need to get all the epics.  Then with each epic, we recursively
            // get all user stories
            LogOutput("Getting all User Stories for all projects...", "Main", false);
            // Initialize a new list of projects.  This will become the full list including stories
            // and defects
            CompleteProjectList = new List<Project>();
            LogOutput("Looping for each Project...", "Main", true);
            foreach (Project proj in BasicProjectList)
                // Get all the epics for this project
                LogOutput("~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+", "Main", true);
                LogOutput("Calling 'GetEpicsForProject' with " + proj.Name.Trim() + "...", "Main", true);
                List<Epic> EpicList = new List<Epic>();
                EpicList = GetEpicsForProject(proj.FormattedID.Trim());
                LogOutput("Done with 'GetEpicsForProject' for " + proj.Name.Trim(), "Main", true);

                // Now go through each of the Epics for the current project
                // and recurse through to get all final-level user stories
                LogOutput("Getting all User Stories for " + proj.Name + "...", "Main", true);
                List<Epic> FullEpicList = new List<Epic>();
                BasicStoryList = new List<UserStory>();
                LogOutput("Looping for each Epic...", "Main", true);
                foreach (Epic epic in EpicList)
                    Epic newepic = new Epic();
                    List<UserStory> StoryList = new List<UserStory>();
                    LogOutput("Calling 'GetUserStoriesPerParent' with " + epic.FormattedID.Trim() + " as Root Parent...", "Main", true);
                    StoryList = GetUserStoriesPerParent(epic.FormattedID.Trim(), epic.Name.Trim(), true);
                    LogOutput("Done with 'GetUserStoriesPerParent' for " + epic.FormattedID.Trim(), "Main", true);
                    // save the info as a new epic
                    newepic.ActualEndDate = epic.ActualEndDate;
                    newepic.DefectActual = epic.DefectActual;
                    newepic.DefectEstimate = epic.DefectEstimate;
                    newepic.DefectToDo = epic.DefectToDo;
                    newepic.Description = epic.Description;
                    newepic.FormattedID = epic.FormattedID;
                    newepic.Name = epic.Name;
                    newepic.Owner = epic.Owner;
                    newepic.ParentProject = epic.ParentProject;
                    newepic.PlannedEndDate = epic.PlannedEndDate;
                    newepic.PlannedStartDate = epic.PlannedStartDate;
                    newepic.Release = epic.Release;
                    newepic.State = epic.State;
                    newepic.StateChangedDate = epic.StateChangedDate;
                    newepic.StoryActual = epic.StoryActual;
                    newepic.StoryEstimate = epic.StoryEstimate;
                    newepic.StoryToDo = epic.StoryToDo;
                    newepic.UserStories = StoryList;
                    // Add the stories to the full list
                LogOutput("Retrieved " + BasicStoryList.Count + " User Stories for " + proj.Name, "Main", false);

                // Get any defects there may be for the User Stories
                LogOutput("Getting all Defects for " + proj.Name + "...", "Main", false);
                BasicDefectList = new List<Defect>();
                LogOutput("Looping for each Story...", "Main", true);
                foreach (UserStory story in BasicStoryList)
                    List<Defect> DefectList = new List<Defect>();
                    // Defects will always be attached to a User Story
                    LogOutput("Calling 'GetDefectsForStory' with " + story.Name + "...", "Main", true);
                    DefectList = GetDefectsForStory(story);
                    LogOutput("Done with 'GetDefectsForStory' for " + story.Name, "Main", true);
                    // If there are any defects, add them to the list
                    if (DefectList.Count > 0)
                        LogOutput("Appending " + DefectList.Count + " defects to object 'BasicDefectList'", "Main", true);

                // At this point we have the FULL list of User Stories/Defects for the current
                // project.  We now create a "new" project with the same properties, but this time
                // we are able to store the Epics, User Stories, and Defects.
                LogOutput("Creating new project object and populating with full information...", "Main", true);
                Project newproject = new Project();
                newproject.ActualEndDate = proj.ActualEndDate;
                newproject.Description = proj.Description;
                newproject.Expedite = proj.Expedite;
                newproject.FormattedID = proj.FormattedID;
                newproject.Initiative = proj.Initiative;
                newproject.LastUpdateDate = proj.LastUpdateDate;
                newproject.Name = proj.Name;
                newproject.OpportunityAmount = proj.OpportunityAmount;
                newproject.Owner = proj.Owner;
                newproject.UpdateOwner = proj.UpdateOwner;
                newproject.StakeHolder = proj.StakeHolder;
                newproject.PlannedEndDate = proj.PlannedEndDate;
                newproject.PlannedStartDate = proj.PlannedStartDate;
                newproject.RevokedReason = proj.RevokedReason;
                newproject.State = proj.State;
                newproject.StateChangedDate = proj.StateChangedDate;
                newproject.StatusUpdate = proj.StatusUpdate;
                newproject.UserStories = BasicStoryList;
                newproject.Defects = BasicDefectList;
                newproject.Epics = FullEpicList;
                LogOutput("Appending new project object to object 'CompleteProjectList'", "Main", true);
            LogOutput("Done looping through all projects", "Main", false);
            LogOutput("Appending new project object to object 'CompleteProjectList'", "Main", true);
            #endregion Gather from Rally

            #region Calculation Section
            // We now have a full list of all projects with all complete information so
            // at this point we can calculate the Actuals for each project based on the reporting mode we are operating in
            switch (OperatingMode)
                case OperateMode.Daily:
                    // This mode runs every day and simply keeps running total of time with daily inserts for each project
                    AllProjectInfo = new List<Project>();
                    LogOutput("Calling 'CalculateDailyTotals' with " + CompleteProjectList.Count + " complete projects...", "Main", true);
                    AllProjectInfo = CalculateDailyTotals(CompleteProjectList, ReportingDay);
                    LogOutput("Done with 'CalculateDailyTotals'", "Main", true);

                    // Now create the final report
                    LogOutput("Calling 'CreateDailyReport'...", "Main", true);
                    CreateDailyReport(AllProjectInfo, ReportingDay);
                    LogOutput("Done with 'CreateDailyReport'...", "Main", true);
                case OperateMode.Monthly:
                    // This mode runs each month and creates very high-level summary info
                    AllProjectInfo = new List<Project>();
                    LogOutput("Calling 'CalculateMonthlyReport' with " + CompleteProjectList.Count + " complete projects...", "Main", true);
                    AllProjectInfo = CalculateMonthlyReport(CompleteProjectList, ReportMonth);
                    LogOutput("Done with 'CalculateMonthlyReport'", "Main", true);

                    // Now create the final report
                    LogOutput("Calling 'CreateMonthlyReport'...", "Main", true);
                    CreateMonthlyReport(AllProjectInfo, ReportMonth);
                    LogOutput("Done with 'CreateMonthlyReport'...", "Main", true);
                case OperateMode.Quarterly:
                    AllProjectInfo = new List<Project>();
                    LogOutput("Calling 'CalculateQuarterTotals' with " + CompleteProjectList.Count + " complete projects...", "Main", true);
                    AllProjectInfo = CalculateQuarterTotals(CompleteProjectList, ReportQuarter, ReportYear);
                    LogOutput("Done with 'CalculateQuarterTotals'", "Main", true);

                    // Now create the final report
                    LogOutput("Calling 'CreateQuarterReport'...", "Main", true);
                    CreateQuarterReport(AllProjectInfo, ReportYear.ToString() + 'Q' + ReportQuarter.ToString());
                    LogOutput("Done with 'CreateQuarterReport'...", "Main", true);
                case OperateMode.Annual:
                    AllProjectInfo = new List<Project>();
                    LogOutput("Calling 'CalculateAnnualTotals' with " + CompleteProjectList.Count + " complete projects...", "Main", true);
                    AllProjectInfo = CalculateAnnualTotals(CompleteProjectList, ReportYear);
                    LogOutput("Done with 'CalculateAnnualTotals'", "Main", true);

                    // Now create the final report
                    LogOutput("Calling 'CreateAnnualReport'...", "Main", true);
                    CreateAnnualReport(AllProjectInfo, ReportYear);
                    LogOutput("Done with 'CreateAnnualReport'...", "Main", true);
                case OperateMode.Weekly:
                    // This mode is intended to run on Sunday in order to run stats for up-to-and-including current week for projects.  The "Project Update"
                    // is also included so the single table can be queried
                    AllProjectInfo = new List<Project>();
                    LogOutput("Calling 'CalculateWeeklyTotals' with " + CompleteProjectList.Count + " complete projects...", "Main", true);
                    AllProjectInfo = CalculateWeeklyTotals(CompleteProjectList, ReportingDay);
                    LogOutput("Done with 'CalculateWeeklyTotals'", "Main", true);

                    // Now create the weekly report
                    LogOutput("Calling 'CreateWeeklyReport'...", "Main", true);
                    CreateWeeklyReport(AllProjectInfo, ReportingDay);
                    LogOutput("Done with 'CreateWeeklyReport'...", "Main", true);

            DateTime dtEndTime = DateTime.Now;
            string strTotSeconds = dtEndTime.Subtract(dtStartTime).TotalSeconds.ToString();
            LogOutput("Completed processing at " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " on " + DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + " - Total Processing Time: " + strTotSeconds + " seconds", "Main", false);
Exemple #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Accepts list of all Epics / User Stories / Defects and creates summary total roll-ups at the Epic level
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="epics">List of all Epics</param>
        /// <param name="stories">List of all Stories</param>
        /// <param name="defects">List of all Defects</param>
        public static List<Epic> CreateWeeklyEpicSummary(List<Epic> epics, List<UserStory> stories, List<Defect> defects)
            List<Epic> ReturnEpics = new List<Epic>();

            foreach (Epic epic in epics)
                Epic newepic = new Epic();
                newepic.StoryEstimate = 0;
                newepic.StoryToDo = 0;
                newepic.StoryActual = 0;
                newepic.DefectEstimate = 0;
                newepic.DefectToDo = 0;
                newepic.DefectActual = 0;
                newepic.ActualEndDate = epic.ActualEndDate;
                newepic.Description = epic.Description;
                newepic.FormattedID = epic.FormattedID;
                newepic.Name = epic.Name;
                newepic.Owner = epic.Owner;
                newepic.ParentProject = epic.ParentProject;
                newepic.PlannedEndDate = epic.PlannedEndDate;
                newepic.PlannedStartDate = epic.PlannedStartDate;
                newepic.Release = epic.Release;
                newepic.State = epic.State;
                newepic.StateChangedDate = epic.StateChangedDate;
                newepic.UserStories = epic.UserStories;
                foreach (UserStory story in newepic.UserStories)
                    foreach (Task storytask in story.Tasks)
                        newepic.StoryEstimate = newepic.StoryEstimate + storytask.Estimate;
                        newepic.StoryToDo = newepic.StoryToDo + storytask.ToDo;
                        newepic.StoryActual = newepic.StoryActual + storytask.Actual;
                        if (defects != null)
                            foreach (Defect defect in defects)
                                if (defect.ParentStory == story.FormattedID)
                                    foreach (Task defecttask in defect.Tasks)
                                        newepic.DefectEstimate = newepic.DefectEstimate + defecttask.Estimate;
                                        newepic.DefectToDo = newepic.DefectToDo + defecttask.ToDo;
                                        newepic.DefectActual = newepic.DefectActual + defecttask.Actual;

            return ReturnEpics;