Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// c# implementation of https://github.com/robidouille/robidouille/blob/master/raspicam_cv/RaspiCamTest.c
        /// </summary>
        public void Run()
            Log.Info("Creating Window");
            var windowName = "PiCamCVSimpleTest";

            CvInvoke.NamedWindow(windowName); //Create the window using the specific name

            Log.Info("Creating capture");

            EnvironmentService.DemandUnix("OpenCV 3.0 deprecated these capture methods. Only supported with PiCamCv on Pi");
            var captureConfig = new CaptureConfig {
                Resolution = new Resolution(640, 480), Framerate = 25, Monochrome = true
            var piConfig = PiCameraConfig.FromConfig(captureConfig);

            IntPtr capture = CvInvokeRaspiCamCV.cvCreateCameraCapture2(0, ref piConfig); // Index doesn't really matter

                IntPtr imagePtr = CvInvokeRaspiCamCV.cvQueryFrame(capture);
                using (var managedImage = Image <Bgr, Byte> .FromIplImagePtr(imagePtr))
                    CvInvoke.Imshow(windowName, managedImage);
            } while (CvInvoke.WaitKey(100) < 0);

            CvInvokeRaspiCamCV.cvReleaseCapture(ref capture);