public void Append(Block <T> block, DateTimeOffset currentTime) { try { _rwlock.EnterWriteLock(); Validate(Enumerable.Append(this, block), currentTime); Blocks[block.Hash] = block; EvaluateActions(block); long index = Store.AppendIndex(Id.ToString(), block.Hash); ISet <TxId> txIds = block.Transactions .Select(t => t.Id) .ToImmutableHashSet(); Store.UnstageTransactionIds(Id.ToString(), txIds); foreach (Transaction <T> tx in block.Transactions) { Store.AppendAddressTransactionId( Id.ToString(), tx.Recipient, tx.Id ); } } finally { _rwlock.ExitWriteLock(); } }
void Adding(object[] sut, object item) { var items = Enumerable.Append(sut, item); Assert.Equal(item, items.Last()); Assert.Equal(sut.First(), items.First()); }
public async Task AppendWithNullableDecimalSourceWithElementIsEquivalentToAppendTest() { // Arrange // Arrange 'queryAdapter' parameter var queryAdapter = await GetQueryAdapterAsync(DisallowAll); // Arrange 'source' parameter var source = GetQueryable <decimal?>(); // Arrange 'asyncSource' parameter var asyncSource = queryAdapter.GetAsyncQueryable <decimal?>(); // Arrange 'element' parameter var element = 5; // Arrange 'expectedResult' parameter var expectedResult = Enumerable .Append <decimal?>(source, element); // Act var result = await AsyncQueryable.Append <decimal?>(asyncSource, element).ToListAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); // Assert Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result); }
/// <summary> /// Converts 4 chars /// </summary> /// <returns>be int value</returns> public static int GetMagicBytesBE(params byte[] chars) { if (chars.Length > 4) { return(0); } IEnumerable <byte> v = chars.AsEnumerable(); if (chars.Length == 3) { v = Enumerable.Append(v, (byte)0); } else if (chars.Length < 4) { v = Enumerable.Concat(v, Enumerable.Repeat((byte)0, chars.Length - 4)); } unsafe { fixed(byte *chs = v.ToArray()) { return(Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)chs)); } } }
public void Append(Block <T> block, DateTimeOffset currentTime) { try { _rwlock.EnterWriteLock(); HashDigest <SHA256>?tip = Store.IndexBlockHash(Id.ToString(), -1); block.Validate( currentTime, a => GetStates(new[] { a }, tip).GetValueOrDefault(a)); Validate(Enumerable.Append(this, block), currentTime); Blocks[block.Hash] = block; EvaluateActions(block); Store.AppendIndex(Id.ToString(), block.Hash); ISet <TxId> txIds = block.Transactions .Select(t => t.Id) .ToImmutableHashSet(); Store.UnstageTransactionIds(txIds); } finally { _rwlock.ExitWriteLock(); } }
public void EnumAppendTest() { var l1 = new List <string> { "123" }; var l2 = Enumerable.Append(l1, "11111"); var l3 = Enumerable.Prepend(l1, "2222"); }
public async Task RunAsync() { var thisTask = EndPoint.RunAsync(); var otherTasks = from service in _Services where service != this select service.RunAsync(); var allTasks = Enumerable.Append(otherTasks, thisTask); await Task.WhenAll(allTasks); }
public async Task RunAsync() { var tasks = new List <Task>(); Task <HttpListenerContext> listenerTask = HttpListener.GetContextAsync(); while (true) { // Wait until client connects // We need to let client connections keep running, so await everything. Logger.Log(Constants.Component, $"{HttpListener.Prefixes.First()} listing for new connections and on {tasks.Count} existing connections"); // And wait for something to happen. Note that multiple things can happen at the // same time. Task completedTask = await Task.WhenAny(Enumerable.Append(tasks, listenerTask)); // If it's one of the client connection tasks ending then we just need to stop waiting for it. if (completedTask != listenerTask) { tasks.Remove(completedTask); } // If we got a new connection we need to start handling that connection, and start // listening for new connections. else { // Otherwise we know it's a new connection we need to handle. HttpListenerContext context = listenerTask.Result; if (context.Request.IsWebSocketRequest) { // Turn the HTTP connection into a websocket connection var client = (await context.AcceptWebSocketAsync(null)).WebSocket; // Create the client connection and run it. tasks.Add(new ClientConnection(client, CommandDecoder, CommandDispatcher, Logger) .RunAsync() ); } else { // Return empty body in case http message and return bad request as we only expect websocket // The 400 Bad Request error is an HTTP status code that means that the request you sent to the website server, // often something simple like a request to load a web page, was somehow incorrect or corrupted and the server couldn't understand it. context.Response.StatusCode = 400; context.Response.Close(); } // Restart listening for new connections. listenerTask = HttpListener.GetContextAsync(); } } }
public Task Insert(TransactionPayment elem, int merchantId) { if (!transactions.ContainsKey(merchantId)) { transactions.Add(merchantId, new ConcurrentBag <TransactionPayment>() { elem }); return(Task.CompletedTask); } var transaction = transactions[merchantId]; transactions[merchantId] = Enumerable.Append(transaction, elem); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public void Append(Block <T> block) { Validate(Enumerable.Append(this, block)); Blocks[block.Hash] = block; EvaluateActions(block); long index = Store.AppendIndex(block.Hash); ISet <TxId> txIds = block.Transactions .Select(t => t.Id) .ToImmutableHashSet(); Store.UnstageTransactionIds(txIds); foreach (Transaction <T> tx in block.Transactions) { Store.AppendAddressTransactionId(tx.Recipient, tx.Id); } }
public static IEnumerable <INamedTypeSymbol> GetAllTypes(this INamespaceOrTypeSymbol symbol, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); IEnumerable <INamedTypeSymbol> result = Enumerable.Empty <INamedTypeSymbol>(); if (symbol is INamespaceSymbol ns) { result = result.Concat(ns.GetMembers().SelectMany(subNs => GetAllTypes(subNs, cancellationToken))); } else if (symbol is INamedTypeSymbol ts) { result = Enumerable.Append(result, ts); result = result.Concat(ts.GetTypeMembers().SelectMany(subType => GetAllTypes(subType, cancellationToken))); } return(result); }
public async Task <GetNotesNoteModel> GetNotesAsync(string noteId = null) { GetNotesNoteModel response = new GetNotesNoteModel(); if (noteId is null) { var items = await _homeRepository.GetAllAsync(); response.Items = _mapper.Map <IEnumerable <GetNotesHomeModelItem> >(items); } if (!(noteId is null)) { var item = await _homeRepository.GetByIdAsync(noteId); response.Items = new List <GetNotesHomeModelItem>(); response.Items = Enumerable.Append(response.Items, _mapper.Map <GetNotesHomeModelItem>(item)); } return(response); }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { var items = (IEnumerable <object>)value; return(Enumerable.Append(items, parameter)); }
public static long Solve(string[] lines) { var groups = lines.Split("").ToArray(); var fields = groups[0].Select(fieldstr => { return(fieldstr.Split(": ")[1].Split(" or ") .Select(rangestr => rangestr.Split("-").Select(int.Parse).Fold((min, max) => (min: min, max: max)) ).ToArray()); }).ToArray(); var fieldNames = groups[0].Select(fieldstr => { return(fieldstr.Split(": ")[0]); }).ToArray(); //W(fields.ToDelimitedString(",")); var myticket = groups[1].ElementAt(1).Split(",").Select(int.Parse).ToArray(); var tickets = groups[2].Skip(1).Select( ticketstr => ticketstr.Split(",").Select(int.Parse).ToArray() ).ToArray(); // W(tickets.Select(t => "(" + t.ToDelimitedString(",") + ")").ToDelimitedString(",")); W(myticket.ToDelimitedString(",")); var validTickets = Enumerable.Append(tickets, myticket).Where(values => values.All(value => fields.Any(ranges => ranges.Any(range => value >= range.min && value <= range.max ))) ); W(validTickets.Select(t => "(" + t.ToDelimitedString(",") + ")").ToDelimitedString(",")); int fieldCount = tickets[0].Length; var positionSetByFieldIndex = tickets[0].Select((x) => Enumerable.ToHashSet(Enumerable.Range(0, fieldCount))).ToArray(); foreach (var ticket in validTickets) { for (int position = 0; position < ticket.Length; position++) { for (int fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < fieldCount; fieldIndex++) { if (!fields[fieldIndex].Any(range => ticket[position] >= range.min && ticket[position] <= range.max)) { W($"field {fieldIndex} can't be in position {position}"); positionSetByFieldIndex[fieldIndex].Remove(position); } } } } W(positionSetByFieldIndex.Select((s, i) => $"{i}:{s.ToDelimitedString(",")}").ToDelimitedString("; ")); while (positionSetByFieldIndex.Any(s => s.Count > 1)) { for (int fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < fieldCount; fieldIndex++) { if (positionSetByFieldIndex[fieldIndex].Count == 1) { int fieldPos = positionSetByFieldIndex[fieldIndex].First(); W($"found position for field {fieldIndex}: {fieldPos}"); for (int otherFieldIndex = 0; otherFieldIndex < fieldCount; otherFieldIndex++) { if (otherFieldIndex != fieldIndex) { positionSetByFieldIndex[otherFieldIndex].Remove(fieldPos); } } } } } W(positionSetByFieldIndex.Select((s, i) => $"{i}:{s.ToDelimitedString(",")}").ToDelimitedString("; ")); var fieldPositions = positionSetByFieldIndex .Select((s, j) => (position: s.First(), index: j)) .ToArray(); var departurePos = fieldPositions .Where((position, fieldIndex) => fieldNames[fieldIndex].StartsWith("departure")) .Select(field => field.position); W($"departure pos: {departurePos.ToDelimitedString(",")}"); var mydeparture = departurePos.Select(position => (long)myticket[position]); W($"my departure fields: {mydeparture.ToDelimitedString(",")}"); return(mydeparture.Product()); }
private int[] Analyze(string reference) { if (!reference.IsNullOrEmpty()) { reference = reference.SanitizeAndTrimEmptyLinesAndSpaces(); int countSpaces = reference.Count(c => c == ' '); int countPoints = reference.Count(c => c == '.'); if (countPoints == 0 && !reference.Any(c => char.IsNumber(c))) { return new int[] { getBookRef(reference), 1, 1 } } ; if (countSpaces == 0 && char.IsNumber(reference[0])) { if (countPoints == 0) { return(Enumerable.Append(Enumerable.Append(reference.Split('.').Select(int.Parse), 1), 1).ToArray()); } if (countPoints == 1) { return(Enumerable.Append(reference.Split('.').Select(int.Parse), 1).ToArray()); } if (countPoints >= 2) { return(reference.Split('.').Select(int.Parse).Take(3).ToArray()); } } else { try { var itemsVerse = new int[3]; var partsAllSpaced = reference.Split(' '); var partVerseRef = partsAllSpaced[partsAllSpaced.Length - 1].Split('.'); if (partVerseRef.Length >= 1) { itemsVerse[1] = int.Parse(partVerseRef[0]); } if (partVerseRef.Length >= 2) { itemsVerse[2] = int.Parse(partVerseRef[1]); } string book = countSpaces == 1 ? partsAllSpaced[0] : partsAllSpaced[0] + " " + partsAllSpaced[1]; itemsVerse[0] = getBookRef(book); return(itemsVerse); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ArgumentException(AppTranslations.ReferenceError.GetLang(reference), ex); } } } throw new ArgumentException(AppTranslations.ReferenceError.GetLang(reference)); // int getBookRef(string name) => ApplicationDatabase.Instance .Books .First(book => BookInfos.Transcriptions[Language.EN][(TanakBook)book.Number].RawContains(name) || BookInfos.Transcriptions[Language.FR][(TanakBook)book.Number].RawContains(name) || BookInfos.Common[Language.EN][(TanakBook)book.Number].RawContains(name) || BookInfos.Common[Language.FR][(TanakBook)book.Number].RawContains(name)).Number; } }
public static IEnumerable <TSource> Append <TSource>(IEnumerable <TSource> source, TSource element) => Enumerable.Append(source, element);
private static bool IsTestProgramDotsRuntimeCompatible(DotsRuntimeCSharpProgram arg) { //We need a better way of knowing which asmdefs are supposed to work on dots-runtime, and which do not. for now use a simple heuristic of "is it called Editor or is it called Hybrid" var allFileNames = Enumerable.Append(arg.References.ForAny().OfType <CSharpProgram>().Select(r => r.FileName), arg.FileName).ToArray(); if (allFileNames.Any(f => f.Contains("Editor"))) { return(false); } if (allFileNames.Any(f => f.Contains("Hybrid"))) { return(false); } if (allFileNames.Any(f => f.Contains("Unity.TextMeshPro"))) { return(false); } if (allFileNames.Any(f => f.Contains("Unity.ugui"))) { return(false); } //in theory, all tests for assemblies that are used by dotsruntime targetting programs should be dots runtime compatible //unfortunately we have some tests today that test dotsruntime compatible code, but the testcode itself is not dotsruntime compatible. //blacklist these for now if (arg.FileName.Contains("Unity.Scenes.Tests")) { return(false); } if (arg.FileName.Contains("Unity.Build.Tests")) { return(false); } if (arg.FileName.Contains("Unity.Build.Common.Tests")) { return(false); } if (arg.FileName.Contains("Unity.Authoring")) { return(false); } if (arg.FileName.Contains("Unity.Serialization")) { return(false); } if (arg.FileName.Contains("Unity.Entities.Reflection.Tests")) { return(false); } if (arg.FileName.Contains("Unity.Properties")) { return(false); } if (arg.FileName.Contains("Unity.Entities.Properties")) { return(false); } if (arg.FileName.Contains("Unity.Burst.Tests")) { return(false); } if (arg.FileName.Contains("")) { return(false); } if (arg.FileName.Contains("Unity.Collections.Tests")) { return(false); } if (arg.FileName.Contains("Automation.Tests")) { return(false); } if (arg.FileName.Contains(".CodeGen")) { return(false); } if (arg.FileName.Contains("Unity.Entities.Determinism.Tests")) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static IEnumerable <Task <T> > Append <T>(this IEnumerable <Task <T> > tasks, Task <T> task) => Enumerable.Append(tasks, task);