public void AddEx(string Content, EnumHelper.ReferType Type, int TargetId, string CreateNickName = "") { Maticsoft.Model.SNS.ReferUsers model = new Maticsoft.Model.SNS.ReferUsers(); Users users2 = new Users(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Content)) { MatchCollection matchs = Regex.Matches(Content, @"@[\u4e00-\u9fa5\w\-]+"); List<string> list = new List<string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CreateNickName)) { list.Add(CreateNickName); } foreach (Match match in matchs) { int num; string item = match.Value.Trim(new char[] { '@' }); if ((!list.Contains(item) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) && ((num = users2.GetUserIdByNickName(item)) > 0)) { list.Add(item); model.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; model.IsRead = false; model.ReferUserID = num; model.ReferNickName = item; model.Type = (int) Type; model.TagetID = TargetId; this.Add(model); } } } }
/// <summary> /// 获取消息枚举对应的微信平台接受的消息名称 /// </summary> public static string ObtainMessageType(EnumHelper.MsgType type) { var mi = type.GetType().GetMember(Enum.GetName(type.GetType(), type)).FirstOrDefault(); MsgTypeAttribute attr = null; if (mi != null) { attr = mi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MsgTypeAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault() as MsgTypeAttribute; } return attr == null ? null : ObtainMessageType(attr); }
public void SaveImageFile(EnumHelper.photoDestination photoDestination, string baseFolder,string filename, Pracownice.Models.Pracownica pracownica) { if (photoDestination == EnumHelper.photoDestination.mainPhoto) { ChangeMainPhoto(pracownica,baseFolder, filename); } else if (photoDestination == EnumHelper.photoDestination.galleryPhoto) { AddPhotoGallery(pracownica, baseFolder, filename); } else { throw new Exception("Problem with Saving File || DbHelperUtils"); } }
public static void Bind(RadioButtonList rdolst, ListItemCollection list, EnumHelper.ListItemType listType) { foreach (ListItem item in list) { //if (listType == EnumHelper.ListItemType.CommissionType) //{ // if (Convert.ToInt32(item.Value) == Convert.ToInt32(EnumHelper.CommissionType.Dollar)) // { // item.Text = "$"; // } // if (Convert.ToInt32(item.Value) == Convert.ToInt32(EnumHelper.CommissionType.Percentage)) // { // item.Text = "%"; // } //} rdolst.Items.Add(item); } }
/// <summary> /// Import mapping from Excel file. Create the corresponding XML files /// </summary> /// <param name="mappingType">Mapping type - > Codelist | IUS | Medatata</param> /// <param name="paramString">Param string</param> /// <remarks>Param string should be in the format of DBNID[****]LangauageCode[****]UserNId[****]AgeCodeListGID[****]SexCodeListGId[****]LocationCodeListGID</remarks> public string ImportMapppingFile(EnumHelper.MappingType mappingType, string paramValue, string languageCode, string dbNId, string fileName) { //Load Excel mapping file string RetVal = string.Empty; DIExcel ExportExcel = new DIExcel(fileName); this.languageCode = languageCode; this.dbNId = dbNId; switch (mappingType) { case EnumHelper.MappingType.CodeList: RetVal = this.ImportCodeListMappingData(ExportExcel, paramValue).ToString().ToLower(); break; case EnumHelper.MappingType.IUS: RetVal = this.ImportIUSMappingData(ExportExcel, paramValue).ToString().ToLower(); break; case EnumHelper.MappingType.Metadata: RetVal = this.ImportMetadataMappingData(ExportExcel, paramValue).ToString().ToLower(); break; default: break; } return RetVal; }
public ActionResult Dialog() { ViewBag.LocalType = EnumHelper.GetOptions <ELocalType>(0); ViewBag.Storage = DropDownHelper.GetStorage(this.DefaultStorageNum, this.CompanyID); return(View()); }
private void FrmMain_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { var log = TextFileLog.Create(null, "Net_{0:yyyy_MM_dd}.log"); BizLog = txtReceive.Combine(log); txtReceive.UseWinFormControl(); txtReceive.SetDefaultStyle(12); txtSend.SetDefaultStyle(12); numMutilSend.SetDefaultStyle(12); gbReceive.Tag = gbReceive.Text; gbSend.Tag = gbSend.Text; _task.ContinueWith(t => { var dic = EnumHelper.GetDescriptions <WorkModes>(); var list = dic.Select(kv => kv.Value).ToList(); //var ds = dic.ToDictionary(s => s.Value, s => s.Value); foreach (var item in t.Result) { list.Add(item.Key); } this.Invoke(() => { cbMode.DataSource = list; var cfg = NetConfig.Current; if (cfg.Mode > 0 && dic.ContainsKey((WorkModes)cfg.Mode)) { cbMode.SelectedItem = dic[(WorkModes)cfg.Mode]; } else { cbMode.SelectedIndex = 0; } }); }); // 加载保存的颜色 UIConfig.Apply(txtReceive); LoadConfig(); // 语音识别 Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var sp = SpeechRecognition.Current; if (!sp.Enable) { return; } sp.Register("打开", () => this.Invoke(Connect)) .Register("关闭", () => this.Invoke(Disconnect)) .Register("退出", () => Application.Exit()) .Register("发送", () => this.Invoke(() => btnSend_Click(null, null))); BizLog.Info("语音识别前缀:{0} 可用命令:{1}", sp.Name, sp.GetAllKeys().Join()); }); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Statuses() { await Task.CompletedTask; return(Ok(EnumHelper.List <AssigmentStatus>())); }
public bool UpdateRecommand(int ablumId, EnumHelper.RecommendType recommendType) { return this.dal.UpdateRecommand(ablumId, recommendType); }
public Axis AddNewAxis() { return((from axisType in EnumHelper.AllValuesFor <AxisTypes>() where !_axes.Contains(axisType) select AddNewAxisFor(axisType)).FirstOrDefault()); }
public bool UpdateStatusList(string IdsStr, EnumHelper.GroupStatus status) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("update SNS_Groups set Status=" + ((int) status) + " "); builder.Append(" where GroupID in (" + IdsStr + ") "); return (DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(builder.ToString()) > 0); }
private void GetV4PlusStyleGridView(DataGridView dataGridView) { //dataGridView.AutoGenerateColumns = false; V4PlusFile subtitleFile = mSubtitleFile as V4PlusFile; EnumHelper<V4PlusStyleHeader> styleHelper = new EnumHelper<V4PlusStyleHeader>(); Dictionary<V4PlusStyleHeader, string> enumDictionary = styleHelper.GetEnumsWithDescriptions(); //DataGridViewColumnCollection columns = new DataGridViewColumnCollection(dataGridView); //dataGridView.Columns.Clear(); //foreach (string styleDescription in enumDictionary.Values) //{ // DataGridViewColumn column = new DataGridViewColumn(); // column.HeaderText = styleDescription; // dataGridView.Columns.Add(column); //} BindingList<IV4PlusStyle> rows = new BindingList<IV4PlusStyle>(); rows.AddingNew += new AddingNewEventHandler(subtitleFile.AddingNewStyle); IList<IV4PlusStyle> styleValues = subtitleFile.GetStyles(); foreach(IV4PlusStyle value in styleValues) { rows.Add(value); } dataGridView.DataSource = rows; }
public string GetAsOutput() { EnumHelper<V4PlusScriptInfoHeader> helper = new EnumHelper<V4PlusScriptInfoHeader>(); string description = helper.GetDescriptionFromEnum(mParameter); return description + ": " + mValue; }
public List<Maticsoft.ViewModel.SNS.Posts> GetPostByType(int UserId, int StartIndex, int EndIndex, EnumHelper.PostType Type, int PostId, bool includeProduct = true) { List<Maticsoft.Model.SNS.Posts> list = new List<Maticsoft.Model.SNS.Posts>(); List<Maticsoft.Model.SNS.Posts> modelList = new List<Maticsoft.Model.SNS.Posts>(); Dictionary<int, Maticsoft.Model.SNS.Posts> dictionary = new Dictionary<int, Maticsoft.Model.SNS.Posts>(); List<Maticsoft.ViewModel.SNS.Posts> list3 = new List<Maticsoft.ViewModel.SNS.Posts>(); string strWhere = ""; string str2 = ""; switch (Type) { case EnumHelper.PostType.All: strWhere = " Status=" + 1; break; case EnumHelper.PostType.Fellow: strWhere = string.Concat(new object[] { " Status=", 1, " and CreatedUserId in (SELECT PassiveUserID FROM SNS_UserShip WHERE ActiveUserID=", UserId, " UNION SELECT ", UserId, ")" }); break; case EnumHelper.PostType.User: strWhere = string.Concat(new object[] { " Status=", 1, " and CreatedUserId=", UserId }); break; case EnumHelper.PostType.OnePost: strWhere = " PostID=" + PostId; break; case EnumHelper.PostType.ReferMe: strWhere = string.Concat(new object[] { " Status=", 1, " and PostID in (SELECT TagetID FROM SNS_ReferUsers WHERE ReferUserID=", UserId, " and Type=0)" }); break; case EnumHelper.PostType.EachOther: strWhere = string.Concat(new object[] { " Status=", 1, " and CreatedUserId in ( SELECT PassiveUserID FROM dbo.SNS_UserShip WHERE ActiveUserID=", UserId, " and Type=1)" }); break; case EnumHelper.PostType.Photo: strWhere = string.Concat(new object[] { " Status=", 1, " and CreatedUserId=", UserId, " and Type=", 1 }); break; case EnumHelper.PostType.Product: strWhere = string.Concat(new object[] { " Status=", 1, " and CreatedUserId=", UserId, " and Type=", 2 }); break; case EnumHelper.PostType.Video: strWhere = string.Concat(new object[] { " Status=", 1, " and CreatedUserId=", UserId, " and VideoUrl is not null" }); break; case EnumHelper.PostType.Blog: strWhere = string.Concat(new object[] { " Status=", 1, " and CreatedUserId=", UserId, " and Type=", 4 }); break; default: strWhere = "Status=" + 1; break; } if (!includeProduct) { strWhere = strWhere + " and Type<>" + 2; } list = this.DataTableToList(this.GetListByPage(strWhere, "PostId Desc", StartIndex, EndIndex).Tables[0]); int[] values = (from item in list where item.OriginalID != 0 select item.OriginalID).Distinct<int>().ToArray<int>(); string str3 = string.Join<int>(",", values); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str3)) { str2 = "PostId in(" + str3 + ")"; modelList = this.GetModelList(str2); } foreach (Maticsoft.Model.SNS.Posts posts in modelList) { dictionary.Add(posts.PostID, posts); } foreach (Maticsoft.Model.SNS.Posts posts2 in list) { Maticsoft.ViewModel.SNS.Posts posts3 = new Maticsoft.ViewModel.SNS.Posts(); posts2.Description = ViewModelBase.RegexNickName(posts2.Description); posts3.Post = posts2; if (dictionary.ContainsKey(posts2.OriginalID)) { posts3.OrigPost = dictionary[posts2.OriginalID]; posts3.OrigPost.Description = ViewModelBase.RegexNickName(posts3.OrigPost.Description); } list3.Add(posts3); } if (Type == EnumHelper.PostType.ReferMe) { new Maticsoft.BLL.SNS.ReferUsers().UpdateReferStateToRead(UserId, 0); } return list3; }
public List<Maticsoft.Model.SNS.Posts> GetScrollPost(int top, EnumHelper.PostContentType PostType) { DataSet set = new DataSet(); if (PostType == EnumHelper.PostContentType.None) { set = this.GetList(top, " ", "CreatedDate Desc"); } else { set = this.GetList(top, "Type=" + ((int) PostType), " CreatedDate Desc"); } return this.DataTableToList(set.Tables[0]); }
public List<Maticsoft.ViewModel.SNS.Posts> GetPostByType(int UserId, int StartIndex, int EndIndex, EnumHelper.PostType Type, bool includeProduct = true) { return this.GetPostByType(UserId, StartIndex, EndIndex, Type, 0, includeProduct); }
public int GetCountByPostType(int UserId, EnumHelper.PostType PostType, bool includeProduct) { string strWhere = ""; switch (PostType) { case EnumHelper.PostType.All: strWhere = " Status=" + 1; break; case EnumHelper.PostType.Fellow: strWhere = string.Concat(new object[] { "Status=", 1, " and CreatedUserId in ( SELECT PassiveUserID FROM SNS_UserShip WHERE ActiveUserID=", UserId, " UNION SELECT ", UserId, ")" }); break; case EnumHelper.PostType.User: strWhere = string.Concat(new object[] { " Status=", 1, " and CreatedUserId=", UserId }); break; case EnumHelper.PostType.ReferMe: strWhere = string.Concat(new object[] { " Status=", 1, " and PostID in (SELECT TagetID FROM SNS_ReferUsers WHERE ReferUserID=", UserId, " and Type=0)" }); break; case EnumHelper.PostType.EachOther: strWhere = string.Concat(new object[] { " Status=", 1, " and CreatedUserId in (SELECT PassiveUserID FROM SNS_UserShip WHERE ActiveUserID=", UserId, " and Type=1)" }); break; case EnumHelper.PostType.Photo: strWhere = string.Concat(new object[] { " Status=", 1, " and CreatedUserId=", UserId, " and Type=", 1 }); break; case EnumHelper.PostType.Product: strWhere = string.Concat(new object[] { " Status=", 1, " and CreatedUserId=", UserId, " and Type=", 2 }); break; case EnumHelper.PostType.Video: strWhere = string.Concat(new object[] { " Status=", 1, " and CreatedUserId=", UserId, " and VideoUrl is not null" }); break; case EnumHelper.PostType.Blog: strWhere = string.Concat(new object[] { " Status=", 1, " and CreatedUserId=", UserId, " and Type=", 4 }); break; default: strWhere = ""; break; } if (!includeProduct) { strWhere = strWhere + " and Type<>" + 2; } return this.GetRecordCount(strWhere); }
private bool DoRoundTrip(EnumHelper<UserStatus> enumHelper, UserStatus status) { return enumHelper.Names.Contains(Enum.GetName(typeof(UserStatus), status)); }
public IActionResult Index(long mid) { if (!this.HasMenu(mid)) { return(this.GetResult(false, "无菜单访问权限!")); } var model = new MenuModel() { MenuTreeUrl = this.GetUrl("menus/list"), MenuModeuleUrl = this.GetUrl("menus/module"), InfoUrl = this.GetUrl("menus/info"), OrderUrl = this.GetUrl("menus/order"), DelUrl = this.GetUrl("menus/del"), GetFieldsUrl = this.GetUrl("menus/getfields"), FieldTypes = EnumHelper.ToList <MenuFieldType>().Select(a => new JsonData <string>() { id = a.ToString(), text = a.GetDescription() }).ToList(), MenuTypes = EnumHelper.ToJsonData <MenuType>() }; ViewBag.SubmitUrl = this.GetUrl("menus/save"); using (var db = this.GetMongodb()) { #region 当前用户菜单列表 var menus = this.AppUser.Menus; model.Menus = db.Menus.Where(a => menus.Contains(a.Id)).ToList(); #endregion #region 加载MenuFlags model.Flags = EnumHelper.ToList <MenuFlag>().Select(a => new JsonData <int>() { id = (int)a, text = a.GetDescription() }).ToList(); #endregion #region 加载常用模块 model.Modules = db.MenuModules.ToList(); if (model.Modules.Count == 0) { model.Modules.Add(new MenuModule() { Id = 1, Name = "文章模块", Url = "Article", Model = "Article" }); model.Modules.Add(new MenuModule() { Id = 2, Name = "图文链接", Url = "Link", Model = "Link" }); model.Modules.Add(new MenuModule() { Id = 3, Name = "数据字典", Url = "Code", Model = "Code" }); db.MenuModules.AddMany(model.Modules); } #endregion } return(View(model)); }
/// <summary> /// Save file /// </summary> /// <param name="file"></param> /// <param name="server"></param> /// <param name="pracownica"></param> /// <param name="destination"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool SaveFile(HttpPostedFileBase file,HttpServerUtilityBase server, Pracownice.Models.Pracownica pracownica, EnumHelper.photoDestination destination ) { if(ValidateImageFile(file)) { //create file var fileName = pracownica.Name + rand.Next(0,999999) + "_" + file.FileName; string folderPath; if(destination == EnumHelper.photoDestination.mainPhoto) { folderPath = MyConfig.mainPhotoUrl; } else if (destination == EnumHelper.photoDestination.galleryPhoto) { folderPath = MyConfig.mainPhotoUrl; } else { throw new Exception("Problem with Config File || SaveFile"); } //gets path var path = Path.Combine(server.MapPath(folderPath), fileName); try { file.SaveAs(path); dbHelper.SaveImageFile(destination,folderPath, fileName, pracownica); //Creteate Thumb CreateThumb(folderPath, fileName, server); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } else { return false; } return true; }
public List <KeyValuePair <int, string> > GetAllBloodTypes() { return(EnumHelper <BloodType> .GetItems().ToList()); }
public void Alert(EnumHelper.Alerts alertType, string message) { TempData[alertType.ToString()] = message; }
public ActionResult T(int id = 0, string type = "") { Constants.Novel.PromotionType promotionType = Constants.Novel.PromotionType.none; string url = ""; if (id > 0) { if (EnumHelper.TryParsebyName <Constants.Novel.PromotionType>(type, out promotionType)) { if (promotionType == Constants.Novel.PromotionType.pmc) { PromotionLink promotionLink = _promotionLinkService.Detail(id); if (promotionLink != null && promotionLink.Id > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(promotionLink.ChannelCode) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(promotionLink.PromotionCode)) { SetSessionHeaderInfoFromRoute(promotionLink.ChannelCode, promotionLink.PromotionCode); string chapterUrl = "/chapter/detail/".GetChannelRouteUrl(promotionLink.ChannelCode); int chapterCode = promotionLink.EndChapterCode > promotionLink.StartChapterCode ? promotionLink.EndChapterCode : 0; if (promotionLink.FuncType == 1) { IDictionary <string, object> dict = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dict.Add("c", ChapterContext.GetRangeToken(promotionLink.EndChapterCode, promotionLink.FollowChapter)); dict.Add("rp", ChapterContext.GetReplyText(promotionLink.ReplyKeywords)); chapterUrl = "/preview".GetChannelRouteUrl(promotionLink.ChannelCode).SpliceUrl(dict); } url = ChapterContext.GetUrl(chapterUrl, promotionLink.NovelId, chapterCode, Constants.Novel.ChapterDirection.none, channelId: RouteChannelId); } } else if (promotionType == Constants.Novel.PromotionType.rk) { PromotionLink promotionLink = _promotionLinkService.Detail(id); if (promotionLink != null && promotionLink.Id > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(promotionLink.ChannelCode) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(promotionLink.PromotionCode)) { SetSessionHeaderInfoFromRoute(promotionLink.ChannelCode, promotionLink.PromotionCode); string chapterUrl = "/chapter/detail/".GetChannelRouteUrl(promotionLink.ChannelCode); url = ChapterContext.GetUrl(chapterUrl, promotionLink.NovelId, promotionLink.FollowChapter, Constants.Novel.ChapterDirection.none, channelId: RouteChannelId); } } } else { NovelPromotionChannel model = _novelPromotionChannelService.Detail(id); if (model != null && model.NovelId > 0 && model.ChapterCode >= 0) { string chapterUrl = "chapter/detail"; string channelId = model.ChannelId; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(channelId)) { chapterUrl = string.Concat(chapterUrl, "?channelid=", channelId); } url = ChapterContext.GetUrl(chapterUrl, model.NovelId, model.ChapterCode, channelId: RouteChannelId); } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { url = DataContext.GetErrorUrl(channelId: RouteChannelId); } return(Redirect(url)); }
public List<Maticsoft.Model.SNS.GroupTopics> GetUserRelativeTopicByType(int UserId, EnumHelper.UserGroupType Type, int StartIndex, int EndIndex) { new List<Maticsoft.Model.SNS.GroupTopics>(); string whereByType = this.GetWhereByType(UserId, Type); return this.DataTableToList(this.GetListByPage(whereByType, "CreatedDate Desc", StartIndex, EndIndex).Tables[0]); }
public string GetWhereByStatus(EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus orderType) { switch (orderType) { case EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Paying: return string.Format(" OrderStatus={0} and PaymentStatus={1} and ShippingStatus={2} and PaymentGateway!='{3}'", new object[] { 0, 0, 0, EnumHelper.PaymentGateway.cod.ToString() }); case EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.PreHandle: return string.Format(" OrderStatus={0} and PaymentStatus={1} and ShippingStatus={2} and PaymentGateway='{3}'", new object[] { 0, 0, 0, EnumHelper.PaymentGateway.cod.ToString() }); case EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Cancel: return string.Format(" OrderStatus={0} and PaymentStatus={1} and ShippingStatus={2} ", -1, 0, 0); case EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Locking: return string.Format(" PaymentStatus={1} and ShippingStatus={2} and (OrderStatus={0} or OrderStatus={3}) ", new object[] { -3, 0, 0, -2 }); case EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.PreConfirm: return string.Format(" OrderStatus={0} and PaymentStatus={1} and ShippingStatus={2} and PaymentGateway!='{3}'", new object[] { 0, 2, 0, }); case EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Handling: return string.Format(" OrderStatus={0} and ShippingStatus={1} ", 1, 0); case EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Shipping: return string.Format(" OrderStatus={0} and ShippingStatus={1}", 1, 1); case EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Shiped: return string.Format(" OrderStatus={0} and ShippingStatus={1}", 1, 2); case EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Complete: return string.Format(" OrderStatus={0} and ShippingStatus={1}", 2, 3); } return ""; }
public string GetWhereByType(int UserId, EnumHelper.UserGroupType Type) { string str = "GroupID in(select GroupID from SNS_GroupUsers where UserID=" + UserId + ")"; switch (Type) { case EnumHelper.UserGroupType.UserGroup: return ("GroupID in(select GroupID from SNS_GroupUsers where UserID=" + UserId + ")"); case EnumHelper.UserGroupType.UserPostTopic: return ("CreatedUserID=" + UserId); case EnumHelper.UserGroupType.UserReply: return ("TopicID in (SELECT DISTINCT TopicID FROM SNS_GroupTopicReply WHERE ReplyUserID=" + UserId + ")"); case EnumHelper.UserGroupType.UserFav: return ("TopicID in(select TopicID from SNS_GroupTopicFav where CreatedUserID=" + UserId + ")"); } return str; }
public static List<Maticsoft.Model.Ms.ThumbnailSize> GetThumSizeList(EnumHelper.AreaType type, string Theme = "") { string cacheKey = "GetThumSizeList-" + ((int) type) + Theme; object cache = DataCache.GetCache(cacheKey); if (cache == null) { Maticsoft.BLL.Ms.ThumbnailSize size = new Maticsoft.BLL.Ms.ThumbnailSize(); try { string strWhere = " Type=" + ((int) type); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Theme)) { strWhere = strWhere + " and (Theme='" + Theme + "' or Theme='')"; } cache = size.GetModelList(strWhere); if (cache != null) { int num = Globals.SafeInt(ConfigSystem.GetValueByCache("ModelCache"), 30); DataCache.SetCache(cacheKey, cache, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes((double) num), TimeSpan.Zero); } } catch { } } return (List<Maticsoft.Model.Ms.ThumbnailSize>) cache; }
/// <summary> /// Binds the data. /// </summary> private void BindData() { if (ObjectId != Guid.Empty) { var request = DataManager.Request.SelectById(SiteId, ObjectId); if (request != null) { CheckReadAccess(request.OwnerID, "Requests"); Title = lrlTitle.Text = string.Format("Запрос №{0} от {1}", request.Number, request.CreatedAt.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy")); lrlStatus.Text = string.Format("Состояние: {0}", EnumHelper.GetEnumDescription((RequestStatus)request.RequestStatusID)); lrlShortDescription.Text = string.Format("<div class='text-container'>{0}</div>", request.ShortDescription); lrlLongDescription.Text = string.Format("<div class='text-container'>{0}</div>", request.LongDescription); if (request.ContactID.HasValue) { var contact = DataManager.Contact.SelectById(SiteId, (Guid)request.ContactID); if (contact != null) { lrlContact.Text = contact.UserFullName; } } if (request.ResponsibleID.HasValue) { var responsible = DataManager.Contact.SelectById(SiteId, (Guid)request.ResponsibleID); if (responsible != null) { lrlResponsible.Text = responsible.UserFullName; } } if (request.ReactionDateActual.HasValue) { lrlReactionDateActual.Text = request.ReactionDateActual.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm"); } if (request.ReactionDatePlanned.HasValue) { lrlReactionDatePlanned.Text = request.ReactionDatePlanned.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm"); } if (request.RequestSourceID.HasValue && request.RequestSourceTypeID.HasValue) { UpdateRequestSourceFiles((Guid)request.RequestSourceID, (Guid)request.RequestSourceTypeID); } var requestFiles = DataManager.RequestFile.SelectByRequestId(request.ID); if (requestFiles.Any()) { var fsp = new FileSystemProvider(); var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var requestFile in requestFiles) { sb.Append(string.Format("<a href='{0}' target='_blank'>{1}</a> ", fsp.GetLink(SiteId, "Requests", requestFile.FileName, FileType.Attachment), requestFile.FileName)); } lrlRequestFiles.Text = sb.ToString(); } } } }
public List<Maticsoft.Model.SNS.Groups> GetGroupListByRecommendType(int Top, EnumHelper.GroupRecommend Type) { return this.DataTableToList(this.GetListByPage("IsRecommand=" + ((int) Type), "", 0, Top).Tables[0]); }
/// <summary> /// Called by clients to authenticate the server and optionally the client in a client-server connection. /// </summary> /// <param name="targetHost">The name of the server</param> /// <param name="port">The port of the server</param> /// <param name="protocol">The protocol used to communicate with the server</param> /// <param name="clientCertificates">The X509CertificateCollection that contains client certificates.</param> /// <param name="enabledSslProtocols">The SslProtocols value that represents the protocol used for authentication.</param> /// <param name="checkCertificateRevocation"> /// A Boolean value that specifies whether the certificate revocation list is /// checked during authentication. /// </param> public void AuthenticateAsClient(string targetHost, int port, ProtocolType protocol = ProtocolType.Tcp, X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates = null, SslProtocols enabledSslProtocols = SslProtocols.Default, bool checkCertificateRevocation = false) { _tlsaRecords = _resolver.ResolveSecure <TlsaRecord>(DomainName.Parse("_" + port + "._" + EnumHelper <ProtocolType> .ToString(protocol).ToLower() + "." + targetHost), RecordType.Tlsa); _sslStream.AuthenticateAsClient(targetHost, clientCertificates ?? new X509CertificateCollection(), enabledSslProtocols, checkCertificateRevocation); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PriorityDegree() { await Task.CompletedTask; return(Ok(EnumHelper.List <PriorityDegree>().OrderByDescending(x => x.Id))); }
/// <summary> /// Called by clients to authenticate the server and optionally the client in a client-server connection. /// </summary> /// <param name="targetHost">The name of the server</param> /// <param name="port">The port of the server</param> /// <param name="protocol">The protocol used to communicate with the server</param> /// <param name="clientCertificates">The X509CertificateCollection that contains client certificates.</param> /// <param name="enabledSslProtocols">The SslProtocols value that represents the protocol used for authentication.</param> /// <param name="checkCertificateRevocation"> /// A Boolean value that specifies whether the certificate revocation list is /// checked during authentication. /// </param> public async Task AuthenticateAsClientAsync(string targetHost, int port, ProtocolType protocol = ProtocolType.Tcp, X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates = null, SslProtocols enabledSslProtocols = #if NETSTANDARD SslProtocols.Tls, #else SslProtocols.Default, #endif bool checkCertificateRevocation = false) { _tlsaRecords = await _resolver.ResolveSecureAsync <TlsaRecord>(DomainName.Parse("_" + port + "._" + EnumHelper <ProtocolType> .ToString(protocol).ToLower() + "." + targetHost), RecordType.Tlsa); await _sslStream.AuthenticateAsClientAsync(targetHost, clientCertificates ?? new X509CertificateCollection(), enabledSslProtocols, checkCertificateRevocation); }
public List <SelectListItem> GetSortByOptions(MediaCategorySearchModel searchModel) { return(EnumHelper <MediaCategorySortMethod> .GetOptions()); }
public DataFlowOpInitializeResult Initialize(DataFlowOpInitializateContext context) { if (!context.OutputPorts.IsEmpty()) { throw new ArgumentException("LogSink operator does not provide an output stream"); } _dataflowName = context.DataflowName; _dataFlowInstanceId = context.DataflowInstanceId; _shellPerStream = new EventBeanSPI[context.InputPorts.Count]; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, DataFlowOpInputPort> entry in context.InputPorts) { EventType eventType = entry.Value.TypeDesc.EventType; if (eventType != null) { _shellPerStream[entry.Key] = context.StatementContext.EventAdapterService.GetShellForType(eventType); } } if (format == null) { _renderer = new ConsoleOpRendererSummary(); } else { try { var formatEnum = EnumHelper.Parse <LogSinkOutputFormat>(format.Trim()); if (formatEnum == LogSinkOutputFormat.summary) { _renderer = new ConsoleOpRendererSummary(); } else { _renderer = new ConsoleOpRendererXmlJSon(formatEnum, context.Engine.EPRuntime); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ExprValidationException("Format '" + format + "' is not supported, expecting any of " + EnumHelper.GetValues <LogSinkOutputFormat>().Render()); } } return(null); }
public WasteCodesViewModel SetAnnexMessagesAndData(int annexNumber) { var a = new List <AnnexTableWasteCodes>(); var annexMessage = "See Annex " + annexNumber; if (Basel.Length > BaselLength) { a.Add(AddToAnnexTableWasteCodes(EnumHelper.GetDisplayName(CodeType.Basel), Basel)); Basel = annexMessage; } if (Oecd.Length > OecdLength) { a.Add(AddToAnnexTableWasteCodes(EnumHelper.GetDisplayName(CodeType.Oecd), Oecd)); Oecd = annexMessage; } if (Ewc.Length > EwcLength) { a.Add(AddToAnnexTableWasteCodes(EnumHelper.GetDisplayName(CodeType.Ewc), Ewc)); Ewc = annexMessage; } if (Nce.Length > NceLength) { a.Add(AddToAnnexTableWasteCodes(EnumHelper.GetDisplayName(CodeType.ExportCode), Nce)); Nce = annexMessage; } if (Nci.Length > NciLength) { a.Add(AddToAnnexTableWasteCodes(EnumHelper.GetDisplayName(CodeType.ImportCode), Nci)); Nci = annexMessage; } if (Other.Length > OtherLength) { a.Add(AddToAnnexTableWasteCodes(EnumHelper.GetDisplayName(CodeType.OtherCode), Other)); Other = annexMessage; } if (Y.Length > YLength) { a.Add(AddToAnnexTableWasteCodes(EnumHelper.GetDisplayName(CodeType.Y), Y)); Y = annexMessage; } if (H.Length > HLength) { a.Add(AddToAnnexTableWasteCodes(EnumHelper.GetDisplayName(CodeType.H), H)); H = annexMessage; } if (UnClass.Length > UnClassLength) { a.Add(AddToAnnexTableWasteCodes(EnumHelper.GetDisplayName(CodeType.Un), UnClass)); UnClass = annexMessage; } if (UnNumber.Length > UnNumberLength || UnShippingName.Length > UnShippingNameLength) { a.Add(AddToAnnexTableWasteCodes("UN Number and Shipping name", UnNumberAndShippingName)); UnNumber = annexMessage; UnShippingName = annexMessage; } if (Customs.Length > CustomsLength) { a.Add(AddToAnnexTableWasteCodes(EnumHelper.GetDisplayName(CodeType.CustomsCode), Customs)); Customs = annexMessage; } AnnexTableWasteCodes = a; return(this); }
public AccessView(AccessCache package) { Login = package.Login; Password = package.Password; State = TranslateState(EnumHelper.GetValue <AccessState>(package.State)); }
public JsonResult Edit(GiftViewModel model) { var result = new AjaxReturnData { success = false, msg = "未知错误" }; if (ModelState.IsValid) { GiftViewModel postdata = new GiftViewModel(); if (model.Id > 0) { GiftInfo dbdata = _iGiftService.GetByIdAsNoTracking(model.Id); //数据补充 if (dbdata == null) { result.success = false; result.msg = "编号有误"; return(Json(result)); } postdata = dbdata.Map <GiftViewModel>(); } else { if (model.StockQuantity < 1) { result.success = false; result.msg = "库存必须大于0"; return(Json(result)); } } // UpdateModel(postdata); GiftInfo data = new GiftInfo(); data = postdata.Map <GiftInfo>(); if (model.Id > 0) { _iGiftService.UpdateGift(data); } else { data.Sequence = 100; data.AddDate = DateTime.Now; data.SalesStatus = GiftInfo.GiftSalesStatus.Normal; _iGiftService.AddGift(data); } #region 转移图片 int index = 1; List <string> piclist = new List <string>(); piclist.Add(model.PicUrl1); piclist.Add(model.PicUrl2); piclist.Add(model.PicUrl3); piclist.Add(model.PicUrl4); piclist.Add(model.PicUrl5); string path = data.ImagePath; foreach (var item in piclist) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item)) { string source = string.Empty; if (item.IndexOf("temp/") > 0) { source = item.Substring(item.LastIndexOf("/temp")); } else if (item.Contains(data.ImagePath)) { source = item.Substring(item.LastIndexOf(data.ImagePath)); } try { string dest = string.Format("{0}/{1}.png", path, index); if (source == dest) { index++; continue; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source)) { Core.MallIO.CopyFile(source, dest, true); } var imageSizes = EnumHelper.ToDictionary <ImageSize>().Select(t => t.Key); foreach (var imageSize in imageSizes) { string size = string.Format("{0}/{1}_{2}.png", path, index, imageSize); Core.MallIO.CreateThumbnail(dest, size, imageSize, imageSize); } //using (Image image = Image.FromFile(source)) //{ // image.Save(dest, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); // var imageSizes = EnumHelper.ToDictionary<GiftInfo.ImageSize>().Select(t => t.Key); // foreach (var imageSize in imageSizes) // { // string size = string.Format("{0}/{1}_{2}.png", path, index, imageSize); // ImageHelper.CreateThumbnail(dest, size, imageSize, imageSize); // } //} index++; } catch (FileNotFoundException fex) { index++; Core.Log.Error("发布礼品时候,没有找到文件", fex); } catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException eex) { index++; Core.Log.Error("发布礼品时候,ExternalException异常", eex); } catch (Exception ex) { index++; Core.Log.Error("发布礼品时候,Exception异常", ex); } } else { string dest = string.Format("{0}/{1}.png", path, index); if (MallIO.ExistFile(dest)) { MallIO.DeleteFile(dest); } var imageSizes = EnumHelper.ToDictionary <ImageSize>().Select(t => t.Key); foreach (var imageSize in imageSizes) { string size = string.Format("{0}/{1}_{2}.png", path, index, imageSize); if (MallIO.ExistFile(size)) { MallIO.DeleteFile(size); } } index++; } } #endregion result.success = true; result.msg = "操作成功"; } else { result.success = false; result.msg = "数据有误"; } return(Json(result)); }
public static string RepairJdOrder(string jdPorderId) { var commodityorderfacade = new Jinher.AMP.BTP.IBP.Facade.CommodityOrderFacade(); commodityorderfacade.ContextDTO = AuthorizeHelper.CoinInitAuthorizeInfo(); var jdorderitemfacade = new Jinher.AMP.BTP.IBP.Facade.JdOrderItemFacade(); jdorderitemfacade.ContextDTO = AuthorizeHelper.CoinInitAuthorizeInfo(); var jdjournalfacade = new Jinher.AMP.BTP.IBP.Facade.JdJournalFacade(); jdjournalfacade.ContextDTO = AuthorizeHelper.CoinInitAuthorizeInfo(); //开始拆单 JdOrderItemDTO model = new JdOrderItemDTO(); model.JdPorderId = jdPorderId; model.State = 1;// //获取jdorderitem表中的数据 var jdorderitem = jdorderitemfacade.GetJdOrderItemList(model).FirstOrDefault(); if (jdorderitem != null) { var getFullOrderInfo = commodityorderfacade.GetFullOrderInfoById(jdorderitem.CommodityOrderId); bool flag = JdHelper.IsjdOrder(jdPorderId); if (flag == true) { #region 父订单拆单行为 var selectJdOrder2 = JdHelper.selectJdOrder2(jdPorderId); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(selectJdOrder2)) { List <string> list = new List <string>(); list.Add(jdPorderId); //删除已有的父类订单 var delresult = jdorderitemfacade.DeleteJdOrderItem(list); if (delresult.isSuccess == true) { JArray objson = JArray.Parse(selectJdOrder2); foreach (var item in objson) { JArray objsku = JArray.Parse(item["sku"].ToString()); foreach (var ZiJdOrder in objsku) { #region 子订单包含包含多个商品的情况 string skuId = ZiJdOrder["skuId"].ToString(); Guid TempId = Guid.Empty; Guid commodityOrderItemId = Guid.Empty; if (getFullOrderInfo.OrderItems != null && getFullOrderInfo.OrderItems.Count() > 0) { var commoditydto = getFullOrderInfo.OrderItems.Where(p => p.JdCode == skuId).FirstOrDefault(); if (commoditydto != null) { commodityOrderItemId = commoditydto.Id; TempId = commoditydto.CommodityId; } } int State = Convert.ToInt32(JdEnum.BCF); string StateContent = new EnumHelper().GetDescription(JdEnum.BCF); string JdOrderId = item["jdOrderId"].ToString(); string Name = "京东下订单" + StateContent; string Details = "订单状态由" + jdorderitem.State + "变成" + State; if (item["orderState"].ToString() == "0") { State = Convert.ToInt32(JdEnum.BCF); StateContent = new EnumHelper().GetDescription(JdEnum.BCF); Name = "京东下订单" + StateContent; Details = "订单状态由" + jdorderitem.State + "变成" + State; } JdOrderItemDTO jdorderitemdto = new JdOrderItemDTO() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), JdPorderId = jdPorderId, TempId = TempId, JdOrderId = JdOrderId, MainOrderId = jdorderitem.MainOrderId, CommodityOrderId = jdorderitem.CommodityOrderId, State = State, StateContent = StateContent, SubTime = DateTime.Now, ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now, CommoditySkuId = skuId, CommodityOrderItemId = commodityOrderItemId }; var restult = jdorderitemfacade.SaveJdOrderItem(jdorderitemdto); if (restult.isSuccess == true) { JdJournalDTO ex = new JdJournalDTO() { JdPorderId = jdPorderId, TempId = TempId, JdOrderId = JdOrderId, MainOrderId = jdorderitem.MainOrderId, CommodityOrderId = jdorderitem.CommodityOrderId, Name = Name, Details = StateContent }; var res = jdjournalfacade.GetJdJournalList(ex); if (res.Count() == 0) { JdJournalDTO jdjournaldto = new JdJournalDTO() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), JdPorderId = jdPorderId, TempId = TempId, JdOrderId = JdOrderId, MainOrderId = jdorderitem.MainOrderId, CommodityOrderId = jdorderitem.CommodityOrderId, Name = Name, Details = StateContent, SubTime = DateTime.Now }; jdjournalfacade.SaveJdJournal(jdjournaldto); } } #endregion } } } } #endregion } else { #region 拆单行为 var selectJdOrder1 = JdHelper.selectJdOrder1(jdPorderId); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(selectJdOrder1)) { JObject objs = JObject.Parse(selectJdOrder1); JArray objson = JArray.Parse(objs["sku"].ToString()); foreach (var ZiJdOrder in objson) { #region 子订单包含包含多个商品的情况 string skuId = ZiJdOrder["skuId"].ToString(); Guid TempId = Guid.Empty; Guid commodityOrderItemId = Guid.Empty; if (getFullOrderInfo.OrderItems != null && getFullOrderInfo.OrderItems.Count() > 0) { var commoditydto = getFullOrderInfo.OrderItems.Where(p => p.JdCode == skuId).FirstOrDefault(); if (commoditydto != null) { commodityOrderItemId = commoditydto.Id; TempId = commoditydto.CommodityId; } } int State = Convert.ToInt32(JdEnum.BCF); string StateContent = new EnumHelper().GetDescription(JdEnum.BCF); string JdOrderId = objs["jdOrderId"].ToString(); string Name = "京东下订单" + StateContent; string Details = "订单状态由" + jdorderitem.State + "变成" + State; jdorderitem.TempId = TempId; jdorderitem.JdOrderId = JdOrderId; jdorderitem.State = State; jdorderitem.StateContent = StateContent; jdorderitem.CommoditySkuId = skuId; jdorderitem.CommodityOrderItemId = commodityOrderItemId; var restult = jdorderitemfacade.UpdateJdOrderItem(jdorderitem); if (restult.isSuccess == true) { JdJournalDTO ex = new JdJournalDTO() { JdPorderId = jdPorderId, TempId = TempId, JdOrderId = JdOrderId, MainOrderId = jdorderitem.MainOrderId, CommodityOrderId = jdorderitem.CommodityOrderId, Name = Name, Details = StateContent }; var res = jdjournalfacade.GetJdJournalList(ex); if (res.Count() == 0) { JdJournalDTO jdjournaldto = new JdJournalDTO() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), JdPorderId = jdPorderId, TempId = TempId, JdOrderId = JdOrderId, MainOrderId = jdorderitem.MainOrderId, CommodityOrderId = jdorderitem.CommodityOrderId, Name = Name, Details = StateContent, SubTime = DateTime.Now }; jdjournalfacade.SaveJdJournal(jdjournaldto); } } #endregion } } #endregion } #region 更新订单信息状态 Jinher.AMP.BTP.Deploy.CommodityOrderDTO commodity = new Jinher.AMP.BTP.Deploy.CommodityOrderDTO(); commodity.Id = Guid.Parse(jdorderitem.CommodityOrderId); commodity.State = 2; commodity.ShipmentsTime = DateTime.Now; //更新订单状态 commodityorderfacade.UpdateCommodityOrder(commodity); #endregion return("ok"); } return("no found"); }
public static Object[] GetPrototypeOA() { return(new Object[EnumHelper.CountValues <ExpressionViewOAFieldEnum>()]); }
public override string Class() => EnumHelper <Constants.Classes> .GetDisplayValue(Constants.Classes.Druid);
public NotificationOptionsViewModel(Guid notificationId, NotificationMovementsSummaryAndTable data) { NotificationId = notificationId; NotificationNumber = data.SummaryData.NotificationNumber; NotificationType = data.NotificationType; IntendedShipments = data.TotalIntendedShipments; UsedShipments = data.SummaryData.ShipmentsUsed; QuantityRemainingTotal = data.SummaryData.QuantityRemaining.ToString("G29") + " " + EnumHelper.GetDisplayName(data.SummaryData.DisplayUnit); QuantityReceivedTotal = data.SummaryData.QuantityReceived.ToString("G29") + " " + EnumHelper.GetDisplayName(data.SummaryData.DisplayUnit); ActiveLoadsPermitted = data.SummaryData.ActiveLoadsPermitted; ActiveLoadsCurrent = data.SummaryData.CurrentActiveLoads; CompetentAuthority = data.SummaryData.CompetentAuthority; NotificationStatus = data.SummaryData.NotificationStatus; FinancialGuaranteeStatus = data.SummaryData.FinancialGuaranteeStatus; IsInterimNotification = data.IsInterimNotification; TableData = new List <ShipmentDatesTableViewModel>( data.ShipmentTableData.OrderByDescending(m => m.Number) .Select(p => new ShipmentDatesTableViewModel(p))); PageSize = data.PageSize; PageNumber = data.PageNumber; NumberofShipments = data.NumberOfShipments; }
public JsonResult GetShippingStatuses() => new JsonResult(EnumHelper <ShippingStatus> .ToJson());
private async Task <Response> CreateUser() { Analytics.TrackEventAsync(Category.UserManagement, Action.Create, "Created User", Username, CookieHelper.GetAnalyticClientId(Cookies)); var body = Request.Body.AsString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(body)) { return(Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "Could not save user, invalid JSON body" })); } var model = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UserManagementCreateModel>(body); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Username) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Password)) { return(Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "Please enter in a valid Username and Password" })); } var users = await UserMapper.GetUsersAsync(); if (users.Any(x => x.UserName.Equals(model.Username, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))) { return(Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = $"A user with the username '{model.Username}' already exists" })); } var featuresVal = 0; var permissionsVal = 0; foreach (var feature in model.Features) { var f = (int)EnumHelper <Features> .GetValueFromName(feature); featuresVal += f; } foreach (var permission in model.Permissions) { var f = (int)EnumHelper <Permissions> .GetValueFromName(permission); permissionsVal += f; } var user = UserMapper.CreateUser(model.Username, model.Password, permissionsVal, featuresVal, new UserProperties { EmailAddress = model.EmailAddress }); if (user.HasValue) { return(Response.AsJson(MapLocalUser(UserMapper.GetUser(user.Value), DateTime.MinValue))); } return(Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "Could not save user" })); }
public void Can_Get_Borough_List() { var results = EnumHelper.EnumToList <Borough>().Select(e => e.GetDescription()).ToList(); Assert.NotNull(results); }
public List<Maticsoft.Model.SNS.AlbumType> GetModelListByCache(EnumHelper.Status Status) { string cacheKey = "AlbumTypeList_" + ((int) Status); object cache = DataCache.GetCache(cacheKey); if (cache == null) { try { cache = this.GetModelList(" Status=" + ((int) Status)); if (cache != null) { int num = Globals.SafeInt(Maticsoft.BLL.SysManage.ConfigSystem.GetValueByCache("ModelCache"), 30); DataCache.SetCache(cacheKey, cache, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes((double) num), TimeSpan.Zero); } } catch { } } return (List<Maticsoft.Model.SNS.AlbumType>) cache; }
public void SetBaseEndPoint(ServiceURI serviceURI) { BaseUri = EnumHelper.GetDescription(serviceURI); }
public EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus GetOrderType(EnumHelper.PaymentGateway paymentGateway, EnumHelper.OrderStatus orderStatus, EnumHelper.PaymentStatus paymentStatus, EnumHelper.ShippingStatus shippingStatus) { EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.PreHandle; switch (paymentGateway) { case EnumHelper.PaymentGateway.cod: if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.UnHandle) && (paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Unpaid)) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.UnShipped)) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.PreHandle; } if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.Cancel) && (paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Unpaid)) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.UnShipped)) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Cancel; } if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.UserLock) || (orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.AdminLock)) && ((paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Unpaid) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.UnShipped))) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Locking; } if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.Handling) && (paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Unpaid)) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.UnShipped)) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Handling; } if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.Handling) && (paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Unpaid)) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.Packing)) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Shipping; } if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.Handling) && (paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Unpaid)) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.Shipped)) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Shiped; } if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.Complete) && (paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Paid)) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.ConfirmShip)) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Complete; } return preHandle; case if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.UnHandle) && (paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Unpaid)) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.UnShipped)) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Paying; } if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.Cancel) && (paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Unpaid)) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.UnShipped)) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Cancel; } if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.UserLock) || (orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.AdminLock)) && ((paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Unpaid) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.UnShipped))) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Locking; } if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.UnHandle) && (paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Paid)) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.UnShipped)) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.PreConfirm; } if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.Handling) && (paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Paid)) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.UnShipped)) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Handling; } if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.Handling) && (paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Paid)) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.Packing)) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Shipping; } if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.Handling) && (paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Paid)) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.Shipped)) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Shiped; } if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.Complete) && (paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Paid)) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.ConfirmShip)) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Complete; } return preHandle; } if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.UnHandle) && (paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Unpaid)) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.UnShipped)) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Paying; } if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.Cancel) && (paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Unpaid)) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.UnShipped)) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Cancel; } if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.UserLock) || (orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.AdminLock)) && ((paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Unpaid) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.UnShipped))) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Locking; } if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.Handling) && (paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Paid)) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.UnShipped)) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Handling; } if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.Handling) && (paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Paid)) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.Packing)) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Shipping; } if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.Handling) && (paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Paid)) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.Shipped)) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Shiped; } if (((orderStatus == EnumHelper.OrderStatus.Complete) && (paymentStatus == EnumHelper.PaymentStatus.Paid)) && (shippingStatus == EnumHelper.ShippingStatus.ConfirmShip)) { preHandle = EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus.Complete; } return preHandle; }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Load event of the Page control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> protected void Page_Load([NotNull] object sender, [NotNull] EventArgs e) { if (this.IsPostBack) { return; } var boardSettings = this.Get <YafBoardSettings>(); // create list boxes by populating datasources from Data class var themeData = StaticDataHelper.Themes(); if (themeData.Any()) { this.Theme.DataSource = themeData; } this.Culture.DataSource = StaticDataHelper.Cultures() .AsEnumerable() .OrderBy(x => x.Field <string>("CultureNativeName")) .CopyToDataTable(); this.Culture.DataTextField = "CultureNativeName"; this.Culture.DataValueField = "CultureTag"; this.ShowTopic.DataSource = StaticDataHelper.TopicTimes(); this.ShowTopic.DataTextField = "TopicText"; this.ShowTopic.DataValueField = "TopicValue"; this.FileExtensionAllow.DataSource = StaticDataHelper.AllowDisallow(); this.FileExtensionAllow.DataTextField = "Text"; this.FileExtensionAllow.DataValueField = "Value"; this.BindData(); // bind poll group list var pollGroup = this.GetRepository <Poll>().PollGroupList(this.PageContext.PageUserID, null, this.PageContext.PageBoardID) .Distinct(new AreEqualFunc <TypedPollGroup>((v1, v2) => v1.PollGroupID == v2.PollGroupID)) .ToList(); pollGroup.Insert(0, new TypedPollGroup(string.Empty, -1)); // TODO: vzrus needs some work, will be in polls only until feature is debugged there. this.PollGroupListDropDown.Items.AddRange(pollGroup.Select(x => new ListItem(x.Question, x.PollGroupID.ToString())).ToArray()); // population default notification setting options... var items = EnumHelper.EnumToDictionary <UserNotificationSetting>(); if (!boardSettings.AllowNotificationAllPostsAllTopics) { // remove it... items.Remove(UserNotificationSetting.AllTopics.ToInt()); } var notificationItems = items.Select(x => new ListItem(HtmlHelper.StripHtml(this.GetText("CP_SUBSCRIPTIONS", x.Value)), x.Key.ToString())).ToArray(); this.DefaultNotificationSetting.Items.AddRange(notificationItems); // Get first default full culture from a language file tag. var langFileCulture = StaticDataHelper.CultureDefaultFromFile(boardSettings.Language) ?? "en-US"; if (boardSettings.Theme.Contains(".xml")) { SetSelectedOnList(ref this.Theme, "yaf"); } else { SetSelectedOnList(ref this.Theme, boardSettings.Theme); } // If 2-letter language code is the same we return Culture, else we return a default full culture from language file /* SetSelectedOnList( * ref this.Culture, * langFileCulture.Substring(0, 2) == this.Get<YafBoardSettings>().Culture * ? this.Get<YafBoardSettings>().Culture * : langFileCulture);*/ SetSelectedOnList(ref this.Culture, boardSettings.Culture); if (this.Culture.SelectedIndex == 0) { // If 2-letter language code is the same we return Culture, else we return a default full culture from language file SetSelectedOnList( ref this.Culture, langFileCulture.Substring(0, 2) == boardSettings.Culture ? boardSettings.Culture : langFileCulture); } SetSelectedOnList(ref this.ShowTopic, boardSettings.ShowTopicsDefault.ToString()); SetSelectedOnList( ref this.FileExtensionAllow, boardSettings.FileExtensionAreAllowed ? "0" : "1"); SetSelectedOnList( ref this.DefaultNotificationSetting, boardSettings.DefaultNotificationSetting.ToInt().ToString()); this.NotificationOnUserRegisterEmailList.Text = boardSettings.NotificationOnUserRegisterEmailList; this.AllowThemedLogo.Checked = boardSettings.AllowThemedLogo; this.EmailModeratorsOnModeratedPost.Checked = boardSettings.EmailModeratorsOnModeratedPost; this.EmailModeratorsOnReportedPost.Checked = boardSettings.EmailModeratorsOnReportedPost; this.AllowDigestEmail.Checked = boardSettings.AllowDigestEmail; this.DefaultSendDigestEmail.Checked = boardSettings.DefaultSendDigestEmail; this.ForumEmail.Text = boardSettings.ForumEmail; this.ForumBaseUrlMask.Text = boardSettings.BaseUrlMask; this.CopyrightRemovalKey.Text = boardSettings.CopyrightRemovalDomainKey; this.DigestSendEveryXHours.Text = boardSettings.DigestSendEveryXHours.ToString(); if (boardSettings.BoardPollID > 0) { this.PollGroupListDropDown.SelectedValue = boardSettings.BoardPollID.ToString(); } else { this.PollGroupListDropDown.SelectedIndex = 0; } this.PollGroupList.Visible = true; // Copyright Linkback Algorithm // Please keep if you haven't purchased a removal or commercial license. this.CopyrightHolder.Visible = true; }
public List<OrderInfo> GetListByStatus(EnumHelper.OrderMainStatus orderType) { string strWhere = this.GetWhereByStatus(orderType) + " order by CreatedDate desc "; return this.GetModelList(strWhere); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the specified site id. /// </summary> /// <param name="siteId">The site id.</param> /// <param name="userId">The user id.</param> /// <param name="contentId">The content id.</param> /// <param name="commentText">The comment text.</param> /// <param name="destiantionUserId">The destiantion user id.</param> /// <param name="replyToCommentId">The reply to comment id.</param> /// <param name="fileName">Name of the file.</param> /// <param name="commentTable">The comment table.</param> /// <param name="isOfficialAnswer">if set to <c>true</c> [is official answer].</param> /// <param name="sendNotification">if set to <c>true</c> [send notification].</param> /// <param name="isInternal">if set to <c>true</c> [is internal].</param> /// <returns></returns> public static ContentComment Add(Guid siteId, Guid userId, Guid contentId, string commentText, Guid?destiantionUserId, Guid?replyToCommentId, string fileName, CommentTables commentTable, bool isOfficialAnswer, bool sendNotification, bool isInternal = false) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commentText.Trim()) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { return(null); } var result = new ContentComment(); using (var connection = new SqlConnection(Settings.ADONetConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); var id = Guid.NewGuid(); var query = string.Format("INSERT INTO {0} ([ID], [SiteId], [ContentID], [UserID], [DestinationUserID], [ReplyToID], [Comment], [FileName], [IsOfficialAnswer], [IsInternal]) " + "VALUES (@ID, @SiteID, @ContentID, @UserID, @DestinationUserID, @ReplyToID, @Comment, @FileName, @IsOfficialAnswer, @IsInternal) " + "SELECT c.ID, c.ContentID, c.UserID, c.CreatedAt, contact.UserFullName, dcontact.UserFullName as DestinationUserFullName, c.Comment, c.IsOfficialAnswer, c.IsInternal, c.FileName " + "FROM {0} as c " + "LEFT JOIN tbl_User as u ON c.UserID = u.ID " + "LEFT JOIN tbl_Contact as contact ON u.ContactID = contact.ID " + "LEFT JOIN tbl_User as du ON c.DestinationUserID = du.ID " + "LEFT JOIN tbl_Contact as dcontact ON du.ContactID = dcontact.ID " + "WHERE c.ID = @ID", commentTable.ToString()); using (var command = new SqlCommand(query, connection)) { command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", id); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SiteID", siteId); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ContentID", contentId); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserID", userId); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IsInternal", isInternal); if (destiantionUserId.HasValue) { command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DestinationUserID", destiantionUserId); } else { command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DestinationUserID", DBNull.Value); } if (replyToCommentId.HasValue) { command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ReplyToID", replyToCommentId); } else { command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ReplyToID", DBNull.Value); } command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Comment", commentText); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FileName", fileName); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IsOfficialAnswer", isOfficialAnswer); using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.HasRows) { reader.Read(); result.ID = (Guid)reader["ID"]; result.ContentID = (Guid)reader["ContentID"]; result.UserID = (Guid)reader["UserID"]; result.FormattedDate = ((DateTime)reader["CreatedAt"]).ToString("d MMMM в HH:mm"); result.UserFullName = reader["UserFullName"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["UserFullName"] : null; result.DestinationUserFullName = reader["DestinationUserFullName"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["DestinationUserFullName"] : null; result.Comment = reader["Comment"] != DBNull.Value ? ((string)reader["Comment"]).ToHtml() : null; result.IsOfficialAnswer = reader["IsOfficialAnswer"] != DBNull.Value && (bool)reader["IsOfficialAnswer"]; result.IsInternal = reader["IsInternal"] != DBNull.Value && (bool)reader["IsInternal"]; result.FileName = reader["FileName"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["FileName"] : null; result.SumLike = 0; result.ContactLike = false; } } } } var fsp = new FileSystemProvider(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.FileName)) { result.VirtualFileName = fsp.GetLink(siteId, EnumHelper.GetEnumDescription(commentTable), result.FileName, FileType.Attachment); } if (sendNotification) { var dataManager = new DataManager(); switch (commentTable) { case CommentTables.tbl_RequirementComment: RequirementCommentNotificationService.Notify(dataManager.RequirementComment.SelectById(siteId, result.ID)); break; case CommentTables.tbl_RequestComment: RequestCommentNotificationService.Notify(dataManager.RequestComment.SelectById(siteId, result.ID)); break; case CommentTables.tbl_InvoiceComment: InvoiceCommentNotificationService.Notify(dataManager.InvoiceComment.SelectById(siteId, result.ID)); break; } } return(result); }
public List<Maticsoft.Model.CMS.Content> GetRecList(int ClassId, EnumHelper.ContentRec Rec, int Top = -1, bool hasImage = false) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append(" State=0 "); string str = ""; switch (Rec) { case EnumHelper.ContentRec.Recomend: str = " IsRecomend=1"; break; case EnumHelper.ContentRec.Hot: str = " IsHot=1"; break; case EnumHelper.ContentRec.Color: str = " IsColor=1"; break; case EnumHelper.ContentRec.Top: str = " IsTop=1"; break; default: str = " IsRecomend=1"; break; } builder.AppendFormat(" and {0}", str); if (ClassId > 0) { builder.AppendFormat(" and ClassID={0}", ClassId); } if (hasImage) { builder.Append(" and ImageUrl is not null"); } DataSet set = this.GetList(Top, builder.ToString(), " Sequence"); List<Maticsoft.Model.CMS.Content> list = this.DataTableToList(set.Tables[0]); List<Maticsoft.Model.CMS.ContentClass> allClass = Maticsoft.BLL.CMS.ContentClass.GetAllClass(); using (List<Maticsoft.Model.CMS.Content>.Enumerator enumerator = list.GetEnumerator()) { Func<Maticsoft.Model.CMS.ContentClass, bool> predicate = null; Maticsoft.Model.CMS.Content content; while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { content = enumerator.Current; if (predicate == null) { predicate = c => c.ClassID == content.ClassID; } Maticsoft.Model.CMS.ContentClass class2 = allClass.FirstOrDefault<Maticsoft.Model.CMS.ContentClass>(predicate); if (class2 != null) { content.ClassName = class2.ClassName; } } } return list; }
public string GetAsOutput() { EnumHelper<V4PlusEventHeader> eventFormatHelper = new EnumHelper<V4PlusEventHeader>(); string output = "Dialogue: "; foreach (V4PlusEventHeader key in eventFormatHelper.GetEnumList()) { output += GetPropertyAsString(key) + ","; } output = output.Substring(0, output.Length - 1); return output; }
/// <summary> /// Selects the by id. /// </summary> /// <param name="siteId">The site id.</param> /// <param name="commentId">The comment id.</param> /// <param name="commentTable">The comment table.</param> /// <param name="isPortal">if set to <c>true</c> [is portal].</param> /// <returns></returns> public static ContentComment SelectById(Guid siteId, Guid commentId, CommentTables commentTable, bool isPortal = false) { var result = new ContentComment(); using (var connection = new SqlConnection(Settings.ADONetConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); var query = string.Format("SELECT c.ID, c.SiteID, c.ContentID, c.UserID, c.CreatedAt, contact.UserFullName, dcontact.UserFullName as DestinationUserFullName, c.Comment, c.IsOfficialAnswer, c.IsInternal, c.FileName " + "FROM {0} as c " + "LEFT JOIN tbl_User as u ON c.UserID = u.ID " + "LEFT JOIN tbl_Contact as contact ON u.ContactID = contact.ID " + "LEFT JOIN tbl_User as du ON c.DestinationUserID = du.ID " + "LEFT JOIN tbl_Contact as dcontact ON du.ContactID = dcontact.ID " + "WHERE c.ID = @ID AND c.SiteID = @SiteID AND (@IsInternal IS NULL OR IsInternal = @IsInternal)", commentTable.ToString()); using (var command = new SqlCommand(query, connection)) { command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", commentId); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SiteID", siteId); if (isPortal) { command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IsInternal", false); } else { command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IsInternal", DBNull.Value); } using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.HasRows) { reader.Read(); result.ID = (Guid)reader["ID"]; result.SiteID = (Guid)reader["SiteID"]; result.ContentID = (Guid)reader["ContentID"]; result.UserID = (Guid)reader["UserID"]; result.CreatedAt = (DateTime)reader["CreatedAt"]; result.FormattedDate = ((DateTime)reader["CreatedAt"]).ToString("d MMMM в HH:mm"); result.UserFullName = reader["UserFullName"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["UserFullName"] : null; result.DestinationUserFullName = reader["DestinationUserFullName"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["DestinationUserFullName"] : null; result.Comment = reader["Comment"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["Comment"] : null; result.IsOfficialAnswer = reader["IsOfficialAnswer"] != DBNull.Value && (bool)reader["IsOfficialAnswer"]; result.IsInternal = reader["IsInternal"] != DBNull.Value && (bool)reader["IsInternal"]; result.FileName = reader["FileName"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["FileName"] : null; } } } } var fsp = new FileSystemProvider(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.FileName)) { result.VirtualFileName = fsp.GetLink(siteId, EnumHelper.GetEnumDescription(commentTable), result.FileName, FileType.Attachment); } return(result); }
public int GetCountByType(int UserId, EnumHelper.UserGroupType Type) { string whereByType = this.GetWhereByType(UserId, Type); return this.GetRecordCount(whereByType); }
public void CanSerializerAndDesializeEnumLists() { var helper = new EnumHelper {Tests = new List<EnumHelper.Test> {EnumHelper.Test.A}}; var bson = Serialize<EnumHelper>(helper); var deserialize = Deserialize<EnumHelper>(bson); Assert.IsNotNull(deserialize); Assert.IsNotNull(deserialize.Tests); Assert.Contains(EnumHelper.Test.A, deserialize.Tests); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the comments. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The user.</param> /// <param name="contentId">The content id.</param> /// <param name="commentTable">The comment table.</param> /// <param name="isPortal">if set to <c>true</c> [is portal].</param> /// <returns></returns> public static IEnumerable <ContentComment> GetComments(UserMap user, Guid contentId, CommentTables commentTable, bool isPortal = false) { var result = new List <ContentComment>(); using (var connection = new SqlConnection(Settings.ADONetConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); var query = string.Format("SELECT c.ID, c.ContentID, c.CreatedAt, c.UserID, contact.UserFullName, dcontact.UserFullName as DestinationUserFullName, c.Comment, c.IsInternal, c.IsOfficialAnswer, c.FileName, " + " (CASE WHEN (SELECT [Rank] FROM {0}Mark WHERE ContentCommentID = c.ID AND UserID = @UserID) = 1 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END) AS ContactLike, ISNULL(s.[Rank], 0) AS SumLike " + "FROM {0} as c " + "LEFT JOIN tbl_User as u ON c.UserID = u.ID " + "LEFT JOIN tbl_Contact as contact ON u.ContactID = contact.ID " + "LEFT JOIN tbl_User as du ON c.DestinationUserID = du.ID " + "LEFT JOIN tbl_Contact as dcontact ON du.ContactID = dcontact.ID " + "LEFT JOIN {0}Mark AS m ON c.ID = m.ContentCommentID " + "LEFT JOIN (SELECT ContentCommentID, SUM([Rank]) as [Rank] " + "FROM {0}Mark " + "GROUP BY ContentCommentID) s ON c.ID = s.ContentCommentID " + "WHERE ContentID = @ContentID AND c.SiteID = @SiteID AND (@IsInternal IS NULL OR IsInternal = @IsInternal) ", commentTable.ToString()); using (var command = new SqlCommand(query, connection)) { command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ContentID", contentId); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SiteID", user.SiteID); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserID", user.ID); if (isPortal) { command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IsInternal", false); } else { command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IsInternal", DBNull.Value); } using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { result.Add(new ContentComment() { ID = (Guid)reader["ID"], ContentID = (Guid)reader["ContentID"], UserID = (Guid)reader["UserID"], CreatedAt = (DateTime)reader["CreatedAt"], FormattedDate = ((DateTime)reader["CreatedAt"]).ToString("d MMMM в HH:mm"), UserFullName = reader["UserFullName"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["UserFullName"] : null, DestinationUserFullName = reader["DestinationUserFullName"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["DestinationUserFullName"] : null, Comment = reader["Comment"] != DBNull.Value ? ((string)reader["Comment"]).ToHtml() : null, IsOfficialAnswer = reader["IsOfficialAnswer"] != DBNull.Value && (bool)reader["IsOfficialAnswer"], IsInternal = reader["IsInternal"] != DBNull.Value && (bool)reader["IsInternal"], FileName = reader["FileName"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["FileName"] : null, ContactLike = bool.Parse((string)reader["ContactLike"]), SumLike = (int)reader["SumLike"] }); } reader.NextResult(); } } } } var fsp = new FileSystemProvider(); foreach (ContentComment contentComment in result) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentComment.FileName)) { contentComment.VirtualFileName = fsp.GetLink(user.SiteID, EnumHelper.GetEnumDescription(commentTable), contentComment.FileName, FileType.Attachment); } } return(result); }
public static string GetFormatOutput() { EnumHelper<V4PlusEventHeader> eventFormatHelper = new EnumHelper<V4PlusEventHeader>(); string output = "Format: "; foreach (string description in eventFormatHelper.GetDescriptionList()) { output += description + ","; } output = output.Substring(0, output.Length - 1); return output; }
public ActionResult List() { ViewBag.InType = EnumHelper.GetOptions <EInType>(0, "请选择入库单类型"); ViewBag.ReportNum = ResourceManager.GetSettingEntity("InOrder_Template").Value; return(View()); }
public bool UpdateStatusList(string IdsStr, EnumHelper.GroupStatus status) { return this.dal.UpdateStatusList(IdsStr, status); }
/// <summary> /// 获取场景描述 /// </summary> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetTypeDesc(object type) { return(EnumHelper.GetDesc(typeof(DiamondExchType), type)); }