/// <summary>Returns a read-only collection containing information about all the graphics modes for a display device.</summary>
        /// <param name="deviceName">A string that specifies the display device about which graphics modes the function will obtain information.
        /// <para>This parameter is either null or a <see cref="DisplayDevice.DeviceName"/> returned from EnumDisplayDevicesW.</para>
        /// A null value specifies the current display device on the computer that the calling thread is running on.</param>
        /// <param name="options">One or more <see cref="EnumDisplaySettingsExOptions"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a read-only collection containing information about all the graphics modes for a display device.</returns>
        private static ReadOnlyCollection <DisplayDeviceMode> EnumDisplaySettingsEx(string deviceName, EnumDisplaySettingsExOptions options)
            var modes     = new List <DisplayDeviceMode>();
            var devMode   = DisplayDeviceMode.Default;
            var modeIndex = 0;

            while (NativeMethods.EnumDisplaySettingsExW(deviceName, modeIndex++, ref devMode, options))
                if (!devMode.Width.HasValue || !devMode.Height.HasValue || !devMode.DisplayFrequency.HasValue)
                // basic filtering: we don't need display modes whose width, height or frequency is missing.

                if (!devMode.BitsPerPixel.HasValue || devMode.BitsPerPixel.Value != 32)
                // 8, 16 and 24 bpp modes are no more supported, since Windows 7.

                if (devMode.IsGrayscale.HasValue && devMode.IsGrayscale.Value)
                // Only 32 bpp modes are supported, so grayscale modes should be safely ignored.


            if (modes.Count > 1)
                modes.Sort((DisplayDeviceMode mode, DisplayDeviceMode other) => { return(-mode.CompareTo(other)); });

            return(new ReadOnlyCollection <DisplayDeviceMode>(modes));
        /// <summary>Returns information about the display mode of a display adapter, as stored in the registry.</summary>
        /// <param name="deviceName">A string that specifies the display device about which graphics mode the function will obtain information.
        /// <para>This parameter is either null or a <see cref="DisplayDevice.DeviceName"/> returned from <see cref="NativeMethods.EnumDisplayDevicesW"/>.</para>
        /// A null value specifies the current display device on the computer that the calling thread is running on.</param>
        /// <param name="options">One or more <see cref="EnumDisplaySettingsExOptions"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns information about the display mode of a display adapter, as stored in the registry.</returns>
        private static DisplayDeviceMode GetRegistryDisplaySettingsEx(string deviceName, EnumDisplaySettingsExOptions options)
            var output = DisplayDeviceMode.Default;

            if (!NativeMethods.EnumDisplaySettingsExW(deviceName, -2, ref output, options))
                output = DisplayDeviceMode.Default;
			/// <summary>Returns information about the display mode of a display adapter, as stored in the registry.</summary>
			/// <param name="deviceName">A string that specifies the display device about which graphics mode the function will obtain information.
			/// <para>This parameter is either null or a <see cref="DisplayDevice.DeviceName"/> returned from <see cref="EnumDisplayDevicesW"/>.</para>
			/// A null value specifies the current display device on the computer that the calling thread is running on.</param>
			/// <param name="options">One or more <see cref="EnumDisplaySettingsExOptions"/>.</param>
			/// <returns>Returns information about the display mode of a display adapter, as stored in the registry.</returns>
			internal static DisplayDeviceMode GetRegistryDisplaySettingsEx( string deviceName, EnumDisplaySettingsExOptions options )
				var output = DisplayDeviceMode.Default;
				if( !EnumDisplaySettingsExW( deviceName, -2, ref output, options ) )
					output = DisplayDeviceMode.Default;
				return output;
 internal static extern bool EnumDisplaySettingsExW(
     [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string deviceName,
     [In] int modeIndex,
     [In, Out] ref DisplayDeviceMode devMode,
     [In] EnumDisplaySettingsExOptions options
			//BOOL EnumDisplaySettingsEx(
			//	_In_opt_ LPCWSTR lpszDeviceName,
			//	_In_ DWORD iModeNum,
			//	_Inout_ DEVMODEW* lpDevMode,
			//	_In_ DWORD dwFlags);

			/// <summary>Returns a read-only collection containing information about all the graphics modes for a display device.</summary>
			/// <param name="deviceName">A string that specifies the display device about which graphics modes the function will obtain information.
			/// <para>This parameter is either null or a <see cref="DisplayDevice.DeviceName"/> returned from <see cref="EnumDisplayDevicesW"/>.</para>
			/// A null value specifies the current display device on the computer that the calling thread is running on.</param>
			/// <param name="options">One or more <see cref="EnumDisplaySettingsExOptions"/>.</param>
			/// <returns>Returns a read-only collection containing information about all the graphics modes for a display device.</returns>
			internal static ReadOnlyDisplayDeviceModeCollection EnumDisplaySettingsEx( string deviceName, EnumDisplaySettingsExOptions options )
				var modes = new List<DisplayDeviceMode>();
				var devMode = DisplayDeviceMode.Default;
				var modeIndex = 0;

				while( EnumDisplaySettingsExW( deviceName, modeIndex++, ref devMode, options ) )
					if( !devMode.Width.HasValue || !devMode.Height.HasValue || !devMode.DisplayFrequency.HasValue )
					// basic filtering: we don't need display modes whose width, height or frequency is missing.

					if( !devMode.BitsPerPixel.HasValue || devMode.BitsPerPixel.Value != 32 )
					// 8, 16 and 24 bpp modes are no more supported, since Windows 7.

					if( devMode.IsGrayscale.HasValue && devMode.IsGrayscale.Value )
					// Only 32 bpp modes are supported, so grayscale modes should be safely ignored.

					modes.Add( devMode );

				if( modes.Count > 1 )
					modes.Sort( ( DisplayDeviceMode mode, DisplayDeviceMode other ) => { return -mode.CompareTo( other ); } );

				return new ReadOnlyDisplayDeviceModeCollection( modes );