Exemple #1
        //private void ExtendSaveContentTypes(IEnumerable<ContentType> contentTypes)
        //    => Storage.DoWhileQueueingRelationships(() => contentTypes.ToList().ForEach(ExtendSaveContentTypes));

        ///// <summary>
        ///// Import an AttributeSet with all Attributes and AttributeMetaData
        ///// </summary>
        //private void ExtendSaveContentTypes(ContentType contentType)
        //    // initialize destinationSet - create or test existing if ok
        //    var foundSet = _dbDeepAccess.ContentType.GetOrCreateContentType(contentType);
        //    if (foundSet == null) // something went wrong, skip this import
        //        return;
        //    var contentTypeId = foundSet.Value;

        //    // append all Attributes
        //    foreach (var newAtt in contentType.Attributes.Cast<AttributeDefinition>())
        //    {
        //        var destAttribId = _dbDeepAccess.AttributesDefinition.GetOrCreateAttributeDefinition(contentTypeId, newAtt);

        //        // save additional entities containing AttributeMetaData for this attribute
        //        if (newAtt.InternalAttributeMetaData != null)
        //            SaveAttributeMetadata(destAttribId, newAtt.InternalAttributeMetaData);
        //    }

        //    // optionally re-order the attributes if specified in import
        //    if (contentType.OnSaveSortAttributes)
        //        _dbDeepAccess.ContentType.SortAttributes(contentTypeId, contentType);

        ///// <summary>
        ///// Save additional entities describing the attribute
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="attributeId"></param>
        ///// <param name="metadata"></param>
        //private void SaveAttributeMetadata(int attributeId, List<Entity> metadata)
        //    var entities = new List<IEntity>();
        //    foreach (var entity in metadata)
        //    {
        //        var md = (Metadata) entity.Metadata;
        //        // Validate Entity
        //        md.TargetType = Constants.MetadataForAttribute;

        //        // Set KeyNumber
        //        if (attributeId == 0 || attributeId < 0) // < 0 is ef-core temp id
        //            throw new Exception($"trying to add metadata to attribute {attributeId} but attribute isn't saved yet");//_dbDeepAccess.SqlDb.SaveChanges();

        //        md.KeyNumber = attributeId;

        //        //// Get guid of previously existing assignment - if it exists
        //        //var existingMetadata = _dbDeepAccess.Entities
        //        //    .GetAssignedEntities(Constants.MetadataForAttribute, keyNumber: attributeId)
        //        //    .FirstOrDefault(e => e.AttributeSetId == attributeId);

        //        //if (existingMetadata != null)
        //        //    entity.SetGuid(existingMetadata.EntityGuid);

        //        //entities.Add(CreateMergedForSaving(entity, _entireApp, SaveOptions));
        //        entities.Add(entity);
        //    }
        //    Storage.Save(entities, SaveOptions.Build(ZoneId)); // don't use the standard save options, as this is attributes only

        private void MergeContentTypeUpdateWithExisting(IContentType contentType)
            var existing = _entireApp.ContentTypes.Values.FirstOrDefault(ct => ct.StaticName == contentType.StaticName);

            if (existing == null)

            foreach (var newAttrib in contentType.Attributes)
                var existAttrib = existing.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == newAttrib.Name);
                if (existAttrib == null)

                var impMeta     = ((AttributeDefinition)newAttrib).Items;
                var newMetaList = new List <IEntity>();
                foreach (var newMd in impMeta)
                    var existingMetadata = _entireApp.GetMetadata(Constants.MetadataForAttribute, existAttrib.AttributeId, newMd.Type.StaticName).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (existingMetadata == null)
                        newMetaList.Add(EntitySaver.CreateMergedForSaving(existingMetadata, newMd, SaveOptions) as Entity);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Update an entity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <param name="values"></param>
        public void UpdateParts(int id, Dictionary <string, object> values)
            var saveOptions = SaveOptions.Build(_appManager.ZoneId);

            saveOptions.PreserveUntouchedAttributes = true;
            saveOptions.PreserveUnknownLanguages    = true;

            var orig    = _appManager.Cache.List[id];
            var tempEnt = new Entity(_appManager.AppId, 0, "", values);
            var saveEnt = EntitySaver.CreateMergedForSaving(orig, tempEnt, saveOptions);

            Save(saveEnt, saveOptions);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Import an Entity with all values
        /// </summary>
        private Entity CreateMergedForSaving(Entity update, AppDataPackage appDataPackage, SaveOptions saveOptions)
            #region try to get AttributeSet or otherwise cancel & log error

            var dbAttrSet = appDataPackage.ContentTypes.Values
                            .FirstOrDefault(ct => String.Equals(ct.StaticName, update.Type.StaticName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

            if (dbAttrSet == null) // AttributeSet not Found
                Storage.Log.Add(new LogItem(EventLogEntryType.Error, "ContentType not found for " + update.Type.StaticName));


            // Find existing Enties - meaning both draft and non-draft
            List <IEntity> existingEntities = null;
            if (update.EntityGuid != Guid.Empty)
                existingEntities = appDataPackage.List.Where(e => e.EntityGuid == update.EntityGuid).ToList();

            #region Simplest case - nothing existing to update: return entity

            if (existingEntities == null || !existingEntities.Any())


            Storage.Log.Add(new LogItem(EventLogEntryType.Information, $"FYI: Entity {update.EntityId} already exists for guid {update.EntityGuid}"));

            // now update (main) entity id from existing - since it already exists
            var original = existingEntities.First();
            return(EntitySaver.CreateMergedForSaving(original, update, saveOptions) as Entity);