internal ReadOnlyCardCollection(EntityRequestType requestType, Func <string> getOwnerId, TrelloAuthorization auth, Dictionary <string, object> requestParameters = null) : base(getOwnerId, auth) { _updateRequestType = requestType; _requestParameters = requestParameters ?? new Dictionary <string, object>(); _requestParameters.Add("_id", getOwnerId()); }
internal ReadOnlyActionCollection(Type type, Func <string> getOwnerId, TrelloAuthorization auth) : base(getOwnerId, auth) { _updateRequestType = RequestTypes[type]; EventAggregator.Subscribe(this); }
internal ReadOnlyBoardCollection(Type type, Func <string> getOwnerId, TrelloAuthorization auth) : base(getOwnerId, auth) { _updateRequestType = type == typeof(Organization) ? EntityRequestType.Organization_Read_Boards : EntityRequestType.Member_Read_Boards; }
internal ReadOnlyMemberCollection(EntityRequestType requestType, Func <string> getOwnerId, TrelloAuthorization auth) : base(getOwnerId, auth) { _updateRequestType = requestType; EventAggregator.Subscribe(this); }
internal BoardCollection(Type type, Func <string> getOwnerId, TrelloAuthorization auth) : base(type, getOwnerId, auth) { _addRequestType = type == typeof(Organization) ? EntityRequestType.Organization_Write_CreateBoard : EntityRequestType.Member_Write_CreateBoard; }
internal ReadOnlyCardCollection(Type type, Func <string> getOwnerId, TrelloAuthorization auth) : base(getOwnerId, auth) { _updateRequestType = type == typeof(List) ? EntityRequestType.List_Read_Cards : EntityRequestType.Board_Read_Cards; _requestParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); }
internal ReadOnlyCardCollection(EntityRequestType requestType, Func <string> getOwnerId, TrelloAuthorization auth, Dictionary <string, object> requestParameters = null) : base(getOwnerId, auth) { _updateRequestType = requestType; _requestParameters = requestParameters ?? new Dictionary <string, object>(); EventAggregator.Subscribe(this); }
internal ReadOnlyMemberCollection(EntityRequestType requestType, Func <string> getOwnerId, TrelloAuthorization auth) : base(getOwnerId, auth) { _updateRequestType = requestType; _additionalParameters = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "fields", "all" } }; }
internal ReadOnlyActionCollection(ReadOnlyActionCollection source, TrelloAuthorization auth) : base(() => source.OwnerId, auth) { _updateRequestType = source._updateRequestType; if (source._additionalParameters != null) { _additionalParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(source._additionalParameters); } }
private static Endpoint BuildUrl(EntityRequestType requestType, IDictionary <string, object> parameters) { var endpoint = _library[requestType](); var requiredParameters = endpoint.Where(p => p.StartsWith("_")).ToList(); if (parameters != null) { foreach (var parameter in requiredParameters) { if (!parameters.ContainsKey(parameter)) { throw new Exception("Attempted to build endpoint with incomplete parameter collection."); } var value = parameters[parameter] ?? string.Empty; endpoint.Resolve(parameter, value.ToString()); } } else if (requiredParameters.Any()) { throw new Exception("Attempted to build endpoint with incomplete parameter collection."); } return(endpoint); }
internal ReadOnlyPowerUpDataCollection(EntityRequestType requestType, Func <string> getOwnerId, TrelloAuthorization auth) : base(getOwnerId, auth) { _requestType = requestType; }
internal ReadOnlyActionCollection(Type type, Func <string> getOwnerId, TrelloAuthorization auth) : base(getOwnerId, auth) { _updateRequestType = RequestTypes[type]; }
internal ReadOnlyMemberCollection(EntityRequestType requestType, Func <string> getOwnerId, TrelloAuthorization auth) : base(getOwnerId, auth) { _updateRequestType = requestType; AdditionalParameters["fields"] = "all"; }
internal MemberCollection(EntityRequestType requestType, Func <string> getOwnerId, TrelloAuthorization auth) : base(requestType, getOwnerId, auth) { }
public EntityRequest(Entity ent, EntityRequestType type) { this.Target = ent; this.Type = type; }
public static Endpoint Build(EntityRequestType requestType, IDictionary <string, object> parameters = null) { return(BuildUrl(requestType, parameters)); }
internal ReadOnlyActionCollection(Type type, Func <string> getOwnerId, TrelloAuthorization auth) : base(getOwnerId, auth) { _updateRequestType = _requestTypes[type]; _additionalParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); }