Exemple #1
        internal static void Analyze(LambdaExpression e, PathBox pb)
            bool knownEntityType = ClientType.CheckElementTypeIsEntity(e.Body.Type);


            if (!knownEntityType)
                NonEntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(e.Body, pb);
                switch (e.Body.NodeType)
                case ExpressionType.MemberInit:
                    EntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze((MemberInitExpression)e.Body, pb);

                case ExpressionType.New:
                    throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ALinq_CannotConstructKnownEntityTypes);

                case ExpressionType.Constant:
                    throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ALinq_CannotCreateConstantEntity);

                    NonEntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(e.Body, pb);

Exemple #2
        internal static void Analyze(LambdaExpression e, PathBox pb)
            bool knownEntityType = ClientType.CheckElementTypeIsEntity(e.Body.Type);


            if (!knownEntityType)
                NonEntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(e.Body, pb);
                switch (e.Body.NodeType)
                case ExpressionType.MemberInit:
                    EntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze((MemberInitExpression)e.Body, pb);

                case ExpressionType.New:
                    throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ALinq_CannotConstructKnownEntityTypes);

                case ExpressionType.Constant:
                    throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ALinq_CannotCreateConstantEntity);

                    // ExpressionType.MemberAccess as a top-level expression is correctly
                    // processed here, as the lambda isn't being member-initialized.
                    NonEntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(e.Body, pb);

Exemple #3
        internal static void Analyze(LambdaExpression e, PathBox pb)
            bool num = CommonUtil.IsClientType(e.Body.Type);

            if (!num)
                NonEntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(e.Body, pb);
                switch (e.Body.NodeType)
                case ExpressionType.MemberInit:
                    EntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze((MemberInitExpression)e.Body, pb);

                case ExpressionType.New:
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Construction of entity type instances must use object initializer with default constructor.");

                case ExpressionType.Constant:
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Referencing of local entity type instances not supported when projecting results.");

                    NonEntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(e.Body, pb);
 private static void Analyze(MemberInitExpression mie, PathBox pb, DataServiceContext context)
     if (ClientTypeUtil.TypeOrElementTypeIsEntity(mie.Type))
         EntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(mie, pb, context);
         NonEntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(mie, pb, context);
Exemple #5
 private static void Analyze(MemberInitExpression mie, PathBox pb)
     if (CommonUtil.IsClientType(mie.Type))
         EntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(mie, pb);
         NonEntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(mie, pb);
Exemple #6
            internal static void Analyze(MemberInitExpression mie, PathBox pb)
                Debug.Assert(mie != null, "mie != null");

                var epa = new EntityProjectionAnalyzer(pb, mie.Type);

                MemberAssignmentAnalysis targetEntityPath = null;

                foreach (MemberBinding mb in mie.Bindings)
                    MemberAssignment ma = mb as MemberAssignment;
                    if (ma != null)
                        var analysis = MemberAssignmentAnalysis.Analyze(pb.ParamExpressionInScope, ma.Expression);
                        if (analysis.IncompatibleAssignmentsException != null)
                            throw analysis.IncompatibleAssignmentsException;

                        Type         targetType      = GetMemberType(ma.Member);
                        Expression[] lastExpressions = analysis.GetExpressionsBeyondTargetEntity();
                        if (lastExpressions.Length == 0)
                            throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ALinq_ExpressionNotSupportedInProjectionToEntity(targetType, ma.Expression));

                        MemberExpression lastExpression = lastExpressions[lastExpressions.Length - 1] as MemberExpression;
                            "!analysis.MultiplePathsFound -- the initilizer has been visited, and cannot be empty, and expressions that can combine paths should have thrown exception during initializer analysis");
                            lastExpression != null,
                            "lastExpression != null -- the initilizer has been visited, and cannot be empty, and the only expressions that are allowed can be formed off the parameter, so this is always correlatd");
                        if (lastExpression != null && (lastExpression.Member.Name != ma.Member.Name))
                            throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ALinq_PropertyNamesMustMatchInProjections(lastExpression.Member.Name, ma.Member.Name));

                        analysis.CheckCompatibleAssignments(mie.Type, ref targetEntityPath);

                        bool targetIsEntity = ClientType.CheckElementTypeIsEntity(targetType);
                        bool sourceIsEntity = ClientType.CheckElementTypeIsEntity(lastExpression.Type);
                        if (sourceIsEntity && !targetIsEntity)
                            throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ALinq_ExpressionNotSupportedInProjection(targetType, ma.Expression));
Exemple #7
        private static void Analyze(MemberInitExpression mie, PathBox pb)
            Debug.Assert(mie != null, "mie != null");
            Debug.Assert(pb != null, "pb != null");

            bool knownEntityType = ClientType.CheckElementTypeIsEntity(mie.Type);

            if (knownEntityType)
                EntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(mie, pb);
                NonEntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(mie, pb);
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyzes the specified expression with an entity-projection or
        /// non-entity-projection analyzer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mie">Expression to analyze.</param>
        /// <param name="pb">Path box where select and expand paths are tracked.</param>
        /// <param name="context">Context of expression to analyze.</param>
        private static void Analyze(MemberInitExpression mie, SelectExpandPathBuilder pb, DataServiceContext context)
            Debug.Assert(mie != null, "mie != null");
            Debug.Assert(pb != null, "pb != null");

            bool knownEntityType = ClientTypeUtil.TypeOrElementTypeIsEntity(mie.Type);

            if (knownEntityType)
                EntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(mie, pb, context);
                NonEntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(mie, pb, context);
        private static void Analyze(LambdaExpression e, SelectExpandPathBuilder pb, DataServiceContext context)
            bool knownEntityType   = ClientTypeUtil.TypeOrElementTypeIsEntity(e.Body.Type);
            ParameterExpression pe = e.Parameters.Last();
            bool isEntityParameter = ClientTypeUtil.TypeOrElementTypeIsEntity(pe.Type);

            if (isEntityParameter)

            if (!knownEntityType)
                NonEntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(e.Body, pb, context);
                switch (e.Body.NodeType)
                case ExpressionType.MemberInit:
                    EntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze((MemberInitExpression)e.Body, pb, context);

                case ExpressionType.New:
                    throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ALinq_CannotConstructKnownEntityTypes);

                case ExpressionType.Constant:
                    throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ALinq_CannotCreateConstantEntity);

                    // ExpressionType.MemberAccess as a top-level expression is correctly
                    // processed here, as the lambda isn't being member-initialized.
                    NonEntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(e.Body, pb, context);

            if (isEntityParameter)
        private static void Analyze(LambdaExpression e, PathBox pb, DataServiceContext context)
            bool flag = ClientTypeUtil.TypeOrElementTypeIsEntity(e.Body.Type);
            ParameterExpression pe = e.Parameters.Last <ParameterExpression>();
            bool flag2             = ClientTypeUtil.TypeOrElementTypeIsEntity(pe.Type);

            if (flag2)
            if (!flag)
                NonEntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(e.Body, pb, context);
                switch (e.Body.NodeType)
                case ExpressionType.Constant:
                    throw new NotSupportedException(System.Data.Services.Client.Strings.ALinq_CannotCreateConstantEntity);

                case ExpressionType.MemberInit:
                    EntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze((MemberInitExpression)e.Body, pb, context);
                    goto Label_0099;

                case ExpressionType.New:
                    throw new NotSupportedException(System.Data.Services.Client.Strings.ALinq_CannotConstructKnownEntityTypes);
                NonEntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(e.Body, pb, context);
            if (flag2)
Exemple #11
            internal static void Analyze(MemberInitExpression mie, PathBox pb)
                EntityProjectionAnalyzer entityProjectionAnalyzer = new EntityProjectionAnalyzer(pb, mie.Type);
                MemberAssignmentAnalysis previous = null;

                foreach (MemberBinding binding in mie.Bindings)
                    MemberAssignment memberAssignment = binding as MemberAssignment;
                    if (memberAssignment != null)
                        MemberAssignmentAnalysis memberAssignmentAnalysis = MemberAssignmentAnalysis.Analyze(pb.ParamExpressionInScope, memberAssignment.Expression);
                        if (memberAssignmentAnalysis.IncompatibleAssignmentsException != null)
                            throw memberAssignmentAnalysis.IncompatibleAssignmentsException;
                        Type         memberType = GetMemberType(memberAssignment.Member);
                        Expression[] expressionsBeyondTargetEntity = memberAssignmentAnalysis.GetExpressionsBeyondTargetEntity();
                        if (expressionsBeyondTargetEntity.Length == 0)
                            throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Initializing instances of the entity type {0} with the expression {1} is not supported.", memberType, memberAssignment.Expression));
                        MemberExpression memberExpression = expressionsBeyondTargetEntity[expressionsBeyondTargetEntity.Length - 1] as MemberExpression;
                        if (memberExpression != null && memberExpression.Member.Name != memberAssignment.Member.Name)
                            throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Cannot assign the value from the {0} property to the {1} property.  When projecting results into a entity type, the property names of the source type and the target type must match for the properties being projected.", memberExpression.Member.Name, memberAssignment.Member.Name));
                        memberAssignmentAnalysis.CheckCompatibleAssignments(mie.Type, ref previous);
                        bool flag = CommonUtil.IsClientType(memberType);
                        if (CommonUtil.IsClientType(memberExpression.Type) && !flag)
                            throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Constructing or initializing instances of the type {0} with the expression {1} is not supported.", memberType, memberAssignment.Expression));
Exemple #12
            /// <summary>Analyzes the specified member-init expression.</summary>
            /// <param name="mie">Expression to analyze.</param>
            /// <param name="pb">Path-tracking object to store analysis in.</param>
            internal static void Analyze(MemberInitExpression mie, PathBox pb)
                Debug.Assert(mie != null, "mie != null");

                var epa = new EntityProjectionAnalyzer(pb, mie.Type);

                MemberAssignmentAnalysis targetEntityPath = null;
                foreach (MemberBinding mb in mie.Bindings)
                    MemberAssignment ma = mb as MemberAssignment;
                    if (ma != null)
                        var analysis = MemberAssignmentAnalysis.Analyze(pb.ParamExpressionInScope, ma.Expression);
                        if (analysis.IncompatibleAssignmentsException != null)
                            throw analysis.IncompatibleAssignmentsException;

                        // Note that an "empty" assignment on the binding is not checked/handled,
                        // because the funcletizer would have turned that into a constant
                        // in the tree, the visit earlier in this method would have thrown
                        // an exception at finding a constant in an entity projection.
                        // We do account however for failing to find a reference off the
                        // parameter entry to detect errors like this: new ET() { Ref = e }
                        // Here it looks like the new ET should be the parent of 'e', but
                        // there is nothing in scope that represents that.
                        // This also explains while error messages might be a bit misleading
                        // in this case (because they reference a constant when the user
                        // hasn't included any).
                        Type targetType = GetMemberType(ma.Member);
                        Expression[] lastExpressions = analysis.GetExpressionsBeyondTargetEntity();
                        if (lastExpressions.Length == 0)
                            throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ALinq_ExpressionNotSupportedInProjectionToEntity(targetType, ma.Expression));

                        MemberExpression lastExpression = lastExpressions[lastExpressions.Length - 1] as MemberExpression;
                            "!analysis.MultiplePathsFound -- the initilizer has been visited, and cannot be empty, and expressions that can combine paths should have thrown exception during initializer analysis");
                            lastExpression != null,
                            "lastExpression != null -- the initilizer has been visited, and cannot be empty, and the only expressions that are allowed can be formed off the parameter, so this is always correlatd");
                        if (lastExpression != null && (lastExpression.Member.Name != ma.Member.Name))
                            throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ALinq_PropertyNamesMustMatchInProjections(lastExpression.Member.Name, ma.Member.Name));

                        analysis.CheckCompatibleAssignments(mie.Type, ref targetEntityPath);

                        // Unless we're initializing an entity, we should not traverse into the parameter in scope.
                        bool targetIsEntity = ClientType.CheckElementTypeIsEntity(targetType);
                        bool sourceIsEntity = ClientType.CheckElementTypeIsEntity(lastExpression.Type);
                        if (sourceIsEntity && !targetIsEntity)
                            throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ALinq_ExpressionNotSupportedInProjection(targetType, ma.Expression));
            /// <summary>Analyzes the specified member-init expression.</summary>
            /// <param name="mie">Expression to analyze.</param>
            /// <param name="pb">Path-tracking object to store analysis in.</param>
            /// <param name="context">Context of expression to analyze.</param>
            internal static void Analyze(MemberInitExpression mie, SelectExpandPathBuilder pb, DataServiceContext context)
                Debug.Assert(mie != null, "mie != null");

                var epa = new EntityProjectionAnalyzer(pb, mie.Type, context);

                MemberAssignmentAnalysis targetEntityPath = null;

                foreach (MemberBinding mb in mie.Bindings)
                    MemberAssignment ma = mb as MemberAssignment;
                    if (ma != null)
                        var analysis = MemberAssignmentAnalysis.Analyze(pb.ParamExpressionInScope, ma.Expression);
                        if (analysis.IncompatibleAssignmentsException != null)
                            throw analysis.IncompatibleAssignmentsException;

                        // Note that an "empty" assignment on the binding is not checked/handled,
                        // because the funcletizer would have turned that into a constant
                        // in the tree, the visit earlier in this method would have thrown
                        // an exception at finding a constant in an entity projection.
                        // We do account however for failing to find a reference off the
                        // parameter entry to detect errors like this: new ET() { Ref = e }
                        // Here it looks like the new ET should be the parent of 'e', but
                        // there is nothing in scope that represents that.
                        // This also explains while error messages might be a bit misleading
                        // in this case (because they reference a constant when the user
                        // hasn't included any).
                        Type         targetType      = ClientTypeUtil.GetMemberType(ma.Member);
                        Expression[] lastExpressions = analysis.GetExpressionsBeyondTargetEntity();
                        if (lastExpressions.Length == 0)
                            throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ALinq_ExpressionNotSupportedInProjectionToEntity(targetType, ma.Expression));

                        MemberExpression lastExpression = lastExpressions[lastExpressions.Length - 1] as MemberExpression;
                            "!analysis.MultiplePathsFound -- the initilizer has been visited, and cannot be empty, and expressions that can combine paths should have thrown exception during initializer analysis");
                            lastExpression != null,
                            "lastExpression != null -- the initilizer has been visited, and cannot be empty, and the only expressions that are allowed can be formed off the parameter, so this is always correlatd");

                        analysis.CheckCompatibleAssignments(mie.Type, ref targetEntityPath);

                        // For DataServiceStreamLink, the last expression will be a constant expression. Hence we won't be comparing name checks and entity checks for those type of bindings
                        if (lastExpression != null)
                            if (lastExpression.Member.Name != ma.Member.Name)
                                throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ALinq_PropertyNamesMustMatchInProjections(lastExpression.Member.Name, ma.Member.Name));

                            // Unless we're initializing an entity, we should not traverse into the parameter in scope.
                            bool targetIsEntity = ClientTypeUtil.TypeOrElementTypeIsEntity(targetType);
                            bool sourceIsEntity = ClientTypeUtil.TypeOrElementTypeIsEntity(lastExpression.Type);
                            if (sourceIsEntity && !targetIsEntity)
                                throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ALinq_ExpressionNotSupportedInProjection(targetType, ma.Expression));
            internal static void Analyze(MemberInitExpression mie, PathBox pb)
                Debug.Assert(mie != null, "mie != null");

                var epa = new EntityProjectionAnalyzer(pb, mie.Type);

                MemberAssignmentAnalysis targetEntityPath = null;
                foreach (MemberBinding mb in mie.Bindings)
                    MemberAssignment ma = mb as MemberAssignment;
                    if (ma != null)
                        var analysis = MemberAssignmentAnalysis.Analyze(pb.ParamExpressionInScope, ma.Expression);
                        if (analysis.IncompatibleAssignmentsException != null)
                            throw analysis.IncompatibleAssignmentsException;

                        Type targetType = GetMemberType(ma.Member);
                        Expression[] lastExpressions = analysis.GetExpressionsBeyondTargetEntity();
                        if (lastExpressions.Length == 0)
                            throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, SR.ALinqExpressionNotSupportedInProjectionToEntity, targetType, ma.Expression));

                        MemberExpression lastExpression = lastExpressions[lastExpressions.Length - 1] as MemberExpression;
                            "!analysis.MultiplePathsFound -- the initilizer has been visited, and cannot be empty, and expressions that can combine paths should have thrown exception during initializer analysis");
                            lastExpression != null,
                            "lastExpression != null -- the initilizer has been visited, and cannot be empty, and the only expressions that are allowed can be formed off the parameter, so this is always correlatd");
                        if (lastExpression != null && (lastExpression.Member.Name != ma.Member.Name))
                            throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, SR.ALinqPropertyNamesMustMatchInProjections, lastExpression.Member.Name, ma.Member.Name));

                        analysis.CheckCompatibleAssignments(mie.Type, ref targetEntityPath);

                        bool targetIsEntity = CommonUtil.IsClientType(targetType);
                        bool sourceIsEntity = CommonUtil.IsClientType(lastExpression.Type);
                        if (sourceIsEntity && !targetIsEntity)
                            throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, SR.ALinqExpressionNotSupportedInProjection, targetType, ma.Expression));