public static EntityPos LookAtTarget(this EntityPos agentPos, Vec3d targetPos)
            var cartesianCoordinates = targetPos.SubCopy(agentPos.XYZ).Normalize();
            var yaw       = GameMath.TWOPI - (float)Math.Atan2(cartesianCoordinates.Z, cartesianCoordinates.X);
            var pitch     = (float)Math.Asin(cartesianCoordinates.Y);
            var entityPos = agentPos.Copy();

            entityPos.Yaw   = yaw % GameMath.TWOPI;
            entityPos.Pitch = GameMath.PI - pitch;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// If an attachment point called "Center" exists, then this method
        /// offsets the creatures collision box so that the Center attachment point is the center of the collision box.
        /// </summary>
        public void AdjustCollisionBoxToAnimation(float dtFac)
            float[] hitboxOff = new float[4] {
                0, 0, 0, 1

            AttachmentPointAndPose apap = entity.AnimManager.Animator.GetAttachmentPointPose("Center");

            if (apap == null)

            AttachmentPoint ap = apap.AttachPoint;

            float rotX = entity.Properties.Client.Shape != null ? entity.Properties.Client.Shape.rotateX : 0;
            float rotY = entity.Properties.Client.Shape != null ? entity.Properties.Client.Shape.rotateY : 0;
            float rotZ = entity.Properties.Client.Shape != null ? entity.Properties.Client.Shape.rotateZ : 0;

            float[] ModelMat = Mat4f.Create();
            Mat4f.Translate(ModelMat, ModelMat, 0, entity.CollisionBox.Y2 / 2, 0);

            double[] quat = Quaterniond.Create();
            Quaterniond.RotateX(quat, quat, entity.Pos.Pitch + rotX * GameMath.DEG2RAD);
            Quaterniond.RotateY(quat, quat, entity.Pos.Yaw + (rotY + 90) * GameMath.DEG2RAD);
            Quaterniond.RotateZ(quat, quat, entity.Pos.Roll + rotZ * GameMath.DEG2RAD);

            float[] qf = new float[quat.Length];
            for (int k = 0; k < quat.Length; k++)
                qf[k] = (float)quat[k];
            Mat4f.Mul(ModelMat, ModelMat, Mat4f.FromQuat(Mat4f.Create(), qf));

            float scale = entity.Properties.Client.Size;

            Mat4f.Translate(ModelMat, ModelMat, 0, -entity.CollisionBox.Y2 / 2, 0f);
            Mat4f.Scale(ModelMat, ModelMat, new float[] { scale, scale, scale });
            Mat4f.Translate(ModelMat, ModelMat, -0.5f, 0, -0.5f);

            .Translate(ap.PosX / 16f, ap.PosY / 16f, ap.PosZ / 16f)

            EntityPos epos = entity.SidedPos;

            float[] endVec = Mat4f.MulWithVec4(tmpModelMat.Values, hitboxOff);

            float motionX = endVec[0] - (entity.CollisionBox.X1 - entity.OriginCollisionBox.X1);
            float motionZ = endVec[2] - (entity.CollisionBox.Z1 - entity.OriginCollisionBox.Z1);

            if (Math.Abs(motionX) > 0.00001 || Math.Abs(motionZ) > 0.00001)
                EntityPos posMoved = epos.Copy();
                posMoved.Motion.X = motionX;
                posMoved.Motion.Z = motionZ;

                moveDelta.Set(posMoved.Motion.X, posMoved.Motion.Y, posMoved.Motion.Z);

                collisionTester.ApplyTerrainCollision(entity, posMoved, dtFac, ref outposition);

                double reflectX = outposition.X - epos.X - motionX;
                double reflectZ = outposition.Z - epos.Z - motionZ;

                epos.Motion.X = reflectX;
                epos.Motion.Z = reflectZ;

                entity.CollisionBox.Translate(endVec[0], 0, endVec[2]);
            //Console.WriteLine("{0}/{1}", reflectX, reflectZ);