public void HurtPlayer(float amount) { if (isInvincible) { return; } hp.ChangeHealth(-1 * amount); //Update HP bar fill (100%-0% based on percentage of max health) and color (green at 100%, yellow at 50%, red at 0%) hpBar.fillAmount = hp.Health / hp.MaxHealth; hpBar.color = new Color((1 - Mathf.Max(0f, hpBar.fillAmount * 2 - 1)) * 0.8f, Mathf.Min(1f, hpBar.fillAmount * 2) * 0.8f, 0); }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col) { if (tagsToIgnore.Contains(col.gameObject.tag) || col.isTrigger) { return; } if (col.CompareTag("Player")) { col.gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerControllerScript>().HurtPlayer(dmgAmount); } else { EntityHealth health = col.gameObject.GetComponent <EntityHealth>(); if (health != null) { health.ChangeHealth(-1 * dmgAmount); } } Destroy(gameObject); }
private void DealDamage(EntityHealth _entityHealth, int _damage) { _entityHealth.ChangeHealth(_damage); }