Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Define a component with custom name. This name will be used to access the component on any entity.
            ComponentPrototype p = new ComponentPrototype("component");

            // Add a set of attributes. The names are used to access the attributes on instatiated components
            p.AddAttribute <float>("numeric");
            p.AddAttribute <string>("string");
            p.AddAttribute <bool>("boolean");

            // Once the protoype and its set of attributes is defined, register it to the global Component Registry

            // We are now all set to use our defined component on entities. For this, first, we create a new empty entity.
            Entity e = new Entity();

            // Components are automatically instatiated on first access. So we can just set the values on our entity as follow:
            e["component"]["string"].Set("Hello World");

            // Last, we expose our entity on an HTTP datapoint as Linked Data object. The ECA2LD lib will take care of building the correct
            // RDF graph, and creating and wiring datapoints for the linked component and attribute instances.
            var eDP = new EntityDatapoint(e, "http://localhost:12345/entities/e/");

            // Our entity is now ready and set to be added to the world. The attributes could have been set as above afterwards as well.
            // Then events would have informed other parts of the program that our entity was changed.

            // This concludes the example. In the future, support to add datapoints on the Entity Collection should be implemented. This
            // would automatize the process of creating datapoints for each entity manually.
Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string host = "localhost";
            string port = "12345";

            if (args.Length > 0)
                if (args.Length != 2)
                    Console.WriteLine("Please supply exactly two arguments for host configuration: <hostname> <port>. Using default values <localhost> <12345>.");
                    host = args[0];
                    port = args[1];
                        var uri = new Uri("http://" + host + ":" + port + "/world/");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Supplied arguments {0}, {1} do not form a valid host specifaction. Using default vaules <localhost> <12345>.", args[0], args[1]);
                        host = "localhost";
                        port = "12345";

            string basePath = "http://" + host + ":" + port + "/world/";

            Console.WriteLine("Entities are hosted at " + basePath);

            var tisch     = buildTisch();
            var schrauber = buildSchrauber();
            var worker    = birthWorker();
            var robot     = assembleRobot(basePath);

            // Last, we expose our entity on an HTTP datapoint as Linked Data object. The ECA2LD lib will take care of building the correct
            // RDF graph, and creating and wiring datapoints for the linked component and attribute instances.
            var tischDP   = new EntityDatapoint(tisch, basePath + "tisch/");
            var schraubDP = new EntityDatapoint(schrauber, basePath + "schrauber/");
            var workerDP  = new EntityDatapoint(worker, basePath + "worker/");
            var robotDP   = new EntityDatapoint(robot, basePath + "robot/");

            var worldDatapoint = new EntityCollectionDatapoint(CEC.Instance, basePath);

            // Our entity is now ready and set to be added to the world. The attributes could have been set as above afterwards as well.
            // Then events would have informed other parts of the program that our entity was changed.

            // This concludes the example. In the future, support to add datapoints on the Entity Collection should be implemented. This
            // would automatize the process of creating datapoints for each entity manually.
            Console.WriteLine("\n\n Press Key to shutdown");