public void Init()
     creationMetadata = new EntityCreationMetadata()
         KafkaTopic = nameof(MyMovie),
         Partitions = 1,
         Replicas   = 1
    public static string CreateStream <T>(EntityCreationMetadata creationMetadata, bool ifNotExists = false)
        var statementContext = new StatementContext
            CreationType   = CreationType.Create,
            KSqlEntityType = KSqlEntityType.Stream

        return(CreateOrReplace <T>(statementContext, creationMetadata, ifNotExists));
    public static string CreateOrReplaceTable <T>(EntityCreationMetadata creationMetadata)
        var statementContext = new StatementContext
            CreationType   = CreationType.CreateOrReplace,
            KSqlEntityType = KSqlEntityType.Table

        return(CreateOrReplace <T>(statementContext, creationMetadata, ifNotExists: null));
Exemple #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Create a new table or replace an existing one with the specified columns and properties.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    /// <param name="creationMetadata">Table properties, specify details about your table by using the WITH clause.</param>
    /// <param name="cancellationToken">Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation</param>
    /// <returns>Http response object.</returns>
    public Task <HttpResponseMessage> CreateOrReplaceTableAsync <T>(EntityCreationMetadata creationMetadata, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        if (creationMetadata == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(creationMetadata));

        var ksql = StatementGenerator.CreateOrReplaceTable <T>(creationMetadata);

        return(ExecuteAsync <T>(ksql, cancellationToken));
Exemple #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Create a new stream with the specified columns and properties.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T">The type that represents the stream.</typeparam>
    /// <param name="creationMetadata">Stream properties, specify details about your stream by using the WITH clause.</param>
    /// <param name="ifNotExists">If the IF NOT EXISTS clause is present, the statement won't fail if a stream with the same name already exists.</param>
    /// <param name="cancellationToken">Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation</param>
    /// <returns>Http response object.</returns>
    public Task <HttpResponseMessage> CreateStreamAsync <T>(EntityCreationMetadata creationMetadata, bool ifNotExists = false, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        if (creationMetadata == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(creationMetadata));

        var ksql = StatementGenerator.CreateStream <T>(creationMetadata, ifNotExists);

        return(ExecuteAsync <T>(ksql, cancellationToken));
    public void GenerateWithClause_WindowSize()
        var metadata = new EntityCreationMetadata
            WindowSize = "10 MINUTES"

        var withClause = CreateStatements.GenerateWithClause(metadata);

        withClause.Should().BeEquivalentTo(@$ " WITH ( WINDOW_SIZE='{metadata.WindowSize}', VALUE_FORMAT='Json' )");
    public void GenerateWithClause_WindowType()
        var metadata = new EntityCreationMetadata
            WindowType = WindowType.Hopping

        var withClause = CreateStatements.GenerateWithClause(metadata);

        withClause.Should().BeEquivalentTo(@$ " WITH ( WINDOW_TYPE='{metadata.WindowType}', VALUE_FORMAT='Json' )");
Exemple #8
    private static EntityCreationMetadata GetEntityCreationMetadata(string topicName)
        EntityCreationMetadata metadata = new EntityCreationMetadata()
            KeyFormat       = SerializationFormats.Json,
            KafkaTopic      = topicName,
            Partitions      = 1,
            Replicas        = 1,
            WindowType      = WindowType.Tumbling,
            WindowSize      = "10 SECONDS",
            TimestampFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd''T''HH:mm:ssX"

    public static string CreateTable <T>(EntityCreationMetadata creationMetadata, bool ifNotExists = false)
        if (creationMetadata == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(creationMetadata));

        var statementContext = new StatementContext
            CreationType   = CreationType.Create,
            KSqlEntityType = KSqlEntityType.Table

        return(CreateOrReplace <T>(statementContext, creationMetadata, ifNotExists));
    internal static string GenerateWithClause(EntityCreationMetadata metadata)
        if (metadata == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(metadata));

        var properties = new List <string>();

        if (metadata.WindowType.HasValue)
            properties.Add(@$ "WINDOW_TYPE='{metadata.WindowType}'");

        if (metadata.WindowSize.IsNotNullOrEmpty())
            properties.Add(@$ "WINDOW_SIZE='{metadata.WindowSize}'");

        return(GenerateWithClause(metadata, properties));
    public async Task SubscribeAsync()
        var entityCreationMetadata = new EntityCreationMetadata
            KafkaTopic = nameof(Order) + "-Join",
            Partitions = 1

        var response = await restApiClient.CreateStreamAsync <Order>(entityCreationMetadata, ifNotExists : true);

        var r = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

        response = await restApiClient.CreateTableAsync <Payment>(entityCreationMetadata with {
            KafkaTopic = nameof(Payment) + "-Join"
        }, ifNotExists : true);

        response = await restApiClient.CreateTableAsync <Shipment>(entityCreationMetadata with {
            KafkaTopic = nameof(Shipment) + "-Join"
        }, ifNotExists : true);

        var value = new Foo {
            Prop = 42

        var query = (from o in context.CreateQueryStream <Order>()
                     join p1 in Source.Of <Payment>() on o.PaymentId equals p1.Id
                     join s1 in Source.Of <Shipment>() on o.ShipmentId equals s1.Id into gj
                     from sa in gj.DefaultIfEmpty()
                     select new
            orderId = o.OrderId,
            shipmentId = sa.Id,
            paymentId = p1.Id,

        string ksql = query.ToQueryString();

        using var subscription = query
                                 .Subscribe(c =>
            Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(Order.OrderId)}: {c.orderId}");

            Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(Order.PaymentId)}: {c.paymentId}");

            if (c.shipmentId.HasValue)
                Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(Order.ShipmentId)}: {c.shipmentId}");
        }, error =>

        var order = new Order {
            OrderId = 1, PaymentId = 1, ShipmentId = 1
        var payment = new Payment {
            Id = 1
        var shipment = new Shipment {
            Id = 1

        response = await restApiClient.InsertIntoAsync(order);

        r = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

        response = await restApiClient.InsertIntoAsync(payment);

        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250));

        response = await restApiClient.InsertIntoAsync(shipment);
    private static string CreateOrReplace <T>(StatementContext statementContext, EntityCreationMetadata creationMetadata, bool?ifNotExists)
        string ksql = new CreateEntity().Print <T>(statementContext, creationMetadata, ifNotExists);
