Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Enables change history logging feature on the repository.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="changeHistoryFilePath">File path to store change history data. Multiple
        /// invocations of this method would add new files to the change history filegroup.</param>
        /// <example>This example shows how to enable and disable change history feature. On Vista or
        /// Windows Server 2008, you may have to run this sample as an administrator.
        /// <code>
        ///using System;
        ///using System.Linq;
        ///using Zentity.Administration;
        ///using Zentity.Core;
        ///using System.Threading;
        ///using System.ServiceProcess;
        ///namespace ZentitySamples
        ///    public class Program
        ///    {
        ///        public static void Main(string[] args)
        ///        {
        ///            ZentityContext regularContext = new ZentityContext();
        ///            AdministrationContext adminContext = new AdministrationContext();
        ///            // Enabling and disabling change history is lengthy operation. Set a sufficiently
        ///            // large timeout for the context commands.
        ///            adminContext.CommandTimeout = 300;
        ///            // Disable SQL Server Agent process before enabling or disabling the change history.
        ///            ServiceController[] scServices;
        ///            scServices = ServiceController.GetServices();
        ///            var v = scServices.Where
        ///                (tuple =&gt; tuple.DisplayName == &quot;SQL Server Agent (MSSQLSERVER)&quot;).FirstOrDefault();
        ///            if (v != null &amp;&amp; v.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Running)
        ///                v.Stop();
        ///            Thread.Sleep(5000);
        ///            bool isChangeHistoryEnabled =
        ///                Convert.ToBoolean(regularContext.GetConfiguration(&quot;IsChangeHistoryEnabled&quot;));
        ///            Console.WriteLine(&quot;IsChangeHistoryEnabled: [{0}]&quot;, isChangeHistoryEnabled);
        ///            if (isChangeHistoryEnabled)
        ///            {
        ///                Console.WriteLine(&quot;Disabling change history...&quot;);
        ///                adminContext.DisableChangeHistory();
        ///            }
        ///            Console.WriteLine(&quot;Enabling change history...&quot;);
        ///            adminContext.EnableChangeHistory(@&quot;C:\ChangeHistory.ndf&quot;);
        ///            // Restart the SQL Agent.
        ///            if (v != null)
        ///                v.Start();
        ///        }
        ///    }
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Zentity change history logging relies on the 'Change Data Capture' feature of SQL
        /// Server 2008 and is thus available only on Developer, Enterprise and Enterprise
        /// Evaluation editions.
        /// <para>
        /// This method alters the backend database to create new filegroups and files if they
        /// are not already created. Since ALTER DATABASE statement is not allowed within
        /// multi-statement transaction, including this method in a TransactionScope, for example,
        /// may raise Exceptions.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// Also, if you are seeing any Transaction deadlock errors, turn off SQL Server Agent
        /// service, invoke this method and then turn on the agent again.
        /// </para>
        /// While enabling change history logging, each major table in Zentity database is enabled
        /// for change data capture. SQL Server automatically creates two jobs during this process,
        /// 1. to populate capture instances and 2. to periodically clean up the capture instances.
        /// Zentity derives its change history data from these capture instances. A background job,
        /// ProcessNextLSN, pulls data from the capture instances and populates a separate set of
        /// ‘Coupling’ tables. These coupling tables allow us to retain the historical data even
        /// after the capture instances are cleaned up. 'Coupling' tables are then mapped to the
        /// conceptual model of Zentity Change History Logging. The public API is generated by
        /// Entity Framework from the conceptual model. Figure below presents an overall picture.
        /// <br/>
        /// <img src="ChangeHistory.bmp"/>
        /// <para>
        /// <b>Data Loss Scenarios</b>
        /// <br/>
        /// Since Zentity processes CDC capture instances to retrieve the change history
        /// information, there is a possibility of data loss if the source capture instance is
        /// deleted before it is completely processed. This might happen if Change Data Capture is
        /// disabled on the database before all the changesets are processed. To print a list of
        /// changesets yet to be processed, execute a query similar to the following.
        /// <code language="SQL">
        ///SELECT [start_lsn], [tran_end_time]
        ///FROM [cdc].lsn_time_mapping
        ///WHERE tran_id &lt;&gt; 0x00
        ///SELECT Administration.fn_hexstrtovarbin([Id]) [start_lsn], [DateCreated] [tran_end_time]
        ///FROM [Administration].ChangeSet
        /// </code>
        /// Another scenario where there is a possibility of data loss is while altering the schema
        /// of Core.Resource table during Zentity Data Model updates. A new capture instance is
        /// created for Core.Resource table in response to the schema change. Since, SQL Server
        /// allows a maximum of two capture instances per table, an earlier capture instance is
        /// dropped if the capture instance count increases two. All data present in the dropped
        /// capture instance is thus lost.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// <b>Backup and Restore Scenario</b>
        /// <br/>
        /// During backup and restore of Zentity database, all configuration values and capture
        /// instances are restored. However, the jobs to populate and cleanup capture instances and
        /// 'ProcessNextLSN' are not restored on the target server. So, even though sys.databases
        /// and sys.tables show that the database and table are configured for change data capture,
        /// no entries are created in the capture instances and hence the Administration tables.
        /// To fix this, disable change history logging and then re-enable it again using either
        /// the stored procedures Administration.DisableChangeHistory and
        /// Administration.EnableChangeHistory or using the methods
        /// <see cref="Zentity.Administration.AdministrationContext.DisableChangeHistory"/> and
        /// <see cref="Zentity.Administration.AdministrationContext.EnableChangeHistory(string)"/>.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public void EnableChangeHistory(string changeHistoryFilePath)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(changeHistoryFilePath))
                throw new ArgumentException(

            using (EntityCommand cmd = (EntityCommand)this.Connection.CreateCommand())
                bool isConnectionOpenedHere = false;
                if (this.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                    isConnectionOpenedHere = true;

                cmd.CommandText    = "AdministrationContext.EnableChangeHistory";
                cmd.CommandType    = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                cmd.CommandTimeout = this.OperationTimeout;

                EntityParameter param = cmd.CreateParameter();
                param.DbType        = DbType.String;
                param.ParameterName = "ChangeHistoryFilePath";
                param.Size          = 512;
                param.Value         = changeHistoryFilePath;


                if (isConnectionOpenedHere)