public async Task <IActionResult> Settings()
            var config = await ConfigStore.GetConfigAsync();

                if (TempData["check-settings"] is bool b && b)
                    // This doesn't check if the access token is valid...
                    var inst = await DiscoveryClient.GetDiscoveryInfo();

                    // ... but this does.
                    var entities = await EntityClient.GetEntities();

                    ViewBag.Instance = $"Home Assistant instance: <b>{inst.LocationName} (Version {inst.Version}) [{inst.BaseUrl}]</b>";
            catch (Exception ex)
                await ConfigStore.ManipulateConfig(c => c.Settings.AccessToken = c.Settings.BaseUri = null);

                config = await ConfigStore.GetConfigAsync();

                Logger.LogError(ex, "Invalid system settings entered, or unable to reach Home Assistant with the specified information.");
                TempData.AddError("The settings entered are not valid. HACC is unable to reach your Home Assistant instance. Try your entries again, consult the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">setup guide</a> for help, or check the logs (console) for more information.");

                // Reloads the request showing the error (TempData doesn't commit until a reload).
