private bool UpdateInvoice(Entities.Invoice invoice)
            int clientID = 0;

            Facade.IInvoice         facInvoice         = new Facade.Invoice();
            Facade.IInvoiceOneLiner facInvoiceOneLiner = new Facade.Invoice();
            bool    retVal = false;
            DataSet dsClientID;

            string userName = ((Entities.CustomPrincipal)Page.User).UserName;

            //GetClientForOneLinerInvoiceId should work for most invoice types, where as GetClientInvoiceId only works for groupage invoices
            if (invoice.InvoiceType == eInvoiceType.Normal)
                dsClientID = facInvoice.GetClientForInvoiceId(invoice.InvoiceId);
                dsClientID = facInvoiceOneLiner.GetClientForOneLinerInvoiceId(invoice.InvoiceId);

            int.TryParse(dsClientID.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ClientId"].ToString(), out clientID);

            retVal = facInvoice.Update(invoice, clientID, userName);

        private Entities.Invoice PopulateInvoice(int invoiceId)
            Entities.Invoice m_Invoice = null;

            Facade.IInvoice facInvoice = new Orchestrator.Facade.Invoice();
            m_Invoice = facInvoice.GetForInvoiceId(invoiceId);

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新修改
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        public void updateInvoice(Entities.Invoice model)
            var item = _sysInvoiceRepository.getById(model.Id);

            if (item == null)
Exemple #4
 public Task <object> Handle(AddNewInvoiceCommand command, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     if (!command.IsValid())
         List <InvoiceItem> items = new List <InvoiceItem>();
         foreach (InvoiceItemModel invoiceItem in command.Items)
             InvoiceItem item = new InvoiceItem
                 new Entities.Product(new Identity((uint)invoiceItem.ProductID), null, null, null, null, null, null, null),
                 new Entities.Unit(new Identity((uint)invoiceItem.UnitID), null),
                 new Price(invoiceItem.Price),
                 new Note(invoiceItem.Note),
                 new Quantity(invoiceItem.Quantity),
                 new Weight(invoiceItem.Weight),
                 new Price(invoiceItem.TotalPrice),
                 new Deliveried(false),
                 new Quantity(0)
         Entities.Invoice Invoice = new Entities.Invoice
             new Entities.Customer((uint)command.CustomerID, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null),
             new DeliveryTime(command.DeliveryTime),
             new Price(command.TotalPrice),
             new Note(command.Note),
             new Weight(command.WeightTotal),
             new Code(command.Code),
         InvoiceModel model = _InvoiceRepository.Add(Invoice);
         if (model != null)
             //send sms
             CustomerModel customer = _CustomerRepository.Get(command.CustomerID);
             if (customer != null)
                 string message = "Bạn vừa đặt hàng thành công trên avita. Mã đơn hàng của bạn là: " +
                                  Invoice.Code + ". Vui lòng truy cập fanpage để xem tình trạng đơn hàng";
                 SendSMS.SendSMSCommon.SendSMS(message, "+84" + customer.PhoneNumber.Substring(1));
             return(Task.FromResult(model.ID as object));
         _bus.RaiseEvent(new DomainNotification("Invoice", "Server error", NotificationCode.Error));
     return(Task.FromResult(null as object));
Exemple #5
 public Task <object> Handle(UpdateInvoiceCommand command, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     if (!command.IsValid())
         List <InvoiceItem> items = new List <InvoiceItem>();
         foreach (InvoiceItemModel invoiceItem in command.Items)
             InvoiceItem item = new InvoiceItem
                 new Identity((uint)invoiceItem.ID),
                 new Entities.Product(new Identity((uint)invoiceItem.ProductID), null, null, null, null, null, null, null),
                 new Entities.Unit(new Identity((uint)invoiceItem.UnitID), null),
                 new Price(invoiceItem.Price),
                 new Note(invoiceItem.Note),
                 new Quantity(invoiceItem.Quantity),
                 new Weight(invoiceItem.Weight),
                 new Price(invoiceItem.TotalPrice),
                 new Deliveried(false),
                 new Quantity(0)
         Entities.Invoice Invoice = new Entities.Invoice
             new Identity((uint)command.ID),
             new Entities.Customer((uint)command.CustomerID, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null),
             new DeliveryTime(command.DeliveryTime),
             new Price(command.TotalPrice),
             new Note(command.Note),
             new Weight(command.WeightTotal),
             new Code(command.Code),
         bool result = _InvoiceRepository.Update(Invoice);
         return(Task.FromResult(result as object));
     return(Task.FromResult(null as object));
Exemple #6
        protected void btnEmailOneLiner_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ViewState["invoice"] != null)
                m_Invoice = (Entities.Invoice)ViewState["invoice"];

                using (MailMessage mailMessage = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage())
                    mailMessage.From = new MailAddress(Orchestrator.Globals.Configuration.MailFromAddress, Orchestrator.Globals.Configuration.MailFromName);

                    string emailAddress = this.cboEmail.Text;

                    if (this.cboEmail.SelectedValue != String.Empty)
                        emailAddress = this.cboEmail.SelectedValue;

                    mailMessage.To.Add(new MailAddress(emailAddress));

                    mailMessage.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(Server.MapPath(m_Invoice.PDFLocation)));
                    mailMessage.Subject    = Orchestrator.Globals.Configuration.InstallationCompanyName + " Invoice Number " + m_Invoice.InvoiceId.ToString();
                    mailMessage.IsBodyHtml = false;

                    // We need to get/determine what text should be attached to the email for the invoice.
                    string body = string.Format("Please find attached Invoice “{0}” from {1}. If you require POD’s please access the self service website here {2}. Please contact Customer Services on {3}  for additional help,\n\n Regards", m_Invoice.InvoiceId.ToString(), Orchestrator.Globals.Configuration.InstallationCompanyName, Orchestrator.Globals.Configuration.OrchestratorURL, Orchestrator.Globals.Configuration.InstallationCustomerServicesNumber);
                    mailMessage.Body = body;

                    SmtpClient smtp = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient();
                    smtp.Host        = Globals.Configuration.MailServer;
                    smtp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(Globals.Configuration.MailUsername, Globals.Configuration.MailPassword);

                    lblEmailSent.Visible = true;
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// 新增,插入
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="model"></param>
 public void insertInvoice(Entities.Invoice model)
     //if (existAccount(model.Name))
     //   return;
Exemple #8
        ///	<summary>
        /// Load Invoice
        ///	</summary>
        private void LoadInvoice()
            //if (ViewState["invoice"]==null)
            Facade.IInvoice      facInvoice      = new Facade.Invoice();
            Facade.IInvoiceExtra facInvoiceExtra = new Facade.Invoice();
            m_Invoice = facInvoice.GetForInvoiceId(m_InvoiceNo);

            if (m_Invoice.InvoiceType == eInvoiceType.SelfBill)
                m_Invoice.Extras = facInvoiceExtra.GetExtraCollectionForInvoiceId(m_Invoice.InvoiceId);

            ViewState["invoice"] = m_Invoice;
            //    m_Invoice = (Entities.Invoice)ViewState["invoice"];

            // Load the report with the relevant details
            if (m_Invoice != null)
                lblInvoiceNo.Text      = m_Invoice.InvoiceId.ToString();
                lblInvoiceNo.ForeColor = Color.Black;

                lblInvoiceType.Text = m_Invoice.InvoiceType.ToString();

                if (m_Invoice.InvoiceType == eInvoiceType.SelfBill)
                    lblClientInvoiceSelfBillAmount.Visible = true;
                    lblClientSelfBillInvoiceNumber.Visible = true;
                    txtClientSelfBillAmount.Visible        = true;
                    txtClientSelfBillAmount.Text           = m_Invoice.ClientInvoiceAmount.ToString("C");
                    txtClientSelfBillInvoiceNumber.Visible = true;
                    txtClientSelfBillInvoiceNumber.Text    = m_Invoice.SelfBillInvoiceNumber;
                    divClientSelfBillAmount.Visible        = true;
                    chkSelfBillRemainder.Visible           = true;
                    lblRemainder.Visible = true;

                if (m_Invoice.OverrideReason != string.Empty)
                    pnlOverride.Visible         = true;
                    chkOverride.Checked         = true;
                    txtOverrideReason.Text      = m_Invoice.OverrideReason.ToString();
                    txtOverrideGrossAmount.Text = m_Invoice.OverrideTotalAmountGross.ToString("C");
                    txtOverrideNetAmount.Text   = m_Invoice.OverrideTotalAmountNet.ToString("C");
                    txtOverrideVAT.Text         = m_Invoice.OverrideTotalAmountVAT.ToString("C");

                // Display the invoice date, but only allow the date to be altered if the invoice has not been posted.
                dteInvoiceDate.SelectedDate = m_Invoice.InvoiceDate;
                dteInvoiceDate.Enabled      = !m_Invoice.Posted;

                lblDateCreated.Text      = m_Invoice.CreatedDate.ToShortDateString();
                lblDateCreated.ForeColor = Color.Black;

                txtInvoiceNotes.Text = m_Invoice.InvoiceDetails;

                chkIncludePODs.Checked = m_Invoice.IncludePODs;

                chkIncludeReferences.Checked = m_Invoice.IncludeReferences;

                if (m_Invoice.IncludeDemurrage)
                    chkIncludeDemurrage.Checked    = true;
                    rdoDemurrageType.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt32(m_Invoice.DemurrageType);
                    rdoDemurrageType.Visible       = true;
                    chkIncludeDemurrage.Visible = false;
                    lblNoDemurrage.Visible      = true;
                    rdoDemurrageType.Visible    = false;

                if (m_Invoice.IncludeFuelSurcharge)
                    chkIncludeFuelSurcharge.Checked    = true;
                    txtFuelSurchargeRate.Text          = m_Invoice.FuelSurchargeRate.ToString();
                    rdoFuelSurchargeType.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt32(m_Invoice.FuelSurchargeType);
                    rdoFuelSurchargeType.Visible       = true;
                    divFuelSurcharge.Visible           = true;
                    divFuelSurcharge.Visible        = false;
                    chkIncludeFuelSurcharge.Checked = false;
                    rdoFuelSurchargeType.Visible    = false;

                chkJobDetails.Checked = m_Invoice.IncludeJobDetails;

                chkExtraDetails.Checked = m_Invoice.IncludeExtraDetails;

                rdoSortType.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt32(m_Invoice.InvoiceSortingType) - 1;

                ViewState[C_JOBIDCSV_VS] = m_Invoice.JobIdCSV;

                if (m_Invoice.InvoiceType == eInvoiceType.SelfBill && m_Invoice.Extras != null)
                    if (m_Invoice.Extras.Count != 0)
                        pnlExtras.Visible   = true;
                        dgExtras.DataSource = m_Invoice.Extras;

                        m_extraIdCSV = "";
                        foreach (Entities.Extra extra in m_Invoice.Extras)
                            if (m_extraIdCSV.Length > 0)
                                m_extraIdCSV += ",";
                            m_extraIdCSV += extra.ExtraId;

                        ViewState["ExtraIdCSV"] = m_extraIdCSV;
                        chkExtraDetails.Visible = true;
                        pnlExtras.Visible = false;

                if (m_isUpdate)
                    if (m_Invoice.ForCancellation)
                        btnAdd.Visible             = false;
                        btnSendToAccounts.Visible  = false;
                        chkPostToExchequer.Visible = false;
                        chkDelete.Checked          = true;
                        if (!chkPostToExchequer.Checked)
                            btnAdd.Visible             = true;
                            btnSendToAccounts.Visible  = true;
                            chkPostToExchequer.Visible = true;
                            chkDelete.Checked          = false;
                    chkPostToExchequer.Visible = true;

                if (m_Invoice.Posted)
                    btnAdd.Visible                         = false;
                    btnSendToAccounts.Visible              = false;
                    chkPostToExchequer.Checked             = true;
                    chkPostToExchequer.Visible             = true;
                    pnlInvoiceDeleted.Visible              = false;
                    chkDelete.Visible                      = false;
                    pnlExtras.Enabled                      = false;
                    pnlIncludes.Enabled                    = false;
                    pnlOverride.Enabled                    = false;
                    chkOverride.Enabled                    = false;
                    pnlSelfRemainder.Enabled               = false;
                    txtInvoiceNotes.Enabled                = false;
                    rdoSortType.Enabled                    = false;
                    txtClientSelfBillAmount.Enabled        = false;
                    chkSelfBillRemainder.Enabled           = false;
                    txtClientSelfBillInvoiceNumber.Enabled = false;
                    btnSendToAccounts.Visible              = false;
                    btnViewInvoice.Visible                 = false;
                    dteInvoiceDate.Enabled                 = false;
                    btnAdd.Visible             = true;
                    btnSendToAccounts.Visible  = true;
                    chkPostToExchequer.Checked = false;
                    pnlInvoiceDeleted.Visible  = true;
                    chkDelete.Visible          = true;

            Header1.Title    = "Update Invoice";
            Header1.subTitle = "Please make any changes neccessary.";
            btnAdd.Text      = "Update";
        private void PostToAccountsSystem(IEnumerable <int> selectedInvoiceIds)
            Entities.Invoice _Invoice   = null;
            Facade.IInvoice  facInvoice = new Facade.Invoice();
            bool             retVal     = false;

            string invoicesPosted        = string.Empty;
            string invoicesFailed        = string.Empty;
            string invoicesAlreadyPosted = string.Empty;

            //For each selected invoice
            foreach (int invoiceId in selectedInvoiceIds)
                _Invoice = PopulateInvoice(invoiceId);
                    // Check to make sure none of the selected invoices have been posted.
                    // If any have been posted, prevent the posting from going ahead again.

                    // Check whether any of the selected invoices are "self bill".
                    // If they are then do not allow them to be posted to accounts.
                    // At the time of writing this code TF and JS agreed that none of our existing clients
                    // actually posted self bill invoices anyway (although some had been posted in the past by mistake!)
                    // so the ability to post self bill invoices has not been made configurable. TF:10/09/2008
                    if (_Invoice.Posted || _Invoice.InvoiceType == eInvoiceType.SelfBill || _Invoice.ForCancellation == true)
                        retVal = false;
                        invoicesAlreadyPosted += invoiceId.ToString() + ", ";
                        _Invoice.Posted = true;
                        retVal          = UpdateInvoice(_Invoice);
                catch (Exception e)
                    string err = GetErrorString(e);
                    lblError.Text    = "An error occured when posting Invoice Id " + invoiceId.ToString() + ".<br/>" + err;
                    pnlError.Visible = true;

                if (retVal)
                    invoicesPosted += invoiceId.ToString() + ", ";
                    btnPost.Enabled = false;
                    invoicesFailed  += invoiceId.ToString() + ", ";
                    lblError.Text    = "The following Invoices failed to post: " + invoicesFailed + ".<br/>";
                    pnlError.Visible = true;

                if (invoicesAlreadyPosted != string.Empty)
                    lblError.Text    = "The following Invoices were not posted because they are Self Bill, are Cancelled or have already been posted: " + invoicesAlreadyPosted + ".<br/>";
                    pnlError.Visible = true;

Exemple #10
        public ActionResult Index(FormCollection formCollection)
                var invoice = new invoice();

                var invoiceData = new invoiceData();

                var currency = _currencySvc.GetById(int.Parse(formCollection["CurrencyId"]));

                invoice.invoiceData = invoiceData;
            = "data"; //Thuộc tính ID của thẻ <invoiceData ID="data">

                var sss = Bkav.eHoadon.XML.eHoadon.Entity.Create.invoiceDataInvoiceType.Item01GTKT;

                //Thông tin chung về hóa đơn
                invoiceData.invoiceAppRecordId = getRandomNumber(999999);
                //ID của bản ghi được quản lý bởi phần mềm Lập hóa đơn của DN.
                invoiceData.invoiceType = sss; //Ký hiệu loại hóa đơn
                var releaseId = -1;
                if (int.TryParse(formCollection["ResleaseIdNo"], out releaseId))
                    var release = _listReleaseInvoiceSvc.GetById(releaseId);
                    invoiceData.templateCode  = release.No;
                    invoiceData.invoiceSeries = release.SerialInvoice;
                    invoiceData.templateCode = formCollection["ResleaseIdNo"];
                    //"01GTKT0/089";                //Ký hiệu mẫu hóa đơn
                    invoiceData.invoiceSeries = formCollection["Serial"]; //"AC/14E";
                //"01GTKT0/089";                //Ký hiệu mẫu hóa đơn
                invoiceData.invoiceNumber = formCollection["InvoiceNumber"];
                //createUid(20);               //Số hóa đơn hiện tại có chiều dài 7 chữ số
                invoiceData.invoiceName       = "Hóa đơn giá trị gia tăng"; //Tên loại hóa đơn
                invoiceData.invoiceIssuedDate = DateTime.Now;               //Ngày xuất hóa đơn
                invoiceData.signedDate        = DateTime.Now;               //Ngày ký số lên hóa đơn, có thể lấy là ngày xuất hóa đơn
                invoiceData.submittedDate     = DateTime.Now;
                //Ngày gửi hóa đơn lên CQT, tương đương với ngày đẩy vào thiết bị xác thực, có thể lấy là ngày xuất hóa đơn
                invoiceData.currencyCode = currency != null ? currency.CurrencyCode : "";
                //Ký hiệu mã tiền tệ sử dụng: VND, USD,...
                //invoiceData.isAdjusted = 1;                              //Trạng thái hóa đơn: 1: hóa đơn thường, 5: hóa đơn điều chỉnh,.... trong file Doc mô tả chuẩn XML

                //Thông tin thanh toán hóa đơn
                var paymentInfo = new paymentInfo();
                paymentInfo.paymentMethodName = formCollection["PaymentsType"];
                //"Tiền mặt";                               //Thông tin về phương thức thanh toán hóa đơn: Tiền mặt, Tiền mặt/Chuyển khoản, Chuyển khoản
                List <paymentInfo> payments = invoiceData.payments;

                //Thông tin người bán (Seller)
                //invoiceData.sellerAppRecordId = createUid(20);                            //Tùy doanh nghiệp có thể dùng chung trường ID của bản ghi được quản lý bởi phần mềm Lập hóa đơn của DN.
                invoiceData.sellerLegalName = formCollection["CompanyNameAcc"];
                //"CÔNG TY TNHH DỊCH VỤ TIN HỌC FPT (Demo)";  //Tên doanh nghiệp bán hàng hóa dịch vụ

                var random = new Random();
                //String tin = allowTin[random.Next(allowTin.Length)];
                //invoiceData.sellerTaxCode = tin;                                          //Mã số thuến người bán

                invoiceData.sellerAddressLine = formCollection["AddressAcc"];
                //"Tầng 6 Tòa nhà Thành Công, Dịch Vọng Hậu, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội";  //Địa chỉ người bán
                invoiceData.sellerPhoneNumber = formCollection["PhoneAcc"];
                //"0812345678";                                                  //Số điện thoại người bán
                invoiceData.sellerFaxNumber = formCollection["PhoneAcc"]; //"0812345678";
                //invoiceData.sellerContactPersonName = formCollection["sellerAddressLine"];// "Đỗ C";                                            //Tên người đại diện công ty đăng ký kinh doanh
                //invoiceData.sellerEmail = formCollection["sellerAddressLine"]; //"*****@*****.**";                                              //email đăng ký kinh doanh
                //invoiceData.sellerSignedPersonName = formCollection["sellerAddressLine"];// "Phạm A";                                   //Người bán hàng hoặc người thực hiện việc xuất hóa đơn
                //invoiceData.sellerSubmittedPersonName = formCollection["sellerAddressLine"]; //"Nguyễn B";                                      //Người thực hiện phê duyệt hoặc gửi hóa đơn đi xác thực

                //Thông tin người mua ( Buyer)
                invoiceData.buyerLegalName = formCollection["CompanyName"];
                // "Công ty Thử Nghiệm";                                     //Tên doanh nghiệp bán hàng hóa dịch vụ
                invoiceData.buyerDisplayName = formCollection["CustomerName"]; //"Nguyễn Tiến X";
                invoiceData.buyerTaxCode     = formCollection["CompanyCode"];
                //"0104128565";                                                       //Mã số thuến người mua

                invoiceData.buyerAddressLine = formCollection["Address"];
                //"15 Nguyễn Du - Hai Bà Trưng - Hà Nội";                   //Địa chỉ người bán
                invoiceData.buyerPhoneNumber = "0812345678"; //Số điện thoại người mua
                invoiceData.buyerFaxNumber   = "0812345678";
                invoiceData.buyerEmail       = formCollection["BuyerEmail"];
                //"*****@*****.**";                                               //email đăng ký kinh doanh

                invoiceData.invoiceNote = formCollection["Comment"];
                //Thông tin các mặt hàng
                invoiceData.items = new List <invoiceItem>();

                //Thêm mặt hàng thứ nhất
                var invoiceItem = new invoiceItem();

                uint i = 1;

                var data = formCollection.AllKeys.Count();

                for (int j = 0; j < (data - 27) / 10; j++)
                    invoiceItem = new invoiceItem();
                    var vatCategoryPercentage = 0;
                    int.TryParse(formCollection[string.Format("invoiceItemList[{0}].vatCategoryPercentage", j)],
                                 out vatCategoryPercentage);

                    var itemTotalAmountWithoutVat = 0;
                    int.TryParse(formCollection[string.Format("invoiceItemList[{0}].itemTotalAmountWithoutVat", j)],
                                 out itemTotalAmountWithoutVat);
                    invoiceItem.lineNumber = i; //Dòng hóa đơn
                    invoiceItem.itemCode   = formCollection[string.Format("invoiceItemList[{0}].itemCode", j)];
                    //Mã hàng hóa
                    invoiceItem.itemName = formCollection[string.Format("invoiceItemList[{0}].itemName", j)];
                    //Tên hàng hóa
                    invoiceItem.unitName = formCollection[string.Format("invoiceItemList[{0}].unitCode", j)];
                    ; //Đơn vị tính
                        invoiceItem.quantity = int.Parse(formCollection[string.Format("invoiceItemList[{0}].quantity", j)]);
                        //Số lượng
                        invoiceItem.unitPrice = int.Parse(formCollection[string.Format("invoiceItemList[{0}].unitPrice", j)]);
                    catch (Exception)
                        // Cho phép nhập thành tiền
                        invoiceItem.quantity  = 0;
                        invoiceItem.unitPrice = 0;
                    //Đơn giá
                    invoiceItem.vatPercentage = vatCategoryPercentage;
                    //Thuế xuất của mặt hàng: -2: không kê khai thuế, -1: không chịu thuế, 0: 0%, 5:5%, 10:10%.....
                    invoiceItem.itemTotalAmountWithoutVat = itemTotalAmountWithoutVat;
                    //Tổng tiền chưa thuế của dòng hóa đơn: = số lượng * đơn giá
                invoiceData.invoiceTaxBreakdowns = new List <invoiceTaxBreakdownInfo>();

                //Tạo thông tin cho mức thuế xuất 5%
                var invoiceTaxBreakdownInfo = new invoiceTaxBreakdownInfo();

                var vatCatTaxAmt = 0;

                var vatCatTaxableAmt = 0;

                var vatPercentage = 0;
                int.TryParse(formCollection["invoiceTaxBreakdownList[0].vatCategoryPercentage"] + "", out vatPercentage);
                int.TryParse(formCollection["invoiceTaxBreakdownList[0].vatCatTaxAmt"], out vatCatTaxAmt);
                int.TryParse(formCollection["invoiceTaxBreakdownList[0].vatCatTaxableAmt"], out vatCatTaxableAmt);
                if (vatPercentage == 5)
                    //invoiceData.totalAmountWithoutVAT = vatCatTaxAmt;
                    invoiceTaxBreakdownInfo.vatPercentage    = 5;                //Mức thuế
                    invoiceTaxBreakdownInfo.vatTaxableAmount = vatCatTaxableAmt; //Tổng tiền trên hóa đơn chịu mức thuế xuất này
                    invoiceTaxBreakdownInfo.vatTaxAmount     = vatCatTaxAmt;     //Tổng tiền thuế của mức thuế xuất này
                else if (vatPercentage == 10)
                    int.TryParse(formCollection["invoiceTaxBreakdownList[0].vatCatTaxAmt"], out vatCatTaxAmt);
                    int.TryParse(formCollection["invoiceTaxBreakdownList[0].vatCatTaxableAmt"], out vatCatTaxableAmt);
                    //invoiceData.totalAmountWithoutVAT = vatCatTaxAmt;
                    invoiceTaxBreakdownInfo.vatPercentage    = 10;               //Mức thuế
                    invoiceTaxBreakdownInfo.vatTaxableAmount = vatCatTaxableAmt; //Tổng tiền trên hóa đơn chịu mức thuế xuất này
                    invoiceTaxBreakdownInfo.vatTaxAmount     = vatCatTaxAmt;     //Tổng tiền thuế của mức thuế xuất này

                if (formCollection.AllKeys.Contains("invoiceTaxBreakdownList[1].vatCategoryPercentage"))
                    var vatPercentage10 = 0;
                    var vatCatTaxAmt1   = 0;

                    var vatCatTaxableAmt1 = 0;
                    int.TryParse(formCollection["invoiceTaxBreakdownList[1].vatCategoryPercentage"] + "", out vatPercentage10);
                    int.TryParse(formCollection["invoiceTaxBreakdownList[1].vatCatTaxAmt"], out vatCatTaxAmt1);
                    int.TryParse(formCollection["invoiceTaxBreakdownList[1].vatCatTaxableAmt"], out vatCatTaxableAmt1);
                    if (vatPercentage10 == 5)
                        int.TryParse(formCollection["invoiceTaxBreakdownList[1].vatCatTaxAmt"], out vatCatTaxAmt);
                        int.TryParse(formCollection["invoiceTaxBreakdownList[1].vatCatTaxableAmt"], out vatCatTaxableAmt);
                        //invoiceData.totalAmountWithoutVAT = vatCatTaxAmt;
                        invoiceTaxBreakdownInfo.vatPercentage    = vatPercentage10;   //Mức thuế
                        invoiceTaxBreakdownInfo.vatTaxableAmount = vatCatTaxableAmt1; //Tổng tiền trên hóa đơn chịu mức thuế xuất này
                        invoiceTaxBreakdownInfo.vatTaxAmount     = vatCatTaxAmt1;     //Tổng tiền thuế của mức thuế xuất này
                    else if (vatPercentage10 == 10)
                        int.TryParse(formCollection["invoiceTaxBreakdownList[1].vatCatTaxAmt"], out vatCatTaxAmt1);
                        int.TryParse(formCollection["invoiceTaxBreakdownList[1].vatCatTaxableAmt"], out vatCatTaxableAmt1);
                        //invoiceData.totalAmountWithoutVAT = vatCatTaxAmt;
                        invoiceTaxBreakdownInfo.vatPercentage    = vatPercentage10;   //Mức thuế
                        invoiceTaxBreakdownInfo.vatTaxableAmount = vatCatTaxableAmt1; //Tổng tiền trên hóa đơn chịu mức thuế xuất này
                        invoiceTaxBreakdownInfo.vatTaxAmount     = vatCatTaxAmt1;     //Tổng tiền thuế của mức thuế xuất này

                //var vatCatTaxAmt = 0;
                //int.TryParse(formCollection["invoiceTaxBreakdownList[0].vatCatTaxAmt"], out vatCatTaxAmt);
                invoiceData.totalAmountWithoutVAT = vatCatTaxAmt; //Tổng tiền không chịu thuế trên toàn hóa đơn

                var amountForPaymentVnd = 0;
                int.TryParse(formCollection["amountForPaymentVnd"], out amountForPaymentVnd);
                invoiceData.totalVATAmount = amountForPaymentVnd; //Tổng tiền thuế trên toàn hóa đơn

                var totalAmountWithVat = 0;
                int.TryParse(formCollection["totalAmountWithVat"], out totalAmountWithVat);

                invoiceData.totalAmountWithVAT        = totalAmountWithVat; //Tổng tiền đã bao gồm cả thuế trên toàn hóa đơn
                invoiceData.totalAmountWithVATInWords = formCollection["totalAmtWithVatInWords"];
                //Tổng tiền đã bao gồm cả thuế trên toàn hóa đơn được viết bằng chữ
                invoice.invoiceData = invoiceData;
                string xmlInvoice = invoice.Serialize(Encoding.UTF8);

                var curentTranId = formCollection["tranId"];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(curentTranId))
                    //var tran = _transactionSvc.GetById(int.Parse(curentTranId));
                    //var invoiceFile = tran.InvoiceXML;
                    //var currentInvoice = _invoiceSvc.GetById(tran.InvoiceID);

                var fileName = Guid.NewGuid() + ".xml";
                var pathFile = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/File"), fileName);

                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

                //lưu vào bảng transaction/invoice/invoicedetail

                var invoices = new Entities.Invoice();

                if (invoice.invoiceData.currencyCode != null)
                    var currencys = _currencySvc.GetByCode(invoice.invoiceData.currencyCode);
                    if (currencys != null && currencys.Any())
                        var cus = currencys.First();
                        invoices.CurrencyID = cus.Id;
                        //invoices.Currency = cus.BankName;
                invoices.InvoiceNote = invoice.invoiceData.invoiceNote;

                if (formCollection[string.Format("CustomerId")] != null)
                    invoices.CustomerInvoiceID = int.Parse(formCollection[string.Format("CustomerId")]);
                invoices.AccountId = User.GetAccountId();

                invoices.InvoiceNumber = invoiceData.invoiceNumber;
                invoices.Serial        = invoiceData.invoiceSeries;

                invoices.TotalAmountWithVAT    = invoiceData.totalAmountWithVAT;
                invoices.TotalAmountWithoutVAT = invoiceData.totalAmountWithoutVAT;
                invoices.TotalVATAmount        = invoiceData.totalAmountWithVAT;
                invoices.TemplateCode          = formCollection["templateCode"];

                var invoiceDetails = new List <InvoiceDetail>();
                foreach (var item in invoiceData.items)
                    var invoiceDetail = new InvoiceDetail();

                    //invoiceDetail.AdjustmentVatAmount = "";
                    // invoiceDetail.TotalAmountWithoutVAT = invoiceData.totalAmountWithoutVAT;
                    //invoiceDetail.TotalVATAmount = invoiceData.totalAmountWithVAT;
                    //invoiceDetail.TemplateCode = formCollection["templateCode"];


                var transaction = new Transaction();

                transaction.InvoiceXML = fileName;

                transaction.TemplateCode  = invoices.TemplateCode;
                transaction.InvoiceSeries = invoices.Serial;
                int tranId = _invoiceSvc.Create(invoices, transaction);

                if (releaseId > 0)
                    var invoiceNums = _invoiceNumberSvc.GetByReleaseIdAnduseStatus(releaseId, 0);
                    if (invoiceNums != null && invoiceNums.FirstOrDefault() != null)
                        var invoiceNum = invoiceNums.FirstOrDefault();
                        invoiceNum.UseStatus = 1;
                        invoiceNum.Status    = 1;

                return(Json(new ResultInvoice
                    Flag = true,
                    Message = "Lưu dữ liệu thành công",
                    TransactionId = tranId
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Json(new ResultInvoice
                    Flag = true,
                    Message = ex.Message,
                    TransactionId = 0
Exemple #11
        ///	<summary>
        /// Populate Invoice
        ///	</summary>
        private void populateInvoice()
            if (ViewState["invoice"] == null)
                m_Invoice = new Entities.Invoice();
                m_Invoice = (Entities.Invoice)ViewState["invoice"];

            if (lblInvoiceNo.Text != "To Be Issued ... (This invoice has not yet been saved, add invoice to allocate Invoice No.)")
                m_Invoice.InvoiceId = Convert.ToInt32(lblInvoiceNo.Text);

            m_Invoice.InvoiceType = eInvoiceType.OneLiner;

            m_Invoice.InvoiceDetails = rtbTxtReason.Text;

            m_Invoice.InvoiceDate = rdiInvoiceDate.SelectedDate.Value;

            Facade.IExchangeRates facER = new Facade.ExchangeRates();

            int exchangeRateId = -1;

            // the txtNetAmount textbox has had its culture set by the client.
            if (this.txtNETAmount.Culture.LCID != 2057)
                exchangeRateId = facER.GetCurrentExchangeRateID(Facade.Culture.GetCurrencySymbol(this.txtNETAmount.Culture.LCID), this.rdiInvoiceDate.SelectedDate.Value);

            m_Invoice.ClientInvoiceAmount = Decimal.Parse(txtNETAmount.Text, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);

            if (chkPostToExchequer.Checked)
                m_Invoice.Posted = true;
                m_Invoice.Posted = false;

            int     vatNo   = 0;
            decimal vatRate = 0.00M;

            //Get VAT Rate and Vat Type
            Facade.IInvoice facInv  = new Facade.Invoice();
            eVATType        vatType = (eVATType)int.Parse(cboVATType.SelectedValue);

            facInv.GetVatRateForVatType(vatType, m_Invoice.InvoiceDate, out vatNo, out vatRate);

            m_Invoice.VatRate = vatRate;
            m_Invoice.VatNo   = vatNo;

            m_Invoice.AccountCode = lblAccountCode.Text;
            m_Invoice.NominalCode = cboNominalCode.SelectedValue;

            // Deleted checked not required until the Invoice's are allowed to be deleted
            if (chkDelete.Checked)
                m_Invoice.ForCancellation = true;
                m_Invoice.ForCancellation = false;
Exemple #12
        ///	<summary>
        /// Load Invoice
        ///	</summary>
        private void LoadInvoice()
            if (ViewState["invoice"] == null)
                Facade.IInvoice facInvoice = new Facade.Invoice();
                m_Invoice = facInvoice.GetForInvoiceId(m_InvoiceNo);

                ViewState["invoice"] = m_Invoice;
                m_Invoice = (Entities.Invoice)ViewState["invoice"];

            // Load the report with the relevant details
            if (m_Invoice != null)
                lblInvoiceNo.Text      = m_Invoice.InvoiceId.ToString();
                lblInvoiceNo.ForeColor = Color.Black;

                lblInvoiceType.Text = m_Invoice.InvoiceType.ToString();

                lblDateCreated.Text      = m_Invoice.CreatedDate.ToShortDateString();
                lblDateCreated.ForeColor = Color.Black;

                rdiInvoiceDate.SelectedDate = m_Invoice.InvoiceDate;

                rtbTxtReason.Text = m_Invoice.InvoiceDetails;

                txtNETAmount.Text = m_Invoice.ClientInvoiceAmount.ToString("N2");

                rdiInvoiceDate.Enabled = !m_Invoice.Posted;

                lblAccountCode.Text = m_Invoice.AccountCode;

                if (cboNominalCode.FindItemByValue(m_Invoice.NominalCode) != null)
                    cboNominalCode.FindItemByValue(m_Invoice.NominalCode).Selected = true;
                cboNominalCode.Enabled = !m_Invoice.Posted;

                //cboVATType.SelectedValue = Convert.ToInt32(m_Invoice.VatRate).ToString();

                // Load Client
                Facade.IInvoiceOneLiner facInv = new Facade.Invoice();
                DataSet ds = facInv.GetClientForOneLinerInvoiceId(m_Invoice.InvoiceId);

                cboClient.SelectedValue = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["IdentityId"].ToString();
                cboClient.Text          = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["OrganisationName"].ToString();
                cboClient.Enabled       = false;

                Facade.IOrganisation  facOrganisation = new Facade.Organisation();
                Entities.Organisation client          = facOrganisation.GetForIdentityId(int.Parse(cboClient.SelectedValue));

                int         LCID    = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["LCID"]);
                CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo(LCID);
                this.txtNETAmount.Culture = culture;

                if (client != null && (client.IndividualContacts != null && client.IndividualContacts.Count > 0))
                    DataSet emailDataSet = this.GetContactDataSet(client.IndividualContacts, eContactType.Email);

                    cboEmail.DataSource     = emailDataSet;
                    cboEmail.DataMember     = "contactTable";
                    cboEmail.DataValueField = "ContactDetail";
                    cboEmail.DataTextField  = "ContactDisplay";

                    if (this.cboEmail.Items.Count > 0)
                        this.txtEmail.Text = this.cboEmail.Items[0].Value;

                if (m_isUpdate)
                    if (m_Invoice.ForCancellation)
                        btnAdd.Visible             = false;
                        btnSendToAccounts.Visible  = false;
                        chkPostToExchequer.Visible = false;
                        chkDelete.Checked          = true;
                        btnAdd.Visible             = true;
                        btnSendToAccounts.Visible  = true;
                        chkPostToExchequer.Visible = true;
                        chkDelete.Checked          = false;

                    this.Title = "Update Invoice";
                    //Header1.subTitle = "Please make any changes neccessary.";
                    btnAdd.Text = "Update";
                    chkPostToExchequer.Visible = true;

                chkPostToExchequer.Visible = true;


                if (m_Invoice.Posted)
                    btnAdd.Visible             = false;
                    btnSendToAccounts.Visible  = false;
                    chkPostToExchequer.Checked = true;
                    pnlInvoiceDeleted.Visible  = false;
                    chkDelete.Visible          = false;
                    chkPostToExchequer.Checked = true;
                    chkPostToExchequer.Visible = true;
                    txtNETAmount.Enabled       = false;
                    rtbTxtReason.Enabled       = false;
                    btnSendToAccounts.Visible  = false;
                    btnViewInvoice.Visible     = false;
                    rdiInvoiceDate.Enabled     = false;
                    txtNETAmount.Enabled       = false;
                    cboVATType.Enabled         = false;
                    btnAdd.Visible             = true;
                    btnSendToAccounts.Visible  = true;
                    chkPostToExchequer.Checked = false;
                    pnlInvoiceDeleted.Visible  = true;
                    chkDelete.Visible          = true;
            else if (cboClient.SelectedValue != null)
                Facade.IOrganisation  facOrganisation = new Facade.Organisation();
                Entities.Organisation client          = facOrganisation.GetForIdentityId(int.Parse(cboClient.SelectedValue));

                if (client != null && (client.IndividualContacts != null && client.IndividualContacts.Count > 0))
                    DataSet emailDataSet = this.GetContactDataSet(client.IndividualContacts, eContactType.Email);

                    cboEmail.DataSource     = emailDataSet;
                    cboEmail.DataMember     = "contactTable";
                    cboEmail.DataValueField = "ContactDetail";
                    cboEmail.DataTextField  = "ContactDisplay";

                    if (this.cboEmail.Items.Count > 0)
                        this.txtEmail.Text = this.cboEmail.Items[0].Value;

            this.Title = "Update Invoice";
            //Header1.subTitle = "Please make any changes neccessary.";
            btnAdd.Text = "Update";