protected void GetAllowedEnergyAndPleasantness(ref Pleasantness p, ref EnergyLevel e, bool isFinalEvent)
            if (isFinalEvent)
                //Final event has opposite energy of the one before it
                if (fromPriorRound.TheTone.IsHighEnergy())
                    e = EnergyLevel.AlwaysLowEnergy;
                    e = EnergyLevel.AlwaysHighEnergy;
            else if (consecutive_HighEnergy >= MAX_CONSECUTIVE_HIGH_ENERGY)
                e = EnergyLevel.AlwaysLowEnergy;
            else if (consecutive_LowEnergy >= MAX_CONSECUTIVE_LOW_ENERGY)
                e = EnergyLevel.AlwaysHighEnergy;

            if (consecutive_Pleasant >= MAX_CONSECUTIVE_PLEASANT)
                p = Pleasantness.NeverPleasant;
            else if (consecutive_Unpleasant >= MAX_CONSECUTIVE_UNPLEASANT)
                p = Pleasantness.AlwaysPleasant;

            //  Toggle to allow hook for follow-up story. If true,
            //  allow high energy unpleasant as final event. If false,
            //  50% chance to have happy ending vs 50% chance to cut final event short and have tragedy
        protected IIncident GetNextEvent(Random rng, bool isJustBeforeEnding, bool isFinalEvent)
            var chosenCollection = this.possibleIncidents.ChooseRandomCollection(rng);

            Pleasantness allowedPleasantness = Pleasantness.EitherPleasantOrNot;
            EnergyLevel  allowedEnergy       = EnergyLevel.EitherLowOrHigh;

            GetAllowedEnergyAndPleasantness(ref allowedPleasantness, ref allowedEnergy, isFinalEvent);
            Frequency minFrequency = GetMinFrequency(isJustBeforeEnding);

            var chosenIncident = chosenCollection.GetRandomIncident(rng, allowedPleasantness, allowedEnergy, minFrequency);

            var popluatedSucessfully = chosenIncident?.TryToPopulateIncident(this.currentCast, rng) ?? false;

            if (popluatedSucessfully == false)
 public SetEnergyEffect(EnergyLevel energyLevel, EffectType type)
     Name        = $"SetEnergy({energyLevel})";
     Type        = type;
     EnergyLevel = energyLevel;
Exemple #4
    public void EvaluateTraits(CreatureManager hManager, string speciesName)
        List <Gene> genes = new List <Gene>();

        if (!GlobalGEPSettings.RANDOMIZED_TRAITS || traitIndices.Count == 0)
            traitIndices = GlobalGEPSettings.speciesTraitLayouts[speciesName];

        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int[][]> thisTrait in traitIndices)
            string key = thisTrait.Key;
            //For every chromosome a trait is linked to...
            //i = chromosome index (when a trait is on multiple chromosomes)
            for (int i = 0; i < thisTrait.Value.Length; i++)
                //Index [i][0] will ALWAYS be the chromosome index
                int chromosomeIndex = thisTrait.Value[i][0];
                //For every gene this trait is linked to (on this chromosome)...
                //j = gene index for this chromosome
                for (int j = 1; j < thisTrait.Value[i].Length; j++)
                    //Get the gene index
                    int geneIndex = thisTrait.Value[i][j];
                    //Add the gene at the chromosomeIndex and geneIndex to a list to be evaluated
                    //Accesses the genome rather than making a copy ensuring the genes accessed later on match exactly the current genome

            List <Trait> thisTraitList = AccessTraits(genes);

            //For each trait (keyValuePair) evaluate the genes
            //Could put the results into a dictionary - this way would be more polymorphic as would search for (or add) a row for each trait and search by name
            //  instead of individual variables, or an array which requires the developer to remember which index is which
            switch (key.ToLower())
            case "eye left colour":
                eyeColours[0] = new GeneColour(thisTraitList);
                if (eyeColours[1] == null && eyeStyle != null)
                    if (eyeStyle.eyeMatching)
                        eyeColours[1] = eyeColours[0];
                        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Eye Matching, Assigned 1 = 0");

            case "eye right colour":
                eyeColours[1] = new GeneColour(thisTraitList);
                if (eyeColours[0] == null && eyeStyle != null)
                    if (eyeStyle.eyeMatching)
                        eyeColours[0] = eyeColours[1];
                        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Eye Matching, Assigned 0 = 1");

            case "eye style":
                eyeStyle = new EyeStyle(thisTraitList);
                if (eyeStyle.eyeMatching)
                    if (eyeColours[0] != null)
                        eyeColours[1] = eyeColours[0];
                    else if (eyeColours[1] != null)
                        eyeColours[0] = eyeColours[1];
                        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Error: Both eye colours are currently NULL");

            case "hair colour":
                hairColour = new GeneColour(thisTraitList);

            case "skin colour":
                skinColour = new GeneColour(thisTraitList);

            case "growth rate":
                growthRate = new GrowthRate(thisTraitList);

            case "life expectancy":
                lifeExpectancy = new LifeExpectancy(thisTraitList);

            case "reproductive age":
                reproductiveAge = new ReproductiveAge(thisTraitList);

            case "gestation period":
                gestationPeriod = new GestationPeriod(thisTraitList);

            case "energy level":
                energyLevel = new EnergyLevel(thisTraitList);

            case "energy consumption":
                energyConsumption = new EnergyConsumption(thisTraitList);

            case "food level":
                foodLevel = new FoodLevel(thisTraitList);

            case "food consumption":
                foodConsumption = new FoodConsumption(thisTraitList);

            case "water level":
                waterLevel = new WaterLevel(thisTraitList);

            case "water consumption":
                waterConsumption = new WaterConsumption(thisTraitList);

            case "strength":
            case "intellect":
            case "constitution":
            case "wisdom":
            case "charisma":
            case "vanity":
                attributesList.Add(new AttributeTrait(thisTraitList));

Exemple #5
 public void Initialize()
     _sampleEnergyLevel1 = EnergyLevelGenerator.GenerateEnergyLevel1();
     _sampleEnergyLevel2 = EnergyLevelGenerator.GenerateEnergyLevel2();
     _manyEnergyLevels   = EnergyLevelGenerator.GenerateManyEnergyLevels();
Exemple #6
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Awake()
     anim = GetComponent <Animator>();
     currentEnergyLevel = EnergyLevel.Poor;
     energyAmount       = 0;
        private static Bundle GetBestMallBundle(BlueprintUtilityBuilding building, GameLayer layer)
            var      state = layer.GetState();
            Position pos   = GetBestUtilityPosition(layer, building);

            if (pos == null)
            int turnsLeft = state.MaxTurns - state.Turn - 8;

            if (state.UtilityBuildings.Any(t => t.BuildingName == "Mall"))
            var arr           = Helper.GetUtilitiyGrid(state);
            int popAffected   = 0;
            int popOne        = 0;
            int avalibleSpace = 0;
            int avSpaceOne    = 0;

            for (int k = -3; k < 4; k++)
                for (int c = -3; c < 4; c++)
                    int i = pos.x;
                    int j = pos.y;
                    if (Math.Abs(k) + Math.Abs(c) > 3 || !Helper.InGrid(i + k, j + c, state) || state.Map[i + k][j + c] == 1 || (k == 0 && c == 0))
                    if (state.ResidenceBuildings.Any(x => x.Position.x == i + k && x.Position.y == j + c && !x.Effects.Any(t => t.StartsWith(building.BuildingName))))
                        popAffected += layer.GetResidenceBlueprint(state.ResidenceBuildings.Find(x => x.Position.x == i + k && x.Position.y == j + c).BuildingName).MaxPop;
                        if ((Math.Abs(k) + Math.Abs(c) == 1))
                            popOne += layer.GetResidenceBlueprint(state.ResidenceBuildings.Find(x => x.Position.x == i + k && x.Position.y == j + c).BuildingName).MaxPop;
                    else if (!state.ResidenceBuildings.Any(x => x.Position.x == i + k && x.Position.y == j + c) && !state.UtilityBuildings.Any(x => x.Position.x == i + k && x.Position.y == j + c) &&
                             (arr[i + k, j + c] & Helper.UtilityToInt[building.BuildingName]) != Helper.UtilityToInt[building.BuildingName])
                        if ((Math.Abs(k) + Math.Abs(c) == 1))
                    else if (state.UtilityBuildings.Any(x => x.Position.x == i + k && x.Position.y == j + c))

            EnergyLevel el      = Helper.GetEnergyLevel(layer, Helper.GetEnergyConsumation(layer));
            EnergyLevel elAfter = Helper.GetEnergyLevel(layer, Helper.GetEnergyConsumation(layer) + 8 - (state.UtilityBuildings.Any(t => t.BuildingName == "WindTurbine" && Math.Abs(pos.x - t.Position.x) + Math.Abs(pos.y - t.Position.y) <= 2) ? 3.4 : 0));

            double potentialScore = -200 - (popAffected - popOne) * 0.009 / 2 * turnsLeft - (Math.Max(0, (avalibleSpace - avSpaceOne)) * 15.0 / 10.0) * 0.009 / 2 * turnsLeft + 0.12 * (popAffected + avalibleSpace * 25.0 / 3.0) * turnsLeft / 10;

            //potentialScore -= 25 * Constants.AVG_POP_HAPPINESS * turnsLeft / 20.0;
            if (!state.UtilityBuildings.Any(t => t.BuildingName == building.BuildingName))
                potentialScore += 15 * 0.15 * turnsLeft / 2;
            if (el.CostPerMwh != elAfter.CostPerMwh)
                potentialScore -= (elAfter.TonCo2PerMwh - el.TonCo2PerMwh) * Helper.GetEnergyConsumation(layer) * turnsLeft;
            potentialScore -= turnsLeft * elAfter.TonCo2PerMwh * (8 - (state.UtilityBuildings.Any(t => t.BuildingName == "WindTurbine" && Math.Abs(pos.x - t.Position.x) + Math.Abs(pos.y - t.Position.y) <= 2) ? 3.4 : 0));

            if (Helper.GetPossibleMorePop(layer, 1) + Helper.GetCurrentMaxPop(layer) < Constants.TARGET_END_POP_COUNT)
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle
                UpfrontCost    = building.Cost,
                TotalIncome    = Math.Pow(0.5, state.UtilityBuildings.Where(t => t.BuildingName == building.BuildingName).Count()) * 240 * turnsLeft,
                ExtraCost      = elAfter.CostPerMwh * (8 - (state.UtilityBuildings.Any(t => t.BuildingName == "WindTurbine" && Math.Abs(pos.x - t.Position.x) + Math.Abs(pos.y - t.Position.y) <= 2) ? 3.4 : 0)) * turnsLeft,
                Turn           = new PlaceUtilityTurn(pos.x, pos.y, building, layer.GetState().GameId),
                PotentialScore = potentialScore,
                EnergyNeed     = 8 - (state.UtilityBuildings.Any(t => t.BuildingName == "WindTurbine" && Math.Abs(pos.x - t.Position.x) + Math.Abs(pos.y - t.Position.y) <= 2) ? 3.4 : 0)

        private static Bundle GetBestWindTurbineBundle(BlueprintUtilityBuilding building, GameLayer layer)
            var      state = layer.GetState();
            Position pos   = GetBestUtilityPosition(layer, building);

            if (pos == null)
            int turnsLeft = state.MaxTurns - state.Turn - 5;

            double energySaved   = 0;
            int    avalibleSpace = 0;

            for (int k = -2; k < 3; k++)
                for (int c = -2; c < 3; c++)
                    int i = pos.x;
                    int j = pos.y;
                    if (Math.Abs(k) + Math.Abs(c) > 2 || !Helper.InGrid(i + k, j + c, state) || state.Map[i + k][j + c] == 1 || (k == 0 && c == 0))
                    if (state.ResidenceBuildings.Any(x => x.Position.x == i + k && x.Position.y == j + c && !x.Effects.Contains(building.BuildingName)))
                        BuiltBuilding b = state.ResidenceBuildings.First(x => x.Position.x == i + k && x.Position.y == j + c);
                        energySaved += Math.Min(3.4, Math.Max(b.EffectiveEnergyIn - (b.Effects.Contains("SolarPanel") ? 3.4 : 0), 0));
                    if (state.UtilityBuildings.Any(x => x.Position.x == i + k &&
                                                   x.Position.y == j + c && x.BuildingName != "WindTurbine" &&
                        BuiltBuilding b = state.UtilityBuildings.First(x => x.Position.x == i + k && x.Position.y == j + c);
                        energySaved += Math.Min(3.4, Math.Max(b.EffectiveEnergyIn - (b.Effects.Contains("SolarPanel") ? 3.4 : 0), 0));
                    else if (!state.ResidenceBuildings.Any(x => x.Position.x == i + k && x.Position.y == j + c) && !state.UtilityBuildings.Any(x => x.Position.x == i + k && x.Position.y == j + c))
                    else if (state.UtilityBuildings.Any(x => x.Position.x == i + k && x.Position.y == j + c))
            EnergyLevel el             = Helper.GetEnergyLevel(layer, Helper.GetEnergyConsumation(layer));
            EnergyLevel elAfter        = Helper.GetEnergyLevel(layer, Helper.GetEnergyConsumation(layer) - energySaved);
            double      potentialScore = -25;

            potentialScore -= 25 * Constants.AVG_POP_HAPPINESS * turnsLeft / 20.0;
            if (!state.UtilityBuildings.Any(t => t.BuildingName == building.BuildingName))
                potentialScore += 15 * 0.15 * turnsLeft / 2;
            potentialScore += el.TonCo2PerMwh * Helper.GetEnergyConsumation(layer) * turnsLeft - (elAfter.TonCo2PerMwh * (Helper.GetEnergyConsumation(layer) - energySaved)) * turnsLeft;
            if (Helper.GetPossibleMorePop(layer, 1) + Helper.GetCurrentMaxPop(layer) < Constants.TARGET_END_POP_COUNT)

            Bundle bundle = new Bundle
                UpfrontCost    = building.Cost,
                TotalIncome    = turnsLeft * elAfter.CostPerMwh * energySaved,//saved on electicity
                ExtraCost      = 0,
                Turn           = new PlaceUtilityTurn(pos.x, pos.y, building, layer.GetState().GameId),
                PotentialScore = potentialScore,
                EnergyNeed     = -energySaved

        private static Bundle GetBestParkBundle(BlueprintUtilityBuilding building, GameLayer layer)
            var      state = layer.GetState();
            Position pos   = GetBestUtilityPosition(layer, building);

            if (pos == null)
            int turnsLeft = state.MaxTurns - state.Turn - 5;

            var arr           = Helper.GetUtilitiyGrid(layer.GetState());
            int popAffected   = 0;
            int avalibleSpace = 0;

            for (int k = -3; k < 4; k++)
                for (int c = -3; c < 4; c++)
                    int i = pos.x;
                    int j = pos.y;
                    if (Math.Abs(k) + Math.Abs(c) > 2 || !Helper.InGrid(i + k, j + c, state) || state.Map[i + k][j + c] == 1 || (k == 0 && j == 0))
                    if (state.ResidenceBuildings.Any(x => x.Position.x == i + k && x.Position.y == j + c && !x.Effects.Contains(building.BuildingName)))
                        popAffected += layer.GetResidenceBlueprint(state.ResidenceBuildings.First(x => x.Position.x == i + k && x.Position.y == j + c).BuildingName).MaxPop;
                    else if (!state.ResidenceBuildings.Any(x => x.Position.x == i + k && x.Position.y == j + c) && !state.UtilityBuildings.Any(x => x.Position.x == i + k && x.Position.y == j + c) &&
                             (arr[i + k, j + c] & Helper.UtilityToInt[building.BuildingName]) != Helper.UtilityToInt[building.BuildingName])
                    else if (state.UtilityBuildings.Any(x => x.Position.x == i + k && x.Position.y == j + c))

            EnergyLevel el             = Helper.GetEnergyLevel(layer);
            EnergyLevel elAfter        = Helper.GetEnergyLevel(layer, Helper.GetEnergyConsumation(layer) + Math.Max(0, 2.4 - (state.UtilityBuildings.Any(t => t.BuildingName == "WindTurbine" && Math.Abs(pos.x - t.Position.x) + Math.Abs(pos.y - t.Position.y) <= 2) ? 2.4 : 0)));
            double      potentialScore = -10 + (popAffected + avalibleSpace * 30.0 / 6.0) * 0.007 * turnsLeft + 0.11 * (popAffected + avalibleSpace * 30.0 / 6.0) * turnsLeft / 10;

            if (!state.UtilityBuildings.Any(t => t.BuildingName == building.BuildingName))
                potentialScore += 15 * 0.15 * turnsLeft / 2;
                potentialScore -= 20 * Constants.AVG_POP_HAPPINESS * turnsLeft / 20.0;
            if (el.CostPerMwh != elAfter.CostPerMwh)
                potentialScore -= (elAfter.TonCo2PerMwh - el.TonCo2PerMwh) * Helper.GetEnergyConsumation(layer);
            potentialScore -= turnsLeft * elAfter.TonCo2PerMwh * Math.Max(0, 2.4 - (state.UtilityBuildings.Any(t => t.BuildingName == "WindTurbine" && Math.Abs(pos.x - t.Position.x) + Math.Abs(pos.y - t.Position.y) <= 2) ? 2.4 : 0));
            if (Helper.GetPossibleMorePop(layer, 1) + Helper.GetCurrentMaxPop(layer) < Constants.TARGET_END_POP_COUNT)
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle
                UpfrontCost    = building.Cost,
                TotalIncome    = 0,
                ExtraCost      = el.CostPerMwh * (2.4 - (state.UtilityBuildings.Any(t => t.BuildingName == "WindTurbine" && Math.Abs(pos.x - t.Position.x) + Math.Abs(pos.y - t.Position.y) <= 2) ? 2.4 : 0)) * turnsLeft,
                Turn           = new PlaceUtilityTurn(pos.x, pos.y, building, layer.GetState().GameId),
                PotentialScore = potentialScore,
                EnergyNeed     = Math.Max(0, 2.4 - (state.UtilityBuildings.Any(t => t.BuildingName == "WindTurbine" && Math.Abs(pos.x - t.Position.x) + Math.Abs(pos.y - t.Position.y) <= 2) ? 2.4 : 0))

Exemple #10
 public AIDomainBuilder HasEnergy(EnergyLevel value)
     return(HasState(AIWorldState.Energy, (byte)value));
 public void SetState(AIWorldState state, EnergyLevel value, EffectType type)
     SetState(state, (byte)value, type);
 public static KeyValuePair <byte, byte> CreateEnergyGoal(EnergyLevel energyLevel)
     return(CreateGoal(AIWorldState.Energy, (byte)energyLevel));
 public EnergyLevel CreateEnergyLevel(EnergyLevel l)