//Function : BoostDefense
    //This is an Action function, for increasing Defense
    void BoostDefense()
        if (m_actionTimer >= data.AnimTimeBoostDef)
            Action = null;
        else if (!m_actionTaken && m_actionTimer >= 0.5f * data.AnimTimeBoostDef)
            m_actionTaken = true;
            m_defBoost   += data.DefBoostAmount;

    //Function : BoostAttack
    //This is an Action function, for increasing Attack
    void BoostAttack()
        if (m_actionTimer >= data.AnimTimeBoostAtk)
            Action = null;
        else if (!m_actionTaken && m_actionTimer >= 0.5f * data.AnimTimeBoostAtk)
            m_actionTaken = true;
            m_atkBoost   += data.AtkBoostAmount;

    //Function : AttackNormal
    //This is an Action function, for carrying out a Normal Attack
    void AttackNormal()
        if (m_actionTimer >= data.AnimTimeAtkNormal)
            Action = null;
        else if (!m_actionTaken && m_actionTimer >= 0.5f * data.AnimTimeAtkNormal)
            m_actionTaken = true;

            //Attack Normal
    //Function : AttackSpecial
    //This is an Action function, for carrying out a Special Attack
    void AttackSpecial()
        if (m_actionTimer >= data.AnimTimeAtkSpecial)
            Action = null;
        else if (!m_actionTaken && m_actionTimer >= 0.5f * data.AnimTimeAtkSpecial)
            m_actionTaken = true;

            if (m_chargingSpecialAttack) //2nd Turn - Attack
                m_chargingSpecialAttack = false;

                //Attack Special
            else //1st Turn - Charging up
                m_chargingSpecialAttack = true;
 //Function : SetNextAction
 //EnemyDrumonAction _action
 //This function sets the Action of the Enemy, and should normally only be called in ExecuteTurn()
 void SetNextAction(EnemyDrumonAction _action)
     Action        = _action;
     m_actionTimer = 0;
     m_actionTaken = false;