public ReturnChaseEnemy(LevelState parentWorld, float initial_x, float initial_y) { position = new Vector2(initial_x, initial_y); dimensions = new Vector2(48.0f, 48.0f); original_position = CenterPoint; velocity = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); enemy_damage = 10; enemy_life = 15; distance = 0.0f; angle = 0.0f; angle1 = 0.0f; angle2 = 0.0f; knockback_magnitude = 2.0f; disable_movement_time = 0.0f; return_timer = 0.0f; direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; change_direction_time = 0.0f; enemy_found = false; state = EnemyState.Idle; component = new IdleSearch(); this.parentWorld = parentWorld; walk_down = AnimationLib.getSkeleton("chaseDown"); walk_right = AnimationLib.getSkeleton("chaseRight"); walk_up = AnimationLib.getSkeleton("chaseUp"); current_skeleton = walk_right; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); current_skeleton.Skeleton.FlipX = false; chaseAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("chasePic"); animation_time = 0.0f; }
private void SpawnRandomEnemy(EnemyComponents spawnPrefab, PlayerComponents player, EnemyComponents[] allEnemies, AISensor[] allSensors) { EnemyComponents choosePartner; Vector2 randomCircle; NavMeshHit hit; do { choosePartner = allEnemies[Random.Range(0, allEnemies.Length - 1)]; randomCircle = Random.insideUnitCircle.normalized * Random.Range(randomEnemyRange.x, randomEnemyRange.y); }while (NavMesh.SamplePosition( choosePartner.transform.position + new Vector3(randomCircle.x, 0, randomCircle.y), out hit, 20f, NavMesh.AllAreas) == false || Vector3.Distance(hit.position, player.transform.position) < minDistanceFromPlayer); EnemyComponents newEnemy = Instantiate(spawnPrefab, hit.position, Quaternion.Euler(0, Random.Range(0, 360), 0)); UpgradeEnemy(newEnemy); //hook up sensors for (int i = 0; i < allSensors.Length; i++) { if (allSensors[i].affectedEnemies.Contains(choosePartner.enemyControl)) { allSensors[i].affectedEnemies.Add(newEnemy.enemyControl); } } }
private void Start() { PlayerComponents = FindObjectsOfType <PlayerComponent>(); EnemyComponents = FindObjectsOfType <EnemyComponent>(); Components = PlayerComponents.Cast <SomeoneComponent>() .Concat(EnemyComponents.Cast <SomeoneComponent>()) .ToList(); Step(); }
public GuardMech(LevelState parentWorld, float initial_x, float initial_y) { position = new Vector2(initial_x, initial_y); melee_position = Vector2.Zero; dimensions = new Vector2(96, 120); velocity = new Vector2(0.8f, 0.0f); flame_position = Vector2.Zero; windup_timer = 0.0f; angle = 0.0f; turret_angle = angle; enemy_life = 75; disable_movement = false; disable_movement_time = 0.0f; enemy_found = false; change_direction_time = 0.0f; this.parentWorld = parentWorld; enemy_type = EnemyType.Guard; change_direction_time_threshold = 3000.0f; direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; prob_item_drop = 0.6; number_drop_items = 5; component = new MoveSearch(); mech_state = MechState.Moving; enemy_type = EnemyType.Guard; velocity_speed = 3.0f; entity_found = null; death = false; tank_hull_animation_time = 0.0f; explode_timer = 0.0f; rocket_angle = 0.0f; grenade = new Grenades(Vector2.Zero, 0.0f); walk_down = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("tankTurret"); current_skeleton = walk_down; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); current_skeleton.Skeleton.FlipX = false; animation_time = 0.0f; range_distance = 600.0f; tankAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("tank"); tankDeadAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("tankDead"); plasmaExplode = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("plasmaExplodeLong"); tankTurretDeadAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("tankTurretDead"); rocketProjectile = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("rocketProjectile"); }
public GuardSquadLeader(LevelState parentWorld, float initial_x, float initial_y) { position = new Vector2(initial_x, initial_y); dimensions = new Vector2(48.0f, 48.0f); velocity = new Vector2(1.0f, 0f); component = new MoveSearch(); this.parentWorld = parentWorld; populateSquadMates(); direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; state = SquadLeaderState.Patrol; follow_point_1 = new Vector2((float)(CenterPoint.X + 64 * Math.Cos(-3 * Math.PI / 4)), (float)(CenterPoint.Y + 64 * Math.Sin(-3 * Math.PI / 4))); if (squad_mates[0] != null) { squad_mates[0].Follow_Point = follow_point_1; } if (squad_mates[1] != null) { squad_mates[1].Follow_Point = follow_point_2; } enemy_life = 30; enemy_damage = 5; disable_movement = false; disable_movement_time = 0.0f; enemy_found = false; change_direction_time = 0.0f; range_distance = 400.0f; change_direction_time_threshold = 5000.0f; enemy_type = EnemyType.Guard; death = false; windup_timer = 0.0f; prob_item_drop = 0.4; number_drop_items = 4; walk_down = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("squadLeaderDown"); walk_right = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("squadLeaderRight"); walk_up = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("squadLeaderUp"); current_skeleton = walk_right; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); current_skeleton.Skeleton.FlipX = false; animation_time = 0.0f; }
public ChargerMutantEnemy(LevelState parentWorld, Vector2 position) { this.position = position; dimensions = new Vector2(32f, 96.0f); velocity = Vector2.Zero; disable_movement = false; disable_movement_time = 0.0f; windup_timer = 0.0f; knockback_magnitude = 8.0f; enemy_damage = 15; enemy_life = 20; enemy_found = false; change_direction_time = 0.0f; range_distance = 300.0f; charge_timer = 0.0f; alert_timer = 0.0f; range_distance = 600f; sound_timer = 0.0f; play_sound = true; prob_item_drop = 0.6; number_drop_items = 5; entity_found = null; state =; enemy_type = EnemyType.Prisoner; component = new IdleSearch(); sound_alert = false; direction_facing = (GlobalGameConstants.Direction)(Game1.rand.Next() % 4); this.parentWorld = parentWorld; directionAnims = new AnimationLib.SpineAnimationSet[4]; directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("chargerUp"); directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("chargerDown"); directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("chargerRight"); directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left].Skeleton.FlipX = true; directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("chargerRight"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { directionAnims[i].Animation = directionAnims[i].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); } }
public BallMutant(LevelState parentWorld, float initial_x, float initial_y) { position = new Vector2(initial_x, initial_y); dimensions = new Vector2(48f, 48f); velocity = Vector2.Zero; ball_coordinate = Vector2.Zero; state = mutantBallState.Search; component = new IdleSearch(); direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; radius = 0.0f; angle = 0.0f; change_direction_time = 0.0f; agressive_timer = 0.0f; distance = 0.0f; alert_timer = 0.0f; knockback_magnitude = 5.0f; range_distance = 250.0f; this.parentWorld = parentWorld; death = false; enemy_damage = 5; enemy_life = 5; enemy_type = EnemyType.Alien; prob_item_drop = 0.4; number_drop_items = 4; walk_down = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("ballMutantUp"); walk_right = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("ballMutantRight"); walk_up = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("ballMutantUp"); current_skeleton = walk_right; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); current_skeleton.Skeleton.FlipX = false; //chaseAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("chasePic"); animation_time = 0.0f; entity_found = null; chain_ball = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("snakeB"); }
public HookPrisonerEnemy(LevelState parentWorld, float initial_x, float initial_y) { position = new Vector2(initial_x, initial_y); dimensions = new Vector2(32f, 90.0f); velocity = Vector2.Zero; chain_velocity = Vector2.Zero; chain_dimensions = new Vector2(10.0f, 10.0f); chain_position = position; disable_movement = false; disable_movement_time = 0.0f; knockback_magnitude = 10.0f; enemy_damage = 20; enemy_life = 25; enemy_found = false; change_direction_time = 0.0f; range_distance = 300.0f; angle = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; prob_item_drop = 0.5; number_drop_items = 5; state = ChainState.Moving; enemy_type = EnemyType.Prisoner; component = new MoveSearch(); en_chained = null; death = false; directionAnims = new AnimationLib.SpineAnimationSet[4]; directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("hookUp"); directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("hookDown"); directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("hookRight"); directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left].Skeleton.FlipX = true; directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("hookRight"); hook = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("hook"); this.parentWorld = parentWorld; }
public ChaseEnemy(LevelState parentWorld, float initial_x, float initial_y) { this.position = new Vector2(initial_x, initial_y); enemy_speed = 2.0f; velocity = new Vector2(0.0f, -1.0f * enemy_speed); dimensions = new Vector2(48f, 48f); sword_hitbox = new Vector2(48f, 48f); sword_position = position; state =; chaseComponent = new Chase(); searchComponent = new MoveSearch(); component = searchComponent; direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; change_direction_time = 0.0f; this.parentWorld = parentWorld; enemy_found = false; player_in_range = false; chase_target = null; play_sound = true; enemy_type = EnemyType.Prisoner; enemy_damage = 1; enemy_life = 15; knockback_magnitude = 5.0f; wind_anim = 0.0f; number_drop_items = 3; prob_item_drop = 0.3; walk_down = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("chaseDown"); walk_right = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("chaseRight"); walk_up = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("chaseUp"); current_skeleton = walk_up; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); current_skeleton.Skeleton.FlipX = false; chaseAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("chasePic"); animation_time = 0.0f; }
public override void update(GameTime currentTime) { if (enemy_life <= 0 && death == false) { death = true; state = ChaseState.death; animation_time = 0.0f; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation(death_anim[(int)(Game1.rand.Next()) % 3]); parentWorld.pushCoin(this); } switch (state) { case change_direction_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i] == this || (parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Player && GameCampaign.PlayerAllegiance < 0.3)) { continue; } if (parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != enemy_type && parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != EnemyType.NoType && !parentWorld.EntityList[i].Death) { component.update(this, parentWorld.EntityList[i], currentTime, parentWorld); if (enemy_found) { component = chaseComponent; state =; animation_time = 0.0f; chase_target = parentWorld.EntityList[i]; break; } } } break; case //checks to see if player was hit //wind up //component won't update when the swing is in effect float distance = Vector2.Distance(chase_target.CenterPoint, CenterPoint); current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("chase"); if (distance > 300.0f || chase_target.Death) { state =; component = searchComponent; enemy_found = false; wind_anim = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; } else { component.update(this, chase_target, currentTime, parentWorld); if (distance < 64.0f) { current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("windUp"); state = ChaseState.windUp; wind_anim = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; } } break; case ChaseState.windUp: wind_anim += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; //animation_time = 0.0f; velocity = Vector2.Zero; switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: sword_position.X = position.X + dimensions.X; sword_position.Y = position.Y; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: sword_position.X = position.X - sword_hitbox.X; sword_position.Y = position.Y; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: sword_position.Y = position.Y - sword_hitbox.Y; sword_position.X = CenterPoint.X - sword_hitbox.X / 2; break; default: sword_position.Y = CenterPoint.Y + dimensions.Y / 2; sword_position.X = CenterPoint.X - sword_hitbox.X / 2; break; } if (wind_anim > 300) { state = ChaseState.attack; wind_anim = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; } break; case ChaseState.attack: wind_anim += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("attack"); if (swordSlashHitTest(chase_target)) { Vector2 direction = chase_target.CenterPoint - CenterPoint; if (play_sound) { AudioLib.playSoundEffect("swordHit"); play_sound = false; } chase_target.knockBack(direction, knockback_magnitude, enemy_damage); } else { if (play_sound) { AudioLib.playSoundEffect("testSword"); play_sound = false; } } if (wind_anim > 500) { play_sound = true; dimensions = new Vector2(48f, 48f); wind_anim = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; state =; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("chase"); } break; case ChaseState.knockback: if (death == false) { disable_movement_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("hurt"); if (disable_movement_time > 300) { state =; velocity = Vector2.Zero; component = searchComponent; disable_movement = false; disable_movement_time = 0; animation_time = 0.0f; } } break; case ChaseState.death: velocity = Vector2.Zero; break; default: break; } Vector2 pos = new Vector2(position.X, position.Y); Vector2 nextStep = new Vector2(position.X + velocity.X, position.Y + velocity.Y); Vector2 finalPos = parentWorld.Map.reloactePosition(pos, nextStep, dimensions); position.X = finalPos.X; position.Y = finalPos.Y; animation_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds / 1000f; //decides if the animation loops or not current_skeleton.Animation.Apply(current_skeleton.Skeleton, animation_time, (wind_anim == 0 && !death) ? true : false); }
public void RegisterEnemy(EnemyComponents enemy) => enemies.Add(enemy);
public override void update(GameTime currentTime) { change_direction_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (disable_movement == true) { disable_movement_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); if (disable_movement_time > 300) { velocity = Vector2.Zero; disable_movement = false; disable_movement_time = 0; } } else { switch (state) { case EnemyState.Idle: current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); velocity = Vector2.Zero; foreach (Entity en in parentWorld.EntityList) { if (en == this) { continue; } else if (en is Player) { component.update(this, en, currentTime, parentWorld); break; } } if (enemy_found) { component = new Chase(); state = EnemyState.Chase; change_direction_time = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; } else { if (change_direction_time > 5000) { switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; break; default: direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; break; } change_direction_time = 0.0f; } } break; case EnemyState.Chase: current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); distance_from_origin = Vector2.Distance(CenterPoint, original_position); return_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; foreach (Entity en in parentWorld.EntityList) { if (en == this) { continue; } else if (en is Player) { distance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((double)(en.Position.X - position.X), 2.0) + Math.Pow((double)(en.Position.Y - position.Y), 2.0)); if (hitTest(en)) { Vector2 direction = en.CenterPoint - CenterPoint; en.knockBack(direction, knockback_magnitude, enemy_damage); } else if (distance > 300 || Math.Abs(distance_from_origin) > 1500) { //returns to original location state = EnemyState.Moving; } else { Vector2 old_velocity = velocity; component.update(this, en, currentTime, parentWorld); if (old_velocity != velocity) { } } } } break; default: return_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (return_timer > 2500) { position = original_position; velocity = Vector2.Zero; state = EnemyState.Idle; component = new IdleSearch(); return_timer = 0.0f; } else { Vector2 direction = original_position - CenterPoint; velocity = new Vector2(direction.X / 100, direction.Y / 100); } break; } } if (enemy_life <= 0) { remove_from_list = true; } Vector2 pos = new Vector2(position.X, position.Y); Vector2 nextStep = new Vector2(position.X + velocity.X, position.Y + velocity.Y); Vector2 finalPos = parentWorld.Map.reloactePosition(pos, nextStep, dimensions); position.X = finalPos.X; position.Y = finalPos.Y; animation_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds / 1000f; current_skeleton.Animation.Apply(current_skeleton.Skeleton, animation_time, true); }
private void UpgradeEnemy(EnemyComponents enemy) { //increase movement speed enemy.characterSheet.IncreaseAttribute(CharacterSheet.Attribute.moveSpeed, newGameCount * enemySpeedIncrease); }