// Use this for initialization
    protected virtual void Start()
        impactInfoManager = FindObjectOfType <ImpactInfoManager>();
        //currentChasisHealth = maxChasisHealth;
        //currentHealth = maxHealth + (maxHealth / 10 * GameManager.instance.difficultyFactor);
        currentHealth = (int)GameManager.instance.ApplyDifficultyFactor(maxHealth, 10);
        levelManager = FindObjectOfType <ProvLevelManager>();
        enemyManager = FindObjectOfType <EnemyManager>();
        springCamera = FindObjectOfType <SpringCamera>();
        bodyBehaviour = GetComponent <EnemyBaseBodyBehaviour>();

        // De momento para klos voladores mas que nada
        rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        // Caso del gusano grande, debería coger el de la cabeza
        //if (rb == null)
        //    rb = GetComponentInChildren<Rigidbody>();
        audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        if (bodyColliders.Length == 0)
            bodyColliders = GetComponentsInChildren <EnemyCollider>();

        // Chequeo extra para el gusano grande
        //if(bodyColliders == null || bodyColliders.Length == 0)
        //    bodyColliders = transform.parent.GetComponentsInChildren<EnemyCollider>();
        // Debug.Log(gameObject.name + ", " + bodyColliders + ", " + bodyColliders.Length);
Exemple #2
    public Vector3 GetFormationPlaceInWorld(EnemyBaseBodyBehaviour behaviour)
        //Debug.Log("Debugging leader: " + FormationLeader);
        // Ñapa
        if (!FormationLeader)
        int     formationIndex = formationMembers.IndexOf(behaviour);
        Vector3 placeInWorld   = FormationLeader.transform.TransformPoint(positions[formationIndex]);

Exemple #3
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        // Cogemos el componente cuerpo del padre
        if (transform.parent != null)
            //body = transform.parent.GetComponent<EnemyConsistency>();
            body = transform.GetComponentInParent <EnemyConsistency>();
        // Para casos en los que el body solo tiene un collider
        // y por tanto lo lleva integrado
        if (body == null)
            body = GetComponent <EnemyConsistency>();
        // Intento extra para gusano garnde
        if (body == null)
            body = transform.parent.GetComponentInChildren <EnemyConsistency>();
        if (body != null)
            bodyBehaviour = body.GetComponent <EnemyBaseBodyBehaviour>();

        //bodyRb = body.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

        // Si no hay efecto adicional asignado no tiene sentido poner vida aparte
        if (onDamage != AdditionalEffectOnDamage.None)
            currentLocationHealth = maxLocationHealth;
Exemple #4
 public int GetIndexInFormation(EnemyBaseBodyBehaviour behaviour)
Exemple #5
 public void LeaveFormation(EnemyBaseBodyBehaviour behaviour)
Exemple #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Activa los enemigos y los coloca donde corresponde
    /// Puede ser llamado por el boss
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="i"></param>
    public void ActivateEnemies(int i, Vector3 spawnPoint = new Vector3())
        //Metodo con spawn points
        EnemyIdentifier enemyIdentifier = enemiesSpawnSettings[i].enemyPrefab.GetComponent <EnemyIdentifier>();
        Transform       groupSpawn;
        Vector3         pointForGroupSpawn;

        if (spawnPoint != Vector3.zero)
            pointForGroupSpawn = spawnPoint;
        else if (enemyIdentifier)
            EnemyType typeToSpawn = enemyIdentifier.enemyType;
            groupSpawn = GetRandomSpawmPointNearerThanX(typeToSpawn, farestSpawnDistanceToEpicenter);
            // Control de errores
            if (groupSpawn == null)
            pointForGroupSpawn = groupSpawn.position;
            // TODO: Desarrorlo
            pointForGroupSpawn = epicenterPoint;

        // NOTA: Control de error
        // De primeras no debería haber tamaño de spawn 0
        int enemiesToSpawn = (int)GameManager.instance.ApplyDifficultyFactor(enemiesSpawnSettings[i].enemiesToSpawn, 1);

        Debug.Log("Spawning enemies: " + enemiesSpawnSettings[i].enemiesToSpawn + ", " + enemiesToSpawn);
        // Aparte, ahora sale todo el grupo o no sale
        if (/*enemiesSpawnSettings[i].*/ enemiesToSpawn > 0 &&
            /*enemiesSpawnSettings[i].enemiesToSpawn*/ enemiesToSpawn <= enemiesSpawnSettings[i].maxActiveEnemies - activeEnemies[i].Count)
            // Si no hay enemigos activos de ese tipo, aviso de Carol
            if (activeEnemies[i].Count == 0)
            // Primero iniciamos la formación
            EnemyFormation newEnemyFormation = null;
            if (enemiesSpawnSettings[i].formationData != null)
                //newEnemyFormation = new EnemyFormation(enemiesSpawnSettings[i].enemiesToSpawn,
                //    enemiesSpawnSettings[i].formationData.formationInfo.formationType,
                //    enemiesSpawnSettings[i].formationData.formationInfo.distanceBetweenMembers);
                newEnemyFormation = new EnemyFormation(enemiesSpawnSettings[i].formationData.formationInfo,
                                                       /*enemiesSpawnSettings[i].*/ enemiesToSpawn);
            float memberSpawnAngle = 360 / /*enemiesSpawnSettings[i].*/ enemiesToSpawn;
            float meberSpawnRadius = 10;
            // Sacamos a los enemigos
            for (int j = 0; j < /*enemiesSpawnSettings[i].*/ enemiesToSpawn; j++)
                float   memberSpawnCoordinates = memberSpawnAngle * j;
                Vector2 memberSpawnPositionXY  = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(memberSpawnCoordinates) * meberSpawnRadius,
                                                             Mathf.Sin(memberSpawnCoordinates) * meberSpawnRadius);

                //Vector3 positionToSpawn = new Vector3(Random.Range(-groupToSpawnSize[i], groupToSpawnSize[i]) + pointForGroupSpawn.x, 1,
                //                                        Random.Range(-groupToSpawnSize[i], groupToSpawnSize[i]) + pointForGroupSpawn.z);
                Vector3 positionToSpawn = new Vector3(pointForGroupSpawn.x + memberSpawnPositionXY.x,
                                                      pointForGroupSpawn.y, pointForGroupSpawn.z + memberSpawnPositionXY.y);

                // TODO: Chequear cuando esté vacía
                if (reserveEnemies[i].Count == 0)
                    Debug.Log("No more enemies in reserve");
                GameObject nextEnemy = reserveEnemies[i][0];
                // TODO: Revisar que falla aquí
                if (nextEnemy.gameObject == null)
                // TODO: Revisar lo de la posición al activarlos
                nextEnemy.transform.position = positionToSpawn;
                EnemyConsistency enemyConsistency = nextEnemy.GetComponent <EnemyConsistency>();
                // TODO: Cuando esté bien organizado este paso no debería ahcer falta
                if (enemyConsistency == null)
                    enemyConsistency = nextEnemy.GetComponentInChildren <EnemyConsistency>();
                if (enemyConsistency != null)
                    enemyConsistency.ManagerIndex = i;
                // Ponemos los bosses de lado de momento
                if (levelManager.LevelVictoryCondition == VictoryCondition.SlayTheBeast && i == 0)
                    nextEnemy.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * -90);

                // Y lo añadimos a enemigos activos

                // Si he formación lo metemos a ella
                if (newEnemyFormation != null)
                    //TODO: Meterlo en la formación
                    EnemyBaseBodyBehaviour behaviour = nextEnemy.GetComponent <EnemyBaseBodyBehaviour>();
                    // TODO: Arregalro para que no haga falta hacer esto
                    if (behaviour == null)
                        behaviour = nextEnemy.GetComponentInChildren <EnemyBaseBodyBehaviour>();
                    behaviour.enemyFormation = newEnemyFormation;

                //GameObject nextEnemy = Instantiate(enemyPrefabsToUse[i], pointForGroupSpawn, Quaternion.identity);
        //    Debug.Log("Zero enemies to spawn or no more room for enemies");
Exemple #7
    //void Mark

    void MarkEnemiesOnScreen()
        // TODO: Hacerlo con Targeteable
        // TODO: Cogerlo por refencia del manager apropiado cuando lo tengamos listo
        Targeteable[] enemies = FindObjectsOfType <Targeteable>();
        if (enemies.Length == 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < enemies.Length; i++)
            if (!enemies[i].active)
            if (!enemies[i].markWhenNotTargeted && enemies[i] != EnemyAnalyzer.targeteable)
            // Distancia al centro de pantalla
            Vector3 posInScreen = Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(enemies[i].transform.position);
            bool    inScreen    = posInScreen.x >= 0 && posInScreen.x <= 1 &&
                                  posInScreen.y >= 0 && posInScreen.y <= 1 &&
                                  posInScreen.z > 0;
            if (inScreen)
                // EnemyIdentifier enemyIdentifier = enemies[i].GetComponentInParent<EnemyIdentifier>();
                EnemyBaseBodyBehaviour behaviour = enemies[i].GetComponentInParent <EnemyBaseBodyBehaviour>();
                Texture textureToUse             = enemyInScreenTextures[0];
                if (behaviour != null && behaviour.enemyFormation != null)
                    float formationStrength = behaviour.enemyFormation.FormationStrength;

                    if (formationStrength >= 0.75f)
                        textureToUse = enemyInScreenTextures[3];
                    else if (formationStrength >= 0.5f)
                        textureToUse = enemyInScreenTextures[2];
                    else if (formationStrength >= 0.25f)
                        textureToUse = enemyInScreenTextures[1];
                    textureToUse = enemyInScreenTextures[3];

                GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(
                                    posInScreen.x * Screen.width - 15,
                                    Screen.height - posInScreen.y * Screen.height - 50, 30, 30),
                //GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(
                //    posInScreen.x * Screen.width - 15,
                //    Screen.height - posInScreen.y * Screen.height - 15, 30, 30),
                //    circleTexture);