Exemple #1
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <!-- EndemeAccess_PrependEndeme_tests -->
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        private void EndemeAccess_PrependEndeme_tests()
            Assert.ThingsAbout("EndemeAccess", "PrependEndeme");

            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            //  Educe set
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Guid      setID = EndemeAccess.GetEndemeSetID("Animal", connection, trx);
            EndemeSet enSet = null;

            if (setID == Guid.Empty)
                EndemeAccess.InsertEndemeSet(EndemeTests.WetlandAnimals, connection, trx);
                enSet = EndemeAccess.GetEndemeSet(setID, connection, trx);

            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            //  Test prepend
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Endeme en1 = new Endeme(enSet, "ABCD");
            Guid   id1 = EndemeAccess.InsertEndeme(en1, connection, trx);
            Endeme en2 = new Endeme(enSet, "MOUSE");
            Guid   id2 = EndemeTableFactory_old.PrependEndeme_old(en2, id1, connection, trx);
            Endeme en3 = EndemeAccess.GetEndeme(id2, connection, trx);

            Assert.That(en3.ToString(), Is.equal_to, "MOUSEABCD");

            _result += Assert.Conclusion;
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <!-- EndemeAccess_HappyPath_tests -->
        /// <summary>
        ///      Methods used as intended, no null, empty or border tests
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        private void EndemeAccess_HappyPath_tests()
            string toEndemeTable = "Endeme";

            Assert.ThingsAbout("EndemeAccess", "HappyPath");
            InfoAspect   aspect = new InfoAspect("Test", null, "", "", "", 0);
            EndemeAccess e      = new EndemeAccess();

            EndemeSet enSet1   = EndemeTests.WetlandAnimals;
            Guid      setID1   = Guid.NewGuid();
            int       didOk1   = e.ToteEndemeSet(enSet1.WithId(setID1), connection, trx);
            Guid      setID2   = e.GetEndemeSetId(enSet1.Label, connection, trx);
            EndemeSet enSet2   = e.OnEndemeSet(setID2, connection, trx);
            Endeme    en1      = new Endeme(enSet2, "ABC", true);
            long      endemeId = e.ToEndeme(en1, toEndemeTable, connection, trx);
            Endeme    en2      = e.GetEndeme(endemeId, toEndemeTable, connection, trx);
            Endeme    en3      = en2.Copy(); en3.Add("DEF");

            int status = e.UpdateEndeme(en3, endemeId, toEndemeTable, aspect);

            Assert.That(setID2, Is.equal_to, setID1);
            Assert.That(enSet2.Count, Is.equal_to, 22);
            Assert.That(enSet2.Label, Is.equal_to, enSet1.Label);
            Assert.That(en2.ToString(), Is.equal_to, en1);
            Assert.That(en3.ToString(), Is.equal_to, "ABCDEF");
            Assert.That(enSet1.SetId, Is.not_equal_to, Guid.Empty);

            _result += Assert.Conclusion;
Exemple #3
        public Guid Subscribe(Concept observer, string label, EndemeSet enSetRelationship, Endeme enRelationship, EndemeSet enSet, Endeme en)
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            //  Most Concepts will be added to the Observer list
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            EndemeItem standard = new EndemeItem(null);

            if (standard.ItemKey == Guid.Empty)
                throw new Exception("boom");
            if (enRelationship.Count > 1 || !enRelationship.Contains('L'))
                standard = Observer.Add(label, enSetRelationship, enRelationship, observer);
            if (standard.ItemKey == Guid.Empty)
                throw new Exception("boom");

            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            //  A few Concepts will be added to the Friend list
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (enRelationship.Contains('L'))
                EndemeItem friend = Friend.Add(label, enSet, en, observer);
                Observer.ChangeGuid(friend.ItemKey, standard.ItemKey);
Exemple #4
        public Concept UnSubscribe(Guid observerId, EndemeSet enSetRelationship, Endeme enRelationship)
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            //  Simple removal if it is in the Friend list
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (enRelationship.Contains('L'))
                EndemeItem item = Friend[observerId];

            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            //  More complex if the relationship is not just friendship
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (enRelationship.Count > 1 || !enRelationship.Contains('L'))
                EndemeItem item = Observer[observerId];
                if (item.EnSet.Label == enSetRelationship.Label)
                    item.ItemEndeme -= enRelationship; // will this really work?
                    if (item.ItemEndeme.Count < 1)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("This should always be true, the endeme set should always match");

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <!-- ToEndeme -->
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Endeme ToEndeme()
            Endeme en = new Endeme();

            if (Keys().Count <= 24)
                Dictionary <char, string> keyLetters = new Dictionary <char, string>();
                //  build a set by getting a letter for every key
                EndemeSet set = new EndemeSet("Tally", Keys());
                //  TODO: write this - build the endeme
Exemple #6
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <!-- EndemeAccess_HappyPath_tests -->
        /// <summary>
        ///      Methods used as intended, no null, empty or border tests
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        private void EndemeAccess_HappyPath_tests()
            Assert.ThingsAbout("EndemeAccess", "HappyPath");

            EndemeSet enSet1 = EndemeTests.WetlandAnimals;
            Guid      setID1 = EndemeAccess.InsertEndemeSet(enSet1, connection, trx);
            Guid      setID2 = EndemeAccess.GetEndemeSetID(enSet1.Label, connection, trx);
            EndemeSet enSet2 = EndemeAccess.GetEndemeSet(setID2, connection, trx);
            Endeme    en1    = new Endeme(enSet2, "ABC");
            Guid      enID   = EndemeAccess.InsertEndeme(en1, connection, trx);
            Endeme    en2    = EndemeAccess.GetEndeme(enID, connection, trx);
            Endeme    en3    = en2.Copy(); en3.Add("DEF");

            int status = EndemeAccess.UpdateEndeme(en3, enID, connection, trx);

            Assert.That(setID2, Is.equal_to, setID1);
            Assert.That(enSet2.Count, Is.equal_to, 22);
            Assert.That(enSet2.Label, Is.equal_to, enSet1.Label);
            Assert.That(en2.ToString(), Is.equal_to, en1.ToString());
            Assert.That(en3.ToString(), Is.equal_to, "ABCDEF");
            Assert.That(enSet1.SetId, Is.not_equal_to, Guid.Empty);

            _result += Assert.Conclusion;
Exemple #7
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //  IConceptSource Interface implementation
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        ///      Implements a method of IConceptSource (similar to IObservable)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Guid Subscribe(Concept observer, string label, EndemeSet enSetRelationship, Endeme enRelationship)
            EndemeItem item = Observer.Add(label, enSetRelationship, enRelationship, observer, true);

Exemple #8
 private static EndemeSet _relationship = null;                                       //ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV|
 /// <summary>In SOA when you cache someConcept in a static variable you may need to add this refresh to the application refresh code</summary>
 public static void RefreshRelationshipEndemeSet()
     _relationship = null;
Exemple #9
        }                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  // In SOA when you cache something in a static variable you may need to add this to the application refresh code

        public static Guid      MentalCharacteristics_insert(InfoAspect aspect)
            _mind = null; return(new EndemeAccess().ToteEndemeSet(MentalCharacteristics.WithId(Guid.NewGuid()), aspect.SecondaryConn));
Exemple #10
 public static EndemeSet MentalCharacteristics_refresh(                 )
     _mind = null; return(MentalCharacteristics);
 }                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  // In SOA when you cache something in a static variable you may need to add this to the application refresh code
Exemple #11
 public static int       MentalCharacteristics_update(InfoAspect aspect)
     _mind = null; return(new EndemeAccess().ReUpEndemeSet(MentalCharacteristics.WithId(MentalCharacteristics_id(aspect)), aspect));