protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); //string js=CreateJs(); SaveJs(); if (!Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptIncludeRegistered(jsName + "Include")) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude(jsName + "Include", JsSaver.GetDefualtJsUrl(jsName)); } if (!Page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered("Init")) { string commonPanl = "document.write('<div id=\"calendarPanel\" style=\"position: absolute;visibility: hidden;z-index: 9999;background-color: #FFFFFF;border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;width:175px;font-size:12px;\"></div>');\n"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Init", commonPanl, true); } string lan = "1";//语言 if (IsChinese) { lan = "0"; } string showScript = "new Calendar(" + BeginYear.ToString() + ", " + EndYear.ToString() + ", " + lan + ",'yyyy-MM-dd','" + ContorlCommon.ToColorString(CurWord) + "','" + ContorlCommon.ToColorString(CurBg) + "','" + ContorlCommon.ToColorString(SunWord) + "','" + ContorlCommon.ToColorString(SatWord) + "','" + ContorlCommon.ToColorString(TdWordLight) + "','" + ContorlCommon.ToColorString(TdWordDark) + "','" + ContorlCommon.ToColorString(TdBgOut) + "','" + ContorlCommon.ToColorString(TdBgOver) + "','" + ContorlCommon.ToColorString(TrWord) + "'" + ",'" + ContorlCommon.ToColorString(TrBg) + "','" + ContorlCommon.ToColorString(InputBorder) + "','" + ContorlCommon.ToColorString(InputBg) + "').show(this,null);"; txtValue.Attributes.Add("onclick", showScript); txtValue.Attributes.Add("readonly", "readonly"); }
private void UpdateSchoolProfile() { SessionSch = StartYear.ToString() + "-" + EndYear.ToString(); SchoolProfileDb db = new SchoolProfileDb(); var tpl = db.GetProfile(StartYear, EndYear); GrandTotal = tpl.Item1; Count5 = tpl.Item2; Count6 = tpl.Item3; Count7 = tpl.Item4; Count8 = tpl.Item5; Count9 = tpl.Item6; Count10 = tpl.Item7; Count11 = tpl.Item8; Count12 = tpl.Item9; CountMale = tpl.Item10; CountFemale = tpl.Item11; CountGenNull = tpl.Item12; CountGen = tpl.Item13; CountSC = tpl.Item14; CountST = tpl.Item15; CountOBC = tpl.Item16; CountOBC_A = tpl.Item17; CountOBC_B = tpl.Item18; CountSocCatNull = tpl.Item19; CountApl = tpl.Item20; CountBpl = tpl.Item21; }
/// <summary> /// Override of the 'ToString' method /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override string ToString() { return($"Code: {Code}\nTitle Type: {TitleType}\nPrimary Title: {PrimaryTitle}\n" + $"Original Title: {OriginalTitle}\nIs Adult: {IsAdult}\n" + $"Start Year: {((StartYear == null) ? string.Empty : StartYear.ToString())}\n" + $"End Year: {((EndYear == null) ? string.Empty : EndYear.ToString())}\n" + $"Runtime Minutes: {((RuntimeMinutes == null) ? string.Empty : RuntimeMinutes.ToString())}\n" + $"Genres: {Genres}"); }
public void InitializeDdlSettingWindow(Ddl ddl) { InitializeComponent(); DdlNameTextBox.Text = ddl.Name; DdlPriority.Value = ddl.Priority; InitializeStartTime(ddl.StartTime); ChineseCheckbox.IsChecked = ddl.IsChineseCalender; InitializeEndTime(ddl.EndTime); var format = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern; if (format == "M/d/yyyy") { StartMonth.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 0); StartDay.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 1); StartYear.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 2); EndMonth.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 0); EndDay.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 1); EndYear.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 2); } else if (format == "d/M/yyyy") { StartDay.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 0); StartMonth.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 1); StartYear.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 2); EndDay.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 0); EndMonth.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 1); EndYear.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 2); } LoopCheckbox.IsChecked = ddl.IsLoop; if (ddl.IsLoop) { InitializeLoopinterval(ddl.LoopInterval); } NoticeCheckbox.IsChecked = (ddl.Inform[0] == '1'); WindowCheckbox.IsChecked = (ddl.Inform[1] == '1'); SoundCheckbox.IsChecked = (ddl.Inform[2] == '1'); RemindCheckbox.IsChecked = ddl.IsRemind != -1; if (ddl.IsRemind != -1) { InitializeRemind(ddl.RemindInterval, ddl.RemindTime); } if (System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name != "zh-CN") { ChineseCheckbox.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; ChineseCheckbox.IsEnabled = false; } }
public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext) { if (!IsNumberOfShipmentsValid()) { yield return(new ValidationResult(ShipmentResources.NumberOfShipmentsValid, new[] { "NumberOfShipments" })); } if (!IsQuantityValid() && Units.HasValue) { yield return(new ValidationResult(string.Format(ShipmentResources.DecimalPlacesValid, ShipmentQuantityUnitsMetadata.Precision[Units.Value]), new[] { "Quantity" })); } DateTime startDate; bool isValidStartDate = SystemTime.TryParse(StartYear.GetValueOrDefault(), StartMonth.GetValueOrDefault(), StartDay.GetValueOrDefault(), out startDate); if (!isValidStartDate) { yield return(new ValidationResult(ShipmentResources.FirstDepartureValid, new[] { "StartDay" })); } DateTime endDate; bool isValidEndDate = SystemTime.TryParse(EndYear.GetValueOrDefault(), EndMonth.GetValueOrDefault(), EndDay.GetValueOrDefault(), out endDate); if (!isValidEndDate) { yield return(new ValidationResult(ShipmentResources.LastDepartureValid, new[] { "EndDay" })); } if (!(isValidStartDate && isValidEndDate)) { // Stop further validation if either date is not a valid date yield break; } if (startDate < SystemTime.Now.Date && Status == NotificationStatus.NotSubmitted) { yield return(new ValidationResult(ShipmentResources.FirstDeparturePastDate, new[] { "StartDay" })); } if (startDate > endDate) { yield return(new ValidationResult(ShipmentResources.FirstDepartureBeforeLastDate, new[] { "StartYear" })); } var monthPeriodLength = IsPreconsentedRecoveryFacility ? 36 : 12; if (endDate >= startDate.AddMonths(monthPeriodLength)) { yield return(new ValidationResult(string.Format(ShipmentResources.DepartureDateRange, monthPeriodLength), new[] { "EndYear" })); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { int result = 1; result = (result * 397) ^ (CreatedOn != null ? CreatedOn.GetHashCode() : 0); result = (result * 397) ^ (EndDate != null ? EndDate.GetHashCode() : 0); result = (result * 397) ^ EndYear.GetHashCode(); result = (result * 397) ^ Id.GetHashCode(); result = (result * 397) ^ (IsDefaultAcademicYear != null ? IsDefaultAcademicYear.GetHashCode() : 0); result = (result * 397) ^ (Name != null ? Name.GetHashCode() : 0); result = (result * 397) ^ (StartDate != null ? StartDate.GetHashCode() : 0); result = (result * 397) ^ StartYear.GetHashCode(); return(result); }
public SetIntendedShipmentInfoForNotification ToRequest(Guid notificationId) { DateTime startDate; SystemTime.TryParse(StartYear.GetValueOrDefault(), StartMonth.GetValueOrDefault(), StartDay.GetValueOrDefault(), out startDate); DateTime endDate; SystemTime.TryParse(EndYear.GetValueOrDefault(), EndMonth.GetValueOrDefault(), EndDay.GetValueOrDefault(), out endDate); return(new SetIntendedShipmentInfoForNotification( notificationId, int.Parse(NumberOfShipments, NumberStyles.AllowThousands), Convert.ToDecimal(Quantity), Units.GetValueOrDefault(), startDate, endDate)); }
public override string TestDataString() { return("Test of : " + Genre + " Start: " + StartYear.ToString() + " End: " + EndYear.ToString() + " Total Years : " + (EndYear - StartYear + 1)); }
public override string ToLink(bool link = true, DwarfObject pov = null, WorldEvent worldEvent = null) { if (link) { string title = Type; title += "
"; title += Attacker.PrintEntity(false) + " (Attacker)"; title += "
"; title += Defender.PrintEntity(false) + " (Defender)"; title += "
"; title += "Deaths: " + DeathCount + " | (" + StartYear + " - " + (EndYear == -1 ? "Present" : EndYear.ToString()) + ")"; string linkedString = ""; if (pov != this) { linkedString = Icon + "<a href = \"collection#" + Id + "\" title=\"" + title + "\"><font color=\"#6E5007\">" + Name + "</font></a>"; } else { linkedString = Icon + "<a title=\"" + title + "\">" + HtmlStyleUtil.CurrentDwarfObject(Name) + "</a>"; } return(linkedString); } return(Name); }
private void SetRecommendationProperties() { GUIUtils.SetProperty("#Trakt.Recommendations.Genre", TraktGenres.Translate(CurrentGenre)); GUIUtils.SetProperty("#Trakt.Recommendations.HideCollected", HideCollected.ToString()); GUIUtils.SetProperty("#Trakt.Recommendations.HideWatchlisted", HideWatchlisted.ToString()); GUIUtils.SetProperty("#Trakt.Recommendations.StartYear", StartYear == 0 ? "1919" : StartYear.ToString()); GUIUtils.SetProperty("#Trakt.Recommendations.EndYear", EndYear == 0 ? DateTime.Now.AddYears(3).Year.ToString() : EndYear.ToString()); }
protected override void OnClicked(int controlId, GUIControl control, Action.ActionType actionType) { // wait for any background action to finish if (GUIBackgroundTask.Instance.IsBusy) { return; } switch (controlId) { // Facade case (50): if (actionType == Action.ActionType.ACTION_SELECT_ITEM) { if (TraktSettings.EnableJumpToForTVShows) { CheckAndPlayEpisode(true); } else { GUIListItem selectedItem = this.Facade.SelectedListItem; if (selectedItem == null) { return; } TraktShow selectedShow = (TraktShow)selectedItem.TVTag; GUIWindowManager.ActivateWindow((int)TraktGUIWindows.ShowSeasons, selectedShow.ToJSON()); } } break; // Layout Button case (2): CurrentLayout = GUICommon.ShowLayoutMenu(CurrentLayout, PreviousSelectedIndex); break; // Genre Button case (3): ShowGenreMenu(); break; // Hide Collected Toggle Button case (4): HideCollected = hideCollectedButton.Selected; ReloadRecommendations(); break; // Hide Watchlisted Toggle Button case (5): HideWatchlisted = hideWatchlistedButton.Selected; ReloadRecommendations(); break; // Start Year Button case (6): string startYear = StartYear.ToString(); if (startYear == "0") { startYear = "1919"; } if (GUIUtils.GetStringFromKeyboard(ref startYear)) { int result; if (startYear.Length == 4 && int.TryParse(startYear, out result) && !startYear.Equals(StartYear.ToString())) { StartYear = result; GUIControl.SetControlLabel(GetID, startYearButton.GetID, GetStartYearTitle(StartYear)); ReloadRecommendations(); } } break; // End Year Button case (7): string endYear = EndYear.ToString(); if (endYear == "0") { endYear = DateTime.Now.AddYears(3).Year.ToString(); } if (GUIUtils.GetStringFromKeyboard(ref endYear)) { int result; if (endYear.Length == 4 && int.TryParse(endYear, out result) && !endYear.Equals(EndYear.ToString())) { EndYear = result; GUIControl.SetControlLabel(GetID, endYearButton.GetID, GetEndYearTitle(EndYear)); ReloadRecommendations(); } } break; // Sort Button case (8): var newSortBy = GUICommon.ShowSortMenu(TraktSettings.SortByRecommendedShows); if (newSortBy != null) { if (newSortBy.Field != TraktSettings.SortByRecommendedShows.Field) { TraktSettings.SortByRecommendedShows = newSortBy; PreviousSelectedIndex = 0; UpdateButtonState(); LoadRecommendedShows(); } } break; default: break; } base.OnClicked(controlId, control, actionType); }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (DatePickerBar != null) { DatePickerBar.Dispose(); DatePickerBar = null; } if (DatePickerVacation != null) { DatePickerVacation.Dispose(); DatePickerVacation = null; } if (DateToolBar != null) { DateToolBar.Dispose(); DateToolBar = null; } if (DoneButton != null) { DoneButton.Dispose(); DoneButton = null; } if (EndDay != null) { EndDay.Dispose(); EndDay = null; } if (EndMonth != null) { EndMonth.Dispose(); EndMonth = null; } if (EndYear != null) { EndYear.Dispose(); EndYear = null; } if (Page != null) { Page.Dispose(); Page = null; } if (PageImage != null) { PageImage.Dispose(); PageImage = null; } if (StartDay != null) { StartDay.Dispose(); StartDay = null; } if (StartMonth != null) { StartMonth.Dispose(); StartMonth = null; } if (StartYear != null) { StartYear.Dispose(); StartYear = null; } if (StatusSegment != null) { StatusSegment.Dispose(); StatusSegment = null; } if (TypeImageView != null) { TypeImageView.Dispose(); TypeImageView = null; } if (TypeText != null) { TypeText.Dispose(); TypeText = null; } if (DatePickerToolbar != null) { DatePickerToolbar.Dispose(); DatePickerToolbar = null; } }
protected override void OnEndYearChanged() { NewSessionEndYear = EndYear + 1; PrevSessionHeader = "Previous Session : " + StartYear.ToString() + "-" + EndYear.ToString(); }
protected override void OnClicked(int controlId, GUIControl control, Action.ActionType actionType) { // wait for any background action to finish if (GUIBackgroundTask.Instance.IsBusy) { return; } switch (controlId) { // Facade case (50): if (actionType == Action.ActionType.ACTION_SELECT_ITEM) { CheckAndPlayMovie(true); } break; // Layout Button case (2): CurrentLayout = GUICommon.ShowLayoutMenu(CurrentLayout); break; // Genre Button case (3): ShowGenreMenu(); break; // Hide Collected Toggle Button case (4): HideCollected = hideCollectedButton.Selected; ReloadRecommendations(); break; // Hide Watchlisted Toggle Button case (5): HideWatchlisted = hideWatchlistedButton.Selected; ReloadRecommendations(); break; // Start Year Button case (6): string startYear = StartYear.ToString(); if (startYear == "0") { startYear = "1888"; } if (GUIUtils.GetStringFromKeyboard(ref startYear)) { int result; if (startYear.Length == 4 && int.TryParse(startYear, out result)) { StartYear = result; GUIControl.SetControlLabel(GetID, startYearButton.GetID, GetStartYearTitle(StartYear)); ReloadRecommendations(); } } break; // End Year Button case (7): string endYear = EndYear.ToString(); if (endYear == "0") { endYear = DateTime.Now.AddYears(3).Year.ToString(); } if (GUIUtils.GetStringFromKeyboard(ref endYear)) { int result; if (endYear.Length == 4 && int.TryParse(endYear, out result)) { EndYear = result; GUIControl.SetControlLabel(GetID, endYearButton.GetID, GetEndYearTitle(EndYear)); ReloadRecommendations(); } } break; // Sort Button case (8): var newSortBy = GUICommon.ShowSortMenu(TraktSettings.SortByRecommendedMovies); if (newSortBy != null) { if (newSortBy.Field != TraktSettings.SortByRecommendedMovies.Field) { TraktSettings.SortByRecommendedMovies = newSortBy; PreviousSelectedIndex = 0; UpdateButtonState(); LoadRecommendedMovies(); } } break; default: break; } base.OnClicked(controlId, control, actionType); }
/// <summary> /// Routine to save the selected values and return the result back to frmTableDetails /// </summary> private void SaveData() { if (lstValues.Items.Count == 0) { UtilGeneral.ShowMessage("No value selected. Please select the split values."); return; } string colName = (string)cmbColumns.SelectedItem; string colDataType = lblColType.Text; string strDataType = ""; // Chose the data type if (optSplitTimePeriod.Checked) { if (optTPYear.Checked) { if (colDataType == Constants.DATA_TYPE_INT) { strDataType = Constants.BCP_SPLIT_TYPE_TIME_INT_YEAR; } else { strDataType = Constants.BCP_SPLIT_TYPE_TIME_YEAR; } } else if (optTPMonth.Checked) { if (colDataType == Constants.DATA_TYPE_INT) { strDataType = Constants.BCP_SPLIT_TYPE_TIME_INT_MONTH; } else { strDataType = Constants.BCP_SPLIT_TYPE_TIME_INT_MONTH; } } else { if (colDataType == Constants.DATA_TYPE_INT) { strDataType = Constants.BCP_SPLIT_TYPE_TIME_INT_DATE; } else { strDataType = Constants.BCP_SPLIT_TYPE_TIME_DATE; } } } else { strDataType = Constants.BCP_SPLIT_TYPE_VALUE; } List <string> values = new List <string>(); if (optTPMonth.Checked) { // If month, then add the previous year as a failsafe to chose all data for this and prior period int StartYear; StartYear = Int32.Parse(lstValues.Items[0].ToString().Substring(0, 4)) - 1; values.Add(StartYear.ToString()); } for (int i = 0; i < lstValues.Items.Count; i++) { values.Add(lstValues.Items[i].ToString()); } if (optTPMonth.Checked) { // If month, then add the next year as a failsafe to chose all data for this and later period int EndYear; EndYear = Int32.Parse(lstValues.Items[lstValues.Items.Count - 1].ToString().Substring(0, 4)) + 1; values.Add(EndYear.ToString()); } string result = String.Join(",", values); // Update the BCP Data back to frmTableDetails frmParent.UpdateBCPSelection(colName, result, strDataType); this.Close(); }