Exemple #1
        public void AllOperationsCanBeWritten()
            foreach (var operationType in GetOperationTypes())
                IGraphicsStateOperation operation;

                var constructors = operationType.GetConstructors();

                if (constructors.Length == 0)
                    var field = operationType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)
                                .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Value");

                    if (field == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not find singleton for type: {operationType.Name}.");

                    operation = (IGraphicsStateOperation)field.GetValue(null);
                else if (operationType == typeof(EndInlineImage))
                    operation = new EndInlineImage(new List <byte>());
                else if (operationType == typeof(BeginInlineImageData))
                    operation = new BeginInlineImageData(new Dictionary <NameToken, IToken>());
                    var constructor = constructors[0];

                    var parameterTypes = constructor.GetParameters();

                    var parameters = GetConstructorParameters(parameterTypes);

                    operation = (IGraphicsStateOperation)constructor.Invoke(parameters);

                using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
Exemple #2
        public IReadOnlyList <IGraphicsStateOperation> Parse(int pageNumber, IInputBytes inputBytes,
                                                             ILog log)
            var scanner = new CoreTokenScanner(inputBytes);

            var precedingTokens         = new List <IToken>();
            var graphicsStateOperations = new List <IGraphicsStateOperation>();

            var lastEndImageOffset = new long?();

            while (scanner.MoveNext())
                var token = scanner.CurrentToken;

                if (token is InlineImageDataToken inlineImageData)
                    var dictionary = new Dictionary <NameToken, IToken>();

                    for (var i = 0; i < precedingTokens.Count - 1; i++)
                        var t = precedingTokens[i];
                        if (!(t is NameToken n))


                        dictionary[n] = precedingTokens[i];

                    graphicsStateOperations.Add(new BeginInlineImageData(dictionary));
                    graphicsStateOperations.Add(new EndInlineImage(inlineImageData.Data));

                    lastEndImageOffset = scanner.CurrentPosition - 2;

                else if (token is OperatorToken op)
                    // Handle an end image where the stream of image data contained EI but was not actually a real end image operator.
                    if (op.Data == "EI")
                        // Check an end image operation was the last thing that happened.
                        IGraphicsStateOperation lastOperation = graphicsStateOperations.Count > 0
                            ? graphicsStateOperations[graphicsStateOperations.Count - 1]
                            : null;

                        if (lastEndImageOffset == null || lastOperation == null || !(lastOperation is EndInlineImage lastEndImage))
                            throw new PdfDocumentFormatException("Encountered End Image token outside an inline image on " +
                                                                 $"page {pageNumber} at offset in content: {scanner.CurrentPosition}.");

                        // Work out how much data we missed between the false EI operator and the actual one.
                        var actualEndImageOffset = scanner.CurrentPosition - 3;

                        log.Warn($"End inline image (EI) encountered after previous EI, attempting recovery at {actualEndImageOffset}.");

                        var gap = (int)(actualEndImageOffset - lastEndImageOffset);

                        var from = inputBytes.CurrentOffset;

                        // Recover the full image data.
                            var missingData = new byte[gap];
                            var read        = inputBytes.Read(missingData);
                            if (read != gap)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to read expected buffer length {gap} on page {pageNumber} " +
                                                                    $"when reading inline image at offset in content: {lastEndImageOffset.Value}.");

                            // Replace the last end image operator with one containing the full set of data.
                            graphicsStateOperations.Add(new EndInlineImage(lastEndImage.ImageData.Concat(missingData).ToArray()));

                        lastEndImageOffset = actualEndImageOffset;

                        IGraphicsStateOperation operation;
                            operation = operationFactory.Create(op, precedingTokens);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            // End images can cause weird state if the "EI" appears inside the inline data stream.
                            if (TryGetLastEndImage(graphicsStateOperations, out _, out _))
                                log.Error($"Failed reading an operation at offset {inputBytes.CurrentOffset} for page {pageNumber}.", ex);
                                operation = null;

                        if (operation != null)
                        else if (graphicsStateOperations.Count > 0)
                            if (TryGetLastEndImage(graphicsStateOperations, out var prevEndInlineImage, out var index) && lastEndImageOffset.HasValue)
                                log.Warn($"Operator {op.Data} was not understood following end of inline image data at {lastEndImageOffset}, " +
                                         "attempting recovery.");

                                var nextByteSet = scanner.RecoverFromIncorrectEndImage(lastEndImageOffset.Value);
                                graphicsStateOperations.RemoveRange(index, graphicsStateOperations.Count - index);
                                var newEndInlineImage = new EndInlineImage(prevEndInlineImage.ImageData.Concat(nextByteSet).ToList());
                                lastEndImageOffset = scanner.CurrentPosition - 3;
                                log.Warn($"Operator which was not understood encountered. Values was {op.Data}. Ignoring.");
