Exemple #1
        public void TestDiffusionTest()
            // since we flip one bit in the plain text, the least diffusion
            // we can get is one bit changed. e.g. flips 1 / (1024*8 bits)
            // (e.g.: 1 flip / plain-length in bits)
            // The score is matched against 50% bit flips. 0% means cypher == plain
            // and 100% cypher == !plain, so the best result is closest to random 50%
            // Hence: (50% - |50% - flips%|) / 50%
            //const float EXPECTED_MIN = 0.000244140625f;
            Log.Info("Diffusion: Measure of variance due to a change in the plain text");
            float calc_min = 1f / (1024f * 8f);

            calc_min = (0.5f - Math.Abs(0.5f - calc_min)) / 0.5f;

            var tested = GetTestCases();

            foreach (var t in tested)
                if (t.ExpectedVal.HasValue && t.ExpectedVal == 0)
                    t.ExpectedVal = calc_min;

            using (Log.StartIndentScope())
                for (int b = 0; b < 4; b++)
                    EncryptionTesting.Type = (EncryptionTesting.TextType)b;
                    Log.Info($"Text Type: {EncryptionTesting.Type}");

                    using (Log.StartIndentScope())
                        foreach (var test in tested)
                            float res = EncryptionTesting.TestForDifussion(test.Cypher, 10);
                            Log.Info($"{test.Name} score for Diffusion {res}");
                            if (test.ExpectedVal != null)
                                Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(res - test.ExpectedVal.Value) < 0.000001, test.Name + " should score zero for Diffusion");
Exemple #2
        public void TestConfusionTest()
            Log.Info("Confusion: Measure of variance due to key");
            var tested = GetTestCases();

            using (Log.StartIndentScope())
                foreach (EncryptionTesting.TextType val in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EncryptionTesting.TextType)))
                    EncryptionTesting.Type = val;
                    Log.Info($"Text Type: {EncryptionTesting.Type}");

                    using (Log.StartIndentScope())
                        foreach (var test in tested)
                            float res = EncryptionTesting.TestForConfusion(test.Cypher, 10);
                            Log.Info($"{test.Name} score for Confusion {res}");
                            if (test.ExpectedVal != null)
                                Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(res - test.ExpectedVal.Value) < float.Epsilon, test.Name + " should score zero for confusion");
Exemple #3
        public void TestDistributionTest()
            Log.Info("Distribution: Measure of uniform distribution");
            var tested = GetTestCases();

            using (Log.StartIndentScope())
                for (int b = 0; b < 4; b++)
                    EncryptionTesting.Type = (EncryptionTesting.TextType)b;
                    Log.Info($"Text Type: {EncryptionTesting.Type}");

                    using (Log.StartIndentScope())
                        foreach (var test in tested)
                            float res = EncryptionTesting.TestForDistribution(test.Cypher);
                            Log.Info($"{test.Name} score for distribution {res}");
                            if (test.ExpectedVal != null)
                                Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(res - test.ExpectedVal.Value) < float.Epsilon, test.Name + " should score zero for distribution");