internal static object StringToType( TypeConfig typeConfig, string strType, EmptyCtorDelegate ctorFn, Dictionary <HashedStringSegment, TypeAccessor> typeAccessorMap) => StringToType(typeConfig, new StringSegment(strType), ctorFn, typeAccessorMap);
internal static object StringToType( Type type, string strType, EmptyCtorDelegate ctorFn, Dictionary<string, TypeAccessor> typeAccessorMap) { var index = 0; if (strType == null) return null; //if (!Serializer.EatMapStartChar(strType, ref index)) if (strType[index++] != JsWriter.MapStartChar) throw DeserializeTypeRef.CreateSerializationError(type, strType); if (strType == JsWriter.EmptyMap) return ctorFn(); object instance = null; var strTypeLength = strType.Length; while (index < strTypeLength) { var propertyName = Serializer.EatMapKey(strType, ref index); //Serializer.EatMapKeySeperator(strType, ref index); index++; var propertyValueStr = Serializer.EatValue(strType, ref index); var possibleTypeInfo = propertyValueStr != null && propertyValueStr.Length > 1 && propertyValueStr[0] == '_'; if (possibleTypeInfo && propertyName == JsWriter.TypeAttr) { var typeName = Serializer.ParseString(propertyValueStr); instance = ReflectionExtensions.CreateInstance(typeName); if (instance == null) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not find type: " + propertyValueStr); } else { //If __type info doesn't match, ignore it. if (!type.IsInstanceOfType(instance)) instance = null; } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) index++; continue; } if (instance == null) instance = ctorFn(); TypeAccessor typeAccessor; typeAccessorMap.TryGetValue(propertyName, out typeAccessor); var propType = possibleTypeInfo ? TypeAccessor.ExtractType(Serializer, propertyValueStr) : null; if (propType != null) { try { if (typeAccessor != null) { var parseFn = Serializer.GetParseFn(propType); var propertyValue = parseFn(propertyValueStr); typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) index++; continue; } catch(Exception e) { if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) throw new SerializationException(String.Format("Failed to set dynamic property '{0}' with '{1}'", propertyName, propertyValueStr), e); else Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set dynamic property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } if (typeAccessor != null && typeAccessor.GetProperty != null && typeAccessor.SetProperty != null) { try { var propertyValue = typeAccessor.GetProperty(propertyValueStr); typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } catch(Exception e) { if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) throw new SerializationException(String.Format("Failed to set property '{0}' with '{1}'", propertyName, propertyValueStr), e); else Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) index++; } return instance; }
static TypeMeta() { EmptyCtorFn = GetConstructorMethodToCache(typeof(T)); }
internal static object StringToType(ReadOnlySpan <char> strType, TypeConfig typeConfig, EmptyCtorDelegate ctorFn, KeyValuePair <string, TypeAccessor>[] typeAccessors) { var index = 0; var type = typeConfig.Type; if (strType.IsEmpty) { return(null); } //if (!Serializer.EatMapStartChar(strType, ref index)) if (strType[index++] != JsWriter.MapStartChar) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.CreateSerializationError(type, strType.ToString()); } if (JsonTypeSerializer.IsEmptyMap(strType)) { return(ctorFn()); } var config = JsConfig.GetConfig(); object instance = null; var lenient = config.PropertyConvention == PropertyConvention.Lenient; var strTypeLength = strType.Length; while (index < strTypeLength) { var propertyName = Serializer.EatMapKey(strType, ref index).Trim(); //Serializer.EatMapKeySeperator(strType, ref index); index++; var propertyValueStr = Serializer.EatValue(strType, ref index); var possibleTypeInfo = propertyValueStr != null && propertyValueStr.Length > 1; if (possibleTypeInfo && propertyName.Equals(typeAttr.Span, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var explicitTypeName = Serializer.ParseString(propertyValueStr); var explicitType = config.TypeFinder(explicitTypeName); if (explicitType == null || explicitType.IsInterface || explicitType.IsAbstract) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not find type: " + propertyValueStr.ToString()); } else if (!type.IsAssignableFrom(explicitType)) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not assign type: " + propertyValueStr.ToString()); } else { JsWriter.AssertAllowedRuntimeType(explicitType); instance = ActivatorUtils.FastCreateInstance(explicitType); } if (instance != null) { //If __type info doesn't match, ignore it. if (!type.IsInstanceOfType(instance)) { instance = null; } else { var derivedType = instance.GetType(); if (derivedType != type) { var map = DeserializeTypeRef.GetCachedTypeAccessors(derivedType, Serializer); if (map != null) { typeAccessors = map; } } } } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) { index++; } continue; } if (instance == null) { instance = ctorFn(); } var typeAccessor = typeAccessors.Get(propertyName, lenient); var propType = possibleTypeInfo && propertyValueStr[0] == '_' ? TypeAccessor.ExtractType(Serializer, propertyValueStr) : null; if (propType != null) { try { if (typeAccessor != null) { var parseFn = Serializer.GetParseStringSpanFn(propType); var propertyValue = parseFn(propertyValueStr); if (typeConfig.OnDeserializing != null) { propertyValue = typeConfig.OnDeserializing(instance, propertyName.ToString(), propertyValue); } typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) { index++; } continue; } catch (Exception e) { config.OnDeserializationError?.Invoke(instance, propType, propertyName.ToString(), propertyValueStr.ToString(), e); if (config.ThrowOnError) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName.ToString(), propertyValueStr.ToString(), propType, e); } else { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set dynamic property {0} with: {1}", propertyName.ToString(), propertyValueStr.ToString()); } } } if (typeAccessor?.GetProperty != null && typeAccessor.SetProperty != null) { try { var propertyValue = typeAccessor.GetProperty(propertyValueStr); if (typeConfig.OnDeserializing != null) { propertyValue = typeConfig.OnDeserializing(instance, propertyName.ToString(), propertyValue); } typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } catch (NotSupportedException) { throw; } catch (Exception e) { config.OnDeserializationError?.Invoke(instance, propType ?? typeAccessor.PropertyType, propertyName.ToString(), propertyValueStr.ToString(), e); if (config.ThrowOnError) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName.ToString(), propertyValueStr.ToString(), propType, e); } else { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set property {0} with: {1}", propertyName.ToString(), propertyValueStr.ToString()); } } } else { // the property is not known by the DTO typeConfig.OnDeserializing?.Invoke(instance, propertyName.ToString(), propertyValueStr.ToString()); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) { index++; } } return(instance); }
internal static object StringToType( TypeConfig typeConfig, string strType, EmptyCtorDelegate ctorFn, Dictionary <string, TypeAccessor> typeAccessorMap) { var index = 0; var type = typeConfig.Type; if (strType == null) { return(null); } //if (!Serializer.EatMapStartChar(strType, ref index)) if (strType[index++] != JsWriter.MapStartChar) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.CreateSerializationError(type, strType); } if (JsonTypeSerializer.IsEmptyMap(strType)) { return(ctorFn()); } object instance = null; var strTypeLength = strType.Length; while (index < strTypeLength) { var propertyName = Serializer.EatMapKey(strType, ref index); //Serializer.EatMapKeySeperator(strType, ref index); index++; var propertyValueStr = Serializer.EatValue(strType, ref index); var possibleTypeInfo = propertyValueStr != null && propertyValueStr.Length > 1; if (possibleTypeInfo && propertyName == JsWriter.TypeAttr) { var explicitTypeName = Serializer.ParseString(propertyValueStr); var explicitType = AssemblyUtils.FindType(explicitTypeName); if (explicitType == null || explicitType.IsInterface() || explicitType.IsAbstract()) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not find type: " + propertyValueStr); } else if (!type.IsAssignableFrom(explicitType)) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not assign type: " + propertyValueStr); } else { instance = explicitType.CreateInstance(); } if (instance != null) { var derivedType = instance.GetType(); if (derivedType != type) { var derivedTypeConfig = new TypeConfig(derivedType); var map = DeserializeTypeRef.GetTypeAccessorMap(derivedTypeConfig, Serializer); if (map != null) { typeAccessorMap = map; } } } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) { index++; } continue; } if (instance == null) { instance = ctorFn(); } TypeAccessor typeAccessor; typeAccessorMap.TryGetValue(propertyName, out typeAccessor); var propType = possibleTypeInfo && propertyValueStr[0] == '_' ? TypeAccessor.ExtractType(Serializer, propertyValueStr) : null; if (propType != null) { try { if (typeAccessor != null) { var parseFn = Serializer.GetParseFn(propType); var propertyValue = parseFn(propertyValueStr); if (typeConfig.OnDeserializing != null) { propertyValue = typeConfig.OnDeserializing(instance, propertyName, propertyValue); } typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) { index++; } continue; } catch (Exception e) { if (JsConfig.HasOnDeserializationErrorHandler) { JsConfig.OnDeserializationError(instance, propType, propertyName, propertyValueStr, e); } if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName, propertyValueStr, propType, e); } Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set dynamic property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } if (typeAccessor != null && typeAccessor.GetProperty != null && typeAccessor.SetProperty != null) { try { var propertyValue = typeAccessor.GetProperty(propertyValueStr); if (typeConfig.OnDeserializing != null) { propertyValue = typeConfig.OnDeserializing(instance, propertyName, propertyValue); } typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } catch (Exception e) { if (JsConfig.HasOnDeserializationErrorHandler) { JsConfig.OnDeserializationError(instance, typeAccessor.PropertyType, propertyName, propertyValueStr, e); } if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName, propertyValueStr, typeAccessor.PropertyType, e); } Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } else if (typeConfig.OnDeserializing != null) { // the property is not known by the DTO typeConfig.OnDeserializing(instance, propertyName, propertyValueStr); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) { index++; } } return(instance); }
internal static object StringToType( Type type, string strType, EmptyCtorDelegate ctorFn, Dictionary<string, TypeAccessor> typeAccessorMap) { var index = 0; if (strType == null) return null; //if (!Serializer.EatMapStartChar(strType, ref index)) if (strType[index++] != JsWriter.MapStartChar) throw DeserializeTypeRef.CreateSerializationError(type, strType); if (JsonTypeSerializer.IsEmptyMap(strType)) return ctorFn(); object instance = null; var propertyResolver = JsConfig.PropertyConvention == PropertyConvention.Lenient ? ParseUtils.LenientPropertyNameResolver : ParseUtils.DefaultPropertyNameResolver; var strTypeLength = strType.Length; while (index < strTypeLength) { var propertyName = Serializer.EatMapKey(strType, ref index); //Serializer.EatMapKeySeperator(strType, ref index); index++; var propertyValueStr = Serializer.EatValue(strType, ref index); var possibleTypeInfo = propertyValueStr != null && propertyValueStr.Length > 1; if (possibleTypeInfo && propertyName == JsWriter.TypeAttr) { var explicitTypeName = Serializer.ParseString(propertyValueStr); var explicitType = AssemblyUtils.FindType(explicitTypeName); if (explicitType != null && !explicitType.IsInterface() && !explicitType.IsAbstract()) { instance = explicitType.CreateInstance(); } if (instance == null) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not find type: " + propertyValueStr); } else { //If __type info doesn't match, ignore it. if (!type.InstanceOfType(instance)) { instance = null; } else { var derivedType = instance.GetType(); if (derivedType != type) { var derivedTypeConfig = new TypeConfig(derivedType); var map = DeserializeTypeRef.GetTypeAccessorMap(derivedTypeConfig, Serializer); if (map != null) { typeAccessorMap = map; } } } } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) index++; continue; } if (instance == null) instance = ctorFn(); var typeAccessor = propertyResolver.GetTypeAccessorForProperty(propertyName, typeAccessorMap); var propType = possibleTypeInfo && propertyValueStr[0] == '_' ? TypeAccessor.ExtractType(Serializer, propertyValueStr) : null; if (propType != null) { try { if (typeAccessor != null) { var parseFn = Serializer.GetParseFn(propType); var propertyValue = parseFn(propertyValueStr); typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) index++; continue; } catch (Exception e) { if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName, propertyValueStr, propType, e); else Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set dynamic property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } if (typeAccessor != null && typeAccessor.GetProperty != null && typeAccessor.SetProperty != null) { try { var propertyValue = typeAccessor.GetProperty(propertyValueStr); typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } catch (Exception e) { if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName, propertyValueStr, propType, e); else Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) index++; } return instance; }
private static object StringToType(Type type, string strType, EmptyCtorDelegate ctorFn, IDictionary <string, SetPropertyDelegate> setterMap, IDictionary <string, ParseStringDelegate> parseStringFnMap) { var index = 0; if (strType == null) { return(null); } if (!Serializer.EatMapStartChar(strType, ref index)) { throw new SerializationException(string.Format( "Type definitions should start with a '{0}', expecting serialized type '{1}', got string starting with: {2}", JsWriter.MapStartChar, type.Name, strType.Substring(0, strType.Length < 50 ? strType.Length : 50))); } if (strType == JsWriter.EmptyMap) { return(ctorFn()); } object instance = null; string propertyName; ParseStringDelegate parseStringFn; SetPropertyDelegate setterFn; var strTypeLength = strType.Length; while (index < strTypeLength) { propertyName = Serializer.EatMapKey(strType, ref index); Serializer.EatMapKeySeperator(strType, ref index); var propertyValueString = Serializer.EatValue(strType, ref index); if (propertyName == JsWriter.TypeAttr) { var typeName = Serializer.ParseString(propertyValueString); instance = ReflectionExtensions.CreateInstance(typeName); if (instance == null) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not find type: " + propertyValueString); } else { //If __type info doesn't match, ignore it. if (!type.IsAssignableFrom(instance.GetType())) { instance = null; } } Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); continue; } if (instance == null) { instance = ctorFn(); } var propType = ExtractType(propertyValueString); if (propType != null) { try { var parseFn = Serializer.GetParseFn(propType); var propertyValue = parseFn(propertyValueString); setterMap.TryGetValue(propertyName, out setterFn); if (setterFn != null) { setterFn(instance, propertyValue); } Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); continue; } catch (Exception) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set dynamic property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueString); } } parseStringFnMap.TryGetValue(propertyName, out parseStringFn); if (parseStringFn != null) { try { var propertyValue = parseStringFn(propertyValueString); setterMap.TryGetValue(propertyName, out setterFn); if (setterFn != null) { setterFn(instance, propertyValue); } } catch (Exception) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueString); } } Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); } return(instance); }
internal static object StringToType( Type type, string strType, EmptyCtorDelegate ctorFn, Dictionary<string, TypeAccessor> typeAccessorMap) { var index = 0; if (strType == null) return null; //if (!Serializer.EatMapStartChar(strType, ref index)) for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) break; } //Whitespace inline if (strType[index++] != JsWriter.MapStartChar) throw DeserializeTypeRef.CreateSerializationError(type, strType); if (strType == JsWriter.EmptyMap) return ctorFn(); object instance = null; var strTypeLength = strType.Length; while (index < strTypeLength) { var propertyName = JsonTypeSerializer.ParseJsonString(strType, ref index); //Serializer.EatMapKeySeperator(strType, ref index); for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) break; } //Whitespace inline if (strType.Length != index) index++; var propertyValueStr = Serializer.EatValue(strType, ref index); var possibleTypeInfo = propertyValueStr != null && propertyValueStr.Length > 1 && propertyValueStr[0] == '_'; if (possibleTypeInfo && propertyName == JsWriter.TypeAttr) { var typeName = Serializer.ParseString(propertyValueStr); instance = ReflectionExtensions.CreateInstance(typeName); if (instance == null) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not find type: " + propertyValueStr); } else { //If __type info doesn't match, ignore it. if (!type.IsInstanceOfType(instance)) instance = null; } Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); continue; } if (instance == null) instance = ctorFn(); TypeAccessor typeAccessor; typeAccessorMap.TryGetValue(propertyName, out typeAccessor); var propType = possibleTypeInfo ? TypeAccessor.ExtractType(Serializer, propertyValueStr) : null; if (propType != null) { try { if (typeAccessor != null) { //var parseFn = Serializer.GetParseFn(propType); var parseFn = JsonReader.GetParseFn(propType); var propertyValue = parseFn(propertyValueStr); typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) break; } //Whitespace inline if (index != strType.Length) { var success = strType[index] == JsWriter.ItemSeperator || strType[index] == JsWriter.MapEndChar; index++; if (success) for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) break; } //Whitespace inline } continue; } catch { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set dynamic property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } if (typeAccessor != null && typeAccessor.GetProperty != null && typeAccessor.SetProperty != null) { try { var propertyValue = typeAccessor.GetProperty(propertyValueStr); typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } catch { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) break; } //Whitespace inline if (index != strType.Length) { var success = strType[index] == JsWriter.ItemSeperator || strType[index] == JsWriter.MapEndChar; index++; if (success) for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) break; } //Whitespace inline } } return instance; }
internal static object StringToType( TypeConfig typeConfig, StringSegment strType, EmptyCtorDelegate ctorFn, Dictionary <HashedStringSegment, TypeAccessor> typeAccessorMap) { var index = 0; var type = typeConfig.Type; if (!strType.HasValue) { return(null); } //if (!Serializer.EatMapStartChar(strType, ref index)) if (strType.GetChar(index++) != JsWriter.MapStartChar) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.CreateSerializationError(type, strType.Value); } if (JsonTypeSerializer.IsEmptyMap(strType)) { return(ctorFn()); } object instance = null; var propertyResolver = JsConfig.PropertyConvention == PropertyConvention.Lenient ? ParseUtils.LenientPropertyNameResolver : ParseUtils.DefaultPropertyNameResolver; var strTypeLength = strType.Length; while (index < strTypeLength) { var propertyName = Serializer.EatMapKey(strType, ref index); //Serializer.EatMapKeySeperator(strType, ref index); index++; var propertyValueStr = Serializer.EatValue(strType, ref index); var possibleTypeInfo = propertyValueStr != null && propertyValueStr.Length > 1; if (possibleTypeInfo && propertyName == new StringSegment(JsWriter.TypeAttr)) { var explicitTypeName = Serializer.ParseString(propertyValueStr); var explicitType = JsConfig.TypeFinder(explicitTypeName); if (explicitType == null || explicitType.IsInterface || explicitType.IsAbstract) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not find type: " + propertyValueStr); } else if (!type.IsAssignableFrom(explicitType)) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not assign type: " + propertyValueStr); } else { JsWriter.AssertAllowedRuntimeType(explicitType); instance = explicitType.CreateInstance(); } if (instance != null) { //If __type info doesn't match, ignore it. if (!type.IsInstanceOfType(instance)) { instance = null; } else { var derivedType = instance.GetType(); if (derivedType != type) { var derivedTypeConfig = new TypeConfig(derivedType); var map = DeserializeTypeRef.GetTypeAccessorMap(derivedTypeConfig, Serializer); if (map != null) { typeAccessorMap = map; } } } } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) { index++; } continue; } if (instance == null) { instance = ctorFn(); } var typeAccessor = propertyResolver.GetTypeAccessorForProperty(propertyName, typeAccessorMap); var propType = possibleTypeInfo && propertyValueStr.GetChar(0) == '_' ? TypeAccessor.ExtractType(Serializer, propertyValueStr) : null; if (propType != null) { try { if (typeAccessor != null) { var parseFn = Serializer.GetParseStringSegmentFn(propType); var propertyValue = parseFn(propertyValueStr); if (typeConfig.OnDeserializing != null) { propertyValue = typeConfig.OnDeserializing(instance, propertyName.Value, propertyValue); } typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) { index++; } continue; } catch (Exception e) { if (JsConfig.OnDeserializationError != null) { JsConfig.OnDeserializationError(instance, propType, propertyName.Value, propertyValueStr.Value, e); } if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName.Value, propertyValueStr.Value, propType, e); } else { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set dynamic property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } } if (typeAccessor?.GetProperty != null && typeAccessor.SetProperty != null) { try { var propertyValue = typeAccessor.GetProperty(propertyValueStr); if (typeConfig.OnDeserializing != null) { propertyValue = typeConfig.OnDeserializing(instance, propertyName.Value, propertyValue); } typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } catch (NotSupportedException) { throw; } catch (Exception e) { if (JsConfig.OnDeserializationError != null) { JsConfig.OnDeserializationError(instance, propType ?? typeAccessor.PropertyType, propertyName.Value, propertyValueStr.Value, e); } if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName.Value, propertyValueStr.Value, propType, e); } else { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } } else { // the property is not known by the DTO typeConfig.OnDeserializing?.Invoke(instance, propertyName.Value, propertyValueStr); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) { index++; } } return(instance); }
private void ConstructEvaluator(IEnumerable <EvaluatorItem> items) { var codeCompiler = System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("CSharp"); var cp = new System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters { GenerateExecutable = false, GenerateInMemory = true, }; Assemblies.ForEach(x => AddAssembly(cp, x.Location)); var code = StringBuilderCache.Allocate(); AssemblyNames.ForEach(x => code.AppendFormat("using {0};\n", x)); code.Append( @" namespace CSharpEval { public class _Expr "); if (this.BaseType != null) { code.Append(" : " + GetTypeName(this.BaseType)); if (GenericArgs.Length > 0) { code.Append("<"); var i = 0; foreach (var genericArg in GenericArgs) { if (i++ > 0) { code.Append(", "); } code.Append(GetTypeName(genericArg)); ReferenceTypesIfNotExist(cp, Assemblies, genericArg); } code.AppendLine(">"); } ReferenceTypesIfNotExist(cp, Assemblies, this.BaseType); } code.AppendLine(" {"); AddPropertiesToTypeIfAny(code); foreach (var item in items) { var sbParams = StringBuilderCacheAlt.Allocate(); foreach (var param in item.Params) { if (sbParams.Length > 0) { sbParams.Append(", "); } var typeName = GetTypeName(param.Value); sbParams.AppendFormat("{0} {1}", typeName, param.Key); var paramType = param.Value; ReferenceAssembliesIfNotExists(cp, paramType, Assemblies); } var isVoid = item.ReturnType == typeof(void); var returnType = isVoid ? "void" : GetTypeName(item.ReturnType); code.AppendFormat(" public {0} {1}({2})", returnType, item.Name, StringBuilderCacheAlt.ReturnAndFree(sbParams)); code.AppendLine(" {"); if (isVoid) { code.AppendFormat(" {0}; \n", item.Expression); } else { code.AppendFormat(" return ({0}); \n", item.Expression); } code.AppendLine(" }"); } code.AppendLine(" }"); code.AppendLine("}"); if (IsVersion4AndUp) { if (!Env.IsMono) { cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(Env.ReferenceAssembyPath + @"System.Core.dll"); } } var src = StringBuilderCache.ReturnAndFree(code); var compilerResults = codeCompiler.CompileAssemblyFromSource(cp, src); if (compilerResults.Errors.HasErrors) { var error = StringBuilderCache.Allocate(); error.Append("Error Compiling Expression: "); foreach (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError err in compilerResults.Errors) { error.AppendFormat("{0}\n", err.ErrorText); } throw new Exception(StringBuilderCache.ReturnAndFree(error)); } compiledAssembly = compilerResults.CompiledAssembly; compiled = compiledAssembly.CreateInstance("CSharpEval._Expr"); compiledType = compiled.GetType(); compiledTypeCtorFn = ReflectionExtensions.GetConstructorMethodToCache(compiledType); }
internal static object StringToType( Type type, string strType, EmptyCtorDelegate ctorFn, Dictionary <string, TypeAccessor> typeAccessorMap) { var index = 0; if (strType == null) { return(null); } //if (!Serializer.EatMapStartChar(strType, ref index)) if (strType[index++] != JsWriter.MapStartChar) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.CreateSerializationError(type, strType); } if (strType == JsWriter.EmptyMap) { return(ctorFn()); } object instance = null; var strTypeLength = strType.Length; while (index < strTypeLength) { var propertyName = Serializer.EatMapKey(strType, ref index); //Serializer.EatMapKeySeperator(strType, ref index); index++; var propertyValueStr = Serializer.EatValue(strType, ref index); var possibleTypeInfo = propertyValueStr != null && propertyValueStr.Length > 1 && propertyValueStr[0] == '_'; if (possibleTypeInfo && propertyName == JsWriter.TypeAttr) { var typeName = Serializer.ParseString(propertyValueStr); instance = ReflectionExtensions.CreateInstance(typeName); if (instance == null) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not find type: " + propertyValueStr); } else { //If __type info doesn't match, ignore it. if (!type.IsInstanceOfType(instance)) { instance = null; } } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) { index++; } continue; } if (instance == null) { instance = ctorFn(); } TypeAccessor typeAccessor; typeAccessorMap.TryGetValue(propertyName, out typeAccessor); var propType = possibleTypeInfo ? TypeAccessor.ExtractType(Serializer, propertyValueStr) : null; if (propType != null) { try { if (typeAccessor != null) { var parseFn = Serializer.GetParseFn(propType); var propertyValue = parseFn(propertyValueStr); typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) { index++; } continue; } catch { if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) { throw; } else { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set dynamic property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } } if (typeAccessor != null && typeAccessor.GetProperty != null && typeAccessor.SetProperty != null) { try { var propertyValue = typeAccessor.GetProperty(propertyValueStr); typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } catch { if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) { throw; } else { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) { index++; } } return(instance); }
internal static object StringToType(ReadOnlySpan <char> strType, TypeConfig typeConfig, EmptyCtorDelegate ctorFn, KeyValuePair <string, TypeAccessor>[] typeAccessors) { var index = 0; var type = typeConfig.Type; if (strType.IsEmpty) { return(null); } var buffer = strType; var strTypeLength = strType.Length; //if (!Serializer.EatMapStartChar(strType, ref index)) for (; index < strTypeLength; index++) { if (!JsonUtils.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[index])) { break; } } //Whitespace inline if (buffer[index] != JsWriter.MapStartChar) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.CreateSerializationError(type, strType.ToString()); } index++; if (JsonTypeSerializer.IsEmptyMap(strType, index)) { return(ctorFn()); } var config = JsConfig.GetConfig(); object instance = null; var lenient = config.PropertyConvention == PropertyConvention.Lenient; for (; index < strTypeLength; index++) { if (!JsonUtils.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[index])) { break; } } //Whitespace inline while (index < strTypeLength) { var propertyName = JsonTypeSerializer.UnescapeJsString(strType, JsonUtils.QuoteChar, removeQuotes: true, ref index); //Serializer.EatMapKeySeperator(strType, ref index); for (; index < strTypeLength; index++) { if (!JsonUtils.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[index])) { break; } } //Whitespace inline if (strTypeLength != index) { index++; } var propertyValueStr = Serializer.EatValue(strType, ref index); var possibleTypeInfo = propertyValueStr != null && propertyValueStr.Length > 1; //if we already have an instance don't check type info, because then we will have a half deserialized object //we could throw here or just use the existing instance. if (instance == null && possibleTypeInfo && propertyName.Equals(typeAttr.Span, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var explicitTypeName = Serializer.ParseString(propertyValueStr); var explicitType = config.TypeFinder(explicitTypeName); if (explicitType == null || explicitType.IsInterface || explicitType.IsAbstract) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not find type: " + propertyValueStr.ToString()); } else if (!type.IsAssignableFrom(explicitType)) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not assign type: " + propertyValueStr.ToString()); } else { JsWriter.AssertAllowedRuntimeType(explicitType); instance = explicitType.CreateInstance(); } if (instance != null) { //If __type info doesn't match, ignore it. if (!type.IsInstanceOfType(instance)) { instance = null; } else { var derivedType = instance.GetType(); if (derivedType != type) { var map = DeserializeTypeRef.GetCachedTypeAccessors(derivedType, Serializer); if (map != null) { typeAccessors = map; } } } } Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); continue; } if (instance == null) { instance = ctorFn(); } var typeAccessor = typeAccessors.Get(propertyName, lenient); var propType = possibleTypeInfo && propertyValueStr[0] == '_' ? TypeAccessor.ExtractType(Serializer, propertyValueStr) : null; if (propType != null) { try { if (typeAccessor != null) { //var parseFn = Serializer.GetParseFn(propType); var parseFn = JsonReader.GetParseStringSpanFn(propType); var propertyValue = parseFn(propertyValueStr); if (typeConfig.OnDeserializing != null) { propertyValue = typeConfig.OnDeserializing(instance, propertyName.ToString(), propertyValue); } typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); for (; index < strTypeLength; index++) { if (!JsonUtils.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[index])) { break; } } //Whitespace inline if (index != strTypeLength) { var success = buffer[index] == JsWriter.ItemSeperator || buffer[index] == JsWriter.MapEndChar; index++; if (success) { for (; index < strTypeLength; index++) { if (!JsonUtils.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[index])) { break; } } //Whitespace inline } } continue; } catch (Exception e) { config.OnDeserializationError?.Invoke(instance, propType, propertyName.ToString(), propertyValueStr.ToString(), e); if (config.ThrowOnError) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName.ToString(), propertyValueStr.ToString(), propType, e); } else { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set dynamic property {0} with: {1}", propertyName.ToString(), propertyValueStr.ToString()); } } } if (typeAccessor?.GetProperty != null && typeAccessor.SetProperty != null) { try { var propertyValue = typeAccessor.GetProperty(propertyValueStr); if (typeConfig.OnDeserializing != null) { propertyValue = typeConfig.OnDeserializing(instance, propertyName.ToString(), propertyValue); } typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } catch (NotSupportedException) { throw; } catch (Exception e) { config.OnDeserializationError?.Invoke(instance, propType ?? typeAccessor.PropertyType, propertyName.ToString(), propertyValueStr.ToString(), e); if (config.ThrowOnError) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName.ToString(), propertyValueStr.ToString(), typeAccessor.PropertyType, e); } else { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set property {0} with: {1}", propertyName.ToString(), propertyValueStr.ToString()); } } } else { // the property is not known by the DTO typeConfig.OnDeserializing?.Invoke(instance, propertyName.ToString(), propertyValueStr.ToString()); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); for (; index < strTypeLength; index++) { if (!JsonUtils.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[index])) { break; } } //Whitespace inline if (index != strType.Length) { var success = buffer[index] == JsWriter.ItemSeperator || buffer[index] == JsWriter.MapEndChar; index++; if (success) { for (; index < strTypeLength; index++) { if (!JsonUtils.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[index])) { break; } } //Whitespace inline } } } return(instance); }
internal static object StringToType( Type type, string strType, EmptyCtorDelegate ctorFn, Dictionary <string, TypeAccessor> typeAccessorMap) { var index = 0; if (strType == null) { return(null); } //if (!Serializer.EatMapStartChar(strType, ref index)) if (strType[index++] != JsWriter.MapStartChar) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.CreateSerializationError(type, strType); } if (JsonTypeSerializer.IsEmptyMap(strType)) { return(ctorFn()); } object instance = null; var propertyResolver = JsConfig.PropertyConvention == PropertyConvention.Lenient ? ParseUtils.LenientPropertyNameResolver : ParseUtils.DefaultPropertyNameResolver; var strTypeLength = strType.Length; while (index < strTypeLength) { var propertyName = Serializer.EatMapKey(strType, ref index); //Serializer.EatMapKeySeperator(strType, ref index); index++; var propertyValueStr = Serializer.EatValue(strType, ref index); var possibleTypeInfo = propertyValueStr != null && propertyValueStr.Length > 1; if (possibleTypeInfo && propertyName == JsWriter.TypeAttr) { var explicitTypeName = Serializer.ParseString(propertyValueStr); var explicitType = JsConfig.TypeFinder(explicitTypeName); if (explicitType != null && !explicitType.IsInterface() && !explicitType.IsAbstract()) { instance = explicitType.CreateInstance(); } if (instance == null) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not find type: " + propertyValueStr); } else { //If __type info doesn't match, ignore it. if (!type.InstanceOfType(instance)) { instance = null; } else { var derivedType = instance.GetType(); if (derivedType != type) { var derivedTypeConfig = new TypeConfig(derivedType); var map = DeserializeTypeRef.GetTypeAccessorMap(derivedTypeConfig, Serializer); if (map != null) { typeAccessorMap = map; } } } } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) { index++; } continue; } if (instance == null) { instance = ctorFn(); } var typeAccessor = propertyResolver.GetTypeAccessorForProperty(propertyName, typeAccessorMap); var propType = possibleTypeInfo && propertyValueStr[0] == '_' ? TypeAccessor.ExtractType(Serializer, propertyValueStr) : null; if (propType != null) { try { if (typeAccessor != null) { var parseFn = Serializer.GetParseFn(propType); var propertyValue = parseFn(propertyValueStr); typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) { index++; } continue; } catch (Exception e) { if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName, propertyValueStr, propType, e); } else { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set dynamic property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } } if (typeAccessor != null && typeAccessor.GetProperty != null && typeAccessor.SetProperty != null) { try { var propertyValue = typeAccessor.GetProperty(propertyValueStr); typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } catch (Exception e) { if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName, propertyValueStr, propType, e); } else { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) { index++; } } return(instance); }
internal static object StringToType( TypeConfig typeConfig, string strType, EmptyCtorDelegate ctorFn, Dictionary<string, TypeAccessor> typeAccessorMap) { var index = 0; var type = typeConfig.Type; if (strType == null) return null; //if (!Serializer.EatMapStartChar(strType, ref index)) if (strType[index++] != JsWriter.MapStartChar) throw DeserializeTypeRef.CreateSerializationError(type, strType); if (JsonTypeSerializer.IsEmptyMap(strType)) return ctorFn(); object instance = null; var strTypeLength = strType.Length; while (index < strTypeLength) { var propertyName = Serializer.EatMapKey(strType, ref index); //Serializer.EatMapKeySeperator(strType, ref index); index++; var propertyValueStr = Serializer.EatValue(strType, ref index); var possibleTypeInfo = propertyValueStr != null && propertyValueStr.Length > 1; if (possibleTypeInfo && propertyName == JsWriter.TypeAttr) { var explicitTypeName = Serializer.ParseString(propertyValueStr); var explicitType = AssemblyUtils.FindType(explicitTypeName); if (explicitType == null || explicitType.IsInterface() || explicitType.IsAbstract()) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not find type: " + propertyValueStr); } else if (!type.IsAssignableFrom(explicitType)) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not assign type: " + propertyValueStr); } else { instance = explicitType.CreateInstance(); } if (instance != null) { var derivedType = instance.GetType(); if (derivedType != type) { var derivedTypeConfig = new TypeConfig(derivedType); var map = DeserializeTypeRef.GetTypeAccessorMap(derivedTypeConfig, Serializer); if (map != null) { typeAccessorMap = map; } } } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) index++; continue; } if (instance == null) instance = ctorFn(); TypeAccessor typeAccessor; typeAccessorMap.TryGetValue(propertyName, out typeAccessor); var propType = possibleTypeInfo && propertyValueStr[0] == '_' ? TypeAccessor.ExtractType(Serializer, propertyValueStr) : null; if (propType != null) { try { if (typeAccessor != null) { var parseFn = Serializer.GetParseFn(propType); var propertyValue = parseFn(propertyValueStr); if (typeConfig.OnDeserializing != null) { propertyValue = typeConfig.OnDeserializing(instance, propertyName, propertyValue); } typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) index++; continue; } catch (Exception e) { if (JsConfig.HasOnDeserializationErrorHandler) JsConfig.OnDeserializationError(instance, propType, propertyName, propertyValueStr, e); if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName, propertyValueStr, propType, e); Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set dynamic property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } if (typeAccessor != null && typeAccessor.GetProperty != null && typeAccessor.SetProperty != null) { try { var propertyValue = typeAccessor.GetProperty(propertyValueStr); if (typeConfig.OnDeserializing != null) { propertyValue = typeConfig.OnDeserializing(instance, propertyName, propertyValue); } typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } catch (Exception e) { if (JsConfig.HasOnDeserializationErrorHandler) JsConfig.OnDeserializationError(instance, typeAccessor.PropertyType, propertyName, propertyValueStr, e); if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName, propertyValueStr, typeAccessor.PropertyType, e); Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } else if (typeConfig.OnDeserializing != null) { // the property is not known by the DTO typeConfig.OnDeserializing(instance, propertyName, propertyValueStr); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); if (index != strType.Length) index++; } return instance; }
internal static object StringToType( TypeConfig typeConfig, StringSegment strType, EmptyCtorDelegate ctorFn, Dictionary <HashedStringSegment, TypeAccessor> typeAccessorMap) { var index = 0; var type = typeConfig.Type; if (!strType.HasValue) { return(null); } var buffer = strType.Buffer; var offset = strType.Offset; var strTypeLength = strType.Length; //if (!Serializer.EatMapStartChar(strType, ref index)) for (; index < strTypeLength; index++) { if (!JsonUtils.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[offset + index])) { break; } } //Whitespace inline if (buffer[offset + index] != JsWriter.MapStartChar) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.CreateSerializationError(type, strType.Value); } index++; if (JsonTypeSerializer.IsEmptyMap(strType, index)) { return(ctorFn()); } object instance = null; var propertyResolver = JsConfig.PropertyConvention == PropertyConvention.Lenient ? ParseUtils.LenientPropertyNameResolver : ParseUtils.DefaultPropertyNameResolver; while (index < strTypeLength) { var propertyName = JsonTypeSerializer.ParseJsonString(strType, ref index); //Serializer.EatMapKeySeperator(strType, ref index); for (; index < strTypeLength; index++) { if (!JsonUtils.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[offset + index])) { break; } } //Whitespace inline if (strTypeLength != index) { index++; } var propertyValueStr = Serializer.EatValue(strType, ref index); var possibleTypeInfo = propertyValueStr != null && propertyValueStr.Length > 1; //if we already have an instance don't check type info, because then we will have a half deserialized object //we could throw here or just use the existing instance. if (instance == null && possibleTypeInfo && propertyName == typeAttr) { var explicitTypeName = Serializer.ParseString(propertyValueStr); var explicitType = JsConfig.TypeFinder(explicitTypeName); if (explicitType == null || explicitType.IsInterface() || explicitType.IsAbstract()) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not find type: " + propertyValueStr); } else if (!type.IsAssignableFromType(explicitType)) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not assign type: " + propertyValueStr); } else { JsWriter.AssertAllowedRuntimeType(explicitType); instance = explicitType.CreateInstance(); } if (instance != null) { //If __type info doesn't match, ignore it. if (!type.InstanceOfType(instance)) { instance = null; } else { var derivedType = instance.GetType(); if (derivedType != type) { var derivedTypeConfig = new TypeConfig(derivedType); var map = DeserializeTypeRef.GetTypeAccessorMap(derivedTypeConfig, Serializer); if (map != null) { typeAccessorMap = map; } } } } Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); continue; } if (instance == null) { instance = ctorFn(); } var typeAccessor = propertyResolver.GetTypeAccessorForProperty(propertyName, typeAccessorMap); var propType = possibleTypeInfo && propertyValueStr.GetChar(0) == '_' ? TypeAccessor.ExtractType(Serializer, propertyValueStr) : null; if (propType != null) { try { if (typeAccessor != null) { //var parseFn = Serializer.GetParseFn(propType); var parseFn = JsonReader.GetParseStringSegmentFn(propType); var propertyValue = parseFn(propertyValueStr); if (typeConfig.OnDeserializing != null) { propertyValue = typeConfig.OnDeserializing(instance, propertyName.Value, propertyValue); } typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); for (; index < strTypeLength; index++) { if (!JsonUtils.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[offset + index])) { break; } } //Whitespace inline if (index != strTypeLength) { var success = buffer[offset + index] == JsWriter.ItemSeperator || buffer[offset + index] == JsWriter.MapEndChar; index++; if (success) { for (; index < strTypeLength; index++) { if (!JsonUtils.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[offset + index])) { break; } } //Whitespace inline } } continue; } catch (Exception e) { if (JsConfig.OnDeserializationError != null) { JsConfig.OnDeserializationError(instance, propType, propertyName.Value, propertyValueStr.Value, e); } if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName.Value, propertyValueStr.Value, propType, e); } else { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set dynamic property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr.Value); } } } if (typeAccessor?.GetProperty != null && typeAccessor.SetProperty != null) { try { var propertyValue = typeAccessor.GetProperty(propertyValueStr); if (typeConfig.OnDeserializing != null) { propertyValue = typeConfig.OnDeserializing(instance, propertyName.Value, propertyValue); } typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } catch (NotSupportedException) { throw; } catch (Exception e) { if (JsConfig.OnDeserializationError != null) { JsConfig.OnDeserializationError(instance, propType ?? typeAccessor.PropertyType, propertyName.Value, propertyValueStr.Value, e); } if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName.Value, propertyValueStr.Value, typeAccessor.PropertyType, e); } else { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr.Value); } } } else { // the property is not known by the DTO typeConfig.OnDeserializing?.Invoke(instance, propertyName.Value, propertyValueStr.Value); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); for (; index < strTypeLength; index++) { if (!JsonUtils.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[offset + index])) { break; } } //Whitespace inline if (index != strType.Length) { var success = buffer[offset + index] == JsWriter.ItemSeperator || buffer[offset + index] == JsWriter.MapEndChar; index++; if (success) { for (; index < strTypeLength; index++) { if (!JsonUtils.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[offset + index])) { break; } } //Whitespace inline } } } return(instance); }
private void ConstructEvaluator(IEnumerable <EvaluatorItem> items) { //var codeCompiler = new CSharpCodeProvider(new Dictionary<string, string> { { "CompilerVersion", "v3.5" } }); var codeCompiler = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("CSharp"); var cp = new CompilerParameters //(new[] { "mscorlib.dll", "system.core.dll" }) { GenerateExecutable = false, GenerateInMemory = true, }; Assemblies.ForEach(x => AddAssembly(cp, x.Location)); var code = new StringBuilder(); AssemblyNames.ForEach(x => code.AppendFormat("using {0};\n", x)); code.Append( @" namespace CSharpEval { public class _Expr "); if (this.BaseType != null) { code.Append(" : " + GetTypeName(this.BaseType)); if (GenericArgs.Length > 0) { code.Append("<"); var i = 0; foreach (var genericArg in GenericArgs) { if (i++ > 0) { code.Append(", "); } code.Append(GetTypeName(genericArg)); ReferenceTypesIfNotExist(cp, Assemblies, genericArg); } code.AppendLine(">"); } ReferenceTypesIfNotExist(cp, Assemblies, this.BaseType); } code.AppendLine(" {"); AddPropertiesToTypeIfAny(code); foreach (var item in items) { var sbParams = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var param in item.Params) { if (sbParams.Length > 0) { sbParams.Append(", "); } var typeName = GetTypeName(param.Value); sbParams.AppendFormat("{0} {1}", typeName, param.Key); var paramType = param.Value; ReferenceAssembliesIfNotExists(cp, paramType, Assemblies); } var isVoid = item.ReturnType == typeof(void); var returnType = isVoid ? "void" : GetTypeName(item.ReturnType); code.AppendFormat(" public {0} {1}({2})", returnType, item.Name, sbParams); code.AppendLine(" {"); if (isVoid) { code.AppendFormat(" {0}; \n", item.Expression); } else { code.AppendFormat(" return ({0}); \n", item.Expression); } code.AppendLine(" }"); } code.AppendLine(" }"); code.AppendLine("}"); if (IsVersion4AndUp) { //var type = Type.GetType("System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner"); //if (type != null) // cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(type.Assembly.Location); if (!Env.IsMono) { //cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(@"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.dll"); cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(@"C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.5\System.Core.dll"); } } var src = code.ToString(); var compilerResults = codeCompiler.CompileAssemblyFromSource(cp, src); if (compilerResults.Errors.HasErrors) { var error = new StringBuilder(); error.Append("Error Compiling Expression: "); foreach (CompilerError err in compilerResults.Errors) { error.AppendFormat("{0}\n", err.ErrorText); } throw new Exception("Error Compiling Expression: " + error); } compiledAssembly = compilerResults.CompiledAssembly; compiled = compiledAssembly.CreateInstance("CSharpEval._Expr"); compiledType = compiled.GetType(); compiledTypeCtorFn = Text.ReflectionExtensions.GetConstructorMethodToCache(compiledType); }
internal static object StringToType( Type type, string strType, EmptyCtorDelegate ctorFn, Dictionary <string, TypeAccessor> typeAccessorMap) { var index = 0; if (strType == null) { return(null); } //if (!Serializer.EatMapStartChar(strType, ref index)) for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) { break; } } //Whitespace inline if (strType[index++] != JsWriter.MapStartChar) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.CreateSerializationError(type, strType); } if (JsonTypeSerializer.IsEmptyMap(strType)) { return(ctorFn()); } object instance = null; var strTypeLength = strType.Length; while (index < strTypeLength) { var propertyName = JsonTypeSerializer.ParseJsonString(strType, ref index); //Serializer.EatMapKeySeperator(strType, ref index); for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) { break; } } //Whitespace inline if (strType.Length != index) { index++; } var propertyValueStr = Serializer.EatValue(strType, ref index); var possibleTypeInfo = propertyValueStr != null && propertyValueStr.Length > 1; if (possibleTypeInfo && propertyName == JsWriter.TypeAttr) { var explicitTypeName = Serializer.ParseString(propertyValueStr); var explicitType = Type.GetType(explicitTypeName); if (explicitType != null && !explicitType.IsInterface && !explicitType.IsAbstract) { instance = explicitType.CreateInstance(); } if (instance == null) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not find type: " + propertyValueStr); } else { //If __type info doesn't match, ignore it. if (!type.IsInstanceOfType(instance)) { instance = null; } else { var derivedType = instance.GetType(); if (derivedType != type) { var derivedTypeConfig = new TypeConfig(derivedType); var map = DeserializeTypeRef.GetTypeAccessorMap(derivedTypeConfig, Serializer); if (map != null) { typeAccessorMap = map; } } } } Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); continue; } if (instance == null) { instance = ctorFn(); } TypeAccessor typeAccessor; typeAccessorMap.TryGetValue(propertyName, out typeAccessor); var propType = possibleTypeInfo && propertyValueStr[0] == '_' ? TypeAccessor.ExtractType(Serializer, propertyValueStr) : null; if (propType != null) { try { if (typeAccessor != null) { //var parseFn = Serializer.GetParseFn(propType); var parseFn = JsonReader.GetParseFn(propType); var propertyValue = parseFn(propertyValueStr); typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) { break; } } //Whitespace inline if (index != strType.Length) { var success = strType[index] == JsWriter.ItemSeperator || strType[index] == JsWriter.MapEndChar; index++; if (success) { for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) { break; } } //Whitespace inline } } continue; } catch (Exception e) { if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName, propertyValueStr, propType, e); } else { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set dynamic property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } } if (typeAccessor != null && typeAccessor.GetProperty != null && typeAccessor.SetProperty != null) { try { var propertyValue = typeAccessor.GetProperty(propertyValueStr); typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } catch (Exception e) { if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName, propertyValueStr, typeAccessor.PropertyType, e); } else { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) { break; } } //Whitespace inline if (index != strType.Length) { var success = strType[index] == JsWriter.ItemSeperator || strType[index] == JsWriter.MapEndChar; index++; if (success) { for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) { break; } } //Whitespace inline } } } return(instance); }
public StringToTypeContext(TypeConfig typeConfig, EmptyCtorDelegate ctorFn, KeyValuePair <string, TypeAccessor>[] accessors) { this.typeConfig = typeConfig; this.ctorFn = ctorFn; this.accessors = accessors; }
internal static object StringToType( Type type, string strType, EmptyCtorDelegate ctorFn, Dictionary<string, TypeAccessor> typeAccessorMap) { var index = 0; if (strType == null) return null; //if (!Serializer.EatMapStartChar(strType, ref index)) for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) break; } //Whitespace inline if (strType[index++] != JsWriter.MapStartChar) throw DeserializeTypeRef.CreateSerializationError(type, strType); if (JsonTypeSerializer.IsEmptyMap(strType, index)) return ctorFn(); object instance = null; var strTypeLength = strType.Length; while (index < strTypeLength) { var propertyName = JsonTypeSerializer.ParseJsonString(strType, ref index); //Serializer.EatMapKeySeperator(strType, ref index); for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) break; } //Whitespace inline if (strType.Length != index) index++; var propertyValueStr = Serializer.EatValue(strType, ref index); var possibleTypeInfo = propertyValueStr != null && propertyValueStr.Length > 1; //if we already have an instance don't check type info, because then we will have a half deserialized object //we could throw here or just use the existing instance. if (instance == null && possibleTypeInfo && propertyName == JsWriter.TypeAttr) { var explicitTypeName = Serializer.ParseString(propertyValueStr); var explicitType = AssemblyUtils.FindType(explicitTypeName); #if NETFX_CORE if (explicitType != null && !explicitType.GetTypeInfo().IsInterface && !explicitType.GetTypeInfo().IsAbstract) #else if (explicitType != null && !explicitType.IsInterface && !explicitType.IsAbstract) #endif { instance = explicitType.CreateInstance(); } if (instance == null) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not find type: " + propertyValueStr); } else { //If __type info doesn't match, ignore it. #if NETFX_CORE if (!type.IsInstanceOf(instance.GetType())) #else if (!type.IsInstanceOfType(instance)) #endif { instance = null; } else { var derivedType = instance.GetType(); if (derivedType != type) { var derivedTypeConfig = new TypeConfig(derivedType); var map = DeserializeTypeRef.GetTypeAccessorMap(derivedTypeConfig, Serializer); if (map != null) { typeAccessorMap = map; } } } } Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); continue; } if (instance == null) instance = ctorFn(); var typeAccessor = PropertyNameResolver.GetTypeAccessorForProperty(propertyName, typeAccessorMap); var propType = possibleTypeInfo && propertyValueStr[0] == '_' ? TypeAccessor.ExtractType(Serializer, propertyValueStr) : null; if (propType != null) { try { if (typeAccessor != null) { //var parseFn = Serializer.GetParseFn(propType); var parseFn = JsonReader.GetParseFn(propType); var propertyValue = parseFn(propertyValueStr); typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) break; } //Whitespace inline if (index != strType.Length) { var success = strType[index] == JsWriter.ItemSeperator || strType[index] == JsWriter.MapEndChar; index++; if (success) for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) break; } //Whitespace inline } continue; } catch (Exception e) { if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName, propertyValueStr, propType, e); else Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set dynamic property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } if (typeAccessor != null && typeAccessor.GetProperty != null && typeAccessor.SetProperty != null) { try { var propertyValue = typeAccessor.GetProperty(propertyValueStr); typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } catch (Exception e) { if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName, propertyValueStr, typeAccessor.PropertyType, e); else Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) break; } //Whitespace inline if (index != strType.Length) { var success = strType[index] == JsWriter.ItemSeperator || strType[index] == JsWriter.MapEndChar; index++; if (success) for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) break; } //Whitespace inline } } return instance; }
internal static object StringToType( TypeConfig typeConfig, string strType, EmptyCtorDelegate ctorFn, Dictionary <string, TypeAccessor> typeAccessorMap) { var index = 0; var type = typeConfig.Type; if (strType == null) { return(null); } //if (!Serializer.EatMapStartChar(strType, ref index)) for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) { break; } } //Whitespace inline if (strType[index++] != JsWriter.MapStartChar) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.CreateSerializationError(type, strType); } if (JsonTypeSerializer.IsEmptyMap(strType, index)) { return(ctorFn()); } object instance = null; var strTypeLength = strType.Length; while (index < strTypeLength) { var propertyName = JsonTypeSerializer.ParseJsonString(strType, ref index); //Serializer.EatMapKeySeperator(strType, ref index); for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) { break; } } //Whitespace inline if (strType.Length != index) { index++; } var propertyValueStr = Serializer.EatValue(strType, ref index); var possibleTypeInfo = propertyValueStr != null && propertyValueStr.Length > 1; //if we already have an instance don't check type info, because then we will have a half deserialized object //we could throw here or just use the existing instance. if (instance == null && possibleTypeInfo && propertyName == JsWriter.TypeAttr) { var explicitTypeName = Serializer.ParseString(propertyValueStr); var explicitType = AssemblyUtils.FindType(explicitTypeName); // let's do the type safety checks first before we even attempt to create // a type instance if (explicitType == null || explicitType.IsInterface() || explicitType.IsAbstract()) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not find type: " + propertyValueStr); } else if (!type.IsAssignableFrom(explicitType)) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not assign type: " + propertyValueStr); } else { instance = explicitType.CreateInstance(); } if (instance != null) { var derivedType = instance.GetType(); if (derivedType != type) { var derivedTypeConfig = new TypeConfig(derivedType); var map = DeserializeTypeRef.GetTypeAccessorMap(derivedTypeConfig, Serializer); if (map != null) { typeAccessorMap = map; } } } Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); continue; } if (instance == null) { instance = ctorFn(); } var typeAccessor = PropertyNameResolver.GetTypeAccessorForProperty(propertyName, typeAccessorMap); var propType = possibleTypeInfo && propertyValueStr[0] == '_' ? TypeAccessor.ExtractType(Serializer, propertyValueStr) : null; if (propType != null) { try { if (typeAccessor != null) { //var parseFn = Serializer.GetParseFn(propType); var parseFn = JsonReader.GetParseFn(propType); var propertyValue = parseFn(propertyValueStr); if (typeConfig.OnDeserializing != null) { propertyValue = typeConfig.OnDeserializing(instance, propertyName, propertyValue); } typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) { break; } } //Whitespace inline if (index != strType.Length) { var success = strType[index] == JsWriter.ItemSeperator || strType[index] == JsWriter.MapEndChar; index++; if (success) { for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) { break; } } //Whitespace inline } } continue; } catch (Exception e) { if (JsConfig.HasOnDeserializationErrorHandler) { JsConfig.OnDeserializationError(instance, propType, propertyName, propertyValueStr, e); } if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName, propertyValueStr, propType, e); } Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set dynamic property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } if (typeAccessor != null && typeAccessor.GetProperty != null && typeAccessor.SetProperty != null) { try { var propertyValue = typeAccessor.GetProperty(propertyValueStr); if (typeConfig.OnDeserializing != null) { propertyValue = typeConfig.OnDeserializing(instance, propertyName, propertyValue); } typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } catch (Exception e) { if (JsConfig.HasOnDeserializationErrorHandler) { JsConfig.OnDeserializationError(instance, typeAccessor.PropertyType, propertyName, propertyValueStr, e); } if (JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName, propertyValueStr, typeAccessor.PropertyType, e); } Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set property {0} with: {1}", propertyName, propertyValueStr); } } else if (typeConfig.OnDeserializing != null) { // the property is not known by the DTO typeConfig.OnDeserializing(instance, propertyName, propertyValueStr); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) { break; } } //Whitespace inline if (index != strType.Length) { var success = strType[index] == JsWriter.ItemSeperator || strType[index] == JsWriter.MapEndChar; index++; if (success) { for (; index < strType.Length; index++) { var c = strType[index]; if (c >= JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags.Length || !JsonTypeSerializer.WhiteSpaceFlags[c]) { break; } } //Whitespace inline } } } return(instance); }