protected void btnRegExtrenal_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        Promotion promotion = new Promotion();
        Employee employee = new Employee();

        //if Data is not valid - stop the flow
        if (!ValidateInputAndFillPromotionEmployee(promotion, employee))

        //continue otherwise
        PromotionManager promotionManager = new PromotionManager(promotion);
        EmployeeManager employeeManager = new EmployeeManager(employee);
        TransactionResponse response = null;

        //For other district employee we need to register there information both on promotion table and other district promotion
        response = promotionManager.addNewPromotionForOtherDistrict();
        response = employeeManager.storeEmployeefromOtherDistrictForPromotion(txtOtherMinNo.Text.Trim(), PageAccessManager.getDistrictID());

        //if store to DB is successful, register notification for this Promotion
        if (response.isSuccessful())
            msgPanel.Visible = true;
            SucessDIV.Visible = true;
            lblSuccessMessage.Text = response.getMessage();
            btnRegExtrenal.Visible = false;
            btnCancelExtrenal.Visible = true;

        // show error message to a user. 
            msgPanel.Visible = true;
            ErroroDIV.Visible = true;
            lblErrorMsg.Text = "(" + response.getErrorCode() + ") " + response.getMessage();