Exemple #1
 public ActionResult CreateEmployeeGroup(EmployeeGroup eg)
     if (!ModelState.IsValid)
         return(View("CreateEmployeeGroup", eg));
         HorseplayContext db = new HorseplayContext();
         int tenantId        = (int)Session["TenantId"];
         if (db.EmployeeGroups.Any(x => x.Name == eg.Name && x.TenantId == tenantId))
             ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Grupa o takiej nazwie już istnieje. Podaj unikatową nazwę grupy");
             return(View("CreateEmployeeGroup", eg));
             eg.addedBy   = (int)Session["UserId"];
             eg.dateAdded = DateTime.Now;
             eg.TenantId  = tenantId;
Exemple #2
        public async Task <ApiResult <IEnumerable <PurchaseOrderPaymentsDto> > > GetPurchaseOrderPaymentHistory(string purchaseOrderId)
            var checkPurchaseOrder =
                await _context.PurchaseOrders.Where(x => x.Id == purchaseOrderId).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

            if (checkPurchaseOrder == null)
                return(new ApiResult <IEnumerable <PurchaseOrderPaymentsDto> >(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, $"Không tìm thấy phiếu nhập hàng có mã: {purchaseOrderId}"));
            var getPaymentHistories = await(from pv in _context.PaymentVouchers
                                            join pm in _context.PaymentMethods on pv.PaymentMethodId equals pm.Id
                                            join employee in _context.Employees on pv.EmployeeId equals employee.Id
                                            into EmployeeGroup
                                            from e in EmployeeGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                            where pv.PurchaseOrderId == purchaseOrderId
                                            select new PurchaseOrderPaymentsDto()
                Id                = pv.Id,
                Paid              = pv.Paid,
                EmployeeName      = e.Name,
                PaymentDate       = pv.PaymentDate,
                PaymentMethodName = pm.Name

            return(new ApiResult <IEnumerable <PurchaseOrderPaymentsDto> >(HttpStatusCode.OK, getPaymentHistories));
Exemple #3
        public async Task <ApiResult <PagedResult <SuppliersDto> > > GetSuppliersPagingAsync(int pageIndex, int pageSize)
            var suppliers = await(from s in _context.Suppliers
                                  join employee in _context.Employees on s.EmployeeId equals employee.Id
                                  into EmployeeGroup
                                  from e in EmployeeGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                  where s.IsDelete == false
                                  select new SuppliersDto()
                Id           = s.Id,
                Name         = s.Name,
                Address      = s.Address,
                EmployeeName = e.Name,
                PhoneNumber  = s.PhoneNumber
            }).GetPagedAsync(pageIndex, pageSize);

            if (suppliers == null)
                return(new ApiResult <PagedResult <SuppliersDto> >(HttpStatusCode.NoContent));
            foreach (var sup in suppliers.Results)
                sup.TotalDebt = await getSupplierDebt(sup.Id);
            return(new ApiResult <PagedResult <SuppliersDto> >(HttpStatusCode.OK, suppliers));
        public async Task AcceptShiftChangeByOriginalEmployeeAsyncShouldWorkCorrectlyIfGivenProperParameters()
            const string id = "Test";

            // Arrange
            var originalEmployee = new EmployeeGroup {
                UserId = OriginalEmployeeId

            var shiftChange = new ShiftChange()
                Id                = id,
                ShiftId           = ShiftId,
                OriginalEmployee  = originalEmployee,
                PendingEmployeeId = PendingEmployeeId,
                Status            = ShiftApplicationStatus.Pending,


            this.shiftChangeService = new ShiftChangeService(this.GetMockedRepositoryAll());

            // Act
            await this.shiftChangeService.AcceptShiftChangeByOriginalEmployeeAsync(OriginalEmployeeId, id, true);

            // Assert
            Assert.Contains(this.FakeDb, sc => sc.Id == id && sc.IsApprovedByOriginalEmployee == true);
Exemple #5
 public ActionResult EditEmployeeGroup(EmployeeGroup eg)
     if (!ModelState.IsValid)
         return(View("EditEmployeeGroup", eg));
         HorseplayContext db = new HorseplayContext();
         int tenantId        = (int)Session["TenantId"];
         int userId          = (int)Session["UserId"];
         if (db.EmployeeGroups.Any(x => x.Name == eg.Name && x.TenantId == tenantId && x.EmployeeGroupId != eg.EmployeeGroupId))
             ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Grupa o takiej nazwie już istnieje. Podaj unikatową nazwę grupy");
             return(View("EditEmployeeGroup", eg));
             var oldEg = db.EmployeeGroups.FirstOrDefault(e => e.EmployeeGroupId == eg.EmployeeGroupId && e.TenantId == tenantId);
             if (oldEg == null)
                 return(new HttpNotFoundResult("Wystąpił nieoczekiwany błąd"));
                 oldEg.Name            = eg.Name;
                 oldEg.dateModified    = DateTime.Now;
                 oldEg.modifiedBy      = userId;
                 db.Entry(oldEg).State = EntityState.Modified;
Exemple #6
        public async Task <ApiResult <PagedResult <GoodsDeliveryNotesDto> > > GetGoodsDeliveryNotePagingAsync(int pageIndex, int pageSize)
            var goodsDeliveryNotes = await(from gdn in _context.GoodsDeliveryNotes
                                           join order in _context.Orders on gdn.OrderId equals order.Id
                                           into OrderGroup
                                           from o in OrderGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                           join employee in _context.Employees on gdn.EmployeeId equals employee.Id
                                           into EmployeeGroup
                                           from e in EmployeeGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                           join sa in _context.StockActions on gdn.StockActionId equals sa.Id
                                           join w in _context.Warehouses on gdn.WarehouseId equals w.Id
                                           join b in _context.Branches on w.BranchId equals b.Id
                                           orderby gdn.Id descending
                                           select new GoodsDeliveryNotesDto()
                Id            = gdn.Id,
                BranchName    = b.Name,
                EmployeeName  = e.Name,
                ExportDate    = gdn.ExportDate,
                OrderId       = o.Id,
                WarehouseName = w.Name,
                StockActionId = sa.Name
            }).GetPagedAsync(pageIndex, pageSize);

            return(new ApiResult <PagedResult <GoodsDeliveryNotesDto> >(HttpStatusCode.OK, goodsDeliveryNotes));
Exemple #7
        public async Task <ApiResult <PagedResult <AccountsDto> > > GetAccountsPagingAsync(int pageIndex, int pageSize)
            var accounts = await(from au in _context.AppUsers
                                 join emp in _context.Employees on au.Id equals emp.AppuserId
                                 into EmployeeGroup
                                 from e in EmployeeGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                 join cus in _context.Customers on au.Id equals cus.AppUserId
                                 into CustomerGroup
                                 from c in CustomerGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                 join sup in _context.Suppliers on au.Id equals sup.AppUserId
                                 into SupplierGroup
                                 from s in SupplierGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                 select new AccountsDto()
                Id           = au.Id,
                UserName     = au.UserName,
                Email        = au.Email,
                EmployeeName = e.Name,
                CustomerName = c.Name,
                SupplierName = s.Name,
                PhoneNumber  = au.PhoneNumber
            }).GetPagedAsync(pageIndex, pageSize);

            return(new ApiResult <PagedResult <AccountsDto> >(HttpStatusCode.OK, accounts));
        public void AcceptShiftChangeByOriginalEmployeeAsyncShouldThrowIfNoSuchShiftFound()
            const string id     = "Test";
            const string fakeId = "Fake";

            // Arrange
            var originalEmployee = new EmployeeGroup {
                UserId = OriginalEmployeeId

            var shiftChange = new ShiftChange()
                Id                = id,
                ShiftId           = ShiftId,
                OriginalEmployee  = originalEmployee,
                PendingEmployeeId = PendingEmployeeId,
                Status            = ShiftApplicationStatus.Pending,


            this.shiftChangeService = new ShiftChangeService(this.GetMockedRepositoryAll());

            // Act
            // Assert
            Assert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentException>(() => this.shiftChangeService.AcceptShiftChangeByOriginalEmployeeAsync(OriginalEmployeeId, fakeId, true));
Exemple #9
        public async Task <IActionResult> AddMember(EmployeeGroup item)
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(RedirectToAction("MembersList", new { id = item.GenericSubGroupId }));
Exemple #10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <Employee> employees = new List <Employee>(5);

            employees.Add(new Employee(1, 30000, 2));
            employees.Add(new Employee(2, 20000, 1));
            employees.Add(new Employee(3, 5000, 3));
            employees.Add(new Employee(4, 30000, 2));
            employees.Add(new Employee(5, 4000, 3));

            var Result = from employee in employees
                         where employee.Salary >= 10000
                         group employee by employee.Department into EmployeeGroup
                         select new
                count = EmployeeGroup.Count(),
                key   = EmployeeGroup.Key

            foreach (var Answer in Result)
Exemple #11
        public async Task <ApiResult <PagedResult <CustomersDto> > > GetCustomersPagingAsync(int pageIndex, int pageSize)
            var customers = await(from c in _context.Customers
                                  join employee in _context.Employees on c.EmployeeId equals employee.Id
                                  into EmployeeGroup
                                  from e in EmployeeGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                  join appuser in _context.AppUsers on c.AppUserId equals appuser.Id
                                  into AppUserGroup
                                  from au in AppUserGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                  where c.IsDelete == false
                                  select new CustomersDto()
                Id           = c.Id,
                Name         = c.Name,
                EmployeeName = e.Name,
                PhoneNumber  = c.PhoneNumber,
                UserName     = au.UserName
            }).GetPagedAsync(pageIndex, pageSize);

            if (customers == null)
                return(new ApiResult <PagedResult <CustomersDto> >(HttpStatusCode.NoContent));
            return(new ApiResult <PagedResult <CustomersDto> >(HttpStatusCode.OK, customers));
 //Map from Entity to Dto
 public static EmployeeGroupDto MappingDto(this EmployeeGroup employeeGroup)
     return(new EmployeeGroupDto
         Id = employeeGroup.Id,
         Name = employeeGroup.Name,
Exemple #13
 public Employee(string name, DateTime hireDate, EmployeeGroup group, double baseSalary, int?chiefId = null)
     Name       = name;
     HireDate   = hireDate;
     Group      = group;
     BaseSalary = baseSalary;
     ChiefId    = chiefId;
Exemple #14
 public GroupAddViewModel(EmployeeGroup model, IEnumerable <DomainModelService.Employee> allEmployees, IEmployeeRepository employeeRepository)
     m_Model              = model;
     m_AllEmployees       = allEmployees;
     m_EmployeeRepository = employeeRepository;
     DisplayName          = TranslationProvider.Translate("TitleGroupAddViewModel");
 public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] EmployeeGroup nEmployeeGroup)
     if (nEmployeeGroup != null)
         return(new JsonResult(await this.repository.AddAsync(nEmployeeGroup), this.DefaultJsonSettings));
     return(NotFound(new { Error = "Not found EmployeeGroup data !!!" }));
        public ActionResult Index(DateTime?startTime, DateTime?endTime, EmployeeGroup employeeGroup)
            IList <CheckHistory> entities = _checkHistoryDao.GetCheckHistoryDao()
                                            .GetList(employeeGroup, startTime ?? DateTime.Now,
                                                     endTime ?? DateTime.Now);

 public ActionResult Create(EmployeeGroup group, FormCollection form)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         FillWeekDay(group.Options, form);
         FillSpecialWorkDay(group.Options, form);
 public ActionResult Edit([ModelBinder(typeof(NHModelBinder))] EmployeeGroup group, FormCollection form)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         FillWeekDay(group.Options, form);
         FillSpecialWorkDay(group.Options, form);
Exemple #19
        public async Task <ApiResult <AccountDto> > GetAccountAsync(Guid userId)
            var checkAccount = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(userId.ToString(("D")));

            if (checkAccount == null)
                return(new ApiResult <AccountDto>(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, $"Không tìm thấy tài khoản có mã: {userId}"));
            var roles = await _userManager.GetRolesAsync(checkAccount);

            var accountRoles = new List <AccountRolesDto>();

            foreach (var r in roles)
                var role = await _roleManager.FindByNameAsync(r);

                if (role != null)
                    accountRoles.Add(ObjectMapper.Mapper.Map <AppRole, AccountRolesDto>(role));
            var accountDetail = await(from au in _context.AppUsers
                                      join emp in _context.Employees on au.Id equals emp.AppuserId
                                      into EmployeeGroup
                                      from e in EmployeeGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                      join cus in _context.Customers on au.Id equals cus.AppUserId
                                      into CustomerGroup
                                      from c in CustomerGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                      join sup in _context.Suppliers on au.Id equals sup.AppUserId
                                      into SupplierGroup
                                      from s in SupplierGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                      where au.Id == userId
                                      select new AccountDto()
                Id      = au.Id,
                Address = e.Address != null
                        ? e.Address
                        : (c.Address != null ? c.Address : (s.Address != null ? s.Address : "")),
                Email       = au.Email,
                Name        = e.Name != null ? e.Name : (c.Name != null ? c.Name : (s.Name != null ? s.Name : "")),
                PhoneNumber = au.PhoneNumber != null
                        ? au.PhoneNumber
                        : (e.PhoneNumber != null
                            ? e.PhoneNumber
                            : (c.PhoneNumber != null
                                ? c.PhoneNumber
                                : (
                                   s.PhoneNumber != null ? s.PhoneNumber : ""))),
                UserName = au.UserName,
                InRoles  = accountRoles

            return(new ApiResult <AccountDto>(HttpStatusCode.OK, accountDetail));
 public ActionResult Create(EmployeeGroup group, FormCollection form)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         FillWeekDay(group.Options, form);
         FillSpecialWorkDay(group.Options, form);
         return Redirect("Index");
     return View(group);
Exemple #21
        public async Task GetUpcomingShiftForUserShouldReturnAllApprovedShiftsPerUser()
            const int    expectedResult = 2;
            const string businessId     = "Test";
            const string userId         = "Test";

            // Arrange
            var group = new Group {
                BusinessId = businessId
            var employee = new EmployeeGroup()
                UserId = userId

            var shift = new Shift()
                Start          = this.start,
                End            = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1),
                ShiftCreatorId = ShiftCreatorId,
                GroupId        = GroupId,
                Description    = Description,
                BonusPayment   = BonusPayment,
                ShiftStatus    = ShiftStatus.Approved,
                Group          = group,
                Employee       = employee,

            var shift2 = new Shift()
                Start          = this.start,
                End            = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1),
                ShiftCreatorId = ShiftCreatorId,
                GroupId        = GroupId,
                Description    = Description,
                BonusPayment   = BonusPayment,
                ShiftStatus    = ShiftStatus.Approved,
                Group          = group,
                Employee       = employee,


            this.shiftService = new ShiftService(this.GetMockedRepositoryReturningAllAsNoTracking());

            // Act
            var employeeUpcomingShifts = await this.shiftService.GetUpcomingShiftForUserAsync <ShiftTestViewModel>(businessId, userId);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedResult, employeeUpcomingShifts.Count());
            Assert.All(employeeUpcomingShifts, model => Equals(model.EmployeeId, userId));
            Assert.All(employeeUpcomingShifts, model => Equals(model.ShiftStatus, ShiftStatus.Approved));
Exemple #22
        public async Task GetOpenShiftsAvailableForUserShouldReturnAllShiftsOpenForUserToApply()
            const int    expectedCount = 2;
            const string businessId    = "Test";
            const string userId        = "Test";

            // Arrange
            var group = new Group {
                BusinessId = businessId
            var employee = new EmployeeGroup()
                UserId = userId


            var shift = new Shift()
                Start          = this.start,
                End            = this.end,
                ShiftCreatorId = ShiftCreatorId,
                GroupId        = GroupId,
                Description    = Description,
                BonusPayment   = BonusPayment,
                ShiftStatus    = ShiftStatus.Open,
                Group          = group,

            var shift2 = new Shift()
                Start          = this.start,
                End            = this.end,
                ShiftCreatorId = ShiftCreatorId,
                GroupId        = GroupId,
                Description    = Description,
                BonusPayment   = BonusPayment,
                ShiftStatus    = ShiftStatus.Open,
                Group          = group,


            this.shiftService = new ShiftService(this.GetMockedRepositoryReturningAllAsNoTracking());

            // Act
            var availableShifts = await this.shiftService.GetOpenShiftsAvailableForUserAsync <ShiftTestViewModel>(businessId, userId);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedCount, availableShifts.Count());
Exemple #23
        public async Task <IActionResult> PutByNumber(string key, [FromBody] EmployeeGroup uEmployeeGroup)
            if (uEmployeeGroup != null)
                if (uEmployeeGroup.OverTimeMasters != null)
                    uEmployeeGroup.OverTimeMasters = null;

                return(new JsonResult(await this.repository.UpdateAsync(uEmployeeGroup, key), this.DefaultJsonSettings));
            return(NotFound(new { Error = "EmployeeGroup not found. " }));
Exemple #24
        public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] EmployeeGroup nEmployeeGroup)
            if (nEmployeeGroup != null)
                if (nEmployeeGroup.OverTimeMasters != null)
                    nEmployeeGroup.OverTimeMasters = null;

                return(new JsonResult(await this.repository.AddAsync(nEmployeeGroup), this.DefaultJsonSettings));
            return(NotFound(new { Error = "EmployeeGroup not found. " }));
Exemple #25
        public async Task GetTakenShiftsPerUserAsyncShouldReturnAllShiftsEmployeeNotTheUser()
            const int    expectedCount = 2;
            const string businessId    = "Test";
            const string userId        = "Test";

            // Arrange
            var group = new Group {
                BusinessId = businessId
            var employeeGroup = new EmployeeGroup {
                UserId = "some other userId"

            var shift = new Shift()
                Start          = this.start,
                End            = this.end,
                ShiftCreatorId = ShiftCreatorId,
                GroupId        = GroupId,
                Description    = Description,
                BonusPayment   = BonusPayment,
                ShiftStatus    = ShiftStatus.Approved,
                Group          = group,
                Employee       = employeeGroup,
            var shift2 = new Shift()
                Start          = this.start,
                End            = this.end,
                ShiftCreatorId = ShiftCreatorId,
                GroupId        = GroupId,
                Description    = Description,
                BonusPayment   = BonusPayment,
                ShiftStatus    = ShiftStatus.Approved,
                Group          = group,
                Employee       = employeeGroup,


            this.shiftService = new ShiftService(this.GetMockedRepositoryReturningAllAsNoTracking());

            // Act
            var pendingShifts = await this.shiftService.GetTakenShiftsPerUserAsync <ShiftTestViewModel>(businessId, userId);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedCount, pendingShifts.Count());
Exemple #26
        public async Task <ApiResult <IEnumerable <CustomerDto> > > SearchCustomerAsync(string customerName)
            var customers = await(from c in _context.Customers
                                  join employee in _context.Employees on c.EmployeeId equals employee.Id
                                  into EmployeeGroup
                                  from e in EmployeeGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                  join appuser in _context.AppUsers on c.AppUserId equals appuser.Id
                                  into AppUserGroup
                                  from au in AppUserGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                  join customertype in _context.CustomerTypes on c.CustomerTypeId equals customertype.Id
                                  into CustomerTypeGroup
                                  from ct in CustomerTypeGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                  let customerDebt = (_context.Orders.Where(x => x.CustomerId == c.Id &&
                                                                            x.TransactionStatusId !=
                                                                            GlobalProperties.CancelTransactionId &&
                                                                            x.TransactionStatusId !=
                                                      .Sum(x => (decimal?)x.TotalAmount) ?? 0)
                                                     + (_context.PaymentVouchers.Where(x => x.CustomerId == c.Id)
                                                        .Sum(x => (decimal?)x.Paid) ?? 0) -
                                                     (_context.ReceiptVouchers.Where(x => x.CustomerId == c.Id)
                                                      .Sum(x => (decimal?)x.Received) ?? 0)
                                                     where c.Name.ToLower().Contains(customerName.ToLower()) && c.IsDelete == false
                                                     select new CustomerDto()
                Address          = c.Address,
                Description      = c.Description,
                Dob              = c.Dob,
                Fax              = c.Fax,
                Gender           = c.Gender,
                Id               = c.Id,
                Name             = c.Name,
                Website          = c.Website,
                EmployeeName     = e.Name,
                IsDelete         = c.IsDelete,
                UserName         = au.UserName,
                PhoneNumber      = c.PhoneNumber,
                CustomerTypeName = ct.Name,
                TotalDebt        = customerDebt,
                Email            = string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Email)?au.Email:c.Email

            return(new ApiResult <IEnumerable <CustomerDto> >()
                Code = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                ResultObj = customers
        public async Task <string> AddEmployeeToGroupAsync(string userId, string groupId, decimal salary, string position)
            var employeeGroup = new EmployeeGroup()
                UserId   = userId,
                GroupId  = groupId,
                Salary   = salary,
                Position = position,

            await this.employeeGroupRepository.AddAsync(employeeGroup);

            await this.employeeGroupRepository.SaveChangesAsync();

Exemple #28
        public IList <CheckHistory> GetList(EmployeeGroup employeeGroup, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime)
            var start = new DateTime(startTime.Year, startTime.Month, startTime.Day);
            var end   = new DateTime(endTime.Year, endTime.Month, endTime.Day, 23, 59, 59);

            DetachedCriteria employeeGroupId = DetachedCriteria.For <Employee>()
                                               .Add(Restrictions.Eq(EmployeeGroup, employeeGroup))
                                               .SetProjection(Projections.Property <Employee>(s => s.Id));

                   .Add(Restrictions.Le(SignTime, end))
                   .Add(Restrictions.Ge(SignTime, start))
                   .Add(Subqueries.PropertyIn("Employee", employeeGroupId))
                   .List <CheckHistory>());
Exemple #29
        public ActionResult DeleteEmployeeGroup(EmployeeGroup eg)
            HorseplayContext db = new HorseplayContext();
            int tenantId        = (int)Session["TenantId"];
            var oldEg           = db.EmployeeGroups.FirstOrDefault(e => e.EmployeeGroupId == eg.EmployeeGroupId && e.TenantId == tenantId);

            if (oldEg == null)
                return(new HttpNotFoundResult("Wystąpił nieoczekiwany błąd"));
Exemple #30
        public async Task <ApiResult <CustomerDto> > GetCustomerAsync(string customerId)
            var totalAmountOrders = await _context.Orders.Where(x => x.CustomerId == customerId && x.TransactionStatusId != GlobalProperties.CancelTransactionId &&
                                                                x.TransactionStatusId != GlobalProperties.WaitingTransactionId).SumAsync(x => x.TotalAmount);

            var totalPaymentVouchers = await _context.PaymentVouchers.Where(x => x.CustomerId == customerId).SumAsync(x => x.Paid);

            var totalReceiptVouchers = await _context.ReceiptVouchers.Where(x => x.CustomerId == customerId).SumAsync(x => x.Received);

            var customer = await(from c in _context.Customers
                                 join employee in _context.Employees on c.EmployeeId equals employee.Id
                                 into EmployeeGroup
                                 from e in EmployeeGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                 join appuser in _context.AppUsers on c.AppUserId equals appuser.Id
                                 into AppUserGroup
                                 from au in AppUserGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                 join customertype in _context.CustomerTypes on c.CustomerTypeId equals customertype.Id
                                 into CustomerTypeGroup
                                 from ct in CustomerTypeGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                 where c.Id == customerId && c.IsDelete == false
                                 select new CustomerDto()
                Address          = c.Address,
                Description      = c.Description,
                Dob              = c.Dob,
                Fax              = c.Fax,
                Gender           = c.Gender,
                Id               = c.Id,
                Name             = c.Name,
                Website          = c.Website,
                EmployeeName     = e.Name,
                PhoneNumber      = c.PhoneNumber,
                IsDelete         = c.IsDelete,
                UserName         = au.UserName,
                CustomerTypeName = ct.Name,
                TotalDebt        = totalAmountOrders + totalPaymentVouchers - totalReceiptVouchers

            if (customer == null)
                return(new ApiResult <CustomerDto>(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, $"Không tìm thấy khách hàng có mã: {customerId}"));
            return(new ApiResult <CustomerDto>(HttpStatusCode.OK, customer));
Exemple #31
        public async Task <ApiResult <ReportCustomerSupplierDebtDto> > GetAllCustomerDebtAsync(int pageIndex, int pageSize)
            var customers = from c in _context.Customers
                            join employee in _context.Employees on c.EmployeeId equals employee.Id
                            into EmployeeGroup
                            from e in EmployeeGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            join appuser in _context.AppUsers on c.AppUserId equals appuser.Id
                            into AppUserGroup
                            from au in AppUserGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            join ct in _context.CustomerTypes on c.CustomerTypeId equals ct.Id
                            let customerDebt = (_context.Orders.Where(x => x.CustomerId == c.Id &&
                                                                      x.TransactionStatusId !=
                                                                      GlobalProperties.CancelTransactionId &&
                                                                      x.TransactionStatusId !=
                                                .Sum(x => (decimal?)x.TotalAmount) ?? 0)
                                               + (_context.PaymentVouchers.Where(x => x.CustomerId == c.Id)
                                                  .Sum(x => (decimal?)x.Paid) ?? 0) -
                                               (_context.ReceiptVouchers.Where(x => x.CustomerId == c.Id)
                                                .Sum(x => (decimal?)x.Received) ?? 0)
                                               where (int)customerDebt != 0
                                               select new CustomersSuppliersForReportDto()
                Id          = c.Id,
                Name        = c.Name,
                PhoneNumber = c.PhoneNumber,
                TotalDebt   = customerDebt,
                Address     = c.Address,
                Email       = au.Email,
            decimal totalDebt = 0;

            foreach (var c in await customers.ToListAsync())
                totalDebt += c.TotalDebt;
            var reportCustomer = new ReportCustomerSupplierDebtDto()
                Targets   = await customers.GetPagedAsync(pageIndex, pageSize),
                TotalDebt = totalDebt

            return(new ApiResult <ReportCustomerSupplierDebtDto>(HttpStatusCode.OK, reportCustomer));
        public async Task<EmployeeGroup> CreateGroupAsync(string userId, string name, IList<string> employeeIds)
            Guard.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(userId, nameof(userId));
            Guard.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(name, nameof(name));
            Guard.NotNullOrEmpty(employeeIds, nameof(employeeIds));

            var group = new EmployeeGroup
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"),
                Name = name,
                EmployeeIds = employeeIds,

            var groups = this.GetEmployeeGroupsForUser(userId);
            this.SetEmployeeGroupsForUser(userId, groups);

            this._eventAggregator.PublishOnUIThread(new EmployeeGroupCreated(group));

            return group;
 /// <summary>
 /// Calc work time for the month and for the employee group
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="year">Year</param>
 /// <param name="month">Month</param>
 /// <param name="planWorkday">Employee group</param>
 /// <returns>PlanWorkmonth</returns>
 public Double CalcMonth(Int32 year, Int32 month, EmployeeGroup group)
     var planWorkday = _planWorkDayRepository.Query().FirstOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeGroup == group);
     return CalcMonth(year, month, planWorkday.Hours);
 public void AddToEmployeeGroups(EmployeeGroup employeeGroup)
     base.AddObject("EmployeeGroups", employeeGroup);
 public EmployeeGroupDeleted(EmployeeGroup employeeGroup)
     this.EmployeeGroup = employeeGroup;
 public EmployeeGroupCreated(EmployeeGroup employeeGroup)
     this.EmployeeGroup = employeeGroup;
 public static EmployeeGroup CreateEmployeeGroup(int ID, string employeeGroupName, byte[] rowVersion)
     EmployeeGroup employeeGroup = new EmployeeGroup();
     employeeGroup.Id = ID;
     employeeGroup.EmployeeGroupName = employeeGroupName;
     employeeGroup.RowVersion = rowVersion;
     return employeeGroup;