Exemple #1
        public static void Run()
            var _db       = new MyContext();
            var deparment = new Deparment
                DeparmentName = "Deparment"

            var employee1 = new Employee
                EmployeeName = "employee1"

            var employee2 = new Employee
                EmployeeName = "employee2"

            var employeeDeparment1 = new EmployeeDeparment
                Employee  = employee1,
                Deparment = deparment

            var employeeDeparment2 = new EmployeeDeparment
                Employee  = employee2,
                Deparment = deparment


            var employees = _db.Employee.ToList();

            foreach (var employee in employees)

Exemple #2
        private void btn_addEmployee_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // build employee section
            Employee emp = new Employee
                FirstName  = tb_firstName.Text,
                MiddleName = tb_middleName.Text,
                LastName   = tb_lastName.Text,
                SSN        = tb_ssn.Text

            // build address section
            Address addr = new Address
                StreetNumber = tb_streetNumber.Text,
                City         = tb_city.Text,
                State        = cb_state.SelectedValue.ToString(),
                ZipCode      = tb_zipCode.Text

            // build salary section
            Salary  sal   = new Salary();
            decimal money = 0;

            decimal.TryParse(tb_salary.Text, out money);
            sal.Salary1 = money;

            // build department section
            // if nothing is set, then assume employee is assigned to "Not Assigned" which has an id of 1
            int id = 1;

            foreach (Department d in departments.Where(d => cb_departmentName.SelectedIndex.ToString() == d.DepartmenName))
                id = d.DepartmentId;
            EmployeeDeparment empDep = new EmployeeDeparment
                DepartmentId = id

            id = 0;
            // build supervisor section
            // note: not everyone has to have a supervisor...
            foreach (Employee employee in from employee in supervisors let name = employee.MiddleName == string.Empty
                ? employee.FirstName + " " + employee.LastName
                : employee.FirstName + " " + employee.MiddleName + " " + employee.LastName
                                                                                  where name == cb_supervisor.SelectedIndex.ToString() select employee)
                id = employee.EmployeeId;
            Supervisor super = new Supervisor
                SupervisorEmployeeId = id

            // build dates employeed
            // note: ending date can be empty...since they can be currently employed
            EmployeeService empService = new EmployeeService
                StartDate = datePicker_startDate.Value,
                EndDate   = datePicker_endDate.Value

            // create new employee model
            EmployeeModel newEmployee = new EmployeeModel
                Employee          = emp,
                Address           = addr,
                Salary            = sal,
                EmployeeDeparment = empDep,
                Supervisor        = super,
                EmployeeService   = empService

            // finally build the complete model to pass down

            // call middleware to do logic prior to adding employee to DB
            string result = businessLogic.AddEmployee(newEmployee);

            if (result == "Employee added")
