protected override bool EmitInternal(ConditionalExpression node, EmittingContext context, GroboIL.Label returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType whatReturn, bool extend, out Type resultType) { var test = node.Test; var ifTrue = node.IfTrue; var ifFalse = node.IfFalse; var ifTrueBranchIsEmpty = ifTrue.NodeType == ExpressionType.Default && ifTrue.Type == typeof(void); if (ifTrueBranchIsEmpty) { test = Expression.Not(test); var temp = ifTrue; ifTrue = ifFalse; ifFalse = temp; } var result = false; var il = context.Il; var testIsNullLabel = il.DefineLabel("testIsNull"); Type testType; var testIsNullLabelUsed = ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(test, context, testIsNullLabel, out testType); if (testType == typeof(bool?)) { context.ConvertFromNullableBoolToBool(); } var ifFalseLabel = il.DefineLabel("ifFalse"); il.Brfalse(ifFalseLabel); Type ifTrueType; result |= ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(ifTrue, context, returnDefaultValueLabel, whatReturn, extend, out ifTrueType); if (node.Type == typeof(void) && ifTrueType != typeof(void)) { using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(ifTrueType)) il.Stloc(temp); } var doneLabel = il.DefineLabel("done"); il.Br(doneLabel); if (testIsNullLabelUsed) { context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(testIsNullLabel); il.Pop(); } context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(ifFalseLabel); Type ifFalseType; result |= ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(ifFalse, context, returnDefaultValueLabel, whatReturn, extend, out ifFalseType); if (node.Type == typeof(void) && ifFalseType != typeof(void)) { using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(ifFalseType)) il.Stloc(temp); } context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(doneLabel); if (ifTrueType != typeof(void) && ifFalseType != typeof(void) && ifTrueType != ifFalseType) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("ifTrue type '{0}' is not equal to ifFalse type '{1}'", ifTrueType, ifFalseType)); } resultType = node.Type == typeof(void) ? typeof(void) : ifTrueType; return(result); }
protected override bool EmitInternal(NewExpression node, EmittingContext context, GroboIL.Label returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType whatReturn, bool extend, out Type resultType) { context.EmitLoadArguments(node.Arguments.ToArray()); // note ich: баг решарпера // ReSharper disable ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse // ReSharper disable HeuristicUnreachableCode GroboIL il = context.Il; if (node.Constructor != null) { il.Newobj(node.Constructor); } else { if (node.Type.IsValueType) { using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(node.Type)) { il.Ldloca(temp); il.Initobj(node.Type); il.Ldloc(temp); } } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Missing constructor for type '" + node.Type + "'"); } } resultType = node.Type; // ReSharper restore ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse // ReSharper restore HeuristicUnreachableCode return(false); }
// todo обобщить private static void EmitExpressionAsVoid(Expression node, EmittingContext context) { var il = context.Il; GroboIL.Label skipLabel = context.CanReturn ? il.DefineLabel("skip") : null; Type resultType; bool skipLabelUsed = ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(node, context, skipLabel, ResultType.Void, false, out resultType); if (skipLabelUsed) { var endLabel = il.DefineLabel("end"); if (resultType != typeof(void)) { if (!resultType.IsStruct()) { il.Pop(); } else { using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(resultType)) il.Stloc(temp); } } il.Br(endLabel); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(skipLabel); il.Pop(); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(endLabel); } }
protected override bool EmitInternal(MemberInitExpression node, EmittingContext context, GroboIL.Label returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType whatReturn, bool extend, out Type resultType) { ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(node.NewExpression, context, out resultType); // stack: [new obj(args)] GroboIL il = context.Il; if (!node.Type.IsValueType) { foreach (MemberAssignment assignment in node.Bindings) { il.Dup(); context.EmitLoadArguments(assignment.Expression); context.EmitMemberAssign(node.Type, assignment.Member); } } else { using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(node.Type)) { il.Stloc(temp); il.Ldloca(temp); foreach (MemberAssignment assignment in node.Bindings) { il.Dup(); context.EmitLoadArguments(assignment.Expression); context.EmitMemberAssign(node.Type, assignment.Member); } // todo или il.Ldobj()? il.Pop(); il.Ldloc(temp); } } return(false); }
protected override bool EmitInternal(ListInitExpression node, EmittingContext context, GroboIL.Label returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType whatReturn, bool extend, out Type resultType) { var il = context.Il; var result = ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(node.NewExpression, context, returnDefaultValueLabel, out resultType); if (!resultType.IsValueType) { foreach (var initializer in node.Initializers) { il.Dup(); context.EmitLoadArguments(initializer.Arguments.ToArray()); il.Call(initializer.AddMethod, resultType); } } else { if (node.Initializers.Count > 0) { using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(resultType)) { il.Stloc(temp); foreach (var initializer in node.Initializers) { il.Ldloca(temp); context.EmitLoadArguments(initializer.Arguments.ToArray()); il.Call(initializer.AddMethod, resultType); } il.Ldloc(temp); } } } return(result); }
protected override bool EmitInternal(BinaryExpression node, EmittingContext context, GroboIL.Label returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType whatReturn, bool extend, out Type resultType) { if (node.Conversion != null) { throw new NotSupportedException("Coalesce with conversion is not supported"); } // note ich: баг решарпера // ReSharper disable HeuristicUnreachableCode var left = node.Left; var right = node.Right; GroboIL il = context.Il; GroboIL.Label valueIsNullLabel = il.DefineLabel("valueIsNull"); Type leftType; bool labelUsed = ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(left, context, valueIsNullLabel, out leftType); if (left.Type.IsValueType) { using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(left.Type)) { il.Stloc(temp); il.Ldloca(temp); } } labelUsed |= context.EmitNullChecking(left.Type, valueIsNullLabel); if (left.Type.IsValueType) { if (!left.Type.IsNullable()) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Type '" + left.Type + "' cannot be null"); } if (node.Type != left.Type) { context.EmitValueAccess(left.Type); } else { il.Ldobj(left.Type); } } var valueIsNotNullLabel = il.DefineLabel("valueIsNotNull"); il.Br(valueIsNotNullLabel); if (labelUsed) { context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(valueIsNullLabel); il.Pop(); } Type rightType; var result = ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(right, context, returnDefaultValueLabel, out rightType); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(valueIsNotNullLabel); resultType = node.Type; return(result); // ReSharper restore HeuristicUnreachableCode }
protected override bool EmitInternal(LoopExpression node, EmittingContext context, GroboIL.Label returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType whatReturn, bool extend, out Type resultType) { var il = context.Il; GroboIL.Label continueLabel; if (node.ContinueLabel == null) { continueLabel = context.Il.DefineLabel("continue"); } else { if (!context.Labels.TryGetValue(node.ContinueLabel, out continueLabel)) { context.Labels.Add(node.ContinueLabel, continueLabel = context.Il.DefineLabel(string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.ContinueLabel.Name) ? "continue" : node.ContinueLabel.Name)); } } context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(continueLabel); GroboIL.Label breakLabel; if (node.BreakLabel == null) { breakLabel = null; } else { if (!context.Labels.TryGetValue(node.BreakLabel, out breakLabel)) { context.Labels.Add(node.BreakLabel, breakLabel = context.Il.DefineLabel(string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.BreakLabel.Name) ? "break" : node.BreakLabel.Name)); } } ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(node.Body, context, out resultType); if (resultType != typeof(void)) { if (resultType.IsStruct()) { using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(resultType)) context.Il.Stloc(temp); } else { context.Il.Pop(); } } il.Br(continueLabel); if (breakLabel != null) { context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(breakLabel); } if (node.BreakLabel != null) { resultType = node.BreakLabel.Type; } return(false); }
protected override bool EmitInternal(UnaryExpression node, EmittingContext context, GroboIL.Label returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType whatReturn, bool extend, out Type resultType) { if (node.Type != typeof(bool) && node.Type != typeof(bool?)) { return(ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(Expression.OnesComplement(node.Operand, node.Method), context, returnDefaultValueLabel, whatReturn, extend, out resultType)); } GroboIL il = context.Il; if (node.Method != null) { throw new NotSupportedException("Custom operator '" + node.NodeType + "' is not supported"); } var operand = node.Operand; context.EmitLoadArgument(operand, false, out resultType); if (resultType == typeof(bool)) { il.Ldc_I4(1); il.Xor(); } else if (resultType == typeof(bool?)) { using (var value = context.DeclareLocal(typeof(bool?))) { il.Stloc(value); il.Ldloca(value); context.EmitHasValueAccess(typeof(bool?)); var returnLabel = il.DefineLabel("return"); il.Brfalse(returnLabel); il.Ldloca(value); context.EmitValueAccess(typeof(bool?)); il.Ldc_I4(1); il.Xor(); il.Newobj(nullableBoolConstructor); il.Stloc(value); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(returnLabel); il.Ldloc(value); } } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot perform '" + node.NodeType + "' operator on type '" + resultType + "'"); } return(false); }
protected override bool EmitInternal(TypeBinaryExpression node, EmittingContext context, GroboIL.Label returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType whatReturn, bool extend, out Type resultType) { bool result; GroboIL il = context.Il; if (!node.Expression.Type.IsAssignableFrom(node.TypeOperand)) { il.Ldc_I4(0); result = false; } else if (node.Expression.Type == node.TypeOperand && node.TypeOperand.IsValueType) { il.Ldc_I4(1); result = false; } else { Type operandType; result = ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(node.Expression, context, returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType.Value, extend, out operandType); if (operandType.IsValueType) { using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(operandType)) { il.Stloc(temp); il.Ldloca(temp); } } var returnFalseLabel = il.DefineLabel("returnFalse"); il.Dup(); il.Brfalse(returnFalseLabel); il.Call(typeof(object).GetMethod("GetType"), operandType); il.Ldtoken(node.TypeOperand); il.Call(typeof(Type).GetMethod("GetTypeFromHandle")); il.Ceq(); var doneLabel = il.DefineLabel("done"); il.Br(doneLabel); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(returnFalseLabel); il.Pop(); il.Ldc_I4(0); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(doneLabel); } resultType = typeof(bool); return(result); }
protected override bool EmitInternal(BinaryExpression node, EmittingContext context, GroboIL.Label returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType whatReturn, bool extend, out Type resultType) { var left = node.Left; var right = node.Right; Type leftType, rightType; context.EmitLoadArgument(left, false, out leftType); context.EmitLoadArgument(right, false, out rightType); var il = context.Il; if (node.Method != null) { if (!leftType.IsNullable() && !rightType.IsNullable()) { il.Call(node.Method); } else { using (var localLeft = context.DeclareLocal(leftType)) using (var localRight = context.DeclareLocal(rightType)) { il.Stloc(localRight); il.Stloc(localLeft); var returnNullLabel = il.DefineLabel("returnNull"); if (leftType.IsNullable()) { il.Ldloca(localLeft); context.EmitHasValueAccess(leftType); il.Brfalse(returnNullLabel); } if (rightType.IsNullable()) { il.Ldloca(localRight); context.EmitHasValueAccess(rightType); il.Brfalse(returnNullLabel); } if (!leftType.IsNullable()) { il.Ldloc(localLeft); } else { il.Ldloca(localLeft); context.EmitValueAccess(leftType); } if (!rightType.IsNullable()) { il.Ldloc(localRight); } else { il.Ldloca(localRight); context.EmitValueAccess(rightType); } il.Call(node.Method); var doneLabel = il.DefineLabel("done"); il.Br(doneLabel); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(returnNullLabel); context.EmitLoadDefaultValue(node.Type); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(doneLabel); } } resultType = node.Method.ReturnType; } else { var type = leftType; if (type != rightType) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot compare objects of different types '" + leftType + "' and '" + rightType + "'"); } if (!type.IsNullable()) { switch (node.NodeType) { case ExpressionType.GreaterThan: il.Cgt(type.Unsigned()); break; case ExpressionType.LessThan: il.Clt(type.Unsigned()); break; case ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual: il.Clt(type.Unsigned()); il.Ldc_I4(1); il.Xor(); break; case ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual: il.Cgt(type.Unsigned()); il.Ldc_I4(1); il.Xor(); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } resultType = typeof(bool); } else { if (!context.Options.HasFlag(CompilerOptions.UseTernaryLogic)) { using (var localLeft = context.DeclareLocal(type)) using (var localRight = context.DeclareLocal(type)) { il.Stloc(localRight); il.Stloc(localLeft); il.Ldloca(localLeft); context.EmitValueAccess(type); il.Ldloca(localRight); context.EmitValueAccess(type); var returnFalseLabel = il.DefineLabel("returnFalse"); var argument = type.GetGenericArguments()[0]; switch (node.NodeType) { case ExpressionType.GreaterThan: il.Ble(returnFalseLabel, argument.Unsigned()); break; case ExpressionType.LessThan: il.Bge(returnFalseLabel, argument.Unsigned()); break; case ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual: il.Blt(returnFalseLabel, argument.Unsigned()); break; case ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual: il.Bgt(returnFalseLabel, argument.Unsigned()); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } il.Ldloca(localLeft); context.EmitHasValueAccess(type); il.Ldloca(localRight); context.EmitHasValueAccess(type); il.And(); var doneLabel = il.DefineLabel("done"); il.Br(doneLabel); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(returnFalseLabel); il.Ldc_I4(0); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(doneLabel); resultType = typeof(bool); } } else { using (var localLeft = context.DeclareLocal(type)) using (var localRight = context.DeclareLocal(type)) { il.Stloc(localRight); il.Stloc(localLeft); il.Ldloca(localLeft); context.EmitHasValueAccess(type); il.Ldloca(localRight); context.EmitHasValueAccess(type); il.And(); var returnNullLabel = il.DefineLabel("returnNull"); il.Brfalse(returnNullLabel); il.Ldloca(localLeft); context.EmitValueAccess(type); il.Ldloca(localRight); context.EmitValueAccess(type); var argumentType = type.GetGenericArguments()[0]; switch (node.NodeType) { case ExpressionType.GreaterThan: il.Cgt(argumentType.Unsigned()); break; case ExpressionType.LessThan: il.Clt(argumentType.Unsigned()); break; case ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual: il.Clt(argumentType.Unsigned()); il.Ldc_I4(1); il.Xor(); break; case ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual: il.Cgt(argumentType.Unsigned()); il.Ldc_I4(1); il.Xor(); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } il.Newobj(nullableBoolConstructor); var doneLabel = il.DefineLabel("done"); il.Br(doneLabel); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(returnNullLabel); context.EmitLoadDefaultValue(typeof(bool?)); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(doneLabel); resultType = typeof(bool?); } } } } return(false); }
public static bool Emit(Expression zarr, Expression zindex, EmittingContext context, GroboIL.Label returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType whatReturn, bool extend, out Type resultType) { var arrayType = zarr.Type; var isArray = arrayType.IsArray; if (!isArray && !arrayType.IsList()) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to perform array index operator to type '" + arrayType + "'"); } var itemType = isArray ? arrayType.GetElementType() : arrayType.GetGenericArguments()[0]; GroboIL il = context.Il; EmittingContext.LocalHolder arrayIndex = null; bool extendArray = extend && (CanAssign(zarr) || !isArray); bool extendArrayElement = extend && itemType.IsClass; var result = false; if (!extendArray) { result |= ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(zarr, context, returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType.Value, extend, out arrayType); // stack: [array] if (context.Options.HasFlag(CompilerOptions.CheckNullReferences)) { result = true; il.Dup(); // stack: [array, array] il.Brfalse(returnDefaultValueLabel); // if(array == null) goto returnDefaultValue; stack: [array] } EmitLoadIndex(zindex, context, arrayType); // stack: [array, arrayIndex] if (context.Options.HasFlag(CompilerOptions.CheckArrayIndexes)) { result = true; arrayIndex = context.DeclareLocal(typeof(int)); il.Stloc(arrayIndex); // arrayIndex = index; stack: [array] il.Dup(); // stack: [array, array] if (isArray) { il.Ldlen(); // stack: [array, array.Length] } else { EmitLoadField(context, arrayType, arrayType.GetField("_size", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)); } il.Ldloc(arrayIndex); // stack: [array, array.Length, arrayIndex] il.Ble(returnDefaultValueLabel, false); // if(array.Length <= arrayIndex) goto returnDefaultValue; stack: [array] il.Ldloc(arrayIndex); // stack: [array, arrayIndex] il.Ldc_I4(0); // stack: [array, arrayIndex, 0] il.Blt(returnDefaultValueLabel, false); // if(arrayIndex < 0) goto returnDefaultValue; stack: [array] } else if (extendArrayElement || !isArray) { arrayIndex = context.DeclareLocal(typeof(int)); il.Stloc(arrayIndex); // arrayIndex = index; stack: [array] } } else { EmittingContext.LocalHolder arrayOwner = null; switch (zarr.NodeType) { case ExpressionType.Parameter: case ExpressionType.ArrayIndex: case ExpressionType.Index: Type type; ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(zarr, context, returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType.ByRefAll, true, out type); // stack: [ref array] arrayOwner = context.DeclareLocal(type); il.Dup(); // stack: [ref array, ref array] il.Stloc(arrayOwner); // arrayOwner = ref array; stack: [ref array] il.Ldind(zarr.Type); // stack: [array] break; case ExpressionType.MemberAccess: var memberExpression = (MemberExpression)zarr; Type memberType; context.EmitMemberAccess(memberExpression, returnDefaultValueLabel, context.Options.HasFlag(CompilerOptions.CheckNullReferences), true, ResultType.ByRefValueTypesOnly, out memberType, out arrayOwner); // stack: [array] break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot extend array for expression with node type '" + zarr.NodeType + "'"); } if (context.Options.HasFlag(CompilerOptions.CheckNullReferences)) { il.Dup(); // stack: [array, array] il.Brfalse(returnDefaultValueLabel); // if(array == null) goto returnDefaultValue; stack: [array] } EmitLoadIndex(zindex, context, arrayType); result = true; arrayIndex = context.DeclareLocal(typeof(int)); il.Stloc(arrayIndex); // arrayIndex = index; stack: [array] il.Ldloc(arrayIndex); // stack: [array, arrayIndex] il.Ldc_I4(0); // stack: [array, arrayIndex, 0] il.Blt(returnDefaultValueLabel, false); // if(arrayIndex < 0) goto returnDefaultValue; stack: [array] il.Dup(); // stack: [array, array] if (isArray) { il.Ldlen(); // stack: [array, array.Length] } else { EmitLoadField(context, arrayType, arrayType.GetField("_size", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)); } il.Ldloc(arrayIndex); // stack: [array, array.Length, arrayIndex] var bigEnoughLabel = il.DefineLabel("bigEnough"); il.Bgt(bigEnoughLabel, false); // if(array.Length > arrayIndex) goto bigEnough; stack: [array] using (var array = context.DeclareLocal(arrayType)) { il.Stloc(array); // stack: [] if (!isArray) { EnsureCount(context, array, arrayIndex, arrayType); } else { il.Ldloca(array); // stack: [ref array] il.Ldloc(arrayIndex); // stack: [ref array, arrayIndex] il.Ldc_I4(1); // stack: [ref array, arrayIndex, 1] il.Add(); // stack: [ref array, arrayIndex + 1] il.Call(arrayResizeMethod.MakeGenericMethod(arrayType.GetElementType())); // Array.Resize(ref array, 1 + arrayIndex); stack: [] switch (zarr.NodeType) { case ExpressionType.Parameter: case ExpressionType.ArrayIndex: case ExpressionType.Index: il.Ldloc(arrayOwner); // stack: [ref parameter] il.Ldloc(array); // stack: [ref parameter, array] il.Stind(arrayType); // parameter = array; stack: [] break; case ExpressionType.MemberAccess: var memberExpression = (MemberExpression)zarr; if (memberExpression.Expression != null) { il.Ldloc(arrayOwner); } il.Ldloc(array); switch (memberExpression.Member.MemberType) { case MemberTypes.Field: il.Stfld((FieldInfo)memberExpression.Member); break; case MemberTypes.Property: var propertyInfo = (PropertyInfo)memberExpression.Member; var setter = propertyInfo.GetSetMethod(context.SkipVisibility); if (setter == null) { throw new MissingMethodException(propertyInfo.ReflectedType.ToString(), "set_" + propertyInfo.Name); } il.Call(setter, memberExpression.Expression == null ? null : memberExpression.Expression.Type); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException("Member type '" + memberExpression.Member.MemberType + "' is not supported"); } break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to assign array to an expression with node type '" + zarr.NodeType); } } il.Ldloc(array); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(bigEnoughLabel); } } if (!isArray) { // TODO: это злобно, лист при всех операциях меняет _version, а мы нет EmitLoadField(context, arrayType, arrayType.GetField("_items", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)); arrayType = itemType.MakeArrayType(); } if (extendArrayElement) { // stack: [array] var constructor = itemType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes); if (itemType.IsArray || constructor != null) { using (var array = context.DeclareLocal(arrayType)) { il.Dup(); // stack: [array, array] il.Stloc(array); // stack: [array] il.Ldloc(arrayIndex); // stack: [array, arrayIndex] il.Ldelem(itemType); // stack: [array[arrayIndex]] var elementIsNotNullLabel = il.DefineLabel("elementIsNotNull"); il.Brtrue(elementIsNotNullLabel); il.Ldloc(array); il.Ldloc(arrayIndex); context.Create(itemType); il.Stelem(itemType); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(elementIsNotNullLabel); il.Ldloc(array); } } } if (arrayIndex != null) { il.Ldloc(arrayIndex); arrayIndex.Dispose(); } switch (whatReturn) { case ResultType.ByRefAll: il.Ldelema(itemType); resultType = itemType.MakeByRefType(); break; case ResultType.ByRefValueTypesOnly: if (itemType.IsValueType) { il.Ldelema(itemType); resultType = itemType.MakeByRefType(); } else { il.Ldelem(itemType); // stack: [array[arrayIndex]] resultType = itemType; } break; default: il.Ldelem(itemType); // stack: [array[arrayIndex]] resultType = itemType; break; } return(result); }
private static void EmitAssign(AssigneeKind assigneeKind, Expression node, EmittingContext context, object[] arguments) { var il = context.Il; switch (assigneeKind) { case AssigneeKind.Parameter: var index = Array.IndexOf(context.Parameters, node); if (index >= 0) { il.Starg(index); } else { GroboIL.Local variable; if (context.VariablesToLocals.TryGetValue((ParameterExpression)node, out variable)) { il.Stloc(variable); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown parameter " + node); } } break; case AssigneeKind.SimpleArray: il.Stind(node.Type); break; case AssigneeKind.InstanceField: case AssigneeKind.StaticField: il.Stfld((FieldInfo)((MemberExpression)node).Member); break; case AssigneeKind.InstanceProperty: case AssigneeKind.StaticProperty: var memberExpression = (MemberExpression)node; il.Call(((PropertyInfo)memberExpression.Member).GetSetMethod(context.SkipVisibility), memberExpression.Expression == null ? null : memberExpression.Expression.Type); break; case AssigneeKind.IndexedProperty: { using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(node.Type)) { il.Stloc(temp); var indexExpression = (IndexExpression)node; if (arguments == null) { context.EmitLoadArguments(indexExpression.Arguments.ToArray()); } else { foreach (var argument in arguments) { if (argument is Expression) { context.EmitLoadArguments((Expression)argument); } else { var local = (EmittingContext.LocalHolder)argument; il.Ldloc(local); local.Dispose(); } } } il.Ldloc(temp); MethodInfo setter = indexExpression.Indexer.GetSetMethod(context.SkipVisibility); if (setter == null) { throw new MissingMethodException(indexExpression.Indexer.ReflectedType.ToString(), "set_" + indexExpression.Indexer.Name); } context.Il.Call(setter, indexExpression.Object.Type); } } break; case AssigneeKind.MultiDimensionalArray: { using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(node.Type)) { il.Stloc(temp); var indexExpression = (IndexExpression)node; Type arrayType = indexExpression.Object.Type; if (!arrayType.IsArray) { throw new InvalidOperationException("An array expected"); } int rank = arrayType.GetArrayRank(); if (rank != indexExpression.Arguments.Count) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Incorrect number of indeces '" + indexExpression.Arguments.Count + "' provided to access an array with rank '" + rank + "'"); } Type indexType = indexExpression.Arguments.First().Type; if (indexType != typeof(int)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Indexing array with an index of type '" + indexType + "' is not allowed"); } if (arguments == null) { context.EmitLoadArguments(indexExpression.Arguments.ToArray()); } else { foreach (var argument in arguments) { if (argument is Expression) { context.EmitLoadArguments((Expression)argument); } else { var local = (EmittingContext.LocalHolder)argument; il.Ldloc(local); local.Dispose(); } } } il.Ldloc(temp); MethodInfo setMethod = arrayType.GetMethod("Set"); if (setMethod == null) { throw new MissingMethodException(arrayType.ToString(), "Set"); } context.Il.Call(setMethod, arrayType); } } break; } }
private static object[] EmitAccess(AssigneeKind assigneeKind, Expression node, EmittingContext context) { object[] arguments = null; var il = context.Il; switch (assigneeKind) { case AssigneeKind.Parameter: var index = Array.IndexOf(context.Parameters, node); if (index >= 0) { il.Ldarg(index); } else { GroboIL.Local variable; if (context.VariablesToLocals.TryGetValue((ParameterExpression)node, out variable)) { il.Ldloc(variable); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown parameter " + node); } } break; case AssigneeKind.InstanceField: case AssigneeKind.StaticField: il.Ldfld((FieldInfo)((MemberExpression)node).Member); break; case AssigneeKind.InstanceProperty: case AssigneeKind.StaticProperty: var memberExpression = (MemberExpression)node; il.Call(((PropertyInfo)memberExpression.Member).GetGetMethod(context.SkipVisibility), memberExpression.Expression == null ? null : memberExpression.Expression.Type); break; case AssigneeKind.SimpleArray: il.Ldind(node.Type); break; case AssigneeKind.IndexedProperty: { var indexExpression = (IndexExpression)node; var args = new List <object>(); foreach (var argument in indexExpression.Arguments) { context.EmitLoadArguments(argument); if (argument.NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant || (argument.NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberAccess && ((MemberExpression)argument).Member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field && ((FieldInfo)((MemberExpression)argument).Member).IsStatic)) { args.Add(argument); } else { var local = context.DeclareLocal(argument.Type); args.Add(local); il.Stloc(local); il.Ldloc(local); } } arguments = args.ToArray(); MethodInfo getter = indexExpression.Indexer.GetGetMethod(context.SkipVisibility); if (getter == null) { throw new MissingMethodException(indexExpression.Indexer.ReflectedType.ToString(), "get_" + indexExpression.Indexer.Name); } context.Il.Call(getter, indexExpression.Object.Type); } break; case AssigneeKind.MultiDimensionalArray: { var indexExpression = (IndexExpression)node; Type arrayType = indexExpression.Object.Type; if (!arrayType.IsArray) { throw new InvalidOperationException("An array expected"); } int rank = arrayType.GetArrayRank(); if (rank != indexExpression.Arguments.Count) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Incorrect number of indeces '" + indexExpression.Arguments.Count + "' provided to access an array with rank '" + rank + "'"); } Type indexType = indexExpression.Arguments.First().Type; if (indexType != typeof(int)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Indexing array with an index of type '" + indexType + "' is not allowed"); } var args = new List <object>(); foreach (var argument in indexExpression.Arguments) { context.EmitLoadArguments(argument); if (argument.NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant || (argument.NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberAccess && ((MemberExpression)argument).Member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field && ((FieldInfo)((MemberExpression)argument).Member).IsStatic)) { args.Add(argument); } else { var local = context.DeclareLocal(argument.Type); args.Add(local); il.Stloc(local); il.Ldloc(local); } } arguments = args.ToArray(); MethodInfo getMethod = arrayType.GetMethod("Get"); if (getMethod == null) { throw new MissingMethodException(arrayType.ToString(), "Get"); } context.Il.Call(getMethod, arrayType); } break; } return(arguments); }
protected override bool EmitInternal(UnaryExpression node, EmittingContext context, GroboIL.Label returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType whatReturn, bool extend, out Type resultType) { GroboIL il = context.Il; var result = false; var operand = node.Operand; Type assigneeType; AssigneeKind assigneeKind; bool checkNullReferences = context.Options.HasFlag(CompilerOptions.CheckNullReferences); extend |= context.Options.HasFlag(CompilerOptions.ExtendOnAssign); GroboIL.Label assigneeIsNullLabel = null; bool assigneeIsNullLabelUsed = false; switch (operand.NodeType) { case ExpressionType.Parameter: assigneeType = null; assigneeKind = AssigneeKind.Parameter; checkNullReferences = false; break; case ExpressionType.MemberAccess: var memberExpression = (MemberExpression)operand; if (memberExpression.Expression == null) { assigneeType = null; assigneeKind = memberExpression.Member is FieldInfo ? AssigneeKind.StaticField : AssigneeKind.StaticProperty; checkNullReferences = false; } else { bool closureAssign = memberExpression.Expression == context.ParsedLambda.ClosureParameter || memberExpression.Expression.Type.IsStaticClosure(); checkNullReferences &= !closureAssign; if (node.NodeType != ExpressionType.Assign && context.CanReturn) { result |= ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(memberExpression.Expression, context, returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType.ByRefValueTypesOnly, extend, out assigneeType); } else { assigneeIsNullLabel = !closureAssign && context.CanReturn ? il.DefineLabel("assigneeIsNull") : null; assigneeIsNullLabelUsed = ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(memberExpression.Expression, context, assigneeIsNullLabel, ResultType.ByRefValueTypesOnly, extend, out assigneeType); } assigneeKind = memberExpression.Member is FieldInfo ? AssigneeKind.InstanceField : AssigneeKind.InstanceProperty; } break; case ExpressionType.Index: var indexExpression = (IndexExpression)operand; if (indexExpression.Object == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Indexing of null object is invalid"); } if (indexExpression.Object.Type.IsArray && indexExpression.Object.Type.GetArrayRank() == 1) { if (node.NodeType != ExpressionType.Assign && context.CanReturn) { result |= ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(Expression.ArrayIndex(indexExpression.Object, indexExpression.Arguments.Single()), context, returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType.ByRefAll, extend, out assigneeType); checkNullReferences = false; } else { assigneeIsNullLabel = context.CanReturn ? il.DefineLabel("assigneeIsNull") : null; assigneeIsNullLabelUsed = ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(Expression.ArrayIndex(indexExpression.Object, indexExpression.Arguments.Single()), context, assigneeIsNullLabel, ResultType.ByRefAll, extend, out assigneeType); } assigneeKind = AssigneeKind.SimpleArray; } else { if (node.NodeType != ExpressionType.Assign && context.CanReturn) { result |= ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(indexExpression.Object, context, returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType.ByRefValueTypesOnly, extend, out assigneeType); } else { assigneeIsNullLabel = context.CanReturn ? il.DefineLabel("assigneeIsNull") : null; assigneeIsNullLabelUsed = ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(indexExpression.Object, context, assigneeIsNullLabel, ResultType.ByRefValueTypesOnly, extend, out assigneeType); } assigneeKind = indexExpression.Indexer != null ? AssigneeKind.IndexedProperty : AssigneeKind.MultiDimensionalArray; } break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to assign to an expression of type '" + operand.NodeType + "'"); } if (assigneeType != null && assigneeType.IsValueType) { using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(assigneeType)) { il.Stloc(temp); il.Ldloca(temp); } assigneeType = assigneeType.MakeByRefType(); } if (assigneeIsNullLabelUsed) { context.EmitReturnDefaultValue(assigneeType, assigneeIsNullLabel, il.DefineLabel("assigneeIsNotNull")); } if (checkNullReferences) { il.Dup(); il.Brfalse(returnDefaultValueLabel); result = true; } if (assigneeType != null) { il.Dup(); } object[] arguments = EmitAccess(assigneeKind, operand, context); if (!operand.Type.IsNullable()) { if (whatReturn == ResultType.Void) { EmitOp(node.NodeType, node.Method, node.Type, context); EmitAssign(assigneeKind, operand, context, arguments); } else { if (node.NodeType == ExpressionType.PostDecrementAssign || node.NodeType == ExpressionType.PostIncrementAssign) { using (var assignmentResult = context.DeclareLocal(operand.Type)) { il.Stloc(assignmentResult); il.Ldloc(assignmentResult); EmitOp(node.NodeType, node.Method, node.Type, context); EmitAssign(assigneeKind, operand, context, arguments); il.Ldloc(assignmentResult); } } else { EmitOp(node.NodeType, node.Method, node.Type, context); using (var assignmentResult = context.DeclareLocal(operand.Type)) { il.Stloc(assignmentResult); EmitAssign(assigneeKind, operand, context, arguments, assignmentResult); il.Ldloc(assignmentResult); } } } } else { using (var value = context.DeclareLocal(operand.Type)) { il.Stloc(value); il.Ldloca(value); context.EmitHasValueAccess(operand.Type); var returnNullLabel = il.DefineLabel("returnNull"); il.Brfalse(returnNullLabel); il.Ldloca(value); context.EmitValueAccess(operand.Type); Type argumentType = operand.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0]; ConstructorInfo constructor = operand.Type.GetConstructor(new[] { argumentType }); if (whatReturn == ResultType.Void) { EmitOp(node.NodeType, node.Method, argumentType, context); il.Newobj(constructor); EmitAssign(assigneeKind, operand, context, arguments); } else { if (node.NodeType == ExpressionType.PostDecrementAssign || node.NodeType == ExpressionType.PostIncrementAssign) { EmitOp(node.NodeType, node.Method, argumentType, context); il.Newobj(constructor); EmitAssign(assigneeKind, operand, context, arguments); il.Ldloc(value); } else { EmitOp(node.NodeType, node.Method, argumentType, context); il.Newobj(constructor); using (var assignmentResult = context.DeclareLocal(operand.Type)) { il.Stloc(assignmentResult); EmitAssign(assigneeKind, operand, context, arguments, assignmentResult); il.Ldloc(assignmentResult); } } } var doneLabel = il.DefineLabel("done"); il.Br(doneLabel); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(returnNullLabel); if (assigneeType != null) { il.Pop(); } if (whatReturn != ResultType.Void) { il.Ldloc(value); } context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(doneLabel); } } resultType = whatReturn == ResultType.Void ? typeof(void) : operand.Type; return(result); }
protected override bool EmitInternal(IndexExpression node, EmittingContext context, GroboIL.Label returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType whatReturn, bool extend, out Type resultType) { if (node.Object == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Indexing of null object is invalid"); } if (node.Object.Type.IsArray && node.Object.Type.GetArrayRank() == 1) { return(ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(Expression.ArrayIndex(node.Object, node.Arguments.Single()), context, returnDefaultValueLabel, whatReturn, extend, out resultType)); } if (node.Object.Type.IsList()) { return(ArrayIndexExpressionEmitter.Emit(node.Object, node.Arguments.Single(), context, returnDefaultValueLabel, whatReturn, extend, out resultType)); } Type objectType; bool result = ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(node.Object, context, returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType.ByRefValueTypesOnly, extend, out objectType); if (objectType.IsValueType) { using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(objectType)) { context.Il.Stloc(temp); context.Il.Ldloca(temp); } } if (context.Options.HasFlag(CompilerOptions.CheckNullReferences)) { result |= context.EmitNullChecking(objectType, returnDefaultValueLabel); } if (node.Indexer != null) { context.EmitLoadArguments(node.Arguments.ToArray()); MethodInfo getter = node.Indexer.GetGetMethod(context.SkipVisibility); if (getter == null) { throw new MissingMethodException(node.Indexer.ReflectedType.ToString(), "get_" + node.Indexer.Name); } GroboIL.Label doneLabel = null; if (node.Object.Type.IsDictionary()) { var valueType = node.Object.Type.GetGenericArguments()[1]; var constructor = valueType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes); extend &= (valueType.IsClass && constructor != null) || valueType.IsArray || valueType.IsValueType || valueType == typeof(string); doneLabel = context.Il.DefineLabel("done"); using (var dict = context.DeclareLocal(node.Object.Type)) using (var key = context.DeclareLocal(node.Arguments.Single().Type)) using (var value = context.DeclareLocal(valueType)) { context.Il.Stloc(key); // key = arg0; stack: [dict] context.Il.Dup(); // stack: [dict, dict] context.Il.Stloc(dict); // stack: [dict] context.Il.Ldloc(key); // stack: [dict, key] context.Il.Ldloca(value); // stack: [dict, key, ref value] var tryGetValueMethod = node.Object.Type.GetMethod("TryGetValue", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); if (tryGetValueMethod == null) { throw new MissingMethodException(node.Object.Type.Name, "TryGetValue"); } context.Il.Call(tryGetValueMethod, node.Object.Type); // stack: [dict.TryGetValue(key, out value)] var loadResultLabel = context.Il.DefineLabel("loadResult"); context.Il.Brtrue(loadResultLabel); // if(dict.TryGetValue(key, out result)) goto loadResult; stack: [] if (valueType.IsValueType) { context.Il.Ldloca(value); context.Il.Initobj(valueType); // value = default(valueType) context.Il.Ldloc(value); // stack: [default(valueType)] } else if (valueType == typeof(string)) { context.Il.Ldstr(""); } else { context.Create(valueType); } context.Il.Stloc(value); if (extend) { context.Il.Ldloc(dict); // stack: [dict] context.Il.Ldloc(key); // stack: [dict, key] context.Il.Ldloc(value); // stack: [dict, key, value] var setter = node.Indexer.GetSetMethod(context.SkipVisibility); if (setter == null) { throw new MissingMethodException(node.Indexer.ReflectedType.ToString(), "set_" + node.Indexer.Name); } context.Il.Call(setter, node.Object.Type); // dict.set_Item(key, default(valueType)); stack: [] } context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(loadResultLabel); context.Il.Ldloc(value); } } if (doneLabel != null) { context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(doneLabel); } else { context.Il.Call(getter, node.Object.Type); } } else { Type arrayType = node.Object.Type; if (!arrayType.IsArray) { throw new InvalidOperationException("An array expected"); } int rank = arrayType.GetArrayRank(); if (rank != node.Arguments.Count) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Incorrect number of indeces '" + node.Arguments.Count + "' provided to access an array with rank '" + rank + "'"); } Type indexType = node.Arguments.First().Type; if (indexType != typeof(int)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Indexing array with an index of type '" + indexType + "' is not allowed"); } context.EmitLoadArguments(node.Arguments.ToArray()); MethodInfo getMethod = arrayType.GetMethod("Get"); if (getMethod == null) { throw new MissingMethodException(arrayType.ToString(), "Get"); } context.Il.Call(getMethod, arrayType); } resultType = node.Type; return(result); }
protected override bool EmitInternal(SwitchExpression node, EmittingContext context, GroboIL.Label returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType whatReturn, bool extend, out Type resultType) { GroboIL il = context.Il; var defaultLabel = il.DefineLabel("default"); var caseLabels = new GroboIL.Label[node.Cases.Count]; GroboIL.Label switchValueIsNullLabel = null; for (int index = 0; index < node.Cases.Count; index++) { caseLabels[index] = il.DefineLabel("case#" + index); } context.EmitLoadArguments(node.SwitchValue); using (var switchValue = context.DeclareLocal(node.SwitchValue.Type)) { il.Stloc(switchValue); Tuple <int, int, int> switchCase; if (context.ParsedLambda.ParsedSwitches.TryGetValue(node, out switchCase)) { // use simplified hashtable to locate the proper case var labels = new List <GroboIL.Label>(); for (int index = 0; index < node.Cases.Count; index++) { foreach (var testValue in node.Cases[index].TestValues) { if (((ConstantExpression)testValue).Value != null) { labels.Add(caseLabels[index]); } else { switchValueIsNullLabel = caseLabels[index]; } } } if (switchValueIsNullLabel != null) { if (!node.SwitchValue.Type.IsNullable()) { il.Ldloc(switchValue); } else { il.Ldloca(switchValue); context.EmitHasValueAccess(node.SwitchValue.Type); } il.Brfalse(switchValueIsNullLabel); } EmittingContext.LocalHolder pureSwitchValue = switchValue; if (node.SwitchValue.Type.IsNullable()) { pureSwitchValue = context.DeclareLocal(node.SwitchValue.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0]); il.Ldloca(switchValue); context.EmitValueAccess(node.SwitchValue.Type); il.Stloc(pureSwitchValue); } Type temp; ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(context.ParsedLambda.ConstantsBuilder.MakeAccess(context.ParsedLambda.ConstantsParameter, switchCase.Item1), context, out temp); var type = node.SwitchValue.Type.IsNullable() ? node.SwitchValue.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0] : node.SwitchValue.Type; var typeCode = Type.GetTypeCode(type); switch (typeCode) { case TypeCode.Byte: case TypeCode.Char: case TypeCode.Int16: case TypeCode.Int32: case TypeCode.Int64: case TypeCode.SByte: case TypeCode.UInt16: case TypeCode.UInt32: case TypeCode.UInt64: il.Ldloc(pureSwitchValue); break; default: if (type.IsValueType) { il.Ldloca(pureSwitchValue); } else { il.Ldloc(pureSwitchValue); } il.Call(typeof(object).GetMethod("GetHashCode"), type); break; } using (var index = context.DeclareLocal(typeof(int))) { if (typeCode == TypeCode.Int64 || typeCode == TypeCode.UInt64) { il.Ldc_I8(switchCase.Item3); } else { il.Ldc_I4(switchCase.Item3); } il.Rem(true); if (typeCode == TypeCode.Int64 || typeCode == TypeCode.UInt64) { il.Conv <int>(); } il.Stloc(index); il.Ldloc(index); il.Ldelem(type); il.Ldloc(pureSwitchValue); if (node.Comparison != null) { il.Call(node.Comparison); } else { il.Ceq(); } il.Brfalse(defaultLabel); ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(context.ParsedLambda.ConstantsBuilder.MakeAccess(context.ParsedLambda.ConstantsParameter, switchCase.Item2), context, out temp); il.Ldloc(index); il.Ldelem(typeof(int)); il.Switch(labels.ToArray()); } if (pureSwitchValue != switchValue) { pureSwitchValue.Dispose(); } } else { // use a number of if/else branches to locate the proper case EmittingContext.LocalHolder pureSwitchValue = switchValue; EmittingContext.LocalHolder switchValueIsNull = null; if (node.SwitchValue.Type.IsNullable()) { pureSwitchValue = context.DeclareLocal(node.SwitchValue.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0]); switchValueIsNull = context.DeclareLocal(typeof(bool)); il.Ldloca(switchValue); il.Dup(); context.EmitValueAccess(node.SwitchValue.Type); il.Stloc(pureSwitchValue); context.EmitHasValueAccess(node.SwitchValue.Type); il.Stloc(switchValueIsNull); } for (int index = 0; index < node.Cases.Count; index++) { var caSe = node.Cases[index]; var label = caseLabels[index]; foreach (var testValue in caSe.TestValues) { context.EmitLoadArguments(testValue); GroboIL.Label elseLabel = null; if (testValue.Type.IsNullable()) { elseLabel = il.DefineLabel("else"); using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(testValue.Type)) { il.Stloc(temp); il.Ldloca(temp); context.EmitHasValueAccess(testValue.Type); if (switchValueIsNull != null) { il.Ldloc(switchValueIsNull); il.Or(); il.Brfalse(label); il.Ldloca(temp); context.EmitHasValueAccess(testValue.Type); il.Ldloc(switchValueIsNull); il.And(); } il.Brfalse(elseLabel); il.Ldloca(temp); context.EmitValueAccess(testValue.Type); } } il.Ldloc(pureSwitchValue); if (node.Comparison != null) { il.Call(node.Comparison); } else { il.Ceq(); } il.Brtrue(label); if (elseLabel != null) { context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(elseLabel); } } } } } context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(defaultLabel); var doneLabel = il.DefineLabel("done"); context.EmitLoadArguments(node.DefaultBody); il.Br(doneLabel); for (int index = 0; index < node.Cases.Count; ++index) { context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(caseLabels[index]); context.EmitLoadArguments(node.Cases[index].Body); if (index < node.Cases.Count - 1) { il.Br(doneLabel); } } context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(doneLabel); resultType = node.Type; return(false); }
protected override bool EmitInternal(MethodCallExpression node, EmittingContext context, GroboIL.Label returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType whatReturn, bool extend, out Type resultType) { var result = false; GroboIL il = context.Il; var method = node.Method; Expression obj; IEnumerable <Expression> arguments; IEnumerable <ParameterInfo> parameters; bool isStatic = method.IsStatic; if (!isStatic) { obj = node.Object; arguments = node.Arguments; parameters = method.GetParameters(); } else if (method.DeclaringType == typeof(Enumerable)) { obj = node.Arguments[0]; arguments = node.Arguments.Skip(1); parameters = method.GetParameters().Skip(1); } else { obj = null; arguments = node.Arguments; parameters = method.GetParameters(); } Type type = obj == null ? null : obj.Type; if (obj != null) { Type actualType; result |= ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(obj, context, returnDefaultValueLabel, isStatic ? ResultType.Value : ResultType.ByRefValueTypesOnly, extend, out actualType); // stack: [obj] if (actualType == typeof(void)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to call method on void"); } if (actualType.IsValueType && !isStatic) { using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(actualType)) { il.Stloc(temp); il.Ldloca(temp); } actualType = actualType.MakeByRefType(); } if (context.Options.HasFlag(CompilerOptions.CheckNullReferences) && !actualType.IsValueType) { if (method.DeclaringType != typeof(Enumerable)) { result |= context.EmitNullChecking(type, returnDefaultValueLabel); } else { var arrIsNotNullLabel = il.DefineLabel("arrIsNotNull"); il.Dup(); il.Brtrue(arrIsNotNullLabel); il.Pop(); il.Ldc_I4(0); il.Newarr(GetElementType(type)); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(arrIsNotNullLabel); } } } var parametersArray = parameters.ToArray(); var argumentsArray = arguments.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < argumentsArray.Length; i++) { var argument = argumentsArray[i]; var parameter = parametersArray[i]; if (parameter.ParameterType.IsByRef) { Type argumentType; var options = context.Options; context.Options = CompilerOptions.None; ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(argument, context, null, ResultType.ByRefAll, false, out argumentType); context.Options = options; if (!argumentType.IsByRef) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Expected type by reference"); } } else { Type argumentType; context.EmitLoadArgument(argument, true, out argumentType); } } il.Call(method, type); resultType = node.Type; return(result); }
protected override bool EmitInternal(BinaryExpression node, EmittingContext context, GroboIL.Label returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType whatReturn, bool extend, out Type resultType) { Expression left = node.Left; Expression right = node.Right; Type leftType, rightType; context.EmitLoadArgument(left, false, out leftType); context.EmitLoadArgument(right, false, out rightType); GroboIL il = context.Il; if (!leftType.IsNullable() && !rightType.IsNullable()) { if (node.Method != null) { il.Call(node.Method); } else { if (leftType.IsStruct() || rightType.IsStruct()) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot compare structs"); } il.Ceq(); if (node.NodeType == ExpressionType.NotEqual) { il.Ldc_I4(1); il.Xor(); } } } else { var type = leftType; if (type != rightType) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot compare objects of different types '" + leftType + "' and '" + rightType + "'"); } using (var localLeft = context.DeclareLocal(type)) using (var localRight = context.DeclareLocal(type)) { il.Stloc(localRight); il.Stloc(localLeft); if (node.Method != null) { il.Ldloca(localLeft); // stack: [&left] context.EmitHasValueAccess(type); // stack: [left.HasValue] il.Dup(); // stack: [left.HasValue, left.HasValue] il.Ldloca(localRight); // stack: [left.HasValue, left.HasValue, &right] context.EmitHasValueAccess(type); // stack: [left.HasValue, left.HasValue, right.HasValue] var notEqualLabel = il.DefineLabel("notEqual"); il.Bne_Un(notEqualLabel); // stack: [left.HasValue] var equalLabel = il.DefineLabel("equal"); il.Brfalse(equalLabel); il.Ldloca(localLeft); context.EmitValueAccess(type); il.Ldloca(localRight); context.EmitValueAccess(type); il.Call(node.Method); var doneLabel = il.DefineLabel("done"); il.Br(doneLabel); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(notEqualLabel); il.Pop(); il.Ldc_I4(node.NodeType == ExpressionType.Equal ? 0 : 1); il.Br(doneLabel); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(equalLabel); il.Ldc_I4(node.NodeType == ExpressionType.Equal ? 1 : 0); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(doneLabel); } else { il.Ldloca(localLeft); context.EmitValueAccess(type); il.Ldloca(localRight); context.EmitValueAccess(type); var notEqualLabel = il.DefineLabel("notEqual"); il.Bne_Un(notEqualLabel); il.Ldloca(localLeft); context.EmitHasValueAccess(type); il.Ldloca(localRight); context.EmitHasValueAccess(type); il.Ceq(); var doneLabel = il.DefineLabel("done"); il.Br(doneLabel); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(notEqualLabel); il.Ldc_I4(0); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(doneLabel); if (node.NodeType == ExpressionType.NotEqual) { il.Ldc_I4(1); il.Xor(); } } } } resultType = typeof(bool); return(false); }
protected override bool EmitInternal(UnaryExpression node, EmittingContext context, GroboIL.Label returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType whatReturn, bool extend, out Type resultType) { var il = context.Il; GroboIL.Label operandIsNullLabel = context.CanReturn ? il.DefineLabel("operandIsNull") : null; var operandIsNullLabelUsed = ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(node.Operand, context, operandIsNullLabel, ResultType.Value, extend, out resultType); // stack: [obj] if (operandIsNullLabelUsed) { context.EmitReturnDefaultValue(resultType, operandIsNullLabel, il.DefineLabel("operandIsNotNull")); } if (resultType != node.Type && !(context.Options.HasFlag(CompilerOptions.UseTernaryLogic) && resultType == typeof(bool?) && node.Type == typeof(bool))) { if (node.Method != null) { if (!resultType.IsNullable()) { il.Call(node.Method); if (node.Type.IsNullable()) { il.Newobj(node.Type.GetConstructor(new[] { node.Method.ReturnType })); } } else { using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(resultType)) { il.Stloc(temp); il.Ldloca(temp); il.Dup(); context.EmitHasValueAccess(resultType); var valueIsNullLabel = operandIsNullLabelUsed ? operandIsNullLabel : il.DefineLabel("valueIsNull"); il.Brfalse(valueIsNullLabel); context.EmitValueAccess(resultType); il.Call(node.Method); il.Newobj(node.Type.GetConstructor(new[] { node.Method.ReturnType })); if (!operandIsNullLabelUsed) { context.EmitReturnDefaultValue(node.Type, valueIsNullLabel, il.DefineLabel("valueIsNotNull")); } } } } else { switch (node.NodeType) { case ExpressionType.Convert: context.EmitConvert(resultType, node.Type); // stack: [(type)obj] break; case ExpressionType.ConvertChecked: context.EmitConvert(resultType, node.Type, true); // stack: [(type)obj] break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Node type '" + node.NodeType + "' is not valid at this point"); } } resultType = node.Type; } return(false); }
protected override bool EmitInternal(BlockExpression node, EmittingContext context, GroboIL.Label returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType whatReturn, bool extend, out Type resultType) { var variables = node.Variables.Where(variable => !context.VariablesToLocals.ContainsKey(variable)).ToArray(); foreach (var variable in variables) { var local = string.IsNullOrEmpty(variable.Name) ? context.Il.DeclareLocal(variable.Type) : context.Il.DeclareLocal(variable.Type, variable.Name, appendUniquePrefix: false); if (context.DebugInfoGenerator != null) { local.SetLocalSymInfo(local.Name); } context.VariablesToLocals.Add(variable, local); context.Variables.Push(variable); } resultType = typeof(void); for (var index = 0; index < node.Expressions.Count; index++) { var expression = node.Expressions[index]; var il = context.Il; var valueIsNullLabel = il.DefineLabel("valueIsNull"); var labelUsed = ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(expression, context, valueIsNullLabel, index < node.Expressions.Count - 1 ? ResultType.Void : whatReturn, extend, out resultType); if (resultType != typeof(void) && index < node.Expressions.Count - 1) { // eat results of all expressions except the last one if (resultType.IsStruct()) { using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(resultType)) context.Il.Stloc(temp); } else { context.Il.Pop(); } } if (labelUsed) { var doneLabel = il.DefineLabel("done"); il.Br(doneLabel); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(valueIsNullLabel); il.Pop(); if (resultType != typeof(void) && index == node.Expressions.Count - 1) { // return default value for the last expression in the block context.EmitLoadDefaultValue(resultType); } context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(doneLabel); } } if (node.Type == typeof(bool) && resultType == typeof(bool?)) { resultType = typeof(bool); context.ConvertFromNullableBoolToBool(); } else if (node.Type == typeof(void) && resultType != typeof(void)) { // eat result of the last expression if the result of block is void if (resultType.IsStruct()) { using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(resultType)) context.Il.Stloc(temp); } else { context.Il.Pop(); } resultType = typeof(void); } foreach (var variable in variables) { context.VariablesToLocals.Remove(variable); context.Variables.Pop(); } return(false); }
protected override bool EmitInternal(UnaryExpression node, EmittingContext context, GroboIL.Label returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType whatReturn, bool extend, out Type resultType) { Type operandType; var result = ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(node.Operand, context, returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType.Value, extend, out operandType); GroboIL il = context.Il; if (node.NodeType == ExpressionType.IsTrue || node.NodeType == ExpressionType.IsFalse) { if (!operandType.IsNullable()) { if (node.Method != null) { il.Call(node.Method); } else if (operandType == typeof(bool)) { if (node.NodeType == ExpressionType.IsFalse) { il.Ldc_I4(1); il.Xor(); } } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot perform operation '" + node.NodeType + "' to a type '" + operandType + "'"); } } else { using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(operandType)) { il.Stloc(temp); il.Ldloca(temp); context.EmitHasValueAccess(operandType); var returnFalseLabel = il.DefineLabel("returnFalse"); il.Brfalse(returnFalseLabel); il.Ldloca(temp); context.EmitValueAccess(operandType); if (node.Method != null) { il.Call(node.Method); } else if (operandType == typeof(bool?)) { if (node.NodeType == ExpressionType.IsFalse) { il.Ldc_I4(1); il.Xor(); } } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot perform operation '" + node.NodeType + "' to a type '" + operandType + "'"); } var doneLabel = il.DefineLabel("done"); il.Br(doneLabel); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(returnFalseLabel); il.Ldc_I4(0); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(doneLabel); } } } else { if (!operandType.IsNullable()) { if (node.Method != null) { il.Call(node.Method); } else { if (operandType.IsStruct()) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot perform operation '" + node.NodeType + "' to a struct '" + operandType + "'"); } switch (node.NodeType) { case ExpressionType.UnaryPlus: break; case ExpressionType.Negate: il.Neg(); break; case ExpressionType.NegateChecked: using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(operandType)) { il.Stloc(temp); il.Ldc_I4(0); context.EmitConvert(typeof(int), operandType); il.Ldloc(temp); il.Sub_Ovf(operandType.Unsigned()); } break; case ExpressionType.Increment: il.Ldc_I4(1); context.EmitConvert(typeof(int), operandType); il.Add(); break; case ExpressionType.Decrement: il.Ldc_I4(1); context.EmitConvert(typeof(int), operandType); il.Sub(); break; case ExpressionType.OnesComplement: il.Not(); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Node type '" + node.NodeType + "' invalid at this point"); } } } else { using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(operandType)) { il.Stloc(temp); il.Ldloca(temp); context.EmitHasValueAccess(operandType); var returnNullLabel = il.DefineLabel("returnLabel"); il.Brfalse(returnNullLabel); Type argumentType = operandType.GetGenericArguments()[0]; if (node.Method != null) { il.Ldloca(temp); context.EmitValueAccess(operandType); il.Call(node.Method); } else { switch (node.NodeType) { case ExpressionType.UnaryPlus: il.Ldloca(temp); context.EmitValueAccess(operandType); break; case ExpressionType.Negate: il.Ldloca(temp); context.EmitValueAccess(operandType); il.Neg(); break; case ExpressionType.NegateChecked: il.Ldc_I4(0); context.EmitConvert(typeof(int), argumentType); il.Ldloca(temp); context.EmitValueAccess(operandType); il.Sub_Ovf(argumentType.Unsigned()); break; case ExpressionType.Increment: il.Ldloca(temp); context.EmitValueAccess(operandType); il.Ldc_I4(1); context.EmitConvert(typeof(int), argumentType); il.Add(); break; case ExpressionType.Decrement: il.Ldloca(temp); context.EmitValueAccess(operandType); il.Ldc_I4(1); context.EmitConvert(typeof(int), argumentType); il.Sub(); break; case ExpressionType.OnesComplement: il.Ldloca(temp); context.EmitValueAccess(operandType); il.Not(); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Node type '" + node.NodeType + "' invalid at this point"); } } il.Newobj(operandType.GetConstructor(new[] { argumentType })); var doneLabel = il.DefineLabel("done"); il.Br(doneLabel); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(returnNullLabel); context.EmitLoadDefaultValue(operandType); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(doneLabel); } } } resultType = node.Type; return(result); }
protected override bool EmitInternal(BinaryExpression node, EmittingContext context, GroboIL.Label returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType whatReturn, bool extend, out Type resultType) { var il = context.Il; var left = node.Left; var right = node.Right; bool result = false; Type assigneeType; AssigneeKind assigneeKind; bool checkNullReferences = context.Options.HasFlag(CompilerOptions.CheckNullReferences); extend |= context.Options.HasFlag(CompilerOptions.ExtendOnAssign); GroboIL.Label assigneeIsNullLabel = null; bool assigneeIsNullLabelUsed = false; switch (left.NodeType) { case ExpressionType.Parameter: assigneeType = null; assigneeKind = AssigneeKind.Parameter; checkNullReferences = false; break; case ExpressionType.MemberAccess: var memberExpression = (MemberExpression)left; if (memberExpression.Expression == null) { assigneeType = null; assigneeKind = memberExpression.Member is FieldInfo ? AssigneeKind.StaticField : AssigneeKind.StaticProperty; checkNullReferences = false; } else { bool closureAssign = memberExpression.Expression == context.ParsedLambda.ClosureParameter || memberExpression.Expression.Type.IsStaticClosure(); checkNullReferences &= !closureAssign; if (node.NodeType != ExpressionType.Assign && context.CanReturn) { result |= ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(memberExpression.Expression, context, returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType.ByRefValueTypesOnly, extend, out assigneeType); } else { assigneeIsNullLabel = !closureAssign && context.CanReturn ? il.DefineLabel("assigneeIsNull") : null; assigneeIsNullLabelUsed = ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(memberExpression.Expression, context, assigneeIsNullLabel, ResultType.ByRefValueTypesOnly, extend, out assigneeType); } assigneeKind = memberExpression.Member is FieldInfo ? AssigneeKind.InstanceField : AssigneeKind.InstanceProperty; } break; case ExpressionType.Index: var indexExpression = (IndexExpression)left; if (indexExpression.Object == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Indexing of null object is invalid"); } if ((indexExpression.Object.Type.IsArray && indexExpression.Object.Type.GetArrayRank() == 1) || indexExpression.Object.Type.IsList()) { if (node.NodeType != ExpressionType.Assign && context.CanReturn) { result |= ArrayIndexExpressionEmitter.Emit(indexExpression.Object, indexExpression.Arguments.Single(), context, returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType.ByRefAll, extend, out assigneeType); checkNullReferences = false; } else { assigneeIsNullLabel = context.CanReturn ? il.DefineLabel("assigneeIsNull") : null; assigneeIsNullLabelUsed = ArrayIndexExpressionEmitter.Emit(indexExpression.Object, indexExpression.Arguments.Single(), context, assigneeIsNullLabel, ResultType.ByRefAll, extend, out assigneeType); } assigneeKind = AssigneeKind.SimpleArray; } else { if (node.NodeType != ExpressionType.Assign && context.CanReturn) { result |= ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(indexExpression.Object, context, returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType.ByRefValueTypesOnly, extend, out assigneeType); } else { assigneeIsNullLabel = context.CanReturn ? il.DefineLabel("assigneeIsNull") : null; assigneeIsNullLabelUsed = ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(indexExpression.Object, context, assigneeIsNullLabel, ResultType.ByRefValueTypesOnly, extend, out assigneeType); } assigneeKind = indexExpression.Indexer != null ? AssigneeKind.IndexedProperty : AssigneeKind.MultiDimensionalArray; } break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to assign to an expression of type '" + left.NodeType + "'"); } if (assigneeType != null && assigneeType.IsValueType) { using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(assigneeType)) { il.Stloc(temp); il.Ldloca(temp); } assigneeType = assigneeType.MakeByRefType(); } if (node.NodeType == ExpressionType.Assign) { if (!checkNullReferences) { if (whatReturn == ResultType.Void) { EmitAssign(assigneeKind, left, context, null, right); } else { if (assigneeKind == AssigneeKind.Parameter) { EmitAssign(assigneeKind, left, context, null, right); EmitAccess(assigneeKind, left, context); } else { context.EmitLoadArguments(right); using (var value = context.DeclareLocal(right.Type)) { il.Stloc(value); EmitAssign(assigneeKind, left, context, null, value); il.Ldloc(value); } } } } else { if (whatReturn == ResultType.Void) { il.Dup(); var skipAssigneeLabel = il.DefineLabel("skipAssignee"); il.Brfalse(skipAssigneeLabel); EmitAssign(assigneeKind, left, context, null, right); var returnLabel = il.DefineLabel("return"); il.Br(returnLabel); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(skipAssigneeLabel); il.Pop(); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(returnLabel); } else { // load value var rightIsNullLabel = context.CanReturn ? il.DefineLabel("rightIsNull") : null; Type valueType; bool labelUsed = ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(right, context, rightIsNullLabel, out valueType); // stack: [address, value] if (right.Type == typeof(bool) && valueType == typeof(bool?)) { context.ConvertFromNullableBoolToBool(); } if (labelUsed && context.CanReturn) { context.EmitReturnDefaultValue(right.Type, rightIsNullLabel, il.DefineLabel("rightIsNotNull")); } using (var value = context.DeclareLocal(right.Type)) { il.Stloc(value); il.Dup(); var skipAssigneeLabel = il.DefineLabel("skipAssignee"); il.Brfalse(skipAssigneeLabel); EmitAssign(assigneeKind, left, context, null, value); var returnValueLabel = il.DefineLabel("returnValue"); il.Br(returnValueLabel); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(skipAssigneeLabel); il.Pop(); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(returnValueLabel); il.Ldloc(value); } } } } else { if (checkNullReferences) { il.Dup(); il.Brfalse(returnDefaultValueLabel); result = true; } if (assigneeType != null) { il.Dup(); } object[] arguments = EmitAccess(assigneeKind, left, context); context.EmitLoadArguments(right); context.EmitArithmeticOperation(GetOp(node.NodeType), left.Type, left.Type, right.Type, node.Method); if (whatReturn == ResultType.Void) { EmitAssign(assigneeKind, left, context, arguments); } else { if (assigneeKind == AssigneeKind.Parameter) { EmitAssign(assigneeKind, left, context, arguments); EmitAccess(assigneeKind, left, context); } else { using (var temp = context.DeclareLocal(left.Type)) { il.Stloc(temp); EmitAssign(assigneeKind, left, context, arguments, temp); il.Ldloc(temp); } } } } resultType = whatReturn == ResultType.Void ? typeof(void) : left.Type; if (assigneeIsNullLabelUsed) { context.EmitReturnDefaultValue(resultType, assigneeIsNullLabel, il.DefineLabel("assigneeIsNotNull")); } return(result); }
protected override bool EmitInternal(TryExpression node, EmittingContext context, GroboIL.Label returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType whatReturn, bool extend, out Type resultType) { var il = context.Il; il.BeginExceptionBlock(); returnDefaultValueLabel = context.CanReturn ? il.DefineLabel("returnDefaultValue") : null; bool returnDefaultValueLabelUsed = ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(node.Body, context, returnDefaultValueLabel, whatReturn, extend, out resultType); EmittingContext.LocalHolder retValue = null; var doneLabel = il.DefineLabel("done"); if (resultType == typeof(void)) { if (returnDefaultValueLabelUsed) { context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(returnDefaultValueLabel); } il.Leave(doneLabel); } else { retValue = context.DeclareLocal(resultType); il.Stloc(retValue); il.Leave(doneLabel); if (returnDefaultValueLabelUsed) { context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(returnDefaultValueLabel); if (resultType.IsValueType) { il.Ldloca(retValue); il.Initobj(resultType); } else { il.Ldnull(); il.Stloc(retValue); } il.Leave(doneLabel); } } foreach (var catchBlock in node.Handlers) { bool disposeVariable = false; var variable = catchBlock.Variable; if (catchBlock.Filter == null) { il.BeginCatchBlock(catchBlock.Test); if (variable == null) { il.Pop(); } else { // todo вызвать ф-цию из AssignExpressionEmitter var index = Array.IndexOf(context.Parameters, variable); if (index >= 0) { il.Starg(index); } else { GroboIL.Local local; if (!context.VariablesToLocals.TryGetValue(variable, out local)) { local = context.DeclareLocal(variable.Type); context.VariablesToLocals.Add(variable, local); context.Variables.Push(variable); disposeVariable = true; } il.Stloc(local); } } } else { il.BeginExceptFilterBlock(); il.Isinst(catchBlock.Test); il.Dup(); var rightTypeLabel = il.DefineLabel("rightType"); il.Brtrue(rightTypeLabel); il.Pop(); il.Ldc_I4(0); var endFilterLabel = il.DefineLabel("endFilter"); il.Br(endFilterLabel); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(rightTypeLabel); if (variable == null) { il.Pop(); } else { // todo вызвать ф-цию из AssignExpressionEmitter var index = Array.IndexOf(context.Parameters, variable); if (index >= 0) { il.Starg(index); } else { GroboIL.Local local; if (!context.VariablesToLocals.TryGetValue(variable, out local)) { local = string.IsNullOrEmpty(variable.Name) ? context.Il.DeclareLocal(variable.Type) : context.Il.DeclareLocal(variable.Type, variable.Name, appendUniquePrefix: false); if (context.DebugInfoGenerator != null) { local.SetLocalSymInfo(local.Name); } context.VariablesToLocals.Add(variable, local); context.Variables.Push(variable); disposeVariable = true; } il.Stloc(local); } } GroboIL.Label returnFalseLabel = context.CanReturn ? il.DefineLabel("returnFalse") : null; Type filterResultType; bool returnFalseLabelUsed = ExpressionEmittersCollection.Emit(catchBlock.Filter, context, returnFalseLabel, out filterResultType); if (returnFalseLabelUsed) { il.Br(endFilterLabel); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(returnFalseLabel); il.Pop(); il.Ldc_I4(0); } context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(endFilterLabel); il.BeginCatchBlock(null); il.Pop(); } context.EmitLoadArguments(catchBlock.Body); if (catchBlock.Body.Type != typeof(void)) { il.Stloc(retValue); } if (disposeVariable) { context.VariablesToLocals.Remove(variable); context.Variables.Pop(); } } if (node.Fault != null) { il.BeginFaultBlock(); EmitExpressionAsVoid(node.Fault, context); } if (node.Finally != null) { il.BeginFinallyBlock(); EmitExpressionAsVoid(node.Finally, context); } il.EndExceptionBlock(); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(doneLabel); if (retValue != null) { il.Ldloc(retValue); retValue.Dispose(); } return(false); }
protected override bool EmitInternal(BinaryExpression node, EmittingContext context, GroboIL.Label returnDefaultValueLabel, ResultType whatReturn, bool extend, out Type resultType) { GroboIL il = context.Il; if (node.Method != null) { throw new NotSupportedException("Custom operator '" + node.NodeType + "' is not supported"); } Expression left = node.Left; Expression right = node.Right; Type leftType; context.EmitLoadArgument(left, false, out leftType); // stack: [left] if (leftType == typeof(bool)) { switch (node.NodeType) { case ExpressionType.AndAlso: { var returnFalseLabel = il.DefineLabel("returnFalse"); il.Brfalse(returnFalseLabel); // if(left == false) return false; stack: [] Type rightType; context.EmitLoadArgument(right, false, out rightType); // stack: [right] var doneLabel = il.DefineLabel("done"); il.Br(doneLabel); // goto done; stack: [right] context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(returnFalseLabel); il.Ldc_I4(0); // stack: [false] if (rightType == typeof(bool?)) { il.Newobj(nullableBoolConstructor); // stack: [new bool?(false)] } context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(doneLabel); resultType = rightType; break; } case ExpressionType.OrElse: { var returnTrueLabel = il.DefineLabel("returnTrue"); il.Brtrue(returnTrueLabel); // if(left == true) return true; stack: [] Type rightType; context.EmitLoadArgument(right, false, out rightType); // stack: [right] var doneLabel = il.DefineLabel("done"); il.Br(doneLabel); // goto done; stack: [right] context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(returnTrueLabel); il.Ldc_I4(1); // stack: [true] if (rightType == typeof(bool?)) { il.Newobj(nullableBoolConstructor); // stack: [new bool?(true)] } context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(doneLabel); resultType = rightType; break; } default: throw new NotSupportedException("Node type '" + node.NodeType + "' is not supported"); } } else // bool? { switch (node.NodeType) { case ExpressionType.AndAlso: { /* * +-------+-------+-------+-------+ * | && | null | false | true | * +-------+-------+-------+-------+ * | null | null | false | null | * +-------+-------+-------+-------+ * | false | false | false | false | * +-------+-------+-------+-------+ * | true | null | false | true | * +-------+-------+-------+-------+ */ using (var localLeft = context.DeclareLocal(typeof(bool?))) { il.Stloc(localLeft); // localLeft = left; stack: [] il.Ldloca(localLeft); // stack: [&localLeft] context.EmitHasValueAccess(typeof(bool?)); // stack: [localLeft.HasValue] il.Ldc_I4(1); // stack: [localLeft.HasValue, true] il.Xor(); // stack: [!localLeft.HasValue] il.Ldloca(localLeft); // stack: [!localLeft.HasValue, &localLeft] context.EmitValueAccess(typeof(bool?)); // stack: [!localLeft.HasValue, localLeft.Value] il.Or(); // stack: [!localLeft.HasValue || localLeft.Value] var returnFalseLabel = il.DefineLabel("returnFalse"); il.Brfalse(returnFalseLabel); // if(localLeft == false) goto returnFalse; stack: [] Type rightType; context.EmitLoadArgument(right, false, out rightType); // stack: [right] using (var localRight = context.DeclareLocal(rightType)) { il.Stloc(localRight); // localRight = right; stack: [] if (rightType == typeof(bool)) { il.Ldloc(localRight); // stack: [localRight] } else { il.Ldloca(localRight); // stack: [&localRight] context.EmitHasValueAccess(typeof(bool?)); // stack: [localRight.HasValue] il.Ldc_I4(1); // stack: [localRight.HasValue, true] il.Xor(); // stack: [!localRight.HasValue] il.Ldloca(localRight); // stack: [!localRight.HasValue, &localRight] context.EmitValueAccess(typeof(bool?)); // stack: [!localRight.HasValue, localRight.Value] il.Or(); // stack: [!localRight.HasValue || localRight.Value] } il.Brfalse(returnFalseLabel); // if(localRight == false) goto returnFalse; if (rightType == typeof(bool)) { il.Ldloc(localRight); // stack: [localRight] } else { il.Ldloca(localRight); // stack: [&localRight] context.EmitHasValueAccess(typeof(bool?)); // stack: [localRight.HasValue] il.Ldloca(localRight); // stack: [localRight.HasValue, &localRight] context.EmitValueAccess(typeof(bool?)); // stack: [localRight.HasValue, localRight.Value] il.And(); // stack: [localRight.HasValue && localRight.Value] } var returnLeftLabel = il.DefineLabel("returnLeft"); il.Brtrue(returnLeftLabel); // if(localRight == true) goto returnLeft; il.Ldloca(localLeft); // stack: [&localLeft] il.Initobj(typeof(bool?)); // localLeft = default(bool?); stack: [] context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(returnLeftLabel); il.Ldloc(localLeft); // stack: [localLeft] var doneLabel = il.DefineLabel("done"); il.Br(doneLabel); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(returnFalseLabel); il.Ldc_I4(0); // stack: [false] il.Newobj(nullableBoolConstructor); // new bool?(false) context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(doneLabel); resultType = typeof(bool?); } } break; } case ExpressionType.OrElse: { /* * +-------+-------+-------+-------+ * | || | null | false | true | * +-------+-------+-------+-------+ * | null | null | null | true | * +-------+-------+-------+-------+ * | false | null | false | true | * +-------+-------+-------+-------+ * | true | true | true | true | * +-------+-------+-------+-------+ */ using (var localLeft = context.DeclareLocal(typeof(bool?))) { il.Stloc(localLeft); // localLeft = left; stack: [] il.Ldloca(localLeft); // stack: [&localLeft] context.EmitHasValueAccess(typeof(bool?)); // stack: [localLeft.HasValue] il.Ldloca(localLeft); // stack: [localLeft.HasValue, &localLeft] context.EmitValueAccess(typeof(bool?)); // stack: [localLeft.HasValue, localLeft.Value] il.And(); // stack: [localLeft.HasValue && localLeft.Value] var returnTrueLabel = il.DefineLabel("returnTrue"); il.Brtrue(returnTrueLabel); // if(localLeft == true) goto returnTrue; stack: [] Type rightType; context.EmitLoadArgument(right, false, out rightType); // stack: [right] using (var localRight = context.DeclareLocal(rightType)) { il.Stloc(localRight); // localRight = right; stack: [] if (rightType == typeof(bool)) { il.Ldloc(localRight); // stack: [localRight] } else { il.Ldloca(localRight); // stack: [&localRight] context.EmitHasValueAccess(typeof(bool?)); // stack: [localRight.HasValue] il.Ldloca(localRight); // stack: [localRight.HasValue, &localRight] context.EmitValueAccess(typeof(bool?)); // stack: [localRight.HasValue, localRight.Value] il.And(); // stack: [localRight.HasValue && localRight.Value] } il.Brtrue(returnTrueLabel); // if(localRight == true) goto returnTrue; stack: [] if (rightType == typeof(bool)) { il.Ldloc(localRight); // stack: [localRight] } else { il.Ldloca(localRight); // stack: [&localRight] context.EmitHasValueAccess(typeof(bool?)); // stack: [localRight.HasValue] il.Ldc_I4(1); // stack: [localRight.HasValue, true] il.Xor(); // stack: [!localRight.HasValue] il.Ldloca(localRight); // stack: [!localRight.HasValue, &localRight] context.EmitValueAccess(typeof(bool?)); // stack: [!localRight.HasValue, localRight.Value] il.Or(); // stack: [!localRight.HasValue || localRight.Value] } var returnLeftLabel = il.DefineLabel("returnLeft"); il.Brfalse(returnLeftLabel); // if(localRight == false) goto returnLeft; il.Ldloca(localLeft); // stack: [&localLeft] il.Initobj(typeof(bool?)); // localLeft = default(bool?); stack: [] context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(returnLeftLabel); il.Ldloc(localLeft); // stack: [localLeft] var doneLabel = il.DefineLabel("done"); il.Br(doneLabel); context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(returnTrueLabel); il.Ldc_I4(1); // stack: [true] il.Newobj(nullableBoolConstructor); // new bool?(true) context.MarkLabelAndSurroundWithSP(doneLabel); resultType = typeof(bool?); } } break; } default: throw new NotSupportedException("Node type '" + node.NodeType + "' is not supported"); } } return(false); }